Adequate translation of journalistic texts as a problem of intercultural communication
Translation contextual of intercultural communication. Role of the media in international communication. Mentality and speech etiquette of nation. Features of journalistic style texts in Russian, English. Translation of newspaper and informational text.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.11.2015 |
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Let us pay attention to the words of this speech, which sounds kind of refrain:
- Вы спрашиваете, в чем заключается наша политика? Я отвечу: вести войну на море, на земле, в воздухе. Вы спрашиваете, в чем наша цель? Я могу ответить одним словом: победа - победа любой ценой, победа, невзирая на весь ужас войны, на весь долгий и тяжкий путь, ибо без победы нет спасения. Пусть это будет всем ясно: нет спасения для Британской Империи и всего того, что Британская Империя отстаивала...
According to the British Prime Minister has repeatedly been used in all the textbooks on rhetoric. In this speech are the discursive elements: questions and answers, the syntax is simple to construct phrases are preferred according to the Anglo-Saxon origin. Numerous repetitions and parallel structures allow you to pass the whole emotional speaking - his speech is sincere and convincing.
In the American public rhetoric the first place is still for Abraham Lincoln, the president, the social and political transformations that led to the Civil War and peace efforts which led to his own demise. His first success, consider speech made by 11 February 1861 on the steps of the last car of the train taking him to Washington from Springfield, Illinois. Here is part of the speech:
- No one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting... I now leave, not knowing when or whether ever I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of that Divine Being who ever attended him, I cannot succeed. With that assistance, I cannot fail.
Here are the most important moments in Russian translation:
- Никто, кто не находится в подобной ситуации, не сможет осознать всю мою грусть при этом расставании. Я теперь уезжаю, не зная, вернусь ли когда-нибудь, уезжаю, имея перед собой задачу поважнее той, которая стояла перед Вашингтоном. Без поддержки Всевышнего, которой он располагал, я не смогу добиться успеха. С такой поддержкой я не смею (не имею права) потерпеть поражение.
In this passage we see the use of the pronoun of the 1st person, personal and possessive, which immediately identifies the speaker as direct and sincere man and inspires confidence and compassion. Words are composed mainly of one or two syllables, sentences are simple, and the idea is repeated many times, supported at the level of the initial syllables syntax harmonies, parallel structures and special use denial to create a catchy slogan - the refrain.
All subsequent U.S. policy was studied speeches of Abraham Lincoln, and only John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) was recognized as the most flamboyant politician and orator. He came to power in a hundred years after Lincoln's, he also had to overcome a serious crisis (in relations with the Soviet Union), and his policy of compromise led him to a personal tragedy - the death at the hands of an assassin Lee Oswald. Lessons from Abraham Lincoln Kennedy for the first time allowed to achieve national prominence in the debates and beat the opponent, it won over by the smile, the ability to fend off a replica of the enemy, the open right hand, and all of the classic techniques for building speech: simple verbal material support to the opposition of "us" and "them», catchy phrases, which are then repeatedly duplicated media. Here are a few excerpts from his inaugural address as president in 1961:
«We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom - symbolizing an end as well as a beginning - signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.
The world is very different now... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty».
We draw attention to some points in his speech: «Сегодня мы отмечаем не победу партии, а победу свободы, которая символизирует собой как конец, так и начало... Мир сегодня совсем иной. Пусть каждый народ, желает ли он нам добра или зла, знает, что мы заплатим любую цену, вынесем любое бремя, поддержим любого друга и выстоим против любого врага, чтобы обеспечить спасение и победу свободы».
Construction of the classical laws of the message is obvious: not only discern the lessons of Abraham Lincoln, but Winston Churchill. Bright treatment of President Kennedy to the nation and other nations has become key constructs, which entered into all encyclopedic dictionaries:
«Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate». («Давайте не вести переговоры из-за страха, но давайте и не страшиться переговоров».)
«And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country». («Мои сограждане, американцы, не спрашивайте, что ваша страна может сделать для вас, спросите, что вы можете сделать для своей страны».)
«My fellow citizens of the world, Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man». («Мои сограждане во всем мире, не спрашивайте, что для вас сделает Америка, спросите, что все мы вместе сможем сделать для свободы человека».)
Among the brightest politicians of the second half of the XX century, not to mention the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who literally had to learn the man's rhetoric and that it failed to fully. Taking the sample of Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill, there was no danger of failure. For comparison, excerpts from two speeches of Margaret Thatcher. Speaking in Melbourne at the congress of the Liberal Party of Australia September 20, 1976, it immediately makes a reference to the authority of Winston Churchill:
«In politics it is essential from time to time to raise one's eyes - as Winston Churchill said in one of his speeches - from the pages of economics and statistics, and look towards the broad sunlit uplands beyond. Today, I would like to try and do just that. Against the background of technological, economic and social change, a new political debate has commenced in the Western World. It is a debate about the nature and future of democracy. It is an encounter that concerns all free people».
