Adequate translation of journalistic texts as a problem of intercultural communication

Translation contextual of intercultural communication. Role of the media in international communication. Mentality and speech etiquette of nation. Features of journalistic style texts in Russian, English. Translation of newspaper and informational text.

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All this and originality of style-forming factors creates a newspaper article. Newspaper and journalistic style typical of all language functions except for aesthetic and contact making. It should, however, mention that this is not true of all news stories. Articles and commentary are to a greater or lesser extent to the scientific approach is, that the artistic text and have an appropriate set of features: fonts, headings, which must strike the eye and attract attention even from a distance. For the practical work of the translator most important ones are the following features of the British press:

1. Conversational nature of some familiar materials

2. "Prettification" style use of jargon, paraphrase, etc.

3. Official titles and addresses

4. The special character of the headlines

5. Lexical features of newspaper and informational materials

6. Use of the terms.

For British and American newspaper articles characterized by the use conversational turns in the most serious on the content of the texts. For example, the English newspaper "Daily Worker" wrote in its issue dated 10 November 1962 of the criticism, which was subjected to the Bonn Defence Minister Strauss at a meeting of the Bundestag:

One admission by Herr Strauss was accidental. Pressed into a corner about whether it wasn't time to have a new de-nasification in his Ministry? He ran round the question. Instead of answering he took the line of" you "re another", that other West German Ministers and the police had still more ex-nazis in them then his own Ministry.

In the English and American press can often be found even in the information texts nicknames and abbreviations of names of public figures: Tricky Dicky (Nixon), peanut president (Carter), Teddy (Theodore Roosevelt). Abroad, the reader accustomed to such liberties reporters. If the translation preserve this feature, the force of the impact on the reader of the text translated from the original will be different, which is incompatible with the concept of adequacy of translation. Therefore abbreviated names should be given in full, and give nicknames to comment or not to give at all.

The most concise, businesslike and dry in style are the communication and informational articles. Accuracy in the translation of these messages and articles are often achieved syntactic restructuring proposals and the use of the structural changes of lexical correspondences [54. 34].

Here is an example:

Taking part in the discussion with the President will be the new Secretary of State, the Defence Secretary and the special assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (Daily Worker, London, April 1958).

В совещании с президентом будут принимать участие новый государственный секретарь, министр обороны и специальный помощник президента по вопросам национальной безопасности.

To translate this short message needed restructuring proposal. The typical style of short messages inversion is not stored in the translation, because the stem on top of the semantic predicate and its separation from the auxiliary verb in the Russian language is not desirable:

is emphatic allocation would change the meaning of a few sentences.

Lexical and grammatical change in the translation of the following passage also not be considered as a violation of the accuracy of the translation.

The New Zealand earthquake was followed by tremors lasting an hour. No loss of life was reported. (Daily Worker, London, May 1962)

За землетрясением в Новой Зеландии последовали подземные толчки, которые продолжались час. Согласно сообщениям, жертв не было.

Passive construction in the first sentence handed active. Determination of New Zealand passed the circumstance of the place as a combination of Russian language "New Zealand earthquake" is impossible. Passive construction in the second sentence translated a phrase combination - a clichй. With the combination of clichйs and transferred loss of life. All of these changes are caused by the need to respect the rules and regulations of the Russian language newspaper style.

The same often applies to the translation of titles in the Russian language which are very different in nature.

For example:

No sign of "flexible" Mac. (Daily Worker, London, April 1962) Никаких признаков гибкости у Макмиллана.

Such a peculiar use of abbreviations of names of political figures, as well as the arts, etc. absolutely not practiced in our newspapers. Keep this in mind when translating from English.

Such change does not violate the accuracy of the translation are caused by different norms newspaper style in England and the United States, on the one hand, and the Soviet Union - on the other.

Articles, essays and journalism characterized by one common feature - the presence of emotional coloring, which is created by means of various stylistic and emotional words matter. It should be noted, however, that the stylistic devices used in the newspaper and journalistic style, rarely original and so they are relatively easy to swap out [23; 65].

