Implementation of the principles of sustainable development for the formation of environmentally safe land use of transport

Land management as a mechanism for the formation of safe ecosystems. Society's attitude to methods of rational use of territories. The importance of natural resources for sustainable economic development, for the interaction of society and nature.

Рубрика Экология и охрана природы
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Дата добавления 08.06.2024
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This goal can be achieved by conducting environmental monitoring, which will be formed based on a modern topographic and geodetic base and will include monitoring information.

Environmental monitoring of urban land should include:

> assessment of the state of land use dynamics by categories, land owners, users, and main types of land;

> analysis of the protection of lands of the landscape and recreational complex of cities (forest lands, specially protected lands, water, lands for recreation, agricultural lands), their withdrawal, change of purpose, compensation for the cost of losses of these lands;

> information on land contamination with heavy metals, chemicals, and production waste; analysis of trends in pollution processes and development of proposals for their localization;

> the state of bodies of water (coastlines of rivers, seas, lakes, reservoirs), compliance with land use and economic activities within water protection zones and coastal strips;

> assessment of processes related to the formation of ravines, landslides, karsts, and other negative phenomena;

> characterization of the territories occupied by treatment facilities, fuel and lubricants warehouses, parking lots, toxic industrial waste disposal sites, landfills and other household waste storage facilities [40]

The environmental audit of natural resources use should combine the issues of greening land use, which are currently part of the control over the use and protection of land. However, it is not implemented and remains one of the main reasons for the unsatisfactory organization of land protection. The environmental audit should be carried out exclusively by the central executive body that implements the state policy on state supervision (control) in the field of environmental protection.

Integration of environmental policy and improvement of the integrated environmental management system involves the following tasks:

^ development and implementation of regulatory and legal support for the mandatory integration of environmental policy into other documents containing political and programmatic principles of state, sectoral, regional and local development;

^ institutional development and enhancement of the effectiveness of public administration in the environmental sector;

^ implementation of environmental management systems and preparation of state target programs for the greening of certain sectors of the national economy, including technical reequipment, the introduction of energy-efficient and resourcesaving technologies, low-waste, zero-waste and environmentally friendly technological processes. [40, 41]


land management ecosystems

One of the main indicators of the population's living standards is the provision of its needs with transport networks, linear facilities, highways, and engineering structures that determine the functioning of the socio-economic system. However, the current use of Ukraine's land resources, including transport land, does not yet meet many of the requirements of rational environmental management.

The Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine include, in particular: creating sustainable infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation; ensuring openness, safety, vitality and environmental sustainability of cities and other settlements; ensuring transition to rational consumption and production models; taking urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences, etc. Ukraine's transition to sustainable development, based on ensuring national interests and fulfilling Ukraine's international obligations, includes, among other things: overcoming imbalances in the economic, social and environmental fields; transformation of economic activity, transition to the principles of a «green economy»; maintaining the environment in a proper state that will ensure the quality of life and well-being of present and future generations, etc.

The rapid growth in the number of motor vehicles, traffic intensity, and the network of international and national transport corridors has had a positive impact on the country's economic performance, but on the other hand, it has also harmed environmental systems. Motor vehicles are a serious source of noise, lead, and other types of soil and wastewater pollution around the roadway.

In addition to road transport, aviation is also of great economic importance. Compared to other modes of transportation, aviation is a specific pollutant with a fairly wide range of environmental impacts. Ukraine's mobile sources (road, rail, air, and water transport) have a significant negative impact on the environment, and aviation is believed to account for about 2% of all CO2 emissions, which are linked to global warming. A striking example of global experience in making effective decisions on greening the environment at the airport and in the formation of airport areas is the creation of so-called «green zones».

More detailed strategies and ways to reduce harmful emissions can be seen in the example of specific airports. Among them are both large international hubs, which can save money on operations by implementing sustainable technologies, and small airports, which can implement environmental solutions at an early stage.

According to the structure and directions of using the energy potential of biomass described in the Roadmap for Bioenergy Development in Ukraine until 2050, it is projected that in 2050, about 20 million tons of oil equivalent of biomass/biofuels of the following types will be used for energy needs: wood biomass, primary and secondary agricultural residues, energy plants, biogas from various types of raw materials, liquid biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol). Areas of biofuels use include the production of heat and electricity from solid biofuels, biogas and biomethane, as well as the production of motor biofuels (biomethane, biodiesel, bioethanol).

The goal of the national environmental policy is to stabilize and improve the state of Ukraine's natural environment by integrating environmental policy into the socio-economic development of Ukraine to ensure an environmentally safe environment for human life and health, implementing an environmentally balanced system of natural resource management and preserving natural ecosystems. This goal can be achieved through environmental monitoring, which will be based on a modern topographic and geodetic base and include monitoring information.


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