In her speech, Thatcher sends students to the words of Winston Churchill that it is sometimes useful to distract from economic and statistical information and circle the eye sunlit expanses. And continues: "I'm just going to do it, and against the background of technological, economic and social change to stop at the beginning of the debate in the West about the nature and future of democracy." There are all the familiar signs - we are in the first person, a reference to the authority, and more.
However, from the outset, we note that the Prime Minister departs from the established canon - in the words of her speech is dominated by Latin origin. Her rhetoric can call received rhetoric in the same way as one can speak of «received pronunciation». It is known that Margaret Thatcher had to learn the English language specifically to overcome the raid dialectal speech, the desire to appear strong politician makes it to supplement their speech all that can match the representation of male rhetoric - manly speech. Apparently, no wonder she gets a special epithet IRON LADY. In his address on it fell upon the principles of collectivism as the cornerstones of the entire socialist tactics. Criticism of the Socialists in Australia and supported by the continued criticism of the Soviet Union in a speech before the U.S. Congress February 20, 1985 British Prime Minister notes the changes done in the world:
«My thoughts turn to three earlier occasions when a British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was honored by a call to address both Houses. Among his many remarkable gifts, Winston held a special advantage here. Through his American mother, he had ties of blood with you. Alas, for me, these are not matters we can readily arrange for ourselves!»
Mentally M. Thatcher returned to the three cases in which Winston Churchill was honored to go to the Senate and Congress. He had the advantage, among many others, highlights of Margaret Thatcher, that the mother was half-American, being thus bound to them by blood. Not having such advantages, laments Margaret Thatcher, it is impossible to get them. Such is its "lyrical" entry, which is supported by another important reference to the authority:
«Members of the Congress, may our two kindred nations go forward together sharing Lincoln's vision, firm of purpose, strong in faith, warm of heart, as we approach the third millennium of the Christian era». In these concluding words of his long speech the Prime Minister calls on members of Congress and the nation as a whole to go along brotherly way into the third millennium of the Christian era, sharing the precepts of Lincoln, his vision problems, they were firm in the faith, strong in purpose and kind-hearted.
In sum, the following stylistic devices as the most stable in this kind of political discourse:
- Three-fold repetition of a word, phrase, or part of the statement, such as: «... that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this earth »(A. Lincoln). In the data transfer part of the statement are as follows: "... that this nation, which would find its new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people and for the people will not disappear from the face of the earth."
- Omission of one of the elements to make the whole structure of dynamism: in the previous passage, the speaker deliberately sacrificed by the conjunction AND.
- The use of anaphora involves the repetition of the opening words in the phrase, as in the case of "we will fight»: «We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air» (from: W. Churchill's speech to the House of Commons. June 4. 1940).
Finally, we present three excerpts from speeches by leading politicians of the XX century, who had the honor to see the day of victory over fascism and to contact their peoples. These texts are taken from the reprint edition in May 2002, the newspaper "Pravda" on May 10, 1945.
In the cited texts are the key words of the general military labor, general hardship and sacrifice and duty to the dead, and the joy of victory. These very honest and simple words without undue beauties forced people to overcome difficulties and build a new and better world without war.
1. "We can pay our debt to God, to the fallen and to our children just barely - ceaseless devotion to a cause that we have to do this ... When the last Japanese division surrender, only then will be ended our combat work "(U.S. President Harry Truman).
2. "Today we are probably going to think mostly about them. Tomorrow, we will pay particular praise to our Russian comrades, whose valor on the battlefield was one of the great contributions to the victory.
Consequently, the war with Germany ended ... We can allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing, but we must not for a moment forget about waiting for us to work and efforts "(British Prime Minister Winston Churchill).
3. "The great sacrifices we have made for the freedom and independence of our Motherland, the incalculable hardship and suffering endured by our people during the war, hard work in the rear and at the front, surrendered at the altar of the country - were not in vain, and crowned with complete victory over the enemy. ..
Comrades! The Great Patriotic War ended in our complete victory. During the war in Europe ended. A period of peaceful development "(Stalin).
Full text of speeches of the leaders of the victorious return us to such key concepts as the homeland, freedom and labor, on the one hand, and mutual assistance, mutual understanding and support on the other. It is these key concepts of culture to remember everyone who has the opportunity to influence the minds and attitudes of people.
1.3 Identify the main functional loads of journalistic style
1.3.1 Functions of journalistic style
The system of functional styles is in a state of continuous development. Styles by themselves are separated in varying degrees: the boundaries of some of them are not easy to define, and it is difficult to separate such styles from the genres. These difficulties are especially evident when it comes to journalistic style.
