Основы иностранного языка (английского)

Изучение особенностей чтения и перевода англоязычной литературы и развития навыков устной речи на этой основе. Определение грамматического строя английского языка и расширение словарного запаса. Анализ плана-графика выполнения самостоятельной работы.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 12.11.2014
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Such an approach is unacceptable when maintaining the social and environmental balance becomes now the most important condition for the advancement and survival of humanity.

Today's situation leaves us no choice, but to seek and achieve any coordination of our actions and unity of our aims. There are only two ways for regulating the social relations in a civilized manner: by morality and law.

The primary efforts of the Globe nations should be directed away from destroying the environment and each other, towards creating moral, just, sustainable and peaceful social and environmental relations. To achieve this goal we need to re-evaluate our world, as well as to alter our behavior and value orientations.

All the main human values must reflect the idea that all of us live as one large family on one small planet called the Earth. We have nowhere else to go. That's why all of us must promote a global oriented morality and implement all the international laws. In this case the human rights legislation becomes of the utmost importance.

All nations of the Globe, despite their traditions, beliefs and values, should give priorities to the common interests of mankind in order to ensure peace and human survival. We are to save our planet both for ourselves and for the generations to come.

Exercise 7. Find in the texts English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

1) Преображаться под давлением чего-либо; 2) жить в бедности; 3) становиться взаимозависимыми; 4) делить мир на развитые/слаборазвитые/отсталые страны; 5) менять что-либо; 6) человеческие ценности, нравственность; 7) вынуждать к чему-то; 8) произвести переоценку ценностей; 9) высокий уровень жизни; 10) важнейшее условие; 11) жители планеты; 12) не видеть каких либо перспектив; 13) обострять многие глобальные проблемы; 14) цивилизованным образом; 15) проводить политику на основе своих интересов; 16) не уничтожать друг друга; 17) неприемлемый подход; 18) не оставлять выбора; 19) сохранить существующий баланс; 20) отражать мысль; 21) дальнейшее развитие и выживание человечества; 22) добиваться согласования действий; 23) единство целей; 24) предпочитать что-либо; 25) регулировать социальные отношения; 26) права человека; 27) посредством морали и закона; 28) направлять основные усилия на формирование мирных, стабильных отношений; 29) обеспечить стабильность; 30) соблюдать международные законы; 31) изменить поведение; 32) содействовать общим интересам; 33) становиться крайне важным; 34) сохранить планету для грядущих поколений.

Exercise 8. Translate into Russian:

1. Our world began transforming due to the rapid progress of science and technology.

2. These transformations led to various changes in many spheres of our life.

3. They also aggravated a lot of global problems.

4. The world shouldn't be divided into the well-off countries and those ones living in poverty.

5. The Earth nations are to agree with each other about their actions and aims.

6. They must contribute to the global oriented morals and observe all international laws.

7. The advancement and survival of humanity is of the paramount importance.

8. To obtain this goal the Globe inhabitants are to alter their conduct and value orientations.

Answer the questions:

1. Why did our world begin transforming?

2. What were the consequences of these transformations?

3. Do all inhabitants of our planet enjoy now high standard of living or not?

4. Can you give any explanations to this situation?

5. What approach can be acceptable for the advancement and survival of humanity?

6. How should the Globe nations act to achieve this goal?

7. What must their primary efforts be directed to?

8. What main idea should the Earth nations understand?

9. What must they promote?

10. What should the Earth nations give priorities to and why?

Grammar exercises Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. - What's the weather like today? - Just fine.

2. - What's the trouble? - No trouble at all.

3. - What's the hurry? - There's no hurry.

4. - What's the panic? - There's no panic.

5. - What's. the rush? - There'sno rush.

6. - What's the date? - The first of April.

7. - What's the delay? - There's no delay.

8. -What's he matter? - There's nothing the matter.

9. - Where. is the key? - In the box.

10. - Where are the kids? - In bed already.

11. - Look at the sky! - But there is nothing in the sky.

12. - Look at the picture! Do you see me in the picture?

Exercise 2. Change the sentences as in the example.

Example: I have a new watch. - I have new watches.

The watch is very good. - The watches are very good.

