Adequate translation of journalistic texts as a problem of intercultural communication
Translation contextual of intercultural communication. Role of the media in international communication. Mentality and speech etiquette of nation. Features of journalistic style texts in Russian, English. Translation of newspaper and informational text.
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Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.11.2015 |
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- Advertising vocabulary. Some figurative speech and expression penetrate the political language of advertising. For example, the well-known expression to sell an idea, which literally means "to sell the idea" actually be translated to convince the attractiveness of smth., Persuaded to (benefit) smth. Hence, selling a candidate is touting the candidate, not the "sale of the candidate" [43: 10].
When a politician says: «That's the other piece of action», he has in mind: "This is my contribution." However, the expression get your piece of the action originally meant - to attach to it and you will make a bargain and you will, that is, is taken from the language of advertising.
- Slang. In the Anglo-American press is widely used slang. For example, a standard vocabulary such as unlicensed sales or illicit trade is often replaced in the language of the American press expression of type boot-legging (illegal trade in alcohol or other restrictions on circulation of goods) [51 8], which clearly bears the slang connotation.
- Proverbs. It is impossible not to note the extensive use of proverbs in the contemporary press, which promotes figurative language. For example: to let the cat out of the bag (let the cat out of the bag), uou scratch my back, I'll scratch yours (quid pro quo). Moreover, there were distinct political proverb: A rising tide lifts all boats (tide helps all the ships go aground) [40: 12]. How uou stand depends ON where uou sit (Weight human society depends on the employment status) [45: 4]. The meaning of the first is that when there is a general economic recovery, all of this benefit. The second contains an allusion to the fact that the popularity rating of any candidate to a large extent depends on his position and influence.
- Metaphors. Metaphors are found in the socio-political texts quite often. The purpose of the text metaphor is to expand the scope of meaning of a word by the figurative meanings, which naturally increases the expressive and general properties of the text. And this, as we know, is one of the major problems of journalism. Here are some examples.
When it comes to high-ranking political figures, they are often called big guns, great guns, or big shots, and (less often) big wigs, big noise, big wheels, bid banana, big fish, big timers (civilian "bumps") [ 50]. Social activist invariably "bombarded" questions - to bombard smb. with questions (asking questions). Diplomats, journalists write as widely used diversionary tactics (diversions), in addition, in the same sense often appears expression, also taken from the military language, - evasive action (policy evasive action). When it comes to news within the country, in addition to the standard terms such as home news or domestic news is also widely used and metaphorical home front, again borrowed, as we see from the military language.
Legal disputes in court referred to court battles (legal battles), hence the spores (heated discussions) in Congress (parliament) - Congress (Parliament) battles. An example of a deployed metaphor is the phrase: One hare which ran this week, but was shot bu Sir Geoffrey on Wednesday, was the suggestion that overseas holidays could BE made subject to VAT (value added tax) [35: 5]. It is clear that we are not talking about "running this week, the hare," and some of the ideas put forward by politicians of England in order to balance the budget. Therefore, the entire sentence, given an expanded metaphor, it should be translated as follows: One of the projects put forward this week, but the criticized on Wednesday by Sir Geoffrey was a proposal on how to include foreign travel to a number of articles liable to value added tax. From this example it is clear that the detailed metaphor is not transmitted, and is replaced by a descriptive translation.
- Metonymy. Acceptance of metonymy is to replace one word with another, related in meaning. For example: Buckingham Palace is not expected to issue a statement ON the matter. (It is believed that Buckingham Palace will make a statement on the matter.) [30]. In fact, we have in mind a king or queen of the United Kingdom, does not make statements on the issue.
- The epithets. Appointment epithet - emphasize a particular feature of an object, to express their attitude to it. If the adjective is used with a particular word constantly, it gradually turns into a cliche (clichйs). For example: America the Beautiful [43: 5] - it uses advertising adage. New Deal [43: 4] - the definition evolved into a political stamp. Bleeding Kansas is a historical and political stamp, signifying the fight in the state of Kansas against slavery.
- Paraphrase. Figurative expression of thought is a paraphrase of that as a method of transmitting information is also found in modern journalism. For example: the one writing these words (the writer of these lines).
- Breach of idiomatic combinations. In many registered political language idioms often cited in various articles. Sometimes, however, journalists tend to give greater expression of identity, individualizing your style. In these cases, a combination of phraseological intentionally violated. So, instead of expressing curiosity killed the cat (Barbara curious nose torn off in the bazaar) [50: 90] can be found in the texts of curiosity killed the career of the politician (letters, "curiosity killed the career of a politician") [50: 90] i.e. the point is that he should not have to ask certain questions, because the answers are undermined his career. Idiom see which way the cat jumps (see which way the cat jumps) [50 1046] in a newspaper article transformed into the expression «why wait to see which way he jumps» («What to expect that he would take"?) [37 8].