Journalistic style of speech is a functional variant of the literary language and is widely applied in various areas of public life: newspapers, magazines, television and radio, in public political speeches, in the activities of political parties and public associations. This also should add political literature for the general reader and documentaries.
In various books in style journalistic style was known as newspaper and journalistic, newspaper style, socio-political style. The name "journalistic style" is more accurate because different versions of the name more narrowly define the scope of its operation. The name "newspaper style" explains the history of the formation of this style: his speech features is crystallized in the print media, and above all in the papers. Today, however, this style of functioning not only in print but also in electronic media: it would also be fair to call "television" style. Another name - social and political style - or rather indicates a close relationship with the style of discussion of social and political life, but it is worth remembering that this style of serving and non-political sphere of communication: culture, sports, activities of non-governmental organizations (environmental, human rights, etc.).
According to A. Vasilyeva journalism - it's kind of literature and journalism, where the topical political, economic, literary, legal, philosophical, and other problems of modern life in order to influence public opinion and the existing political institutions, strengthen or change them according to a certain class interest (in class society), or social and moral ideal. As a subject of journalism A.N. Vasilyeva allocates all of modern life in its greatness and smallness, private and public, real or reflected in the media, arts, paper [13: 147].
I.V. Arnold believes that journalistic style are works dealing with current problems and current phenomena of social life, as well as playing an important political and ideological role, affecting the social institutions and serves as a means of public education, agitation and propaganda, a way to organize and transfer of social information [14: 75].
Summarizing the above definition can identify the basic functional load journalistic style. The most important information is presented and the impact of the function.
Information function of texts relating to this style of speech, is that the authors of these texts are intended to inform the widest possible range of readers, viewers, listeners of societal problems and the views of the authors of these problems.
Information function is inherent in all styles of speech. The specificity of the information function in a journalistic style is the nature of the information, its source and destination. Television broadcasts, newspaper and magazine articles to inform the public about a variety of aspects of his life: the parliamentary debate on the economic programs of the government and the parties of accidents and crimes, about the environment, about the daily life of citizens.
The information in nonfiction texts not only describes the facts, but reflect the opinions, attitudes, provides commentary and reflections authors. This differs from scientific information. Another difference is due to the fact that in front of nonfiction does not intend to complete, comprehensive description of a phenomenon. Writer seeks to write, first of all, that is of interest in certain social groups, highlighting those aspects of life that are important for its potential audience.
Informing the public about the situation in areas of public interest has, in the journalistic texts implementing the second most important function of this style - a function of exposure. The purpose of the publicist is not only to talk about the situation in the society, but also to convince the audience of the need for a position on the statement of the facts and of the need for a certain behavior. Journalistic style bias inherent in an open, polemical, emotional, and that just motivated by the desire to prove the correctness of his publicist position.
The function is the impact to the system-journalistic style, that it highlights the style of other varieties of language. While this feature is also typical for formal business and conversational style, the selection of language means she is an active influence in nonfiction texts.
Consider as an example the implementation of these functions a note from the newspaper "the District" [46: 4] under the name ""Prince Vladimir" refers to the province." Article is subtitled "City officials support the Swedish producers." It informs about the purchase of the Moscow city government and city council Swedish cars "Volvo". At the same time, the memo affects the reader to form a definite relation to the position of the leaders, in words lobbying for support of domestic producers.
In addition to the information and acting, texts journalistic style, of course, and perform all other functions inherent in the language:
- Communicative;
- Expressive;
- Aesthetic.
Communicative function is the main function of language and manifests itself in all its forms. As journalistic style functions in the sphere of relations between different social groups, the role of style in support of public communication is enormous. Communicative journalistic style is that his lyrics are not for internal use only and not for a single destination (although in these cases the communicative aspect of the present), and for the widest possible audience. Being at a distance in space, the author of journalistic text aims to approach the destination on time, on the subject of messages, as well as voice, stylistic features. Communication implies and feedback - the target response. For this style of feedback is most clearly is in a situation of public debate, but not only. Newspapers feedback are letters from readers, the responses of officials, articles, send them in response to a previous publication. Radio and television have moved from letters to phone calls listeners and viewers, during which they can ask questions, express their opinions, tell them about famous events. It is widely used to attract viewers to shoot a television studio. Modern interactive TV is looking for new ways to maintain contact with the audience. Today the Internet is definitely the best source of information. It serves as the basis for the development of the information society by means of various programs such as skype, ICQ, or on-line trainings, forums, the inverse relationship.
