Облік виробництва і реалізації продукції в сільськогосподарських підприємствах: методологія і практика

Обґрунтування концепції побудови бухгалтерського обліку в Україні, характеристика його завдань, функцій, системи, моделі і принципів. Вивчення методів і способів калькулювання, методів оцінки комплексних витрат на сільськогосподарських підприємствах.

Рубрика Бухгалтерский учет и аудит
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.08.2015
Размер файла 65,2 K

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Suk P.L. Accounting of manufacturing and realizations of production in agricultural enterprises: methodology and practice. - Manuscript.

The thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences on speciality 08.00.09 - accounting, analysis and audit (by types of economic activity). - National Scientific Center “Institute for Agrarian Economy”, UAAS, Kyiv, 2009.

In dissertational work methodological and methodical bases of the accounting of manufacturing and realization of production in the agricultural enterprises in market conditions are investigated. Works of national and foreign experts on the given question are analysed and the concept of development of accounting in modern conditions is defined.

To principles of accounting it is proposed to add principles “relevance” and “rationality”, and to qualitative characteristics of financial reporting - timeliness and accuracy.

The methodology of the accounting processes of manufacturing and realization of agricultural production is improved. Application by agricultural enterprises of costing methods of production and cost allocation methods between products which are common produced is proved. Organizational features of accounting in the responsibility centers are considered and necessity of transfer prices application by transfer of production between divisions are proved.

The technique of determination of financial results by agricultural enterprises is developed, in particular it is proposed to liquidate accounts 70 “Incomes of realization” and 90 “Cost price of realization”, and accounting of incomes and expenses reflect on account 79 “Financial results”.

Key words: expenses, incomes, manufacture, realization, accounting, financial results, accounting documents, accounting policy, cost price.

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