1. A child has a special love for animals.

2. The child looks like his father.

3. A hammock is perfect for relaxing in the garden in summer.

4. The woman is an expert on computer programmes.

5. A pet can have a positive effect on both your mental and physical health.

6. The man is definitely trying to do his best.

7. A powerful, efficient shower is a real pleasure in summer.

8. The shower is out of order again.

9. A provision market is held on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

10. The provision market is closed today.

11. Everyone likes a good barbecue on a sunny day.

12. The party was a success.

13. A strict vegetarian an make a meal out of greens and vegetables.

14. The vegetarian refused to have the meat course.

15. The flower is so beautiful.

Exercise 3. Use the article if necessary.

1. What's …matter? Have you lost …keys again?

2. What's …date today? Where's ….calendar?

3.What's …time? I've left ... watch at home.

4. Describe … situation to us, will you?

5. Put ...dictionary in its place.

6. Are уоu going to lay ... table? - Yes, but where is ... table-cloth?

7. I think we must put ... fridge in the corner.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the right article.

1. I have… family . ... family is not big, but friendly.

2. This is ... wonderful car … car is my brother's.

3. Jane bought ... dictionary. She paid much for ... book.

4. The policeman saw …strange man near the bank. He recognized … man.

5. It's ... beautiful flower. I am sure, Mary left … flower here.

6. They arrived at … very old house .... house looked dark and unfriendly.

7. What ... funny little dog. Is …dog yours?

8. Once upon a time there lived … greedy king ... . king was not popular.

9. They found … cottage in the forest. Not ... sound came from …house.

10. They entered ... old-fashioned room and in …room there sat a strange figure.

Exercise 5. Use the article if necessary.

Ben's mother sent him to ... shop to buy …rice, ...fish and …bread. She also told him to get …salt …sugar and …vegetables. When he got back home with... purchases, his mother was dissatisfied. Look at ... products, Ben, she said, …fish isn't fresh, ... rice is old and full of weevils and …bread is stale. There are …lumps in ... salt, ... vegetables are not fresh and ... sugar is dirty .... food is expensive and now I'll have to throw away some of ... things you've bought. Next time be more careful, Ben!

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with an appropriate article.

1. Who was ... first teacher you had at school?

2. This is ... suit John bought in Paris.

3. It was ... moment I'll never forget.

4. Here is …present you have been dreaming of.

5. Meet Mike. He is … man I told you about.

6. The Hermitage is ... richest museum in Russia.

7. Young people like to walk in …centre of Moscow.

8. …whole group passed the exam successfully.

9. You are …whole world to me.

10. This is ... thing you must do now.

11. If you take …left turn you'll get to ... right place.

12. Detroit is …sixth largest city in the USA.

13. My mother is ... main person in my life.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with an appropriate article.

1. She has papers everywhere: on ... table, on ... floor, in ... kitchen and even in ... bathroom.

2. Let's take the children to ... circus on Sunday morning.

3. He was born in ... small Siberian village.

4. I got into ... plane for my first flight.

5. If you look at ... sky, you'll see a lot of stars.

6. Shall we meet at ... library?

7. She 'lay on ... sofa listening to pop music.

8. She works in ... bank, in …centre of ... city.

9. In summer she likes to have tea in…garden.

10. Susan rents ... top half of the house.

11. He lives in ... small town in Alaska.

Exercise 8. Comment on the use of the articles in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian.

1. Asia Minor is a great peninsula in Western Asia. It i's washed by the Black Sea in the north, the Mediterranean in the south, and the Aegean Sea in the west. It is occupied today by Turkey.

2. If you want to visit a city within the Arctic Circle go to Murmansk, which is on the Barents Sea.

3. San-Marino, which lies in the Apennine Mountains near the Adriatic Sea, in northern Italy, is Europe's oldest existing state. It has a population 6f less than 20,000 people, most of whom speak Italian.

4. The Virgin Islands (the Caribbean Islands) were bought by the United States from Denmark in 1917 and are now popular tourist centres.

5. Mount Ararat in the eastern Turkey is mentioned in the Bible as the place where Noah's Ark came to rest.

6. The Blue Nile, and the White Nile meet in the Sudan to form the Nile.

7. The Monterey Peninsula juts out into the Pacific Ocean halfway up the California coast.

8. New York City is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River on the East coast of the USA. The heart of New York is the island of Manhattan.

9. The Gulf Stream originates in the Gulf of Mexico, swings around Florida, mixes with the North Atlantic Drift and heads towards Europe.

10. Lake Titicaca which is between Bolivia and Peru is the world's highest large lake.

11. The Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean is famous as an area where ships and aircraft disappear under mysterious circumstances.

