СМИ в формировании религиозной идентичности (на примере индийских англоязычных газет The Times of India и The Indian Express)

Раскрытие понятия "религиозная идентичность". Изучение истории национальной и конфессиональной политики Индии в XX-XXI веке. Роль СМИ в формировании религиозной идентичности. Репрезентация религиозной идентичности на страницах The Times of India.

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TISS woman denied job in Delhi orphanage. Reason: She is a Muslim with hijab

In the following mail that came on Tuesday, Varma, in an angry tone, wrote he was “shocked” to know that "conservative Islam was Zoya's priority not humanity" and that "her higher education has gone down the drain".


Any solution to the Rohingya problem must be based on mutual cooperation

But the question is whether such a solution can be found in time to prevent more death and despair


In Good Faith: Tales that need to be told

Ordinary Muslims learn compassion, equality and humility from stories they grow up with.


In Afrazul's wake: Shaken by killing of Muslim labourer in Rajasthan, some returned, but not for long

The 47-year-old's killing in distant Rajasthan has seen panic-stricken villagers from Saiyadpur and villages such as Mozampur and Baluachara, all in a 3-km radius, returning to Malda.






This rare book store in Chennai is a paradise for the bookworms and cinephiles

Meet Govindaraju, a book collector, whose stories and books pleasantly remind us of an era that we nostalgically yearn for. If you're in Chennai and like books or cinema, his shop is a must-visit.


Amar Kanwar: From the fault lines

How the unabashedly political art of filmmaker Amar Kanwar is earning him a global following.


To Be or Not to Be

In Hinduism, the right to spiritual equality is restricted. In glossing over the fact in his new book, Shashi Tharoor is playing into the hands of the proponents of Hindutva


Surpanakha still cackles

The search for the demon princess takes us to fading memories, obscure YouTube clips, feminist reimaginings and the television actors who played the powerful woman with all the sass they could muster.


Seventy years on, Godse has risen again, replacing the Gandhi in some of us

Today the country is deeply embroiled in caste and communal conflicts. The warning of Hind Swaraj is largely coming true. Wealth and prosperity have increased substantially. But economic inequality has also increased substantially.


Lingayat scholar SM Jaamdar: `Don't tell us we are Hindus; we are not anti-Hindu, we are different'

Lingayat scholar SM Jaamdar tells why the community has been demanding minority status and what is the relation of Lingayats and Veerashaivas with Hinduism?


I don't celebrate Eid, am proud of being a Hindu: UP CM Yogi Adityanath

Lashing out at rival parties in his reply to the motion of thanks to the Governor's address, Yogi Adityanath further said that while their governments used to teach students “Ga se Gadha (donkey)”, his government had changed it to “Ga se Ganesha”.


Secularism: Why Nehru dropped and Indira inserted the S-word in the Constitution

Ironically though, it was Nehru along with the chairman of the drafting committee of the constitution, B R Ambedkar, who were also most opposed to the idea of including the word `secular' in the preamble of the constitution.


Hinduism for Hindutva

The religion can combat dogmatism, set an example of tolerance for the world.


15 women who stood for a Republic that would bear the imprint of both men and women

#GenderAnd Between them, the 15 women in the Constituent Assembly had seen child marriages, indignities because of caste and religion, violence, widowhood, loss of property and intermittent education.


Babri Masjid dispute never about religion, but politics

India is a melting pot of diverse faiths, cultures, languages, and ethnicities. It does not require the “Shamshan Aur Kabristan“ kind of nonsense.


Local Flavour

An ambitious book that looks at how Islam evolved in the subcontinent, but the idea doesn't travel well across its regions.


Living and Loving in Raghubir Nagar

In this west Delhi neighbourhood, where a 23-year-old photographer was killed by his girlfriend's family earlier this month, inter-faith couples look back at their love stories and confess that what the heart wants sometimes comes at a cost.


Why Asansol is still on edge: Hindus terrified to return home, Muslims scared to step out

On Friday, with police conducting patrols, no further incidents of violence were reported from Asansol, which has a large Hindi-speaking population of mostly migrants from Bihar and UP who have settled here for generations.


Fifth column: The price of Hindutva?

It could be time for the Prime Minister to notice that in the name of saving cows he has alienated Dalit communities across India and not just Muslims


Home and Beyond

A beautifully crafted mosaic of the lives of a family, that's also a sharp lens with which to explore the socio-political history of Kerala


A day in the life of Shaini Rajeev, first woman to get job at a retail liquor shop in Kerala

After a five-year legal battle, Shaini became the first woman to be employed in a state-run liquor retail outlet in Kerala. In two months, Puthenvelikkara can see the difference.


Why Nehru vs Patel

Because this trick distracts from government's failures, and because dynast Rahul is Congress president.


On Madhubala's 85th birth anniversary, we revisit Mughal-e-Azam, a classic that truly belongs to the `Venus of Indian Cinema'

Madhubala's powerful and confrontational scenes with Prithviraj Kapoor and romantic and tender moments with Dilip Kumar tie Mughal-e-Azam together.


No one has right to insult jauhar: RSS leader

Jauhar was once a Hindu self-immolation practice among women who wanted to escape from the hands of invaders.


