Біотехнологія одержання і застосування екзогенної іммобілізованої глюкоамілази у годівлі молодняку великої рогатої худоби

Спосіб підвищення стабільності екзогенного ферментного препарату глюкоамілази Г20х, яка використовується у тваринництві для підвищення продуктивності, шляхом її іммобілізації на мінеральних носіях, застосування одержаного біокаталізатора у годівлі телят.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 05.01.2014
Размер файла 125,6 K

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Злочевский М.В. Биотехнология получения и использования экзо генной иммобилизованной глюкоамилазы в кормлении молодняка круп ного рогатого скота. - Рукопись. Диссертация на соискание учёной степени кан дидата сельскохозяйственных наук по специальности 03.00.20. - био технология. Государственный аграрный университет, Белая Церковь, 1999.

Разработано способ получения стабилизированной формы ферментного препарата амилолитического спектра действия глюкоами лазы Г20х путём иммобилизации на носителе аэросиле, а также модифи цировано метод иммобилизации этого фермента на цеолите путём замены в жидкой фазе ацетатного буфера с рН 5,0 на дистиллированную воду, что улучшает технологичность и удешевляет процесс получения препарата.

Иммобилизованная глюкоамилаза устойчива в диапазоне рН 1,5 - 8,0 и сохраняет каталитическую активность как в сильно кислой (рН 1,5), так и щелочной (рН 8,0) среде; нативный фермент в этих условиях полностью инактивируется.

Обогащение рационов молодняка крупного рогатого скота иммобилизованной на цеолите глюкоамилазой активизирует биосинтетические процессы в организме телят (увеличивается концентрация РНК, активность Ас Ат и каталазы), что способствует увеличению продуктивности животных на 10,0 - 22,1%.

Ключевые слова: ферменты, носители, иммобилизация, модельные опыты, крупный рогатый скот, продуктивность, научно-хозяйственные опыты, биохимические показатели, микроэлементы, эффективность.

Zlochevski M.V. Biotechnology of obtaining and use of exogene immobilized glucoamylase for feeding young cattle. Handwriting. Dissertation in seek for a scientific degree of candidate of agrarian sciences on the specialty 03.00.20. - biotechnology. The state agrarian university Bila Tserkva, 1999.

For the first time there was elaborated a method of obtaining stabilized form of enzyme preparation of amylolithic spectrum of action of glucoamylase G20x by immobilization on the airpower bearer, and the method of immobilization of this enzyme on zeolite was modified by substitution of acetate buffer in liquid phase with pH 5,0 for a distilled water, and optimal absorption conditions were defined for enzyme on matrix.

The selected for this aim bearers: zeolite and airpower meet all the requirements, which are passed for this group of substances. They are used in feeding farm animals and for preparation medical chemicals.

Optimal parameters of the glucoamylase immobilization process, which were defined in the model experiments in vitro, are - the enzyme concentration 2 mg/ml (bearer - zeolite) and 1mg/ml (bearer- airpower); correlation: enzyme-bearer-liquid phase constitutes accordingly 20mg:1g:10ml (bearer - zeolite) and 10mg:0,5g:10mg (bearer - airpower); liquid phase content - acetate buffer or distilled water.

It is established that glucoamylase immobilization on such bearers as zeolite and airpower ensures exit of enzyme catalytic activity at the level of 64-65,9 and 67,7-68,2% accordingly.

Maximal output of enzyme activity was reached during glucoamylaze immobilization both on zeolite and airpower in the acetate buffer with pH 5,0.

Substitution of acetate buffer solution by distilled water during immobilization is not significantly decreasing the catalytic activity of enzyme preparation, but makes it more simple and cheap.

It is known that important denaturative factor influencing albumen, is pH of the alimentary tract content. That 's why the resistance of immobilized and native glycoamylase against the influence of environments ranged from 1,5 to 8,0 pH was studied in the model experiments.

It is established that glycoamylase, immobilized on zeolite and airpower, both: in acetate buffer with pH 5,0 and distilled water - resistant in a wide range of pH environment and keeps its catalytic power under the pH figures, critical for the native form - in a very acid (pH 1,5) and alkaline (pH 8,0) environments. Native enzyme during such environment reaction is completely inactivated. It proves high stability of obtained bio-catalysts, which ensures their hydrolytic ability along all alimentary tract of an animal.

Comparison of glucoamylase stability data, immobilized on zeolite and airpower, testifies that zeolite as a matrix has advantages over the airpower when used as acetate buffer and over distilled water under the pH environment 2,0 and 6,5- 7,5, while airpower has advantages in the pH range 3,6-6,0. Thus the use of zeolite as a bearer for glucoamylase immobilization gives possibility to obtain a more universal bio-catalyst.

Taking this in to account, the zeolite is used as bearer under the glucoamylase immobilization for creation of modified enzyme preparation for young cattle.

Evaluation of the obtained prolonged action bio-catalyst was done on the organism and tissue levels on the base of animal productivity indicators according to the state of biochemical parameters of blood, where the level of albumen, content of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) aspartat activity and alanin-amino-transpherase, alkaline phosphatase and concentration of microelements in blood and hair cover of calves.

It is established that young cattle diet enrichment with zeolite immobilized glucoamylase, activates bio-synthetic processes in the organism of calves, which is testified by the blood RNA concentration increase by 13,4% and 44,3%, increase of aspartat-amino-transpherase catalytic activity by 32,5% and 29,2% and catalase by 21,2% and 57%.

Use of stabilized glucoamylase in summer diets is positively influencing metabolism and copper\zinc deponing, which depicted by their quantity increase in calves' hair accordingly by 40,4 and 32%.

There was no significant influence established on concentration of magnesium, iron, copper and zinc in blood. Absence of changes in the activity of alkaline phosphatase is the evidence of normal run of bone tissue mineralization processes in young cattle.

Feeding young cattle with modified enzyme preparation of amylolythic action promotes the average day weight gain by 10-22,1% with the most efficient preparation in-mix with summer diet.

Key words: enzymes, bearers, zeolite, airpower, immobilization, model experiments, cattle, productivity, scientific-managerial experiments, biochemical indicators, microelements, efficiency.

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