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences with an appropriate article.

.... Antarctic is the home for penguins, dolphins and whales. She was sent to ... Persian Gulf as a war correspondent. .... Europe extends from ... British Isles in the west towards ... Urals in the east. The highest peak in ... North America is ... Mount McKinley. We had an unforgettable experience in ... Austrian Alps. …Iceland is a volcanic island. If you want to see …Lake Victoria and ... Mount Kilimanjaro, go to … Kenya. It hasn't rained for several hundred years in ... Atakama in South America. The hunters got lost in …Rocky Mountains. Many centuries ago … Vesuvius destroyed ... Pompeii.

Exercise 10. Comment on the use of the articles in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian.

1. Although Australia is the smallest continent, it is the largest island in the world.

2. Luxembourg is a small country in Europe between France, Belgium and Germany.

3. The population of the Russian Federation is about 150 million people.

4. The Empire State Building in Fifth Avenue is a symbol of New York.

5. The Low Countries include the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. They were so named because they are flat and near sea level.

6. The six island countries of the West Indies are the Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica.

7. Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea. Seoul is the capital of South Korea.

8. Turkey is situated on two continents, Asia and Europe. The dividing line is the Bosporus, a strait that connects the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea.

9. Vatican is the Pope's Palace on the Vatican Hill in Rome. The Vatican City is the only surviving Papal state.

10. Monaco is an independent country on the Mediterranean coast of France near Italy.

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with an appropriate article.

1. ... White Tower in London was built between 1078 and 1098.

2. They always stay at ... Coral Sands Hotel when they come to ... Sidney.

3. Excuse me, how can I get to ... Natural 'story Museum?

4. Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in ... USA.

5. Freer Gallery of Art has a rich collection of… Asian and American Art.

6. Does this bus go to ... Sheremetyevo Airport? - Yes, it does.

7. You can say whatever you like in ... Hyde Park.

8. You can get ticket to Moscow International Festival at the kiosk next to …GUM.

9. Who built ... St. Basil's Cathedral?

10. Most news comes from ... BBC and …CNN.

11 .... Buckingham Palace, ... Trafalgar Square, ... Houses of Parliament, ... Tower of London, ... Tower Bridge, ... National Gallery are the usual sights in ... English capital.

Exercise 12. Use an appropriate article if necessary.

A. 1. Kilimanjaro 2. Jenisei 3. Bermuda 4. Elbrus 5. Hudson Bay 6. Laptev Sea 7. Urals 8. Kalahari 9. Volga 10. Carpathians 11. Indian Ocean 12. Madeira 13. Etna 14. English Channel 15. Palm Beach 16. Arctic Circle 17. Olympus 18. New Forest 19. South Pole 20. Bridge of Sighs 21. Jutland Peninsula 22. Suez Canal 23. Swallow Falls 24. Sicily 25. London Bridge 26. Kara-Kum 27. Lake Chad 28. Amur 29. Malay Archipelago 30. Aleutian Islands

B. 1. United Arab Emirates 2. Sudan 3. Far East 4. Brussels 5. Netherlands 6. Booker Prize 7. Hague 8. Art Theatre 9. Riviera 10. Northern Europe 11. St. James's Park 12. Peacock Inn 13. Baker Street 14. Russian Museum 15. Salisbury Cathedral 16. Wailing Wall 17. Middle East 18. Southern Africa 19. Roman Empire 20. Miami Airport 21. Nobel Prize 22. Republic of Ireland 23. Athens 24. Winter Palace 25. Republican Party 26. Eiffel Tower 27. National Association of Teachers 28. Alaska 29. Village of Sosnovka 30. Central Asia

Exercise 13. Use the words in brackets ( ... ) to complete the sentences.

1. The washing machine was broken but it's OK now. It…(repair).

2. The washing machine …(repair) yesterday afternoon.

3. A factory is a place where things …(make).

4. How old are these houses? When… (they/build)?

5. A:…(the computer / use) at the moment? B: Yes, Jim is using it.

6. I've never seen these flowers before. What…(they/call)?

7. Some trees …(blow) down in the storm last night.

8. The bridge is closed at the moment. It. … (damage) last week …and it …(not/repair) yet.

Exercise 14. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. You (advise) to wear sensible shoes in winter.

2.The time before bed (spend) very pleasantly.

