Середньовічні цивілізації Західної, Центральної та Південно-Східної Європи: досвід досліджень в українських землях Російської імперії (1804 – перша половина 1880-х рр.)

Організаційні основи медієвістики, процес підготовки фахівців і генераційних змін. Комплекс політичних та ідеологічних факторів формування поглядів медієвістів України. Тенденції, напрями, тематика й особливості досліджень з історії різного Середньовіччя.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2015
Размер файла 70,9 K

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Ключевые слова: средние века, цивилизации, история, медиевистика, медиевист, феодализм, хроники, высшие учебные заведения, Западная Европа, Византия, зарубежный Славянский мир, Украина.


Liman S. I. Medieval civilizations of Western, Central and South Eastern Europe: an essay of their studies in Ukrainian lands of Russian Empire (1804 - first half of 1880s). - Manuscript.

Dissertation for scientific degree of Doctor of History, Specialty 07.00.02 - World history - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. - Kharkiv, 2009.

The dissertation is devoted to a comprehensive study of the early stage of medievistics development in Ukraine. It presents the author's concept of birth and formation of medievistics, whose problems were studied at the age of flourishing of historical thought with due consideration of topicality of civilization problems. On the basis of study of a vast diversity of medieval sources, sources on history of medievistics, scientific literature, the dissertation treats periodization, centers of medievistics in Ukraine, process of personnel training, theoretical and concrete historical approaches of scientists to key problems of history of West European, Slavic, Byzantine middle ages, which requires their special historical comprehension. The conclusions of Ukrainian medievists are shown to correlate with the contents of medieval narrative, mostly to anti-Western character of their civilization models. A widespread conception of medievistics as a “pure” science is refuted, it is shown to suffer a substantial influence of social-political and ideological factors. The dissertation is based on a comparative historical analysis, the Ukrainian pre-revolution medievistics being treated as an integral part of general Russian and European historical thought. The largest achievement of Ukrainian medievistics at the early stage of its development consists of 35 master's and doctor's dissertations, devoted fully or in part to the history of Middle Ages.

Key words: Middle Ages, civilizations, history, medievistics, medievist, feudalism, chronicles, universities, Western Europe, Byzantium, foreign Slavic world, Ukraine.

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