The expressive function of language allows the speaker to express his feelings. Journalistic text is usually clearly reflects the author's personality is different express and emotionally charged attitude of the author to present the facts. Not all journalistic genres equally suggest expressiveness of the text: it is less likely for informational notes, and more typical of the essay or pamphlet. On television, emotionality less common for news outlets, and is required for a talk show.
Here are a few examples of expressive headlines: "Old wagon in a new way. Moscow does not say goodbye to Czech trams "," Secret census. Mosgorkomstat promises not to share information, "" Mushroom wrong once, "" True road you are traveling companion! Three hours of socialism in the three stations "[19: 189]. These headers are not simply representing a subject, but emotionally characterize the situation, which tells the note.
The aesthetic function of journalistic text is set by the author, but the message in the form of its unity with the contents satisfies the aesthetic feelings of the recipient.
Genres and types of journalistic style
Journalistic style of functioning of certain stable forms is genres. Traditionally journalistic genres are divided into:
newspaper (essay, article, satire, reportage);
oratory (debates, speeches at the rally, toast);
television (analytical program, the dialogue in the air);
advertising (ad, poster, slogan);
communication (press conference, teleconference).
A more detailed look at newspaper genre.
Different style characteristics of the individual newspaper genres related to their purpose (note newsreel, reportage, interviews, essays, travel notes, correspondence). They pursue primarily informative purposes (except for essays), and the reception of the material closer together with the documents.
Style close to the research reported in several newspaper articles, and genres such as essays, satires are a kind of "hybrids" that combine the features of journalistic and literary - artistic style.
Newsreel note - is a brief account of the fact.
Report - a genre of journalism, to report promptly to the press, radio, TV about an event, a witness or participant is a reporter.
Interview - a genre of journalism, journalist conversation with one or more other persons for any conceptual issues.
Correspondence - operative genre of journalism that reports on the specific facts and circumstances.
Essay - a type of story, which outlines and analyzes the various facts and phenomena of social life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation of their authors. Essay generally occupies a special place in the political literature.
Travel Notes - kind of essay that describes the movement in space and time.
1.3.2 Specific features of English-language translation of newspaper and journalistic texts
XXI century poses new challenges in the information space of humanity. Thanks to the media role of translation in the life of humanity is steadily increasing, information flows knows no boundaries, no time, no space. The infinite variety of the modern world is transmitted by the media in the feelings and interpretations of the many members of the international information process - journalists, reporters, commentators, camera operators. Social changes are reflected in a mirror in the language. Journalistic style to a greater extent than all other styles of language, accept the changes. Therefore the growing importance of translation, and together they raised and translation problems.
According to the stylistic Encyclopedic Dictionary of Russian journalistic style - this is one of the functional styles that serves a wide area of ??public relations, whether political, economic, cultural, sports, considered, however, in the light of certain political and ideological attitudes. Journalistic style used in political literature, it is represented by the media (the media) - newspapers, magazines, radio, television, documentary film [16; 204].
Since the concept of journalistic style is quite voluminous, in the course of our work we will consider mainly the one layer of journalism - a newspaper style. This topic is of increasing importance from year to year, as modern man knows about world events and the development of international relations, above all, from the press. For modern readers interested in becoming foreign newspaper articles. Accurate information of the foreign press is very important at this time. It is appropriate translation of newspaper texts will see the most detailed changes in the social life of English-speaking countries and in English.
First of all, the purpose of newspaper and magazine text - communicate new information and influence the reader. That is why it is worth paying attention to what the source of the information. Newspaper text is abundantly full of technical terms related to the political and public life, which are often presented in the form of cuts. For example: AFLCIO = American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, GOP = Grand Old (Republican) Party, DD = Defense Department, NAACP = National Association for Advancement of Colored People. Often used abbreviations of names or nicknames familiarity known political or public figures: JFK = John F, Kennedy, Rocky = Rockefeller, Ike = Eisenhower, RLS = Robert Louis Stevenson, etc. [20; 49]. Abroad, the reader accustomed to such liberties reporters. If the translation preserve this feature, the force of the impact on the reader of the text translated from the original will be different, which is incompatible with the concept of adequacy of translation. Therefore abbreviated names should be given in full, and give nicknames to comment or not to give at all.
Many British and American cuts are equivalent in Russian language, for example, GATT = GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). If there are abbreviations of the names of organizations that do not have an official language in the Russian equivalent, the translator can give abbreviation Russian translation. For example: NLRB - national Labor Relations Board. The translator should be aware that many cuts often have two or more values. For example: OAS = Organization of American States - OAS, Organization of American States or the terrorist organization of French ultra SLA [23, 176].