- Synonymous couple of pairs of synonymous purpose - to give greater solemnity of style. For example: men of conscience and good will (people of good will). As we can see, only one of the elements is of the pair to be a direct translation.
- Comparisons. A popular technique is to compare the neck. For example: the battle is as good as won (believe that the case is won), the battle is as good as lost (down the drain). On a hot commodity to say: it sells like hot cakes (this product snapped up (literally, "like hot cakes")) [41: 3]. Interestingly, this comparison was partially re-interpreted and transferred into the political language. Thus, in the United States is well known expression to sell a candidate (the candidate to advertise, promote (in press) or that candidate) [43:12].
- Hyperbole. An attempt to dramatize the events to make them more sensational, naturally, cannot but lead to the use of hyperbole: scared to death (scared to death), bleeding heart (heart, poured the blood of (iron. Policy Liberale)), he tears off his hair (he was tearing his hair).
- Words and phrases particularly popular at the moment. Individual words and expressions in political texts are becoming especially popular. Such words are often called fad words («buzzwords"). Here are some examples: to articulate a problem (focus problem) instead to formulate a problem; soft climate (warming in international relations); dialogue with the East (dialogue with the East) instead of talks with the East; politicized issue (particularly accentuated in the policy problem ); posture (attitude) instead of attitude; rhetoric (rhetoric) rather than statements; rip-off (cheating) instead of deceit; thrust (focus, focus) instead of emphasis.
In one of the speeches made in the Security Council, it was stated: We maintain that all this was done to hijack the deliberations of this session. (We argue that all of this was done in order to disrupt the debate at this session.) Here the word hijack should be seen more as a stylistic tribute to fashion into words, what truly semantic necessity.
- Anonymous construction of the text. In order to make the post of impartiality, and sometimes also in order to disguise the true sources of information used phrases like: some states believe that ... (some states believe that ...), critics feel that ... (Critics say that ...), it's widely recognized that ... (recognized that ...), the Spanish say that ... (the Spaniards say that ...), the prevailing opinion is that ... (it is believed that ...). Such a technique we call the anonymous construction of the text.
- Euphemisms. In the texts of political and business (economic) surveys the use of euphemisms - a very popular technique. Especially rampant euphemistic tendencies are in the English language in the United States. For example, the verb t o fire (fire), some journalists seem rude and they prefer a soft, sleek expression: to select out, to discharge. The term sewer commission (Commission sewerage) is now sometimes referred to as pollution-control agency; janitor (janitor, caretaker) - of course, superintendent (manager); plumber (plumber) is sometimes called a sanitation engineer (engineer or plumber). Some euphemisms are very artificial and is unlikely to represent the perfection of language. For example, the phrase trash barrel (trash) is sometimes replaced by the word ecological receptacle; trash collector (garbage collection) becomes garbologist. Euphemistic tendencies manifest themselves in modern English is largely a result of the spread and impact of the media and various psychological pressures on the language [29, 95]. The term bugging (eavesdropping by using special devices) more often now replaced by the more euphonious term electronic surveillance, and the term breaking, illegal entry (lit. "to break into the room") - a term surreptitious entry (lit. "secret entrance"). Naturally, these trends could not spread to the military terminology. For example, the U.S. command their orders, setting out the objectives of type search and destroy (identify the enemy and destroy it), now replaces a more streamlined formulation of search and clear (to identify the enemy and clear the area). The term mass bombing (mass bombing) now renamed the protective retaliation (retaliation in order to protect). MX missile, the destructive first-strike nuclear weapons, official military circles awarded the grand, harmonious name Reas keeper (peacemaker (literally "guardian of the World").)
Based on the above, in this chapter we have come to the conclusion that the systematic use of linguistic resources leads to the fact that in different areas of language use standardized nature of their use, there is a predominant use of certain syntactic structures exhibit features the use of figurative language features, there is a tendency use of different methods of communications between the parts of speech and so on Such systems are called styles of speech or speech styles.
In the system of speech styles of modern English language about the middle of the XVIII century began to stand apart distinctive style, which is called the publicist. Like other speech styles, it is not homogeneous. It identifies two types: written and oral. By writing varieties of journalistic style is language essays, newspaper articles, magazine articles literary - critical and socio-political nature, pamphlets, essays, etc. By the oral varieties journalistic style is style of oratory, and more recently as reviews of radio commentators.
One of the most important features of the language of journalistic texts, on the one hand, the standardization of the language used in the paper money, and on the other hand, their expressiveness, the purpose of which - especially to attract a particular attention to the fact of the reader. The analysis of English nonfiction texts, we have identified a number of common features that characterize them in terms of the implementation of the pragmatic component: 1) the presence of EF spoken nature, and 2) the use of word games, and 3) the use of images that are directly related to man and his environment.