Emotional tone should be preserved in the translation. However, due to differences in structure of the Russian and English languages, and there is often necessary to resort to the rotation. In English, the emotional tone is often created definitions and the definitions in the translation into Russian translator are faced with the question of compatibility, which is often different in the English and Russian languages.

For example:

There is every indication that Congress will give a resounding rebuff to the Chancellor.

Есть все основания полагать, что Конгресс даст резкий отпор министру финансов.

The combination of "resounding rebuff" or "loud rebuff" is impossible in Russian language. Therefore resounding should translate this definition, which, combined with the noun "fight back", would have the same degree of expressiveness.

Colloquialisms and slang are characteristic of the style of some English newspapers, but by no means typical of the Soviet newspapers. In these cases, too, has to resort to the rotation.

Another feature of this genre is the desire of British and American authors glossed dry message using some slang, paraphrases, etc. On the basis of the same considerations preserve the stylistic features of the genre in the Russian language, these "switch" in the translation are not transferred:

In another "Let" s get cracking "Note, the Soviet Union today proposed next Thursday the starti. (Daily Worker, London, April 1958)"

In the new note offering to begin immediate preparation of the summit conference, the Soviet Union called today, next Thursday as the date for the start of negotiations ambassadors in Moscow.

Along with the familiar, conversational coloration of many materials of this genre, it is possible to note some opposite tendencies. The information and materials descriptive of British and American newspapers have always taken to indicate the title of a political figure, even when it is subjected to the most unsparing criticism. If the name of the politician used without mentioning the title or position, it is always placed before the reduction of Mr (Mister) or Mrs (Mistress). Thus, Adenauer - is always Chancellor Adenauer or Doctor Adenauer. Macmillan - Mr. Macmillan, De Gaulle-General de Gaulle, Churchill-Sir Winston Churchill or (Sir Winston). The paper can be called Chiang Kai-shek and the leader of a gang of thugs at the same time can pedposlat his name or title generalisimuss word mister. All of these titles are in English text of purely formal significance. Therefore, when moving these titles typically omitted. Exceptions are special official texts in which they are transferred, and Mr and Mrs, respectively translated Mr. and Mrs., not Mr. and Mrs. [[55.145].

Characterized by concentric presentation of information to facilitate the reader chooses the paper that interests him. Title gives the general orientation. Often, a newspaper headline composed with an average of five words, and contains the first place the word that tells what is at stake in the context. For example, Defense Secretary Travels To Shipyard to View Cold War Submarine "s Destruction. Thus the reader can get a general idea about the main events of the day on the headings and subheadings and read it completely only that his special interest. Great importance for the interpreter to work with information - descriptive material acquires the ability to understand and quickly translate the headlines of English and American press. It is especially necessary when translating news stories orally, with a sheet and referencing. If a translator in cases where the title is difficult to understand, can return to the problem of its transfer after he translated the entire message or article, that they understood the contents, then the interpreter of such a possibility, as a rule, does not have. For him, translation news story usually begins with the transfer of title, and when referencing boilerplate clause further complicated by the fact that it was the headers translator must determine whether or not a material for a given him a subject. Translated headlines and their understanding is quite difficult and requires great skill. Titles in English or American newspapers, in addition to abbreviations of domestic organizations is very often used in the same abbreviations of international organizations, such as UN = United Nations; ECM = European Common Market; NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization etc.

Many British and American cuts are equivalent in Russian language to be used when transferring titles, and it should be borne in mind that these are equivalent reduction of the Russian name of the organization GATT = GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). If there are abbreviations of the names of organizations that do not have a Russian language equivalent of the official translator in the translation can give the title abbreviation Russian translation. For example: NLRB = national Labor Relations Board. In addition, the translator can employ in translating the title name of the organization, preventing reduction. The translator should be aware that many cuts are often two or more values. For example: OAS = Organization of American States Organization of American States, or OAS French terrorist organization ultra SLA [56-234].

