Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

Исследование степеней сравнения прилагательных. Множественное число и притяжательный падеж существительных. Характеристика модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. Случаи употребления сослагательного наклонения. Основные формы и функции инфинитива.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык русский
Дата добавления 09.10.2016
Размер файла 175,7 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Кем был изобретен прибор?

Наша лаборатория оборудована современными компьютерами.

Простые времена в пассиве.

Простое настоящее

(Present Simple)

I am asked

You/we/they are asked

He/she is asked

Простое прошедшее (Past Simple)

I /he/she was asked

We/you/they were asked

Простое будущее

(Future Simple)

I/we shall/will/'ll be asked

He/she/it/you/they will/'ll be asked

Lasers are widely used in medical practice.

Man is continually exposed to invisible electromagnetic waves.

The investigations were/will be carried out with the ultrasound device.

Лазеры широко используются в медицинской практике.

Человек постоянно подвергается воздействию невидимых электромагнитных волн.

Исследования были/будут выполнены при помощи ультразвуковых приборов.

Длительные времена в пассиве.

Настоящее длительное

(Present Continuous)

I am being asked

You/we/they are being asked

He/she is being asked

Прошедшее длительное

(Past Continuous)

I/he/she was being asked

We/you/they were being asked

Формы будущего длительного времени в пассиве (I'll be being asked и т.д.) употребляются редко.

Ultrasound is being used in diagnostics and treatment.

Work in this field is being concluded jointly by scientists of different countries.

Ультразвук применяется в диагностике и лечении.

Работа в этой области ведется совместно учеными разных стран.

Совершенные времена в пассиве.

Настоящее совершенное

(Present Perfect)

I/you/we/they have been asked

He/she has been asked

Прошедшее совершенное

(Present Perfect)

I/you/he/she/it/we/they had been asked

Since 1983 large-scale introduction of remote telecardiodiagnostics has been realized in our country.

С 1983 года в нашей стране осуществлено крупномасштабное введение дистанционной телекардиодиагностики.

The equipment had been repaired by the time the work began.

Оборудование было отремонтировано к началу работ.

Формы будущего совершенного времени в пассиве употребляются крайне редко.

By 8 o'clock all the experiments will have been finished. К 8 часам все эксперименты будут закончены.

1. Read and translate the following sentences in the Passive Voice:

1. Almaty was founded in 1854. 2. The text has already been translated. 3. Books by Jack London are read by many readers with great interest. 4. Many books by American writers have been translated into Russian. 5. When was our University set up? 6. This grammar rule is being discussed at the lesson today. 7. When was the capital transferred from Almaty to Astana? 8. What specialists are trained at this University? 9. All the exams will be passed by me well. 10. Some new phrases must be used in your story. 11. What questions are being discussed now? 12. He was being told the news when I entered the room. 13. The article will be translated at the lesson. 14. The experiment has been carried out successfully, and the results will soon be published. 15. During the experiment the temperature was maintained at the point of 20 degrees. 16. The new apparatus had already been installed when the delegation arrived. 17. The letter will be answered at once. 18. I am often helped by my elder brother.

2. Change these sentences according to the given model. Change the adverbs accordingly:

M o d e l: A lot of business letters are translated every day.

A lot of business letters were translated last week.

A lot of business letters will be translated tomorrow.

1. He is often sent on business abroad. 2. These books are sold everywhere.

3. Professor Brown is usually asked a lot of questions after his lectures. 4. What questions are discussed during business talks? 5. Passengers are taken to the plane a few minutes before it takes off. 6. Whose pictures are shown there? 7. Tickets for planes are booked in advance.