Political terminology, especially characteristic of the newspaper-style news, has the same basic features that are inherent in scientific and technical terminology. However, they exhibit some differences associated with lower severity, as well as the dependence of the values of a number of terms from the corresponding ideological concepts. In the newspaper and informational materials are often encountered valued terms, the terms are synonymous, abbreviated terms and names. The term «state» in the U.S. political terminology can mean both "state" and "state»: Both the state and Federal authorities are bent on establishing a police state. In the first case, the term state is in line with the definition of "federal" and state governments is certainly in contrast to the government throughout the country. In the second case, the state is used in the sense of "state." The term Congressman can have a broader meaning - "a member of the U.S. Congress," or a more narrow - "a member of the House of Representatives (Congress)»: Last year a number of American Senators and Congressmen visited the Soviet Union. Along with the Congressman, in its narrow sense is used and its synonym Representative. Charters of the various organizations may be called in English Regulations, Rules, Constitution, Statutes and Charter. Widely known terms are often used in the text in abbreviated form: Youth is also virtually excluded from Congress, the average age of members of the Senate being 56 years and of the House 51 years. In this context, the abbreviated House instead of eating a full term The House of Representatives.
Particularly clear lexical and grammatical specific newspaper-style information appears in the headlines. British newspapers for headlines characterized by frequent use of a small number of special words that make up a sort of "header jargon»: ban, bid, claim, crack, crash, cut, dash, hit, move, pact, plea, probe, quit, quiz, rap, rush, slash, etc. The distinctive feature of this "header vocabulary" is not only the frequency of their use, but also the universality of its semantics. The word in the title pact could mean not only a "pact", but also "contract", "deal", "deal", etc. The verb hit can be employed in connection with any critical performance. Red can mean "communist" and "socialist" and "progressive»; bid implies a "call" and "invitation" and "an attempt to reach a certain goal," etc.: National Gallery Launches Bid to Buy the Titian - The National Gallery is trying to buy a painting by Titian; Bid to Stop New Police Powers - Call prevent the expansion of the rights of the police; Sudan Army Regime »s Bid to Crush the Left - Trying Sudanese military regime to suppress the progressive movement [23,177].
Of particular interest (and particular difficulty Interpreter) are "loaded" titles, built on wordplay: Poor air quality puts steelworks in bad odour with locals. The author writes under the heading of extreme dissatisfaction with the residents of industrial areas in the county of Swansea (Wales), caused by smog and the pungent smell of sulfur. Local residents accuse the leadership of the nearby steel plants in the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Pun based on the combination of variable combinations bad odour (bad breath), and EF in bad odour with somebody (in favor with anyone) because they include a common ingredient - bad odour. When translating, we cannot mechanically copy the shape of the original, but we have to try to reproduce for the reader semantic, emotional and fine specificity: Metallurgical Company spoiled the local population, and air and life [27; 45].
An important feature of the British newspaper headlines is the prevalence in this elliptical passive voice with the omission of the auxiliary verb to be to describe events in the past and in the present tense: Paris Protest March Staged by Students, 8-Year-Old Boy Kidnapped in Miami, All Piers Paralysed on East Coast, etc.
In English and American newspapers dominated verbal headings like: Floods Hit Scotland, William Faulkner Is Dead, Exports to Russia Are Rising. Verb phrase is usually stored as headings consisting of an interrogative sentence: Will There Be Another Major Slump Next Year? A specific feature of the English title is the ability to drop the subject: Hires Teen-Agers as Scabs, Want No War Hysteria in Toronto Schools, Hits Arrests of Peace Campaigners, etc. To indicate the future tense in the headers is widely used infinitive: America To Resume Testing, Laundry Workers To Vote on New Contract, World Unions To Fight Monopoly, etc.
Another feature of the English-language newspaper publication is a neologism derived by some productive suffixes, such as:-ism (Bevinism),-ist (Gaullist),-ite (Glasgovite),-ize (to atomize),-ation (marshallization) and prefixes : anti-(anti-American campaign), pro-(pro-Arab movement), inter-(inter-European relations), etc [20; 50-51].
But what is the main feature of nonfiction texts? The answer is obvious - there is many a clichй, for example: on the occasion of -- «по случаю», by the decision of -- «пo решению», in reply to «в ответ на», in a statement of -- «в заявлении», with reference to -- «в связи с», to draw the conclusion -- «прийти к заключению», to attach the importance -- «придавать значение», to take into account -- «принимать во внимание», «it is generally believed that…» -- «по общему убеждению…», «it is officially announced that…» -- «официально сообщается, что…», «it is rumoured that…» -- «ходят слухи, что…», «it is reported that…» -- «сообщают, что…», «it is suggested that…» -- «предполагают, что…», etc.