The translator is useful to have on hand dictionary of abbreviations. In the English-Russian dictionary VK Mueller is a list of the most frequently used acronyms. A more detailed list of acronyms in the dictionary Webster "s International Dictionary, however, and it may not always help the translator.

In the end, I would like to note that a large value for an interpreter when dealing with information and descriptive material acquires the ability to understand and quickly translate the headlines of English and American press. It is especially necessary when translating news stories orally, with a sheet, and when you reference. If a translator in cases where the title is difficult to understand, can return to the problem of transmission after he translated the entire message or article, that is, they understood the content, the interpreter of such a possibility, as a rule, does not have for his translation of newspaper material usually begins with the transfer of title, and when referencing boilerplate situation is complicated by the fact that it was the headers translator must determine whether or not a material for a given topic, or it is not. Meanwhile, due to a number of specific features of newspaper headlines their understanding and interpretation is quite difficult and requires great skill.

Compensation as a means intralinguistic and pragmatic cross-language adaptation of the text in relation to the changed parameters of the communicative situation.

In a cross-language communication are overcome "barriers" with compensation due not only to the specific choice of a particular organization and language features that ensure the effectiveness of the communication process in certain areas of communication, but also the uniqueness of semantic systems of languages [23;92].

"The informational value of the text" - the relative magnitude of which depends on the so-called "semiotic level of a reader." The term is borrowed from social psychology is "a set of attributes that define the language skills, training and ability to navigate the various kinds of information on the basis of their total life experience"

Pragmatic flexibility "sensitivity" of newspaper and journalistic texts to certain changes in the parameters of the communicative situation, the researchers noted discourse of mass communication. Under the discourse within the framework of the communication space is understood a social process, which includes the text, and the text is seen as a concrete material object, which is the result of this process. According to GG Pocheptsova, we have two complementary concepts that refer to one and the same reality: a real look from the point of view of the social process gives us a discourse, from the point of view of the process of linguistic - the text. In front of reporters is a dual task: the first stage is gathering information and writing the original texts, and the second step is to edit the author's text, if necessary, to bring up to standard to meet the requirements of their newspapers, magazines and news agencies. In many cases, the primary texts, the materials information agencies, and at each stage of treatment, a formation the previous version in accordance with the new extralinguistic context - new goals and, therefore, priorities (Turin Natalia pragmatic adaptation of the English-language newspaper and journalistic texts Dis ... . PhD. Philology. Sciences).

Thus, the creation of a media text is a series of successive formations. Obviously, with such a pragmatic adaptation never occurs detailed similarity of content-formal aspects of two different texts, the text modality can never be implemented the same way.

In most cases, the source is subjected to considerable pragmatic adaptation

Specificity of the application of different types of compensation in the newspaper and journalistic texts associated with the implementation of dominant for this type of text functions.

When cross-language adaptation of newspaper and journalistic texts and communicative use of nominative compensations intellectual implementing the information function, on the one hand, and the nominative and communicative pragmatic compensation realizing, in most cases, the impact of the function, on the other hand, the relatively balanced.

Inseparability of information and the impact of the functions in the newspaper and journalistic texts considered in this paper as a stylistic feature of the modern newspaper and journalistic style, often leads to the use poli- compensation in the process of cross-language pragmatic adaptation. Poli- compensation is the convergence of several equal in importance to the closure function types of compensation.

In pragmatically adapted lyrics translations newspaper and journalistic materials marked the ideological direction of the impact function, manifested by either neutralizing the expressiveness of the original or the replacement of estimates connotations to, due to the nature of extralinguistic factors.

Based on the study material of our thesis revealed the following:

1. Translation news stories differ significantly, though not a full parallelism of lexical structure.

2. Translation of newspaper and informational materials is characterized by the use of the translation of syntactic structure similar to that of the original, which ensures maximum gear in the translation of the value of syntactic structures.

3. Most equivalence is achieved by translating the socio-political articles and the lowest in the translation spoken language.