3. Sniffer dogs (use) by police to detect drugs and explosives.

4. Huge pine trees (uproot) by the storm.

5. You (allow, not) to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen.

6. Toyotas (manufacture) in Japan.

7. This road never (clean).

8. Gold (discover) in Eastern Canada.

9. When I saw him, he (chase) by a large dog.

10. Several towns (destroy) by the eruption of Vesuvius.

11. This coffee just (make), help yourself!

12. You ever (cheat)? You ever (make a fool of)?

13. The mirror (break) while it (move) into the hall.

14. How the word "magazine" (pronounce)?

15. The table (lay) now. You (serve) in a few minutes.

16. For months, the' baby kangaroo (protect), (feed) and (teach) to survive by its mother.

17. I feel that I (watch) now by somebody.

18. These shirts (iron, not) yet.

19. Love stories always (sell) well.

20. Oranges and tangerines are very useful, besides, they (peel) perfectly.

Unit 13. International cooperation

Exercise1.Read and give a summary of the text.

International Cooperation

International cooperation is a continuous multilateral process. Day by day it keeps on working at various levels: between different states, regions, municipalities and even individual enterprises.

Being one of the most important means for establishing friendly and diplomatic relations, such cooperation contributes to overcoming stereotypes and better understanding. Moreover, it is the real way of integrating with the world community.

The basis of such cooperation is the growing interest of the Globe nations to various spheres of life in different countries. People of various races and nationalities arc eager to learn their partners' language. They are also interested in their culture and history, as well as in their scientific, economic and technological achievements. They learn to be tolerant, open-hearted and wise, thus promoting peace and further progress on the Earth.

The all-round international cooperation should be based on the principles of mutual benefit and subsidy. Sound investments into the social and economic development arc the key elements of international efforts to secure peace and stability. Only fruitful cooperation of the Globe nations can help many countries' economies to become more competitive.

Today's priorities in this field are to be given to the most significant aspects. One of them is increasing the importance of the international technological component and its weight in the entire structure of the scientific and technological cooperation. The other one is creating the most reliable market mechanisms and infrastructure of this international cooperation that will meet the world standards.

At present, it is of the utmost importance to use all the opportunities of various influential world organizations, e.g. the UN and others. It is necessary for forming the global system of the most extensive international technological, scientific and innovative cooperation, satisfying the geopolitical and economic interests of various nations.

Exercise 2. Find in the texts English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

1) Непрерывный, многосторонний процесс; 2) продолжать работать; 3) вносить большой вклад; 4) преодолеть стереотипы; 5) на разных уровнях; 6) установить дипломатические, дружеские отношения; 7) для лучшего взаимопонимания, 8) реальный способ интеграции в мировое сообщество; 9) растущий интерес; 10) обеспечить прочный мир и стабильность; II) солидные инвестиции в социальную сферу; 12) всестороннее и плодотворное сотрудничество; 13) на принципах субсидирования и взаимной выгоды; 14) интересоваться историей и культурой разных народов; 15) учиться быть терпимыми, мудрыми и открытыми; 16) значение технической компоненты; 17) отвечать интересам международного сотрудничества и мировым стандартам; 18) геополитические и экономические интересы; 19) использовать любые возможности; 20) создать надежный рыночный механизм; 21) становиться высококонкурентоспособным; 22) инфраструктура международного сотрудничества; 23) способствовать делу мира и прогресса; 24) ключевой элемент; 25) влиятельные всемирные/международные организации.

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences:

1. The all-round international cooperation is a ... process.

2. It goes on working at ... .

3. It is the real way of ... .

4. The basis of this cooperation is the growing interest of ... .

5. The Globe nations must learn to be ... .

6. The key elements to ensure peace and stability are ... .

7. The fruitful international cooperation can help ... to become more competitive.

8. It is necessary today to ... reliable market mechanisms and infrastructure of the international cooperation that will meet… .

Exercise 4. Give synonyms for:

1) Different expositions, 2) nowadays, 3) to contribute to something, 4) various nations, 5) to ensure possibilities, 6) on the Earth, 7) to run an exhibition, 8) to take part, 9) to subsidize a lot of expositions, 10) sphere, 11) overseas, 12) commerce, 13) multilateral, 14) technical progress.

Exercise 5. Read and give a summary of the text.

Different international fairs and exhibitions arc one of the most interesting forms of international cooperation. They are held all over the world, providing practically unlimited opportunities for establishing profitable contacts, contributing to mutual understanding between the Globe nations. But, perhaps, a few of us know that everything has started with the very first exhibition.