2.1 Methods for transferring the realities of the translation of journalistic texts
The problem of translation realities in nonfiction texts as one of the most difficult challenges facing the translator, attracts the attention of many linguists and translation theorists. Among the difficulties encountered when translating realities are the following:
1) the lack of conformity in the target language (equivalent) due to lack of native speakers referred to a reality of the object (referent);
2) the need, in addition to substantive meaning (semantics) realities pass color (connotation), as well as its national and historical painting.
In selecting the most appropriate methods of translation must take into account the realities of the method of supplying the author of the original text and the means it uses to communicate to the reader of its semantic and connotative content.
In theory and practice of translation is widely known methods of translation following realities:
1. Transliteration and transcription.
Transliteration - a transfer of the graphical (letter) of the word, and spelling - is the transfer of sound form letters. These methods are widely used in the transmission of foreign-language proper names, geographical names and names of various companies, firms, steamships, hotels, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Selection of transcription in translation also depends on the reader, which is focused on the text, that is necessary to take into account the degree of "familiarity" reality, because it does not have to stay outside of his perception.
In the absence of the target language letter designating the sound, by its sound with a sound similar to the original text, apply a combination of letters, giving the corresponding sound. Thus, the Russian "g" is passed in the English language through a combination of «zh», «X» through «kh», «u» by «shch» and so on.
One of the main advantages of transcription receive a maximum brevity, which in some cases is a major cause of transcription. It should be noted that transcription, like any other technique should be used with caution, since in some cases, transmission of color, not being a determining factor that could push into the background the transfer of the semantic content of the reality, not thereby fulfilling the communicative task of translation. The abundance of transcribed words can lead to overload the text realities, which brings the reader not with the script, and separates from him.
In some cases, need to be combined with additional funds transcription comprehension, particularly with regard to transfer of the realities that are "false friends." In this group, for example, includes "... the names of weights, measures and other measurement values that resonate in the source language and the target language, but do not coincide with the number" [1, c. 322-325].
Speaking of transcription necessary to mention the phenomenon of cross-language disambiguation, that is, the presence in the language of the translation of words phonetically close to reality to be translated. In some cases, this factor causes the interpreter to stop using the described admission.
The use of transliteration transmission reality is very limited, it is possible to speak about the translation of concepts relating mainly obschestvennopo political life and proper names: English. «Strathmore» and Russian. "Strathmore», «The Washington Post» «Washington Post», «L'Enfant Plaza» «LanfanPlaza." It should also be noted that in some cases it is difficult to distinguish due to transcription from transliteration relative similarity of these techniques.
2. Creating a new word. This method is used if the transcription (or transliteration) for certain reasons is undesirable or impossible. Introduction neologism most appropriate (after transcription) path to save the semantic content and color transferred realities: by creating a new word (or phrase) is sometimes possible to achieve almost the same effect. These new words are in the first place, tracing paper and half a tracing.
a) Tracing paper.
Tracing paper - borrowing by the literal translation - allows you to move to the target language in the reality of the maximum possible preservation of semantics. However, the preservation of semantics does not mean the preservation of color, as part of a word or expression that is transmitted through language translation. For example, in English. «Capitoll Hill» Russian. "Capitol Hill», «Library of Congress» «Library of Congress."
b) Development.
This group of methods of translation realities may also include development - giving the appearance of the native word for language translation on the basis of material already available in the original language.
c) Creating a semantic neologism.
This method of transmitting the reality is to create a semantic interpreter neologism, which are words or phrases to help you understand the semantic content of the transmitted realities [Vlahov, Florin, 2006, p.100]. However, it should be noted that the translation of neologisms realities of the least widely employed.
3. The approximate translation.
Is the closest to finding people on the value of conformity in the translated language for lexical unit, without having to exact matches. This kind of approximate equivalents of lexical units can be called "peers."
Although these equivalents are only approximate broadcast the contents of the corresponding Russian words, yet in the absence of a precise English equivalents, their use is justified because they give some idea of the nature referred to an object or phenomenon. The use of analogs also found in the transmission non-equivalent English vocabulary in Russian language, for example:
drugstore - pharmacy, knowhow - secrets (technology, skills, knowledge of the case), muffin - baking.
Applying the translation process "analogues", keep in mind that they are only about convey the value of the original word, and in some cases may not create quite a correct idea of the nature referred to their object or phenomenon. With this in mind, experienced translators using "unique" give the required explanations in comments translated.
4. Contextual translation
This technique is similar in its principle to approximate translation and contrasted vocabulary, as translated word by using this technique can have a match other than those specified in the dictionary. In this case, the main orientation of the interpreter is the context, therefore it is a way "is to replace the vocabulary compliance with contextual translation is logically connected to it." An illustration of such a method can serve as a translation of the phrase "Sorry, but we can not apply to you or consomme or profiteroles or floransi. We do not have Italian food, "the statement« I'm sorry, but we don't have the dishes you have ordered ». The main disadvantage of such a transfer is complete disappearance of the realities of the media as a specific national color.