To achieve a greater level of equivalence translator must:

1. If it's in English material information and descriptive genre, and then the translation must have all the characteristics that the genre has a Russian language;

2. When transferring the titles omitted. Exceptions are special official texts;

3. When transferring the title, you must first translate the message or article, and then, based on the content and title;

4. The translator should be noted that in the English newspapers, along with the book are widely used colloquial vocabulary and poetic words and combinations;

5. The translator must possess the realities of the country on which the article is written.

2.4 The practical aspect of the translation of newspaper and informational text

Newspaper in modern life is the most important means of communication. In the life of any man, it plays a huge role. Therefore, the task of the school to teach - high school graduates read newspapers, both native and foreign languages. Properly delivered learning to read political literature (and especially newspaper texts) is one of the strongest means of ideological and political education, stimulates the interest of the pupils to a foreign language and promotes the development of language skills [52;8].

The nature and uses of interlingual translation correspondences are largely determined by the peculiarities of the semantics of idioms, which is a complex set of information. With regard to the choice of translation compliance essential parts of the complex are as follows:

1) figurative or figurative idiom component values;

2) direct or substantive component values idiom, which forms the basis of the image;

3) emotional component values idiom;

4) stylistic idiom component values;

5) The national-ethnic component values idiom.

It should be noted that between FL and TL are not always parallel language - structural and semantic analogy: the same model of phraseological combinations, complete coincidence semantic meanings of words in their composition, etc. In addition, the search for interlanguage matches are always gives a positive result, as in the field of phraseology observed phenomenon of random gaps, ie these "units of vocabulary of a language, which, for some reason (not always clear) there is no match in the lexical structure (in the form of words or collocations) of another language" [52; 4-5]. In these cases, it is the necessary transformation techniques and methods of translation.

We have identified, analyzed and tested different techniques and methods to achieve the full value of transfer of the phraseology in English media texts.

Complete the equivalent of a phrase is transmitted primarily FE international character based on myths, legends, biblical and literary subjects, historical facts: golden age - the golden age; the Achilles heel - the Achilles' heel; a Judas kiss - a kiss of Judas; a Pyrrhic victory - a Pyrrhic victory ; to rise like a phoenix from the ashes - like a phoenix reborn from the ashes; a Trojan horse - a Trojan horse, etc.

Partial phrase equivalent is the type of translation match in which the idiom meaning to the target language (TL) adequately value idiom in the original language (s), but on the basis of imagery, metaphor differs from it: to fight tooth and nail - to fight to the last drop of blood ; to take root - take root; the last straw - the last straw. The disadvantage of this method of transfer is that the differences in the component composition equivalents of this type may result in differences emotional and expressive connotations.

English idiom may have a few equivalents in the TL. With sample phraseological equivalents translator has the opportunity to choose the best option and pass the stylistic diversity of the English FE: to fly a kite - fly a kite, feelers, cast a line; to pull the wool over somebody's eyes - to throw dust in the eyes, rub the glasses hang to deceive; a sitting duck - an easy target, easy target.

Tracing allows you to transfer non-equivalent phraseology in PYA at the maximum possible preservation of the semantics of Linguistics. The essence of idiomatic tracing is to create a new combination in PCOS, copying the structure of the source language unit: to keep one's powder dry - to keep their powder dry; shadow cabinet - shadow cabinet; to vote with one's feet - vote with their feet; a lame duck - a lame duck. This translational technique can be used in the absence of the English FE equivalent in Russian language, as well as in the event of inability to use such equivalent in a given context.

The literal translation is used for the transmission of imagery and the unique color of the national-ethnic component of the value of FE. The translator must make sure that the image was perceived and understood receptor translation, ensuring the usefulness of understanding with appropriate footnotes and notes: the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street - Old Lady of Threadneedle Street (Bank of England); the Big Apple - Big Apple ( New York City); Uncle Sam - Uncle Sam (the U.S., the Americans - deciphering humorous letters US). Descriptive translation - "Bank of England" New York "," USA "- cannot give specific data phraseology.

