Transformations in the work of Maugham "Theatre"

Translation as an object of linguistic research and the phenomenon of communication, its categories, essence. The equivalence of translation and its achievement through the mechanisms of translation transformations based on the novel "Theatre" Maugham.

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Âèä äèïëîìíàÿ ðàáîòà
ßçûê àíãëèéñêèé
Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ 09.11.2015
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà 66,2 K

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145) I'm going to put up the money to start you in management. - I want to finance your theater. (2) This example uses a specification, ie the English verb with an abstract meaning «going» Russian verb transformed into a more narrow meaning of "I want." Next we see the generalization, ie the English phrase «to put up the money» passed between the Russian word "fund".

146) Oh, my love, don't you know there isn't anything in the world I wouldn't do for you? - Oh, my love, do not you know that I would do anything for you in the world! (1) In the second part of this example used antonymic translation: negative design in the English sentence «there isn't anything in the world I wouldn't do for you» replaced affirmative sentence construction in Russian, "I would do anything for you in the world" .

147) He was brimming over with excitement. - Michael could not contain the joy. (2) Upon transfer of the proposal interpreter used antonymic transfer, ie affirmative construction of an English sentence «He was brimming over with excitement» transformed into negative construction in Russian proposal "Michael could not contain the joy." As well as replacing the English pronoun «He» Russian proper name "Michael."

148) «Moliere». - Moliere. (1) Here there is a proper name «Moliere» - «Moliere," that is used in transcription.

149) Look here, I want you to read this play at once. - Look, I want you to see this play. (1) In this example, we see the specification, that is, the English verb with a broader meaning «to read» Russian verb transformed into a narrower meaning of "scanned".

150) It's just come in from an agent. - Agent just sent her. (1) Here we consider the permutation: Reverses the order of words in the Russian proposal.

151) I think it's a knockout. - I think she will be a stunning success. (1) In this example, the specification of common English verb with an abstract meaning «to be» Russian verb replaced by a more narrow meaning "waiting".

152) "I'll read it now." - I'll take it for now. (1) Just as in the previous example, this example uses a specification: English verb «read» transformed into Russian verb "to undertake."

153) Let me know when you've finished and I'll come up and talk it over with you. - Tell him when he had finished, I will come, and we'll discuss it. (1) In this example, the translator used the generalization, that is, the English phrase «Let me know» replaces one word having a broader meaning "Pass."

154) I don't see how it can fail to be a success. - It must be a success. (1) And here we meet with the reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «I don't see how ...».

155) He caught something doubtful in her tone. - He heard her voice in some doubt. (2) This example uses a specification: the English word «caught» Russian word replaced more narrow meaning "heard." Next permutation English phrases used in the middle of the Russian sentence: «... in her tone.» - «... In her voice ...".

156) I mean, it's the sort of thing that you can do better than anyone in the world. - Such things can you do better than anyone. (2) Here we see the reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the beginning of an English sentence «I mean». Next, we found generalization: English phrase «anyone in the world» replaced by one subject "everything."

157) After much discussion they decided to call it the Siddons Theatre. - After a long debate, they decided to call it "Siddons Theatre." (2) In this example, there is a transformation method as concretization: English phrase «After much discussion» replaced by Russian "After a long debate." As well as transcription, ie present name «Siddons Theatre» - «Siddons Theatre."

158) The next play's bound to be all right and then we shall get back all we've lost and a packet into the bargain. - And the next play goes with a bang, and we are more than compensate all losses. (1) Here we meet a reception semantic development: the reason replaced consequence - «The next play's bound to be all right»-means "And the next piece goes with a bang."

159) Dolly indignantly refused to desert them when they were in difficulties, and he gave it up as a bad job. - Dolly indignantly refused to leave them in the lurch, and as a result Michael waved. (3) Arrangement: as there is a proper name «Dolly» - «Dolly." Replacing the English pronoun «he» Russian proper name "Michael." Reception semantic development: replacing cause and effect «he gave it up as a bad job» - «Michael waved a result."