5. Transformational translation.
In some cases, transmission non-equivalent vocabulary translator has to resort to the restructuring of the syntactic structure of the sentences to the full lexical substitutions changing the value of the original word or to one and the other at the same time, that is, to what is called the lexical and grammatical translational transformations, so in this If you can talk about the transformational translation.
For example, the English glimpse, having no equivalents of Russian nouns, often used in expressions to have, or to catch a glimpse of something or somebody, which makes it possible to use the verb in the translation, and thus resort to syntactic restructuring proposals [2, c. 201-214].
I could catch glimpses of him in the windows of the sitting-room.
When using transformation receive this offer translation from English into Russian as follows:
Я видел, как его фигура мелькнула в окнах гостиной.
6. Hyponymyic translation
Hyponymyic translation is the replacement of species concepts in a generic, that is, the transfer of the realities of a linguistic unit, which has a broader meaning than translatable. At its core is a generalization of the reception, which was quite widely used. It eliminates the transcription and substitution of concepts, the difference between them in a given context is negligible. For example: нопаль (вид кактуса) - кактус, кебраго (вид дерева) - дерево.
7. Descriptive translation.
This method of transmitting bezekvivalentnoy vocabulary is the realization of the value of a lexical unit deployed using phrases that reveal the essential features of the lexical unit designated by the phenomenon, that is, in fact, by its definition (definition). Here are a few examples of descriptive translation of the English lexicon bezekvivalentnoy into Russian: showmanship - the ability to draw attention to themselves, gum arabic, gum arabic, emitted by different types of acacia trees, native to the south of the Sahara.
8. Replacing realities. Translation idioms containing realities.
Some researchers (eg, Vlahov and Florin) also highlight the realities of the replacement trick given in the source, on the reality of language. However, it should be noted that such a change leads to a kind of substitution of color and a sharp separation realities on the background of the text. An example of such a change can serve as a transfer of English. "Iomen" Russian concept of "land." The only clear prerequisite of such replacements is the loss of color (to the extent that this is possible) or translate the word or his alleged replacement.
The change of color by substituting the reality can focus the reader's attention to detail, which may, in my opinion, is not a key, and does not pose any significant semantic value to the story. bellboy-captain.
Considering the phraseological units in terms of translation, we turn to the division proposed by V.S.Vinogradovym, which identifies the following groups collocations:
1) lexical, semantic correlate with the words;
2) predicate complete sentences, entrenched in the language in the form of stable formulas;
3) comparative, entrenched in the language of a robust comparison.
S.Vlahov and S.Florin combine idioms in their structural and semantic type, color, metaphor, stylistic coloring of the following groups:
1) shaped / non-shaped;
2) proverbs like / non-proverb type;
3) National / loan / international;
4) having the flavor / without coloring;
5) Common / author;
6) the primitives / authorized.
The above indicators are to a large extent determine how the translation of phraseological unit.
Based on the basic principles of classification realities words, you can highlight the main ways of translating the realities of phraseology.
1) Using the absolute equivalent.
This technique is possible if the idioms in the source language and the target language contains international reais (its one of a pair of foreign languages or for both): "All roads lead to Rome» «All roads lead to Rome». «The Dutch have taken Holland!» «Discover America!"
2) Use the equivalent of a maximum close-up content. This method is limited in application, since it implies change the realities of the source language reality of language. Such a transfer is possible in cases where a national or temporary color does not play a role, and the most important element is the content of the plan. The most famous example is the translation of the Russian proverb "To go to Tula with the samovar," the English equivalent «To carry coal to Newcastle».
3) Use a neutral color one word or phrase. It is used when there is no equivalent in the target language, or in the case where the substitution of color will lead to a distortion of meaning or a sharp discrepancy between the text itself idiom. An illustration of this process can serve as a translation of the English expression «when Queen Anne was alive» (literally, "was alive when Queen Anne") neutral Russian phrase "in ancient times." This method may be limited by the author's intention, if the expression is used in the literal sense and is an indication of a certain historical period ("at the court of Queen Anne") [34. 233-235].
4) Word Translation with explanation in a footnote may be used to preserve and flavor phraseological realities simultaneously for transmission of the content. This technique is successful, as it helps to achieve the main goal in the translation of such a linguistic unit, but has the disadvantage because of the literal translation of which cannot be natural.
5) Bringing the idiom in the original language with the translation and explanation in a footnote. This method is used relatively infrequently, mainly in cases similar to those used in the preceding process description. This technique increases the flavor of the speech of the hero or the author, and, in accordance with the author's intent, knowledge points to the hero of a foreign language (this applies to the phrases in the text in a foreign language for the original).