Bright phraseological units can often be found in the headlines: Iraq in the balance - Uncertainty in Iraq; China throws down gauntlet to USA Inc - China threw down the gauntlet U.S. economy; Jordan's double game over Iraq - Playmates Jordan around the events in Iraq [27, 47].
Another distinguishing feature of newspaper and magazine text - is high allusive. Most journalists are building a text from what is already known to the reader: fragments of known pieces of music, books, advertising, and movies. Particularly complex cases the translator can comment in the footnotes, or use the add-on. It is allusive can often lead to the fact that the text will be difficult to translate the untranslatable.
In addition to the journalistic text are very important components of the syntax. So, the short supply of long or medium length can be a means to highlight something important. The same alternation of long and short sentences make the text more dynamic, some long sentences, on the contrary make the text "drag", for example: Marooned by a gale on a skeleton of a fire-gutted Wyle light-house in Morecombe Bay, with their dingey swamped, nine workmen last night decided to risk the two-mile journey back over the sands to Fleetwood. By syntactic features include a maximum fragmentation of the text into paragraphs, when almost every sentence begins on a new line, the presence of sub-headings in the body of the text to enhance the interest of readers [23; 176-183].
Thus, the texts journalistic style have a number of specific features of a certain complexity. Ready-made formulas and algorithms for universal translation, of course, does not exist. But if the interpreter is ready to advance to the possible problems if he is aware of the stylistic features of the effect of the translated text, and if he has the necessary background knowledge and understanding of the reality, which is dedicated to the text, the probability of the high-quality and adequate translation is quite large. Although the above can in some degree be attributed to the translation, and other kinds of texts, though outside the scope of fiction, nowhere is there such diversity and richness of expressive means, what have texts from the sphere of mass communications. And in order to avoid possible errors, the translator must delve into the semantic content, structure, and communicative task of the text, identify and take into account the target audience and consider the possibility of departing from the dictionary meanings of words in the source text.
To the above named conditions of the success of the translator to add one more thing - perhaps no less important than all the others put together. Very often the cause of lexical (and other) errors in the translation is exactly the wrong understanding of the source material. Therefore, the first factor is the need for high-quality translation of the text to identify due to the extra-textual phenomena and reality.
1.4 Features of journalistic style texts in Russian and English
Existing in journalism genres can be divided three groups: information, analytical, artistic and journalistic. As a basis for this division serve the degree of expression of the individual author's style, the author's attitude to the described phenomenon. Thus, in the works of author information genre only tells about some event, process, phenomenon, etc., then it is complementary analytical analysis of such communication, comprehension, assessment of what is at stake. The third kind of genres - art and journalistic - is mixed, it combines elements of artistic and journalistic style; the author's position is expressed as maximum.
Texts of journalistic style perform many functions: information, education, impact, propaganda or agitation and advocacy, education, popularization, organizational, hedonic (entertainment), etc., and these are the most important function of exposure and communication-information function - reporting news. It is embodied in a bid to any periodical, any organ of the media as soon as possible to report on the latest news.
These two functions are trailblazing. Their implementation finds its concrete expression in the style and language of nonfiction, determines the characteristics of vocabulary, syntax and structure of journalistic documents, composition genres of journalism.
Among the proper linguistic and stylistic features of the language texts journalistic style, the totality of which distinguishes it from the language of the other functional styles are:
* A high degree of standardization of the means: a large percentage of stable and stereotyped expressions, different journalistic clichйs, lexicalized metaphors, standard terms and names, etc. (This feature is especially characteristic of news and reflects the desire of the author to create the impression of absolute objectivity and impartiality).
* The expressiveness of language as a way to attract the attention of the reader, to express the ratio of the transmitted information, placement and evaluation of accents etc. (Among expressive, that is, with specific connotations of expressions, you can also meet the language cliches and stamps), the presence of evaluative adjectives, direct address to the reader (these features are often characterized by copyrights, subscription materials).
* Saturation most diverse realities (social, political and cultural life), allusions (of literature, history, movies, etc.) and quotes (typical of both the realities of "anonymous", including news stories, and for the author, allusions and quotations in particular - especially for the author of Journalism).
* The use of colloquial, reduced, slang and profanity (the latter is more typical of written texts in Russian media, and is used to express a particular relationship, such as the ironic, the author of the material, create a certain image and style (for example, the comic) effect, and in the so-called " tabloid press "- and even shocking to the audience and / or to attract certain categories of readers).
* Extensive use of figurative phraseology and idiomatic vocabulary (both literary and colloquial and vernacular), including the "deformed" idioms, wordplay, puns, proverbs and sayings (often as a "deformed" form) (characterizes as a subscription, so and "anonymous" journalism).