160) She had no one belonging to her but nephews in South Africa, and you could not look at her without suspecting that she had a high blood pressure. - She did not have anyone except nephews in South Africa, and at the sight of Dolly, it was immediately clear that she had high blood pressure. (3) In this example, we see Transcript «Africa» - «Africa." And antonymic translation: English negative design «you could not look at her without suspecting ...» replaced assertive Russian design "and when you look at Dolly was immediately obvious ...". Next, we found a replacement English pronouns «she» Russian proper name "Dolly."

It should be noted that the data translation transformation used in the complex.

161) It saved the expense of having a country house of their own. - It eliminates the costs of my own cottage. (1) In this example, used reception semantic development: the effect replaced reason: «It saved the expense of having a country house of their own»-because "It eliminates the costs of my own cottage."

162) The third play was a winner, and Michael did not hesitate to point out how right he had been. - The third piece was a great success, and Michael, of course, Julia recalled his words - she now sees that he was right. (3) In this example, we see a welcome sense of development, there is an English phrase «was a winner» translated into Russian as "a great success" (Corollary replaced its cause). Transcription (present proper name «Michael» - «Michael"). After that, we meet with another reception semantic development «Michael did not hesitate to point out how right he had been» - «Michael, of course, Julia recalled his words - she now sees that he was right" (the reason changed its consequence ).

163) "I want to run my theatre in as business-like way as a city office," he said. - I want to put our theater on the same business rails on which stands any firm in the City, - he said. (2) Here the translator used the specification, that is the English verb with a broader meaning «to run» Russian verb replaced with a narrower meaning of "set." And permutation «he»: «he said» - «he said."

164) Evie entered. - Entered Evie. (2) 2 Total transformation used in this example. Transcription, ie there is a proper name «Evie» - «Evie" and a rearrangement of the sentence «Evie entered» - «Entered Evie."

165) «Dreaming». - Watching dreams. (1) Here we use semantic welcome development, there is a reason replaced consequence «Dreaming» - means looking dreams "Watching dreams."

166) One was of Michael as Mercutio in all the radiant beauty of his youth and the other of Michael in the last part he had played, in a white topper and a morning coat, with a pair of field-glasses slung over his shoulder. - On the one Michael was shot in the role of Mercutio in all radiant glory of his youth, on the other - in his latest role: white cylinder, card, field glasses over his shoulder. (2) In this example, there are transcription as there are names sobchtvennye: «Michael ... Mercutio» - «... Mercuccio Michael." Concretization: English abstract verb «to be (was)» Russian verb replaced more narrow meaning "removed (was removed)."

167) "You shut your trap, you old cow," said Julia, who could be very vulgar when she chose. - Shut up, you old cow - Julia said she could be very vulgar. (2) This example uses a transcription, as there is a proper name «Julia» - «Julia." And welcome lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «when she chose», as the interpreter found it necessary not to use it.

168) I'll clear up all this mess. - I'll clean this whole debacle. (1) In this example, we see the specification, that is the English word «mess» (confusion, disorder ...) is replaced by the Russian word "defeat."

169) "We're all getting on, you know, Evie. We're not so young as we were. "- We all grow old. Evie, we are no longer young. (3) Arrangement by giving proper name «Evie» - «Evie." Reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omits some lexical items with an English sentence «you know ... as we were». A reception is also used semantic development: the reason is replaced by the result of «We're all getting on»-means "we all grow old."

170) Evie drew her forefinger across the base of her nostrils and sniffed. - Evie, sniffed, wiped his finger. (2) Once again, we meet with transcription, ie there is a proper name «Evie» - «Evie." Next we see the specification, that is the English verb «sniffed» Russian replaced the phrase "wiped his nose."

171) She undressed now and slipped between the sheets. - She undressed and slipped into bed. (1) Here we use the reception semantic development, that is, to achieve adequate translation, the translator has replaced its action result: «slipped between the sheets» means she "slipped into bed."

172) Damn, my hot water bottle's nearly stone cold. - Damn, Warmer completely cooled. (1) This example uses a specification: English phrase «hot water bottle's» translated more relevant context, the word "warmer".