6) Use have a trcing the replacement of the national component is to build on the basis of the available material in the original language to the new language translation of phraseological unit. In this way, in the Russian language was included saying "Moscow was not built in one day" (English «Rome was not built in a day»). Also example is the translation of the Russian proverb "penny penny gained" with the phrase «take care of the kopecks and the roubles will take care of themselves» on the basis of the English expression «take car of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves».
7. Omission of realities.
According to AD Schweitzer, taking into account the functional role of the realities in the message, the interpreter can "rent Real" in a few special cases:
1) if it has a small load semantic structure of the text;
2) if it is mentioned only sporadically;
3) if it does not perform denotative and expressive function, and therefore can not cause a specific figurative associations in the reader the translation.
This is known as the "omission of reality" or "zero transfer" [11, p. 90-96]. In terms of frequency of use techniques nearly all methods are used frequently, but the realities of the omission in the translation, despite its simplicity, are not widely use. This indicates a preference for translators to adhere to the original text and the choice of a reception guided the author's intention.
8. Transfer stranger to the source language and the target language realities.
The problem of this nature occurs in the presence of a translator in the text of the original reality, the source language borrowed from the "third" language. Often, in the original text, such realities are accompanied by additional means of understanding, which can also cause difficulty in translation.
Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods, it is necessary to emphasize that in practice the translation work they are not used in isolation, but in conjunction with each other. Exclusively use only one of them has the effect of overloading or transferable foreign-language text or verbal material "exoticism" (with transliteration and transcription), or excessive expansion of the text (with descriptive, circumlocutory mode), or leads to a complete loss of national specificity (at likens translation) or to the depletion of the real meaning (at hyper anomic transfer).
Experts studying non-equivalent vocabulary push virtually the same offer to transfer culturally-specific words, they differ only in their use of preferences. So, based on the classification of words, V.S. Vinogradov offers the following ways to translate the word-reality:
1) transcription and transliteration;
2) hyper anomic translation;
3) the assimilation;
4) circumlocutory (narrative, descriptive, explicative) translation;
5) tracing [6. 56-61].
Other authors believe that the reality is mainly transmitted transcription, transliteration and tracings. N.A. Fenenko not offer new ways of transferring, but explains the process justifies the choice of transfer depending on the type of reality, and hence to the semantic and stylistic load, which in reality is text. Direct appeal to the reality, which is close to the recipient, is widely used in the story, which reduces the exoticism of the text and to avoid gaps related to the lack of native English culture background knowledge needed to understand the culture-specific lexical units.
Kind of classification of occasional correspondences that are created without a translator in the translation equivalent vocabulary leads V.N. Commissioners. In the field of translation without an equivalent vocabulary, in his opinion, the following types of occasional conformity:
1. Compliance borrowing, reproducing in the form of foreign language words. Such correspondences are created with the translation or transliteration of transcription;
2. Compliance with tracing paper, reproducing the morphemic structure of a word or phrase components of sustainable;
3. The corresponding analogue generated by find himself a short on the value of unity;
4. Correspondences lexical substitutions, created in the transmission value without the equivalent words in the context of a single species of translational transformations;
5. Use the description in failing to create matching the above methods [4, c. 223-226].
As we can see, the author does not define the modes of transmission realities; he notes conformity, which result from the application of a transfer admission.
In summary, we can conclude that the absence of direct equivalents to certain ranks of lexical items in the vocabulary of another language does not mean their "untranslatability" in that language. It has an interpreter is available, as has been said, not one but a number of tools that make it possible to convey the original meaning of the vocabulary units in speech, in particular the text.
2.2 Characteristic features of journalistic English
To newspaper and journalistic style are typical of all language functions except for aesthetic and contact-making. It should, however, mention that this is not true of all news stories. Articles and commentary are to a greater or lesser extent to the scientific approach that, by the artistic text and have an appropriate set of features. However, correct to say that the aesthetic and contact-making functions are not available, and have a special character and executed mainly graphically: fonts, headings, which must strike the eye and attract attention even from a distance, striping and distribution of a variety of articles on pages than increases the chance of each article to catch the eye of the reader, the special headings to paragraphs.
General stylistic pattern of English and American press is colorful, from the "respectable" of the City and Wall Street, and ending with the "yellow" tabloid press.
For the practical work of the translator the most important are the following features of the British press:
1. Conversational nature of some familiar materials.
2. "Prettification" style use of jargon paraphrase.
3. Official titles and addresses.
4. The special character of the headlines.
5. A special method of separating paragraphs.
6. Lexical features of newspaper and informational materials.
7. Use of the terms.
For British and American newspaper articles characterized by the use conversational turns in the most serious on the content of the texts. For example, the English newspaper "Daily Worker" wrote in its issue dated 10 November 1962 of the criticism, which was subjected to the Bonn Defence Minister Strauss at a meeting of the Bundestag:
One admission by Herr Strauss was accidental. Pressed into a corner about whether it wasn't time to have a new de-nazification in his Ministry? He ran round the question.