The world's first exhibition was held in London in 1851. Being an event of extraordinary importance, the exhibition was a great success. It displayed the exhibits of almost 40 nations participating in it. The number of visitors exceeded 6 million.

Since then all industrial expositions in the world have had a colorful history. They have changed not only in their size and scope but also in their character and purpose.

These important events provided a lot of opportunities for exchanging various scientific, technological `and cultural achievements of different nations from Europe, Asia, both Americas, Australia and Africa.

In the early 60-s the international expositions took new forms trying to emphasize not only the technological progress of the Globe nations, but also many other aspects of their life. They became real festivals of industry and culture.

Our country has also been the hostess to a great number of various international exhibitions that were sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of our state and numerous foreign firms and companies.

The first International Exhibition in Russia was held in Moscow in 1964. It was a significant event in the history of our country and it was a great success. Since then a great deal of different international exhibitions and fairs have been held in many other cities of our land.

They greatly contributed to our learning the overseas experience in various industries. They also gave us a chance to widen our business and commercial contacts with foreign partners, to introduce our own achievements and promote our goods to the world markets.

Exercise 6. Find in the texts English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

1) Проводить различные выставки и ярмарки; 2) вносить большой вклад; 3) событие чрезвычайной важности; 4) иметь большой успех; 5) предоставить неограниченные возможности; 6) меняться по цели и масштабу; 7) устанавливать выгодные контакты; 8) обмениваться научными, техническими и культурными достижениями; 9) изучать зарубежный опыт; 10) обеспечить взаимопонимание; 11) превышать несколько миллионов; 12) представить множество экспонатов; 13) многочисленные зарубежные фирмы и компании; 14) подчеркивать различные аспекты нашей жизни; 15) принимать новые формы; 16) принимать участие в ярмарках; 17) Торгово-промышленная палата; 18) коммерческие партнеры; 19) представить свои достижения; 20) расширять научные и деловые контакты, продвигать наши товары на мировые рынки.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

1. When and where was the world's first exhibition held?

2. How many nations participated in it?

3. And what about the number of visitors?

4. Was the first exhibition a success or not?

5. Are various expositions and fairs of any importance?

6. What opportunities do they provide?

7. When and where was the first international exhibition held in our country?

8. Was it a success or not?

9. Who sponsored different expositions held in our land?

10. Have you ever visited any international exhibition or fair?

11. What was your impression?

Grammar exercises Exercise 1. Answer these questions with I don't know where/when/why ... etc. 1. Have your friends gone home?

2. Is Kate in her office?

3. Is the castle very old?

4. Will Paul be here soon?

5. Was he angry because I was late?

6. Has Sally lived here a long time?

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences.

1. (How do aeroplanes fly?)

2. (Where does Susan work?)

3. (What did Peter say?)

4. (Why did he go home early?)

5. (What time does the fIlm begin?)

6. (How did the accident happen?)

Exercise 3. Which is right?

1. Do you know what time is it; / it is?

2. Why are you / you are going away?

3. I don't know where are they / they are going.

4. Can you tell me where is the museum / the museum is?

5. Where do you want / you want to go for your holidays?

6. Do you know what do elephants eat / elephants eat?

Exercise 4. Write questions with Do you know if ... ?

1. (Have they got a car?)

2. (Are they married?)

3. (Does Sue know Bill?)

4. (Will George be here tomorrow?)

Exercise 5. Write questions beginning Do you know ... ?

1. (What does Ann want?)

2. (Where is Paula?).

3. (Is she working today?)

4. (What time does she start work?)

5. (Are the shops open tomorrow?).

6. (Where do Sarah and Tim live?)

7. (Did they go to Ann's party?)

Exercise 6. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1. Do you know why… ?

2. Do you know what time …

3. Excuse me, can you tell me where ….

4. I don't know what ….

5. Do you know if ….

Exercise 7. Put in say/said or tell/told.

1. He …. he was tired.

2. What did she…. you?

3. Ann …she didn't like Peter.

4. Jack …me that you were ill.

5.. Please don't.... Jim what happened.

6. Did Lucy …. she would be late?

7. The woman …she was a reporter.

8. The woman …us she was a reporter.

9. They asked me a lot of questions but I …didn't them anything.

10. They asked me a lot of questions but I didn't… anything.

Exercise 8. Change the sentences as in the example.

Example: She says, "I have to go." - She says (that) she has to go.