173) It was no wonder. It must have been there an hour. - No wonder it warmer waited nearly an hour. (2) In this example, we immediately see the union proposals: the union of two English sentences into one Russian bid. Next we see the use of reception semantic development: the reason replaced consequence «It must have been there an hour»-means "warmer it waited nearly an hour."

174) She slept soundly till Evie came to awake her because the masseuse was there. - She slept soundly and woke up only when I went to a masseuse. (1) In this example, the translator found it necessary to use the specification: the English verb abstract meaning «to be (was)» Russian verb replaced by a more narrow meaning "come."

175) "The boy who came to lunch?" - Boy, we were invited to lunch. (2) Here we see two transformations: 1 - Replacement of asset liability («The boy who came ...» - «Boy, whom we invited ..."), 2 - specification (selection in this context another verb «came» - «invited» ).

176) I drove him back to the theatre. I never gave him another thought. - I took him to the theater and forgot to think about it. (2) In the first place, here we see the association offers two English sentences are combined into one Russian. Also, in this example uses a compensation: the replacement of unspeakable element DICE «I never gave him another thought.» Other means which transmits the same information "and forgot to think about it."

177) You knew where you were with him. - With it you do not expect any surprises. (1) In this example, used reception semantic development: the reason replaced consequence «You knew where you were with him» - «With him you do not expect any surprises." (You'll know where you are with him, so - with him you do not expect any surprises).

178) My word. - Even hard to believe! (1) In this context, the translator used the reception holistic transformation. Namely, the lack of common components between the English and Russian phrase matching entitles assume that it is produced by a holistic transformation.

179) "Well, Miss Phillips, fat coming off nicely?" - Well, Miss Philippa, herded zhirok? (3) Here we have a proper name, and used transcription: «Phillips» - «Philip." And another transcription: «Miss» - «Miss". Further compensation used: replacement incommunicable element DICE «fat coming off nicely» other phrase that conveys the same information to "round zhirok."

180) Evie had preceded her in a cab and when she got into her dressing-room everything was ready for her. - Evie had previously arrived in a cab, and when Julia went into her dressing room, where all was ready. (2) Once again, we meet with a proper name, ie transcription: «Evie» - «Evie." Next we see the specification, namely the English verb «proceded» replaced by more appropriate here, the context, Russian verb "arrived."

181) NEXT day Julia had luncheon with Charles Tamerley. - The next day, Julie was invited to Charles Temerli lunchtime. (4) Once again, we meet with the transcriptions: «Julia» - «Julie» ... «Charles Tamerley» - «Charles Temerli." Also, the specification used here: the English verb abstract value «had» Russian verb replaced by a more narrow meaning "invited". Here we see the replacement of the asset liability «Julia had luncheon» - «Julia invited to lunchtime."

182) As a rule she took her troubles to Charles or to Dolly. - As a rule, Julia told me about his troubles Charles or Dolly. (3) In this example, there is a replacement English Russian pronouns proper name «she» - «Julia." And there are two proper names, that is used transcription: «Charles ... Dolly» - «Charles ... Dolly."

183) She was his ideal and it would be heartless on her part to shatter it. - It was for Charles idol heartless with her hand to topple this idol from its pedestal. (2) The interpreter used in this example, the specification, that is, instead of an exact translation of the English word «ideal» (ideal) used the Russian word "idol." And also replaced the possessive pronoun «his» Russian proper name "Charles."

184) They had not seen much of one another lately, but Julia knew that she had only to call up and Dolly would come running. - They are rarely seen lately, but Julia knew that if she call - and Dolly instantly come running. (3) In this example, we see antonymic transfer, ie negative English sentence «They had not seen much of one another lately» transformed into assertive Russian "They are rarely seen lately." Next we see the names of their own «Julia ... Dolly» - «Julia Dolly ...", that is used methods of transcription.

185) It would be a comfort to both of them to tear Tom limb from limb. - With what pleasure they become bone Tom! (2) In this example, the translator found it necessary to convert the sentence using the payment. And also there is a proper name, that is used transcription «Tom» - «Tom."

