Концепт "интеллект" в пословицах и поговорках русского и английского языков

Языковая картина мира и ее отражение во фразеологическом составе языка. Наиболее распространенные лексемы в составе паремий тематической группы "интеллект", категориальные пары. Общие и частные критерии оценки явлений в составе паремий данной группы.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид дипломная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 24.04.2013
Размер файла 82,0 K

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Fools may sometimes speak to the purpose

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

Fools never know when they are well

Fool's tongue runs before his wit

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

Four eyes see more than two

Fox is not taken twice in the same snare

Give a fool rope enough, and he will hang himself

Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice

Good example is the best sermon

Good marksman may miss

Great talkers are little doers

Great minds think alike

Haste makes waste

Have an old head on young shoulders

He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue

He that knows nothing doubts nothing

He that talks much errs much

He who is born a fool is never cured

He is a fool that forgets himself

He is lifeless that is faultless

Hide your light under a bushel

Honest tale speeds best, being plainly told

Hour in the morning is worth two in the evening

Idleness is the mother of all evil

Idle brain is the devil's workshop

Idleness rusts the mind

If an ass bray at you, don't bray at him

If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch

It is a silly fish, that is caught twice with the same bait

It is never too late to learn

It is the first step that costs

Jack of all trades and master of none

Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face with his tail

Keep your mouth shut and your ears open

Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age

Knowledge is power

Learn wisdom by the follies of others

Least said, soonest mended

Leaves without figs

Like teacher, like pupil

Live and learn

Little knowledge is a dangerous thing

Man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds

Many men, many minds

Memory is the treasure of the mind

No living man all things can

No man is wise at all times

No wisdom like silence

Nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool

Penny-wise and pound-foolish

Self done is well done

Sickness in the body brings sadness to the mind

Silent fool is counted wise

Still waters run deep

So many men, so many minds

Such carpenters, such chips

The devil knows many things because he is old

To be wise behind the hand

To err is human

To cast pearls before swine

To cast prudence to the winds

To have rats in the attic

Too much knowledge makes the head bald

To take counsel of one's pillow

То teach the dog to bark.

Truth comes out of the mouths of babes and sucklings

Two heads are better than one

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink

You cannot teach old dogs new tricks

When wine is in wit is out

Wise after the event

Wise man changes his mind, a fool never will

Word is enough to the wise

Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse

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