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5. . 5. -. Garrett V. Chinese dress: from the Qing dynasty to the present. Tuttle Publishing, 2012. . 58.
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17. . 17. - . Garrett V. Chinese dress: from the Qing dynasty to the present. Tuttle Publishing, 2012. . 64.
18. . 18. -. Zang Yingchun. Chinese traditional costumes and ornaments. Beijing: China intercontinental press, 2003. . 64.
19. . 19. . . Garrett V. Chinese dress: from the Qing dynasty to the present. Tuttle Publishing, 2012. . 64.
20. . 20. . Yuan Jieying. Traditional Chinese costumes [an album] (2nd printing]. ed., China). Beijing: Foreign lang. press, 2005. . 65.
21. . 21. -. Garrett V. Chinese dress: from the Qing dynasty to the present. Tuttle Publishing, 2012. . 65.
22. . 22. -. Garrett V. Chinese dress: from the Qing dynasty to the present. Tuttle Publishing, 2012. . 65.
23. . 23. -. , . (5000 ). vCt. ?d~. , 1985. . 66.
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55. . 55. . 4. (: hnglumng, O), 1987 . . . 82.
56. . 56. () () -. . 4. (: hnglumng, ¥), 1987 . . . 82.
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