186) Of course it wouldn't be very nice to admit that Tom had chucked her ... - Of course, recognized that Tom gave her resignation, a little fun ... (2) And here we are again confronted with antonymic translation: negative transformed into an English sentence affirmative Russian «Of course it wouldn't be very nice to admit» - «Of course, recognized ... little fun." And transcription: «Tom» - «Tom."

187) She wanted to have a good cry with somebody, and there didn't seem to be any reason for it if she had made the break herself. - Julia wanted a good cry, and why would cry if you break the link with their own hands. (3) This example uses a specification: English phrase «to have a good cry with somebody» translated into Russian phrase "good cry." Also, we see here a replacement English pronouns «She» Russian proper name "Julia." Further compensation is used, that is the English expression «and there didn't seem to be any reason for it if she had made the break herself» transformed into Russian "and why would cry if you break the link with their own hands."

188) She wasn't going to give her a peep at her feet of clay. - Julie was not going to detect it before his weak spot. (1) This example uses a specification: English verb with a broader meaning «to give» replaced Russian verb "discover" having a narrower meaning.

189) She knew exactly what he would say. - It is exactly imagined what he would say. (1) Once again, we meet with a specialization: English verb «knew» Russian replaced by the phrase "imagined."

190) Michael did not get home till the afternoon, and when he came into her room she was resting. - Michael returned home only during the day, and when he entered the room Julia, she was resting. (3) Arrangement: as there is a proper name «Michael» - «Michael." Antonymic translation: English negative sentence «Michael did not get home till the afternoon» Russian transmitted yes "Michael returned home only during the day." Substitution: English pronoun is replaced by «her» Russian proper name "Julia."

191) He told her about his week-end and the result of his matches. - He told how spent the weekend and with what result played golf. (1) used in this example specification: English phrase «about his week-end and the result of his matches» translated into the Russian language with more precision "as spent the weekend and with what result played golf."

192) Shall I ask him to dinner next Sunday? - To call him to dinner? (1) And here we see the reception lexical omission: a Russian proposal omitted the English phrase «next Sunday».

193) He's got a date. Is the young ruffian having an affair with this girl? - He's got a date. That young rascal twisted romance with this girl? (1) And again we see the specification: English slosochetanie with abstract verb have «having an affair with this girl» Russian replaced by the phrase "young rascal twisted romance with this girl."

194) It gave her a sense of power and of liberation. - It was intoxicating Julia gave her a sense of power and freedom. (1) And here we observe the lexical welcome additions: a Russian proposal added the phrase "It's intoxicating Julia."

195) She had a feeling that her day was done. - She had a feeling that her happiest time passed. (2) This example uses a specification: English verb «had» replaced Russian verb "appeared" for adequate translation. And one more specification: English abstract verb «to be» (was) Russian verb replaced with a narrower meaning "behind us."

196) He gave her the perfect opening. - Charles threw her magnificent replica, just what you need to start. (3) In this example we see lexical welcome additions: a Russian proposal added the phrase "excellent replica, just what you need to start" that is not in an English sentence. Also, we have used the replacement of English pronouns «He» Russian proper name "Charles." Finally, the specification: the English verb with a broader meaning «gave» Russian verb replaced more narrow meaning "tossed."

197) Because I'm looking forward to dining with you. - Because I'm looking forward to our meeting with you. (1) In this example, the translator used the reception semantic development: replacement of cause and effect «I'm looking forward to dining with you» --- hence "I look forward to our meeting with you."

198) That was what she called taking a cue. - This is called the hint! (1) This example uses a compensation: the replacement of unspeakable element DICE other means which transmits the same information.

199) The play went well from the beginning. - Plays well accepted from the outset. (1) And here we meet with specification: ie English abstract verb «to go» (went) replaced Russian verb more narrow meaning "take."

200) Julia hummed in an undertone as she went into her dressing-room. - Going to the restroom, Julia cheerfully humming something under his breath. (2), and again we meet with transcription, as there is a proper name «Julia» - «Julia." Permutation of the sentence: «... into her dressing-room» - «Going to the restroom ...".

The present analysis allows us to conclude that most often works in translation U.S. Maugham's "Theatre" used transformation: specification, replacement of transcription.