A Republic of Inhospitality

If inclusiveness is the touchstone of a Republic, what is characteristic of India today is how increasingly large constituencies are being excluded from the nation. Muslims and Dalits have been hounded, garroted, and lynched


This woman does the final rites at Kochi crematorium

#GenderAnd: Selina Michael started working at the crematorium 11 years ago, today the 52-year-old says women can do any job they want


Stories of a Rajput queen

The Padmavati story, like many others, has undergone several mutations. Ramya Sreenivasan has traced the wide circulation and mutation of the story from North India and Rajasthan to Bengal from the 16th to the 20th century in her magnificent book, The Many Lives of a Rajput Queen.


Fifth column: Alarm bells start to ring

The lesson for Modi is that he must stop pretending that achche din (good times) are already here. They are not.


Lohri 2018: History, Importance and Why it is Celebrated

Lohri is one of the most commonly celebrated festivals in India and it is a way to spread the joy of seeing the sparkling pearls of Rabi crops amidst traditional folk songs, dance and food.


That fateful day

Events of December 6, 1992 assaulted both secularism and Hinduism. Consequences are still to play out fully


Hindu-Muslim marriage disrupted in Ghaziabad: Bride's father had informed authorities, yet mob turned up

The protests, however, did not come as a surprise for the bride's father who had started receiving “threatening” phone calls a few days before the wedding.


The songs they sang, and the songs they didn't

An Equal Music: The story of women in Indian classical music


In Good Faith: Gandhi's radical Hinduism

His endeavour was to encourage a creative `misreading' of these texts that would help situate Hinduism on the bedrock of ahimsa and satya.


The mountains women can literally not climb

GenderAnd First Person: An uphill battle against the belief that “Agasthya was a `brahmachari'” and so women shouldn't climb the Agasthyarkoodam peak.


The Significant Other

Mobeen Ansari, a Pakistan-based photographer, on travelling the length and breadth of the country to capture traditions and festivals of its religious minorities -- the Hindus, Parsis and Budddhists among others.


The Liberty To Love

In light of Hadiya case, freedom to marry who you want must be a fundamental right


Triple talaq Bill heads to Lok Sabha: non-bailable offence, three-year jail term

The government drafted the Bill after the Supreme Court, in a landmark 3-2 verdict on August 22, “set aside” the centuries-old practice of talaq-e-biddat.


Who was Rukhmabai Raut?

Born on this day in 1864, Rukhmabai Raut went on to become India's first qualified physician and was a major cause behind the enactment of Age of Consent Act in 1891. Google doodle honours her on her birth anniversary today.


Interfaith marriage undone as government lawyer warns of trouble

When the girl was produced before the Indore bench of the High Court on February 26, she initially told the judge she wanted to go back to Khan, adding that her only condition was that he should not marry again and that she wouldn't change her name.


The honour of Padmavati

Box office considerations cannot be allowed to besmirch memories of a hero


Fifth Column: The past is still with us

If the Modi government has set up a committee to examine ancient India, it is to be welcomed. But, we must hope that there are real historians and scholars who constitute it and not the kind of pamphleteers who flock to the RSS.


Durgabai Deshmukh: A trailblazer and institution-builder, devoted to public service

#GenderAnd special series on the women who helped draft the Constitution of India and toiled for nation-building.


Why tensions in Maharashtra represent a tussle between competing nationalisms

For Dalits, it is important to send out the message that they matter politically, before the BJP takes a decision on Maratha reservations.


Bid goodbye to a bizarre year

The year 2017, to which we bid goodbye today, was replete with bizarre statements.


The gender battles fought, won and lost in 2017

#GenderAnd Culture: Feminism was the most searched word of the year, also the most misunderstood


Jingle all the way: A night in the life of a group of carol singers in Bhopal

In the district more than 450 km away, a group of carol singers were attacked on December 14, allegedly by right-wing Hindu activists, who accused them of religious conversion


`If someday I feel like joining as she does aarti, I'd do it happily'

Mohsin Khan's late father was an autorickshaw driver. After his death, the Class 5 dropout started driving the autorickshaw, while taking up painting assignments on the side.


The Year of #MeToo: How women and Internet broke the silence

In the US, “#MeToo” came as the tipping point after a series of events roiled public culture over gender dignity.


In crumbling Ayodhya, civic poll is the buzz for future and December 6 is now history

In December 1992, reporter Rakesh Sinha and photographer Praveen Jain chronicled the demolition of the Babri Masjid. Their reports and photographs led the Liberhan Commission to call them as key eyewitnesses. 25 years later, they return to Ayodhya to track the new battle lines in an enduring conflict.


In Kerala, a yoga centre `helps' bring back women from their non-Hindu partners

As inter-religious marriages are dragged to Kerala courts, a yoga centre has been accused of keeping women forcibly so as to help break off their relationships with non-Hindu men. With the Supreme Court considering the case of Hadiya, The Sunday Express goes in search of their stories


Fifth column: A distorted view of India

At the risk of sounding a little like a chippy, Hindutva type, I have to point out that there has been much more ignorance and prejudice about India evident in The New York Times since Narendra Modi became prime minister


It's not about one Ram temple

The campaign to demolish the Babri Masjid had a sub-text: Muslims should know their place, that of second-class citizens.


Kerala Dalit priests: `Any Hindu can be a Brahmin'

Shaju Philip meets the five who made the cut and finds a new generation of Dalit priests, armed with degrees from some prominent Vedic colleges, and at ease with rituals, having learnt the ropes in private temples across the state


Imagining the Nation

In his new book, Sugata Bose examines alternative nationalist visions to counter arguments for an unilinear narrative


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