Green energy as a tool of Germany’s smart power

A green energy agenda in Germany’s domestic politics. Historical background of the green energy in Germany. Green energy agenda implementation by Germany on the regional and the global levels. German governmental institutions on foreign policy.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 17.07.2020
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Coercive power of German green energy politics, however, is much more limited. The limitations of coercive capacities of Germany can be seen in its dominance over the EU electricity market, which fluctuates due to German energy transit and the increased electricity production, green energy financing, as well as its capacity to influence legislation at the European and international levels. Overall, German foreign policy regarding renewable energy sources relies more on co-option than coercion. Indeed, we can take as example the legally binding targets of EU legislation or Paris Agreement regarding renewable energy share, the adoption of which is mostly influenced by Germany and which implementation is obligatory for the member parties. Although it is true, the coercive tools are not developed in the field of renewable energy: it does not seem that non-compliance will be prosecuted harshly, because there is no legal framework for it. Thus, such mechanisms can hardly be described as coercive power, but rather like a basis on which coercive power can be conducted later. Speaking about economic tools, the increased presence of German entrepreneurs in foreign markets and loans to partner countries may be used as a pressing tool too: without German technologies and technicians, the process of renewable energy development would be stopped, and economic loans should also be returned later, which will make it possible for Germany to exercise pressure on its partners. At the moment this research being conducted, however, no coercive measures are being implemented.

Taking that into consideration, we can argue that the German green energy policy is mostly relied on influencing decisions of others and setting an agenda, which is mostly suited for soft power. Hard power tools, described previously, are not used nowadays, but may be implemented in case they are needed. So, it is possible to claim, that green energy may be seen as a tool of Germany's smart power, when the coercive part will be added, although it is mostly soft power now.

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Appendix 1

The rise of EEG surcharge from 2010 to 2020

Source: EEG surcharge in cents per kilowatt-hour? // The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). Retrieved from:

Appendix 2

Electricity prices for households in Germany from 2010 to 2019 in euro cents per kilowatt-hour

Source: N. Sцnnichsen. Electricity prices for households in Germany 2010-2019, semi-annually, 2020. Retrieved from:

Appendix 3

Development of the share of renewable energy sources in gross final consumption of energy in Germany

Source: The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), 2020. Retrieved from: https://www.erneuerbare 01.png?__blob=poster&v=26

Appendix 4

Development of the share of renewable energy sources in primary energy consumption in Germany

Source: The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), 2020. Retrieved from:

Appendix 5

Development of the share of renewable energy sources in electricity consumption in Germany

Source: The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), 2020. Retrieved from:

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