Instead of answering he took the line of "you're another", that other West German Ministries and the police had still more ex-nazis in them than his own Ministry.
Unusual, in our view, is the familiarity with which the British and American press treats her like statesmen and foreign. The heads of state and ministers are called by their names in the newspaper: Bob Kennedy (Robert Kennedy), their names familiarly cut: Mac (Macmillan), etc. All of these familiar, conversational forms have long been familiar to the English reader, do not catch the eye and do not impress any special liberties or mischief. If you keep them in the translation, then by Russian readers they will produce much more impressive because of their singularity. Thus compromised when translating stylistic coloring of the original, as is normal for the English reader the text will be given an unusual Russian text that will be perceived by Russian reader as something frivolous and inappropriate familiarity. Therefore, the most appropriate here is not to pass such genre features for the sake of adequate transmission of the nature of the genre as a whole: in English if it is material information and descriptive genre, then the translation should have all the characteristics that this genre has in the Russian language. The widespread use of the information in the newspaper-style names and the names of specific makes and carries a message transmitted information to certain persons, institutions or areas. This involves considerable preliminary (background) knowledge from the receptor, allowing it to connect with the name of the called object. For example, the English Receptors outside the context of well-known that Park Lane - a street, Piccadilly Circus - square, and Columbia Pictures - Film Company.
The second feature of this genre is the desire of British and American authors glossed dry message using some slang, paraphrases, etc. On the basis of the same considerations preserve the stylistic features of the genre in the Russian language, these "switch" is usually not transmitted in translation:
In another "Let's get cracking" Note, the Soviet Union today proposed next Thursday as the starting date for Ambassadors' talks in Moscow to prepare a Summit conference. (Daily Worker, London, April, 1958)
В новой ноте, предлагающей приступить к непосредственной подготовке совещания в верхах, Советский Союз назвал сегодня следующий четверг в качестве даты начала переговоров послов в Москве.
Along with the familiar, conversational coloration of many materials of this genre, it is possible to note some opposite tendencies. The information and materials descriptive of British and American newspapers have always taken to indicate the title of a political figure, even when it is subjected to the most unsparing criticism. If the name of the politician used without mentioning the title or position, it is always placed before the reduction of Mr (Mister) or Mrs. (Mistress). Thus, Adenauer - is always Chancellor Adenauer or Doctor Adenauer, Mr McMillan. Macmillan, de Gaulle - General de Gaulle, Churchill-Sir Winston Churchill (or Sir Winston). The paper can be called Chai Kai-shek and the leader of a gang of thugs at the same time may preface his name or the title of generalissimo word mister. Even the sad memory of Hitler's henchman Goebbels referred to the British and American press (including Communist) Dr. Goebbels (Dr. Goebbels). All of these titles are in English text of purely formal significance and does not reflect special respect to the author of the article referred to the residents. Therefore, when moving these titles typically omitted. Exceptions are special official texts in which they are transferred, and Mr. and Mrs, respectively translated Mr. and Mrs., not Mr. and Mrs. Final versions are used only when translating literature to preserve national colors.
2.3 Language features of the English-language press
Language of newspaper, of course, has certain characteristics that distinguish it from the language of artistic or scientific literature, from speaking. This is the result of a long selection of language, expression.
Language newspaper reports, historically in the English language has a number of common features, which vary from epoch to epoch, as well as many private of the identities of individual newspaper genres, publications.
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of newspaper vocabulary revealed a large percentage of proper names: place names, antroponymic names of institutions and organizations, etc. Higher compared with other styles of numerals and the percentage of all words related to the lexical and grammatical field of multiplicity, as well as an abundance of dates. A characteristic feature of the newspaper vocabulary is a large number of socio-political terms. Conspicuous feature of the newspaper style is the frequent use international words and neologisms. The latter are of great interest, as is often difficult to understand.
As you know, neologisms - words and phrases that are created for the concepts of political, scientific or commonly understood character formed by the current language in word-formation models and laws or borrowed from other languages.
In its structure and method of forming neologisms in language newspaper are represented in several versions. The most typical ways of formation of neologisms in the English language newspaper is the word formation (compounding, affixation, conversion, and reduction), the change of knowledge and borrowing words from other languages. Each of them has its own characteristics, so they should be dismantled separately.
Compounding as a type of word formation is a merger of two or more bases for the formation of a new word. For difficult English words are the most frequent formations consisting of two bases. Recently, in the English language, and especially American newspapers, a host of nouns formed by the conversion method of compounding combinations of verb and adverb. In some of them there is a clear repetition of the second component, which in some cases suggests that planned a definite relationship between the model and its value. Therefore it is often possible to predict the value of each new with this model formed by the word. We show that the example of words formed by using the - in. Words such as sit - in, teach - in the U.S. appeared in the press recently. They became particularly wide use since the U.S. aggression in Vietnam.