Descriptive translation is a way to pass the value of EF with alternating phrases, makes explicit the value of the EF, which usually leads to loss of imagery and expressiveness: the dark ages - the Middle Ages; for a song - for next to nothing, almost nothing; straw in the wind - the overall trend . Another disadvantage of descriptive translation is its potential awkwardness: somebody's opposite number - the person holding the same position at another institution, the state; to scrape home - hard to achieve their goal; to hit / make the headlines - hit the headlines, be the subject of newspaper headlines.

Methods of transcription and transliteration used to convey certain phraseology or their components. In modern practice, the translation preferred transcription combined with elements of transliteration: Downing Street - Downing Street, Pandora's box - Pandora's Box, Punch and Judy - Punch and Judy. The disadvantage of these methods is that they can lead to the appearance of translations of unusual and obscure words.

Translation FE Titles text periodicals often presents serious difficulties. In order to adequately transfer contained in the headers FE must carefully examine the contents of these articles, as well as to take into account the fact that the verbal headlines, widely used in the English press, are not characteristic of the Russian-language periodicals, and should be replaced denominative constructions: Iraq in the balance - Uncertainty in Iraq; China throws down gauntlet to USA Inc - China threw down the gauntlet U.S. economy; Jordan's double game over Iraq - Playmates Jordan around the events in Iraq; Woodward given much food for thought - Food for thought Woodward; Israel will attack Iran ' only as last resort '- Israel's assault on Iran is possible "only as a last resort."

Of particular interest (and particular difficulty Interpreter) are "loaded" titles, built on wordplay: Poor air quality puts steelworks in bad odour with locals. The author writes under the heading of extreme dissatisfaction with the residents of industrial areas in the county of Swansea (Wales), caused by smog and the pungent smell of sulfur. Local residents accuse the leadership of the nearby steel plants in the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Pun based on the combination of variable combinations bad odour (bad breath), and EF in bad odour with somebody (in favor with anyone) because they include a common ingredient - bad odour. When translating, we cannot mechanically copy the shape of the original, but we have to try to reproduce for the reader semantic, emotional and fine specificity: Metallurgical Company spoiled the local population, and air and life.

Lost in Translation phraseology may arise due to the fact that the texts in the British press called some events that are not in the host culture:

Drabble thinks Upward suffered "from not being the vicar of Bray - he stuck to his strong convictions" (The Guardian, 23.08.2003).

По мнению Дребла, Апворд пострадал "из-за того, что он не ренегат - так и не изменил своим убеждениям".

Sustainable combination of the vicar of Bray can be classified phraseological realities, which, by definition, T.I. Arbekova and Ba, are "fragments of objective reality reflected in the result of direct experience in the mind of one nation." In this case, there is a serious danger of literalism (name Vicar of the XVI century., Four times to change his religion is hardly familiar receptor translation), which distorts the meaning of the FE and making such a transfer meaningless, which would inevitably lead to unnecessary TRANSLATOR losses and a sharp decline in the quality of cross-cultural Communications.

Another cause of the difficulties of translation is a kind of individual copyright to use EF English texts of periodicals:

So the voters are ready for reform. ... What they await is a government that can break through the familiar contradiction, found in every survey on the subject, which reveals most respondents wanting better services and lower taxes at the same time, the Gordian knot that Gordon Brown now seeks help in cutting (The Guardian, 29.11.2001).

So, voters are ready to reform. ... They want to see a government that will be able to overcome the well-known contradiction revealed in the course of public opinion polls on this issue - improving the quality of services, while reducing taxes. This is the Gordian knot that Gordon Brown cannot now cut you.

In this example, the image in the EF (Gordian Knot) played up to the name of a famous British politician (Gordon Brown), there is a pun and alliteration. In addition, note the location of distant idiom to cut the Gordian knot - to cut the Gordian knot. Expressivity of the English idiom is not lost in translation.