* Extensive use of other stylistic tools, techniques and figures of speech - such as hyperbole, litotes, imaginative comparisons, metaphors (including deployed and "frozen", lexicalized), metonymy, Paronymic attraction (especially in advertising texts), allegory, and euphemisms others (often characterizes copyrighted material, comments, articles and reviews on various topics, etc.).
* A special feature of the written texts of the media (and a special translation problem) - newspaper and magazine titles, built on wordplay, puns on, quotations, allusions and idioms deformed.
Obviously, these titles cannot be translated literally. As the translation "response" to the pun in the original text, ideally, would like to see a meaningful pun in the translated text. Sometimes manage to achieve this. If such a solution to the problem cannot be found (which happens quite often), it is better to change the title completely, making it neutral, but clear in meaning and related to the theme of the text.
If the text to be translated prevail clichйd combination of neutrality, similar language means should be used and the translation [30, c. 54-58]. All the more so for many journalistic clichйs used in the English-speaking press is not difficult to find semantic and stylistic conformity among the same kind of expressions Russian language, for example: a significant event - a significant event, as follows from reliable sources - as the competent sources, restricted information - information for internal use / confidential information etc. Where there are no "ready" correspondences on the language level, there is the meaning to be transmitted by other means, while respecting the genre, stylistic and communicative nature of the text.
Another problem is the high journalistic allusive text [35, c. 124-125]. Most journalists are building a text from what is already known to the reader: fragments of known pieces of music, books, advertising, and movies. This information is quite difficult to translate, and among the interpreters are still arguing about whether or not to share this information and comment on it if a reader does not know the context. Particularly complex cases interpreter may comment in footnotes, or use the add-on. It is because of allusive can often lead to the fact that the text will be difficult to translate or untranslatable.
Besides idioms, clichйs, or hidden in a journalistic text citations are very important components of the syntax. For example, the alternation of long and short sentences make the text more dynamic, some long sentences, on the contrary make the text "drag", etc. Just a short supply of long or medium length can be a means to highlight something important. It is also often used inversion or parcelling (Department of the offer).
It is also the special role played by the text "buzzwords", which are often the words of foreign origin. Sometimes, as in the text may appear old words that suddenly began to combine with other words. Buzzwords increase the confidence of the reader and emphasize the relevance of the information. However, with the translation of "hipness" of the word is lost, so the interpreter must lexically compensate for the loss of "hipness", transferring it to another token that is by replacing the context of the word on fashion for the target language.
Also pay attention to the hidden comic, which is often based, for example, to use the vocabulary of high style next to a neutral vocabulary. This can only be compensated by suitable variant correspondences.
The same principle should be applied as far as possible and in translating figurative, idiomatic expressions, and other expressive elements of the text. So, if you can adequately convey the idiom in the source code using idioms in the target language (similar in structure / lexical composition or for the communicative function it performs), there is no reason not to do - but only if the idioms correspond to each other not only in the sense, but also other parameters and stylistic. For example: to follow in somebody 's footsteps - пойти по чьим-то стопам; to put the cart before the horse - ставить телегу впереди лошади. Again, in the absence of close matches with phrasebook level, the translation must be other means - with all the parameters of equivalence.
As for reality, names of organizations, positions, etc., are room for creativity, the translator of no or very little. The names of international organizations adopted the notation of important historical and political events, place names and other realities - that any translator working in the field of mass communication, just have to know. Therefore, in most such cases, the choice of equivalents him or not at all, or it is limited to two or three alternatives. Thus, the only possible equivalent for UN Security Council- Совет Безопасности ООН; для the Cuban missile crisis - Карибский кризис (реже Кубинский кризис), для the House of Commons - Палата Общин. It is because of the lack of many young translators necessary knowledge, not to mention the general knowledge and horizon in the Russian language penetrate designations that do not meet the traditional Russian-language titles. This knowledge did not prevent them to pass the reality is translated exactly as they are designated in Russian.
Thus, an adequate translation of the journalistic style involves the transfer of certain means of another language is not just a purely factual and informative content of the text, but also its communicative / functional orientation. In other words, communicative and functional equivalence translation of texts journalistic style is no less important than its semantic equivalence.
2. Analysis of the linguistic-stylistic features of journalistic style
One of the most important features of the language of newspaper texts, on the one hand, the standardization of the language used in the paper money, and on the other hand, their expressiveness, the purpose of which - especially to attract a particular attention to the fact of the reader.
Purpose of standard lexical means to facilitate the perception of information the reader and, thus, to achieve a certain communicative impact on the reader, in addition, the standard tools used in order to make the text a certain uniformity and promote clarity posts.
