Менонітське підприємництво та модернізація Півдня Російської імперії

Визначення ролі менонітського підприємництва в процесах соціально-економічного розвитку та модернізації Півдня Російської імперії у період 1789–1917 років. Дослідження переліку промислових підприємств, що знаходились у колоніальній власності менонітів.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 20.07.2015
Размер файла 185,2 K

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Thesis submitted for obtaining the Doctoral degree in History (field of world history (07.00.02)). - Dnipropetrovsk National University. - Dnipropetrovsk, 2010.

The aim of this research is to investigate the Mennonite (colonist by nature) entrepreneurship as social and economic phenomenon. The author also finds out significance of the phenomenon in the modernization on the South of the Russian Empire (Novo-Russia, Don, and the North Caucasus regions) in 1789-1917.

Shaping and development of the Mennonite entrepreneurship were connected with the complex colonization at the end of XVIII-th century. The first business activity experience congregations had got at their European period. The Mennonite entrepreneurship, which was formed in Russia, played an important compensating role to solve conflict between the high development of the agrarian sector and lack of the land resources in colonies. Religious identity and economic tradition was the most additional factor for the phenomenon formation.

It is proved that during 1789-l871 entrepreneurship was developing under the conditions of a “separate economic zone” - complexity of circumstances, which provided its rapid development. After 1871, when the colonist status had been cancelled, economic conditions were favorable and the Mennonite entrepreneur activity expanded their influence upon the Don and North Caucasus regions. The greatest business success the Mennonites reached in the mill and machine-building industries. The most influential business clans were formed within the urban congregations` framework. Because of constant strengthening and social recognition this ethnic group businessmen created their particular sub-culture. The representatives of the entrepreneur strata existed on the border of three “worlds”: congregation with its religious conservatism, clan and large Russian society.

Ethnic entrepreneurship periodically became the subject for the persecution initiated by the Russian nationalism. Businessmen, that were responsible for the general presentation image of this ethnic group, had to resist nationalism, keeping under the control dynamics and ethnic field of the conflicts.

In the appendix there is the list of the industrial enterprises which were belonged to the Mennonites.

The key words: the Mennonites, ethnic entrepreneurship, colonization, the South of the Russian Empire, the German speaking population, modernization, Russian nationalism, the image of an ethnic group, Protestantism.

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