According to our research, the translation EF in the texts in the British press can also be used such transformational techniques and methods of translation, as a grammatical change (word forms, parts of speech, of the sentence), lexical-semantic substitution (generalization, specification, logical synonymy), permutations, additions, deletions, and compensation antonymic translation.

The Conclusion summarizes the study and formulate provisions for the defense.

The study enables us to draw the following major findings:

1. Skillful use of FE in the texts of the modern British periodicals makes it more vibrant, expressive, emotive and causes the reader to certain associations.

2. When translating the texts of the phraseology in English media must be especially careful.

3. The final decision on the use of a particular method of translation of English FE depends on the context. Proper use of any of the translation method involves receiving and creative approach to each specific task.

4. When translating the texts of English idioms in the media should be taken into account a variety of extra-linguistic factors.

5. A full translation of English idioms used in the texts of the modern British press - is an art.

6. Considering the peculiarities of translation in the English FE periodicals mention another necessary condition for the full translation of idioms - translator's talent and skills of translation, which are key to a successful professional translator.

7. Since the translation of texts to the press adequately convey imagery and expressiveness of English FE is almost impossible to replace the machine translation, computer. Standard Edition can not capture all the details of the source and transfers the texts, especially in the field of phraseology. Only man is capable to transmit the text of the original as clearly and vividly expressive, using all the different translation methods and the richness of translated language.

8. Should be more regularly updated dictionaries, handbooks and training manuals for the phraseology, as the language of the press is constantly enriched with new phraseology. This will improve the quality of cross-cultural communication.

2.4.1 Translation of the text element of journalistic style


Financial Times July 18 July 19 1998

Yeltsin calls for repentance as Russia buries Unknown Tsar

They came to bury Russia's last tsar, not to praise him. Indeed, such was the controversy surrounding yesterday's ceremony in ST Petersburg that the church would not even name him during the funeral service.

Instead, he remains of Nikholas II, his beloved wife Alexsandra, three of their daughters and four of their servants were lowered into the vaults of the ST Peter and Paul cathedral, while a priest prayed "for all those tortured and killed in the years of bitter persecution for the faith in Christ".

Truly, this was the funeral of the Unknown Tsar, as the local newspapers called it.

Yet the service, which had caused such acrimonious divisions within the Russian Orthodox church, among the descendants of the Romanov family and across society at large, was given greater dignity by President Boris Yeltsin's attendance after a last minute change of mind.

In a powerful speech, Mr Yeltsin described the murders of the tsarist family by the Bolsheviks exactly 80 years ago as "one of the most shameful pages in our history". "For long years we were silent about this monstrous crime but it is now necessary to spear the truth", he said.

The burial was an act of "human justice", Mr Yeltsin said, appealing to his compatriots to put aside all differences of political views, religious beliefs and ethnic origins, and enter the next century in a spirit of repentance and reconciliation.

The 90-minute service that followed was a simple, moving ceremony, but not one marked by open displays of emotion. Amid plumes of incense, Orthodox priests, dressed in glittering gold robes, chanted for eternal life to overcome darkness. As the small coffins were laid to rest in the grounds where most of the Romanov dynasty are buried, the cathedral's bells rang out across the Neva river. A salute of guns then boomed over Russia's imperial capital.

About 50 members of the Romanov family attended the service, as well as a few of Russia leading politicians and cultural figures, foreign diplomats and Britain's Prince Michel of Kent. But the crowds outside were sparse.

Opposite the main entrance of the Peter and Poule fortress, a gaggle of assorted protesters promoted a lucky dip of ideological lunacies. The most vocal was the so-called Popular Patriotic Movement, which claimed the tsar's murder was the result of the "Jewish Fascism" which supposedly held Russia in its sway from 1917 until Stalin's death in 1953.


Россия хоронит Неизвестного царя, и Ельцин призывает народ к раскаянию.

Последний русский царь был похоронен, но не восхвален. Такое противоречие окружало вчерашнюю церемонию в Санкт-Петербурге, церковные служители даже не называли царя по имени во время похоронной службы.