The English press is replete with this kind of vocabulary. As a result of changes in the conditions of life, however, often appear neologisms, which quickly penetrate the pages of the press. The emergence of neologisms in newspaper texts complicates the understanding of the content. In some cases, the values of these words can only be installed from the context in others please refer to dictionaries, dictionaries aphorisms and clichйs. Favorite method of enhancing the expression of a newspaper article, especially bearing in mind the pragmatic objectives press, is the use of figurative phraseology [29: 136]. Thus, the expression to bite the bullet (to show the courage to endure the pain, grief) came into the language of medicine of the time when the anesthetic techniques were not yet known and Surgeons advised wounded bite the bullet, make it easier to move the terrible physical pain. That bite the dust (die, pass away, go away to another world) - a euphemism that is used, for example, in the speech of the American Indians, when they speak of the dead.
Many of the political phraseology reflect current realities. Thus, the phrase buck stops here (all the responsibility rests with me) was the motto, and, as evidenced by W. Sefayer, as the slogan was on the desk of U.S. President Truman G. [44: 139]. The meaning of this phrase is that all of the most important decisions are made here. Subsequently, the phrase was again taken up by President Carter also having a see-slogan on his desk. Popular in the United States phrase can't fight City Nall (this is a useless thing is futile) used by the Americans in cases where they want to emphasize the helplessness of man against the elements, or the superior forces. Checkered sareer (checkered career, a career man who has passed through the fire, water and copper pipes) are often in the U.S. press, this expression is used when it comes to career politicians. Bourgeois English press is replete with vocabulary, reflecting local realities, such as fraud in the election campaigns: smear tactics (tactics demonizing their political opponents); character assassination (the destruction of the good name or reputation through public insinuations against political opponents); mudslinging (mouthing) ; ballot-box stuffing (rigging elections); patronage politics (the distribution of "cushy jobs" for the financial services provided by American candidates so-called fat cats (financial bigwigs)); political conditioning (political "process»); brainwashing («brainwashing "indoctrination (carried by news analysts, or - in recent years - think tanks« think tanks »)); opinion polls analysis (analysis of the results of a public opinion poll, which, as a rule, has the pre-planned political leaders purpose; news media campaign (elucidation of the means of mass communication at a certain angle); political advertising (political advertising) TV cosmetics strategy (strategy embellishing the facts on television); prime time access rule (rule of the best television of time (usually for the ruling party).)
The desire for expression in the language of print often leads to all kinds of deliberate strengthening of style. This phenomenon is particularly true, for example, for a modern printing of England.
Thus, in one of the presidential election campaign by an American newspaper published a strident headline: Ford to New York: Drop Dead! () [51]! In this title in a nutshell (drop dead) as to summarize the position of former U.S. President Ford in relation to the issue of the provision of the New York Federal financial assistance. However, if you carefully review the text of the pre-election speeches J. Ford, we see that as a straight position he held. The fact is that by order of certain circles newspaper deliberately exaggerated in order to emphasize the issue in an attempt to catch up with fear in their readers - the voters of New York. Subsequently, the American press has really recognized that shown by the sensationalism of the above type has played a negative role in the political struggle against Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter. The above example is just one of many found in the sensational bourgeois press of the West.
Highly imaginative and expressive are those, for example, the well-known expression, as hot-potato issue (sensitive issue); shirt-sleeve philosophy (home-grown philosophy); flaming optimism (affirming pathos); wild-cat strike (illegal strike); backroom deals (backroom political game); to beat the air, to boondoggle (watching a blank deed); dragged-out talks (protracted negotiations); kite-flying (kiteflying); hard-core voters (voters who consistently vote for the same party); floater (voter, voting illegally several times (cf. letters "flyer»)); capsule review (brief review of news (the more usual and standard term would be brief review)); credibility gap (loss of confidence, the divergence of views ) of course, it could be said crisis of trust, but then disappeared would be an element of imagery, and consequently, the expression would not have gained such wide distribution in the speech of the Americans and the British. The phrase blood bath (blood) generally translated (generalization as a method of transfer). Trope New Deal (New Deal) has nothing to do with any transactions. In this sense the type new course (new course) is impersonal, devoid of imagery (compared to the New Deal), and has no historical connotations.
The usual expression, devoid of imagery, it would be doing extra work for extra Rau (for jobs, "moonlight)," or even, in some cases, under-the-counter earnings. But the peculiarities of newspaper language are such that it is moonlighting is used more often, rather than, say, other specified expressions.
Expression of grape vine (officially unconfirmed) is somewhat pretentious, but the unit is synonymous false rumours devoid of imagery, has a somewhat gruff tone and has some legal implications.
But not always soften the meaning of figurative expressions, as in the example above. Thus, the phrase lunatic fringe (extremists) has a much more earthy shade than the standard term ultrareactionaries. This translator should be kept in mind.
Let us now briefly comment on the basic techniques used in the language of the Anglo-American press.
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