1. Tom says, "I am always late for classes."

2. Father says, "My watch is slow."

3. The detective says, "There is something strange about this person,"

4. The sign says, "There is no parking here."

5. Mum says, "It's time to have lunch."

6. The teacher says, "Sit down, please."

7. The weatherman says, "It will be icy tomorrow."

8. The boy says, "I can ride a motor-bike."

9. The policeman says, "Be careful, don't walk alone in the night."

10. The Prime Minister says, "I promise everything will be all right soon."

11. She says, "I am leaving tomorrow."

12. The son says to his parents, "I've never been in the circus."

13. The doctor says to his patient, "Go to bed not later than ten o'clock”.

Exercise 9. Change the sentences as in the example

Example: He asks, "Are you ready to go out?" ¬He asks if I am ready to go out.

1. The stranger asks, "Is anybody at home?"

2. They ask, "Is it cold today?"

3. The teacher asks, "Do you have any questions?"

4. Mario asks us, "Has Maria come?"

5. The boss asks, "Do you agree with me?"

6. She asks, "Is this film worth seeing?"

7. The student asks, "Shall I start reading?"

8. Everybody asks, "Do you have an extra ticket?"

9. The waiter asks, "Would you like some cheese?"

10. Sarah asks, "Do I have to say 'Yes'?"

11. The policeman asks, "Has anything happened?"

12. I am asked, "Were you born in spring or in autumn?"

13. He asks, "Am I right or not?"

14. Richard asks, "Are you going to Charles's wedding next Saturday?"

15. I am often asked at the airport, "Have you got a travelling insurance?"

16. She asks me, "Can you understand what he means?"

17. When I come home in the evening, my parents ask me, "Did you have a good time?"

18. The manager asks the clerk, "Have all the documents been signed?"

Exercise 10. Change the sentences as in the example

Example: He asks, "Where has she gone?" - He asks where she has gone.

1. I ask them, "Who is the director of this film?"

2. They ask, "What happened last week?"

3. Sam asks, "Who told you this?"

4. The passer-by asks, "Where is the nearest cafe?"

5. She asks, "How much does this jacket cost?"

6. My students ask, "How long does it take to study English?"

7. Grandpa asks, "What have they just said on the radio?"

8. She asks, "Whose clothes are these?"

9. Mr. Snow asks, "Who am I talking to?"

10. Everybody asks, "When will the party begin?"

11. They ask us, "How often does it snow in the Caucasus?"

12. My daughter asks me, "Who invented the bicycle?"

13. He asks, "What is on TV tonight?"

14. She asks, "How much shampoo is there in the bottle?"

15. My mother asks me. "What tea do you prefer?"

16. We ask the tourists, "Have you been to Russia before?"

Exercise 11. Change the sentences as in the example.

Example: She said, "I have to go." - She said (that) she had to go.

1. Little Betty said, "I am sleepy."

2. Sally said, "I don't like chocolate."

3. Margaret said, "I am planning a trip to the South."

4. Tom said, "I have already eaten lunch."

5. Kate said, "I called my doctor."

6. Mr. Ford said, "I'm going to fly to Chicago."

7. The speaker said, "I will come to the meeting."

8. Jane said, "I can't afford to buy a new TV-set."

9. The teacher said, "Now, children, you may go home."

10. Ted said, "1 have to finish my report."

11. Mr. Durrell said, "1 must talk to the director."

12. Alison said, "1 should call my parents."

Exercise 12. Change the sentences as in the example.

Example: I need to talk to you. ~ Mother told me that she needed to talk to me.

1. 1 will call you tomorrow.

2. 1 know your parents.

3.I have met your friends.

4. I'm getting hungry.

5. I'm not married.

6. 1 like your watch.

7. 1 won't be in class tomorrow.

8. I can't read your handwriting.

9. I don't like fish.

10. I walked to school this morning.

11. I have to take one more exam.

12. 1 think you speak English very well.

13. You should think about it.

14. I'll meet you after class for a cup of coffee.

15. I'm going to take a vacation in Hawaii.

16. Your pronunciation is very good.

17. I've already bought this disc.

18. I may be absent from class tomorrow.

Exercise 13. Change the sentences as in the example.

Example: Olga said to me, "Are you free?" ~ Olga asked me if I was free.