Во время похорон Николая II, его возлюбленной жены Александры, троих дочерей и четверых слуг в склепе собора святых Петра и Павла священник молился "за всех замученных и убиенных в года ожесточенного преследования за веру в Христа". Местные газеты назвали это похоронами Неизвестного царя.

Эта церковная служба вызвала резкие разногласия в русской Ортодоксальной церкви, в семье Романовых и во всем обществе. Президент России Борис Ельцин в последнюю минуту изменил свое мнение и почтил службу своим присутствием.

В своей речи президент описал убийство царской семьи большевиками как "одна из самых постыдных страниц нашей истории". Долгие годы мы молчали об этом чудовищном преступлении, но пора рассказать правду". Президент отметил, что эти похороны были актом "человеческого правосудия". Он обратился к своим соотечественникам чтобы прекратить все разногласия в политических взглядах, религиозных верованиях и этническом происхождении и войти в новый век с духом раскаяния и согласования.

Служба была очень волнующей, но никто не показывал своих чувств. Среди аромата ладана Ортодоксальные священники, одетые в сверкающие, расшитые золотом сутаны воспевали вечную жизнь и преодоление тьмы.

Небольшие гробы были погребены в склепе династии Романовых. Над Невой был слышен звон колоколов собора. Затем над имперской столицей прозвучал оружейный залп.

На службе присутствовали 50 членов семьи Романовых, несколько ведущих российских политических деятелей и представители культурных кругов страны, иностранные дипломаты и Британский принц Кента Майкл. Но снаружи было немноголюдно.

Напротив главного входа в собор Святых Петра и Павла собрались митингующие, выкрикивающие лозунги об окончании идеологического безумия.

Большинство присутствующих являются членами так называемого "Общественного патриотического движения", которое придерживается взглядов, что убийство царя является результатом еврейского фашизма в России с 1917 года и до смерти Сталина в 1953 году.

On the basis of this text, we can conclude that there are 5 types of equivalence:

1. The equivalence of the translation of the first type is to keep only the part of the content of the original, which is the purpose of communication.

2. In the second type of equivalence common part of the contents of the source and target not only conveys the same goal of communication, but also reflects the same extralinguistic situation.

3. In the third type of equivalence there is a lack of parallelism of lexical structure and syntactic structure, preserving the translation communication objectives and the identification of the same situation as in the original, preserving the translation of general concepts, with the aid of which the description of the situation in the original, ie, preservation of that part of the content of the source text, which we have called "a way of describing the situation."

4. The fourth type of equivalence, along with the three components of the content that is stored in the third type, translated and played a significant part of the syntactic structures of the original.

5. In the latter, the fifth type of equivalence of the maximum degree of proximity to the source and target content that may exist between the texts in different languages.

Based on this, we define types of equivalence in translation performed:

1. Yeltsin calls for repentance as Russia buries Unknown Tsar - Россия хоронит Неизвестного царя, и Ельцин призывает народ к раскаянию (4 тип)

2. a priest prayed "for all those tortured and killed in the years of bitter persecution for the faith in Christ - священник молился "за всех замученных и убиенных в года ожесточенного преследования за веру в Христа (5 тип)

3. Truly, this was the funeral of the Unknown Tsar, as the local newspapers called it. - Местные газеты назвали это похоронами Неизвестного царя. (4 тип)

4. one of the most shameful pages in our history - одна из самых постыдных страниц нашей истории (5 тип)

5. it is now necessary to spear the truth - пора рассказать правду (4 тип)

6. enter the next century in a spirit of repentance and reconciliation - войти в новый век с духом раскаяния и согласования (5 тип)

7. but not one marked by open displays of emotion - никто не показывал своих чувств (2 тип)


At the conclusion of this diploma is necessary to say that the work done aim of the thesis, i.e. identify the main features of translation of newspaper and informational texts. Complete all the tasks set in the introduction:

1. Identified the stylistic features of newspaper texts

2. We study the main features of the structure of newspaper texts in the English language

3. The features of translation as the tests themselves and the British newspaper headlines.

Summing up the results of the thesis should be noted that, unlike the titles of scientific and technical articles, which tend to give an idea about the general direction and content of the article, therefore, to a certain extent, are the key to understanding the text, with newspaper headlines is not the case .