In other words, this complex type are:
Stay - in - пикетирование;
Ride - in - протест против дискриминации в отношении проезда негров в автобусах;
Sit - in - сидячая забастовка, например: Е1есtricians sitting in 2 North Sea platforms were flown off by helicopter offer oil rig bosses had threatened to stop supplying meals. The 17 electricians are protesting at 30 their colleagues being made redundant (MS). В заметке говорится об окончании сидячей забастовки нефтяников после угрозы со стороны хозяев о прекращении снабжения питанием бастующих, находящихся в открытом море на нефтепромысле.
A similar model is used to form nouns from verbs with other adverbs. Often one and the same dialect joins equal verbs. Typically, these words came into the language through different genres newspaper. For example:
Take-over - захват власти.
Switch-over - переход (на другую тему).
Push-over - легко преодолимое препятствие.
Drop-out - молодой человек; бросивший учебу.
Lay-out - человек, потерявший работу.
The formation of new words with prefixes and suffixes in the English language called affixation. For newspaper style characterized by the appearance of neologisms affixed with a set of affixes, as well as the unusual combination of bases and affixes that in other styles of speech are unproductive. In many cases, these affixes develop new values before they are not peculiar. For example: - ship.
This Anglo-Saxon suffix at one time was used for the formation of abstract nouns with a status value provisions, such as: friendship, leadership, lordship.
It has long been considered counter-productive, because for centuries the new words to him were not formed. In the newspaper vocabulary suffix - ship with the morpheme - man forms abstract nouns se the value of quality characteristic: brinkmanship, craffmanship, oneumanship, showmanship.
The same can be said about the non-productive suffix - don, who in a newspaper vocabulary began to be used to form new words, and thus gained productivity. For example: bangdom, bogdom, suckerdom. Among the commonly used widely suffixes should be called and the verb suffix - ise (-ize), which is particularly frequencies in the language of American newspapers:
factionalize - выдумывать;
itemize - рассматривать по пунктам;
leonize - выходить в открытый космос (образовано от фамилии космонавта А.А. Леонова);
Institutionalize - узаконить. Например: Their march from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square gave a sample of the massive strength, which the movement can mobilize to crush an evil (race discrimination) which had become almost institutionalized in Britain.
Westernize - европеизировать. Например: 18 000 pairs of eyes were recently westernized in Japan. Речь идет о косметической операции у японок c целью увеличения размера глаз на манер европейских.
Ranked Among the more commonly used prefixes of frequency are:
Anti, - pre-; anti-apartheid, anti-fascist, pre-capitalist, pre-election.
The transition from one part of speech to another, leading to the formation of a new word without changing its initial shape is called a conversion. This is another source of neologisms in the English language. Educated conversion, they are widely distributed in the newspaper vocabulary. High frequency of words is formed by conversion - one of the hallmarks of newspaper style. Most often it is verbs formed from nouns and nouns formed from verbs. It is worth noting that in the newly formed word often develop values, only indirectly related to the word-base.
For example, in the pair to hit - a hit; can observe an interesting development in the value of the noun. As a result, a number of translations and Redefining the Meaning of a hit has come to mean the success or something that is a success.
Another type of word formation, which is also a source of neologisms - is shrinking. The abundance of abbreviated words, especially common in the headlines is a characteristic feature of language newspaper.
Abbreviation, i.e. contraction of the words to one letter, for the most part to be spelled:
HO - Home Office;
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization;
WHO - World Health Organization;
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Typically, these abbreviations included in long use, are not explained in the text.
In order to speed up and simplify the reading and understanding of newspaper text in the language of newspaper reports used words and phrases repeated from room to room - newspaper stamps. They form a kind of newspaper style and terminology, in fact, constitute a newspaper stamps or clichй. They are like nothing else, reflect the traditional style of presentation in newspaper articles.
Foe example: international relations - международные отношения;
legitimate interests - законные интересы.
Clichйs are needed in newspaper-style, as they cause the desired instant association and do not allow ambiguity. Newspaper stamps can be divided into two groups:
* phrases, always use the same structure;
* phrase allowing the composition variation.
The first group is represented by a wide variety of structures. AN (adjective + noun):
Joint research - современные исследования.
Big business - большой бизнес.
V (А) N (глагол + существительное):
To have priority - пользоваться преимуществом
NN (существительное + существительное).
V ргер N (глагол + предлог + существительное):
To be in effect - быть в действии.
NNN (существительное + существительное + существительное):
Sрасе еxр1огation program - программа космических исследований.
АNN (прилагательное + существительное + существительное):
Manned space flight - космический полет с космонавтом на борту.
Вторая группа своего рода опорное слово, обладающее высокой частотностью в газетных текстах и варьирующееся лексическое окружение.
Примеры сочетания с существительными:
Community - группа, общественность;
national community - национальная группа;
world community - мировая общественность.