Slightly less commonly used: compensation techniques lexical additions, generalization and acceptance of holistic transformation.

And of great importance is the fact that we have considered translation transformation used in the complex.


Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the discrepancy in the structure of the two languages provide great difficulties for translation. Translating to constantly resort to lexical and grammatical transformations.

Grammatical transformations due to the difference in the structure of the two languages of the original language and language-translation. In their lexical systems also observed mismatch, which causes the need for lexical transformations. Addressing such issues properly achieved the ability to produce a variety of lexical and grammatical translation transformation.

Translating translator uses transformation to achieve equivalence to closest approach to the original text.

As can be seen from the 200 examples of this thesis, and as noted above, translation transformation in practice "pure" form are rare, they are usually combined with each other, taking the complex and comprehensive nature.

In order to properly implement the most effective methods of transformation (translation transformation) requires that a translator equally or almost equally owned by both the original and transforming cultures. How well and skillfully uses translator translation conversion (transformation) will depend on our understanding of the translated text.

Thus, we can emphasize that the goals and objectives of this thesis have been successfully resolved.

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Ïîäîáíûå äîêóìåíòû

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    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [678,9 K], äîáàâëåí 01.09.2008

  • Types of translation theory. Definition of equivalence in translation, the different concept; formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence. The usage of different levels of translation in literature texts. Examples translation of newspaper texts.

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  • Translation as communication of meaning of the original language of the text by the text equivalent of the target language. The essence main types of translation. Specialized general, medical, technical, literary, scientific translation/interpretation.

    ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [1,3 M], äîáàâëåí 21.11.2015

  • Investigation of the process of translation and its approaches. Lexical Transformations, the causes and characteristics of transformation; semantic changes. The use of generic terms in the English language for description specific objects or actions.

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  • History of interpreting and establishing of the theory. Translation and interpreting. Sign-language communication between speakers. Modern Western Schools of translation theory. Models and types of interpreting. Simultaneous and machine translation.

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  • Translation is a kind of activity which inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions. Cultural Consideration in Translation. General cultural implications for translation. Cultural categories and references; lexical function.

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  • What is poetry. What distinguishes poetry from all other documents submitted in writing. Poetical translation. The verse-translation. Philological translation. The underline translation. Ensuring spiritual contact between the author and the reader.

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  • Translation has a polysemantic nature. Translation as a notion and subject. The importance of translating and interpreting in modern society. Translation in teaching of foreign languages. Descriptive and Antonymic Translating: concept and value.

    ðåôåðàò [26,9 K], äîáàâëåí 05.08.2010

  • The process of translation, its main stages. Measuring success in translation, its principles. Importance of adequacy in translation, cognitive basis and linguistics. Aspects of cognition. Historical article and metaphors, especially their transfer.

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  • The history of translation studies in ancient times, and it's development in the Middle Ages. Principles of translation into Greek, the texts of world's religions. Professional associations of translators. The technology and terminology translation.

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  • Primary aim of translation. Difficulties in of political literature. Grammatical, lexical and stylistic difficulties of translation. The difficulty of translation of set phrases and idioms. The practice in the translation agency "Translators group".

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  • A brief and general review of translation theory. Ambiguity of the process of translation. Alliteration in poetry and in rhetoric. Definitions and main specifications of stylistic devices. The problems of literary translation from English into Kazakh.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [34,6 K], äîáàâëåí 25.02.2014

  • Analyze the term "proper name". The problem of defining a proper name of television and his role in our life. The approaches to the translation of this phenomenon. Classification of proper names. English titles of films and their translation into Russian.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [31,9 K], äîáàâëåí 27.06.2011

  • Studying the translation methods of political literature and political terms, their types and ways of their translation. The translation approach to political literature, investigating grammatical, lexical, stylistic and phraseological difficulties.

    äèïëîìíàÿ ðàáîòà [68,5 K], äîáàâëåí 21.07.2009

  • Systematic framework for external analysis. Audience, medium and place of communication. The relevance of the dimension of time and text function. General considerations on the concept of style. Intratextual factors in translation text analysis.

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