Often requires a prior acquaintance with the contents of the text for a proper understanding and translation of the title. Headlines British and American newspapers reveal a number of features that require a special approach in their translation.

In the research paper noted that the use of elliptical constructions makes headlines extreme compactness and agility. Russian titles, as well as all the style of a newspaper generally have a smooth, quiet nature

English newspaper text is characteristic of a certain flair of the host in the form of headlines compressed segments, built on the jerky, frenetic pace. Russian translation, keeping short, should be more fluid and rhythmic, as is natural, and to all Russian newspaper style in general.

Whatever may have been conflicting requirements for translation, it is impossible not to recognize that translation is a purposeful activity that meets certain evaluation criteria. One of the requirements have long been put forward by the theory and practice of translation, is the requirement of equivalence of texts - the source and destination. Equivalence attached decisive importance in the theoretical description of the translation and revealing his identity. No wonder we have discussed in the thesis work in the various definitions of translation is often present the concept of equivalence, which many theorists have always considered one of the most important features of ontological translation.

Talking about the problem of equivalence and adequacy of translation of newspaper and informational text, it must be said that the translation of couplets - it is not a system of formations and units of multi-level substitution of one language units of the target language, as it "is a complete speech activity in the target language in which to text translation objectified the same meanings as in the original language. included in the task of the translator in the first place, not only on the ability to accurately reproduce all the "building blocks of meaning," but also to keep the communicatively significant semantic core of the text. In the thesis work is also marked features of the use of translation formations in the translation of newspaper headlines.

Newspaper articles are an effective means of learning by students of a particular language material and possess certain characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary preparatory stage to explain all these features, and only then can effective work with newspaper text. Consequently, the translator must take into account the following points:

1) Transfer news stories differs in significant, albeit incomplete parallelism of lexical structure - for the majority of the original words you can find the appropriate words in the translation of short content;

2) Translation of newspaper and informational materials is characterized by the use of the translation of syntactic structures similar to the structures of the original or related relationships syntactic variation that provides the highest possible transfer of the translation, the syntactic structures of the original;

3) The largest equivalence is achieved when translating socio - political articles and the lowest in the translation spoken language;

4) in the translation of newspaper headlines in most cases the second and third type of equivalence.

In conclusion, we must add that in order to achieve a greater level of equivalence translator must:

1. If the English version of the material presented information descriptive of the genre, and then the translation must have all the characteristics that the genre has a Russian language.

2. when translated titles usually omitted. Exceptions are special official texts.

3. when transferring the title, you must first translate the message or article, and then, based on their content and headings.

4. the translator should be aware that in the English newspapers, along with the book are widely used colloquial vocabulary and poetic words and combinations.

5. the translator must possess the realities of the country, of which written article.

Based on the study material on the topic of the second chapter of our thesis revealed the following:

1. Translation news stories differ significantly, though not a full parallelism of lexical structure.

2. Translation of newspaper and informational materials is characterized by the use of the translation of syntactic structure similar to that of the original, which ensures maximum gear in the translation of the value of syntactic structures.

3. Most equivalence is achieved by translating the socio-political articles and the lowest in the translation spoken language.

To achieve a greater level of equivalence translator must:

1. If it's in English material information and descriptive genre, and then the translation must have all the characteristics that the genre has a Russian language;

2. When transferring the titles omitted. Exceptions are special official texts;

3. When transferring the title, you must first translate the message or article, and then, based on the content and title;

4. The translator should be noted that in the English newspapers, along with the book are widely used colloquial vocabulary and poetic words and combinations;

5. The translator must possess the realities of the country on which the article is written.

Thus, the thesis is made in accordance with the intended purpose and all the problems have been fully resolved.


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