Complaint - жалоба;
to lodge a complaint - заявить протест.
Сочетание с прилагательными:
vital - issue, interest
racial - policy, tension
2.3.1 Translation tools of newspaper and journalistic texts
A characteristic feature of the English newspaper-style information is of diverse stylistic vocabulary. Along with the book vocabulary is widely used and spoken word poetry and combinations.
In the phraseology of newspaper and informative style excels in the use of "ready-made formulas" or clichйs. Here we find as many introductory momentum, indicating the source of the information (it is reported, it is claimed, our correspondent reports from, according to well-informed sources), stable combinations of imagery erased (to set the tone, to throw light, to lay the corner-stone, to give the lie), and a number of political clichйs such as: government reshuffle, vested interests, an unnamed Power, generation gap, a foregone conclusion, etc.
In the newspaper and informational materials are marked and some features of the syntactic organization of the text: the presence of short independent messages (1-3 utterance), consisting of long sentences with complex structures, the maximum splitting text into paragraphs, when almost every sentence begins on a new line, the presence of sub-headings in body of the text to enhance the interest of readers, the frequent use of multiple attribute group (Paris underground and bus transport services were stopped today by a 24-hour warning strike called by the CGT (French TUC) with the support of other unions). Particularly clear lexical and grammatical specific newspaper-style information appears in newspaper headlines. The function header English text - in a compressed form to convey the content of article, this manifests itself in a greater degree of descriptiveness English headline (52; 23).
In the vocabulary of English newspapers for headlines characterized by frequent use of a small number of special words that make up a sort of "header jargon": ban, bid, claim, crack, crash, cut, dash, hit, move, pact, plea, probe, quit, quiz , rap, rush, slash, etc. The distinctive feature of such a "header vocabulary" is not only the frequency of their use, but also the universality of its semantics. The word in the title pact could mean not only a "pact," but also a "contract", "deal", "deal", etc. The verb hit can be employed in connection with any critical performance. Bid implies a "call" and "invitation" and "an attempt to achieve a particular goal", etc.: National Gallery Launches Bid to Buy the Titian - National Gallery of trying to buy a painting by Titian; Bid to Stop New Police Powers - The call is not prevent the expansion of the rights of the police.
Newspaper headlines have a number of grammatical features. In English and American newspapers dominated verbal headings like:
Floods Hit Scotland, William Faulkner Is Dead, Exports to Russia Are Rising.
Verb phrase is usually stored as headings consisting of an interrogative sentence: Will There Be Another Major Slump Next Year?. A specific feature of the English title is the ability to drop the subject:
Hires Teen-Agers as Scabs, Want No War Hysteria in Toronto Schools, Hits Arrests of Peace Campaigners, etc.
British and American newspapers tend to use titles non-perfect verb. When it comes to events that occurred in the recent past, the present is usually used historical time: Russia Condemns West Provocation, Richard Aldington Dies 70, Concorde Lands at Heathrow. It is the most common type of headers; use of this historical time gives them a liveliness event brings to the reader, making it both a participant in these events, and therefore its interest to the published material. The Past Indefinite Tense is used in titles related to past events, mainly in cases where the title is an adverb of time, or if the reader knows that the event described happened at some point in the past: Husband Disappeared Two Years Ago. To indicate the future tense in the headers is widely used infinitive: America To Resume Testing.
An important feature of the British newspaper headlines is the prevalence in this elliptical passive voice with the omission of the auxiliary verb to be to describe events in the past and in the present tense: 8-Year-Old Boy Kidnapped in Miami.
English verb type headers are translated into Russian nominative construction, as this is consistent with the trend of the nomination Russian titles. Lack of knowledge of the skills of translation formations, as well as errors in the perception and the generation of the text leads to a distortion of the meaning of a text or a distortion of the rules and Language Usage. Of usual response header is generally much less information content in English and Russian: 6pm Shut down - The ban on alcohol.
In the headlines clearly evident and common features newspaper-style information, which have already been mentioned. Are well represented names and political terms [54;34].
The social situation of communication for the paper is very specific. Newspaper-information tool and a means of persuasion. It is designed for mass and, moreover, a very heterogeneous audience that she must keep, force yourself to read. Usually read a newspaper at a time when focus is difficult: the subway, the train, at the breakfast table, resting after work, at lunch time, filling vacant for some reason a short period of time, etc. Hence the need to organize a newspaper information to pass it quickly, concisely communicate basic, even if the article is not to be read to the end, and give the reader a certain emotional impact. The presentation should not require the reader to preparation, depending on the context should be minimal. However, along with the usual, a recurrent theme in the newspaper appears almost any topic, for some reason turns out to be relevant. Then, these new situations and arguments are also beginning to happen again. This repetition, as well as the fact that the journalist does not usually have time for a thorough treatment of the material, is leading to frequent use of clichйs.
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