1. Do you know any foreign language?

2. Are you shocked?

3. Can you send this fax?

4. Did you enjoy the book?

5. Are you going to join us?

6. Will you be at home tonight?

7. Have you ever been to the North Pole?

8. Can you hear me?

9. Are you listening to me?

10. Do you need my help?

11. Did you finish your letter yesterday?

12. Is it going to rain?

13. Do you know how to knit?

14. Do you know if she is in Moscow?

Exercise 14. Change the sentences as in the example.

Example: Helen said, "Where do you live?" ~ Helen asked where I lived.

1. Where is your apartment?

2. What do you need?

3. Do you need a dictionary?

4. When does the semester end?

5. Why are you so sad today?

6. Where do you 'live?

7. How often do you go downtown?

8. Where do you buy your clothes?

9. Who do you usually discuss your problems with?

10. Is that okay?

11. When and where did you first meet?

12. Where do you study?

13. What did you do after class yesterday?

14. Where is your car?

15. Why aren't you listening to me?

16. What are you thinking about?

17. Where is my bag?

18. What time do you usually get up?

Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Когда Павел сел в автобус, он вспомнил, что оставил дома свой проездной билет.

2. Вчера я спросил своего сынишку, где его велосипед. Я был потрясен, когда он сообщил мне, что продал его своему приятелю.

3. Когда Петр получил обратно свою работу, то он пожалел, что не занимался лучше.

4. Я попросил друга поторопиться, так как я боялся, что мы опоздаем на (пропустим) автобус.

5. Когда лодка перевернулась, я был счастлив, что мой друг умел плавать.

6. Когда Нина упала, то она была уверена, что сломала палец.

7. Когда я спросил Юлию, хочет ли она пойти на вечер, она ответила, что не может, так как должна присмотреть за сестренкой.


1. Агабекян И. П. Английский язык для бакалавров. - Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2012. - 379с.

2. Английская грамматика: теория и практика / В. М. Венявская. - Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2009. - 319с.

3. Английский язык для вузов : учебное пособие / А.С. Восковская, Т.А. Карпова. - Изд. 4-е, доп. иперераб. - Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2010. - 349с.

4. Английский язык. Страноведение - Acrossthecountriesandcontinents / В. М. Венявская. -Ростов н/Д: Феникс,2009. - 444с.

5.Барановская Т.В. Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений: Учеб. пособие. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное. - Киев: ООО «ИП Логос-М», 2008. - 384с.

6. Большой руско-английский словарь в новой редакции: 210 000 слов, словосочетений, идиоматических выражений. Пословиц и поговорок / В.К. Мюллер - Изд. 2-е, стереотип. - М.: Цитадель-трейд, 2008. - 816 с.

7. Вельчинская В.А. Грамматика английского языка : учеб-метод. пособие. - М.: Флинта : Наука, 2009. - 232 с.

8. Выборова Г. Е., Махмурян К. С. Сборник упражнений по английской грамматике к базовому курсу «EasyEnglish» - М.: АСТ-ПРЕСС, 2000. - 176 с.

9. Голицинский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений.- СПб.: КАРО, 2007. - 544 с.

10. Дроздова Т. Ю., Берестова А. И., Маилова В. Г. English Grammar. Reference and Practice : учебное пособие. - СПб. : Антология, 2010. - 464.

11. Новый англо-русский словарь: Ок. 200 000 слов и словосочетаний / В.К. Мюллер. - 12-е изд., стереотип. - М.: Рус. Яз. - Медиа, 2005. - 945с.


1. http://www.english.language.ru - грамматика английского языка, правила, разговорный английский язык

2. http://www.bestfree.ru - разгорорные фразы-клише, словарь-справочник.

3. http://www.homeenglish.ru - английский для самостоятельного изучения он-лайн.

4. http://linguistic.ru - учебная и методическая литература.

5. http://www.ldoceonline.com - on-lineверсияпопулярногословаряLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English.

6. http://www.oup.com - on-line словарь Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Обновленная и усовершенствованная версия популярного Оксфордского словаря. Словарь содержит 80 000 статей. Вы также можете найти подробные объяснения фразовых глаголов и идиом, использующих искомое слово.

7. http://www.dictionary.cambridge.org - Online словарь Кембриджского университета. Также можно искать сленг, фразы, идиомы.

8. http://www.yourdictionary.com - более чем 400 словарей на 130 языках мира.

9. http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary.html словарь по практической грамматике английского языка.

10.http://orlapubs.org/ORLAPTJBS-L/L81.html электронные учебные материалы по отдельным вопросам грамматики и страноведения.

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