3. Choose a proper form (active or passive). Mind the word order where necessary:

1. Kazakhstan (washes, is washed) by the Caspian Sea in the west. 2. At our Institute the students (teach, are taught) English, German, French. 3. My friend (has finished, has been finished) the translation of this text. 4. I am sure the exams (will pass, will be passed) successfully. 5. This event (is reporting, is being reported) about in all newspapers. 6. Our laboratory (equips, is equipped) well. It's interesting to work there. 7. (Did-write, was-written) his test without mistakes? 8. A very interesting competition (organized, was organized) by this sport club last week. 9. Specialists of high qualification (train, are trained) at Oxford University. 10. English (speaks, is spoken) in many countries of the world.

4. Choose the sentences which cannot be turned from Active into Passive:

1. They didn't ask her name. 2. Michael saw Mary in the park. 3. Has anyone answered your question? 4. They danced all night. 5. On Sunday evening we all met at my friends. 6. Someone told us a funny story yesterday. 7. You can't park your car in the street before this office. 8. This kind of flowers doesn't bloom very often. 9. His parents have brought him up to be polite. 10. The plane from Los Angeles was several hours late. 10. The fire has caused considerable damage. 11. My shoes don't fit me. 12. People must obey the law. 13. He was having a bath, when the telephone rang. 13. A famous designer will decorate the hall.

5. Change the following sentences from active to passive form. Keep the same tense with each change:

1. The students saw this English film. 2. He left his notebook at home. 3. She has just finished her report. 4. I bought this book yesterday. 5. My friend has already taken this newspaper. 6. He is working at his English successfully. 7. Did you buy tickets for this performance yesterday? 8. The students attend lectures and tutorials with interest. 9. You have done this experiment successfully. 10. They translated this text last time. 11. You can find many interesting books in our library. 12. You must learn as many new English words as you can.

6. Change the following sentences from passive to active form. Keep the same tense with each change. Use any suitable subject:

1. This mountain has never been climbed before. 2. She told me that those newspapers had been carefully put away. 3. Why have these cups been put here in this cupboard? 4. After Nick had been told to go home at once he hurried there.

5. Invitations have been sent to all famous people of the city. 6. This play will be staged at the beginning of the next season. 7. A new concert hall is being built in our street now. 8. Have the rules of the game been explained to you?

7. Put the sentences into the Passive Voice where possible:

1. Someone will drive you to the airport. 2. Goldfish live in fresh water. 3. The Egyptians built pyramids. 4. We walked 4 miles yesterday. 5. They arrived at 7 last night. 6. They informed me about it. 7. I slept till eight o'clock. It was raining.

8. You must obey the rules. 9. You can buy videos like this anywhere. 10. Someone has to write the history of this place. 11. They have sold their car to pay the debts. 12. They hold a meeting in the village hall once a week. 13. They have proved that there is no life on the Moon.

8. Give the corresponding passive construction:

1. We looked through the advertisements very attentively. 2. The gardener gathered all the dry leaves and set fire to them. 3. People will talk much about the successful debut of the young actress, no doubt. 4. You can rely upon your guide's experience. 5. You should send the sick man to hospital. They will look after him much better there. 6. He was glad that nobody took notice of his late arrival. 7. He was a brilliant speaker, and, whenever he spoke the audience listened to him with great attention. 8. Why did they laugh at him? 9. Nobody ever refer to that incident again. 10. She was unwell and we sent for the doctor.

9. Translate the sentences into English using the Passive Voice:

1. На вокзале его всегда встречают друзья (to meet). 2. В нашем университете обучают трем языкам (to teach). 3. Эта проблема обсуждается сейчас в печати (to discuss). 4. Специальным предметам нас будут обучать на третьем и четвертом курсах (to teach). 5. Во время занятия много говорилось о нашей будущей профессии (to speak of). 6. Я думаю, экзамены будут сданы нами успешно (to pass). 7. На занятиях по английскому языку нужно говорить по-английски (to speak). 8. Тема «Моя будущая профессия» будет изучаться в следующем семестре (to study). 9. Работа выполнена Вами хорошо (to do).

10. Меня спрашивали на прошлом уроке (to ask). 11. Некоторые отрасли промышленности в нашей стране высоко развиты (to develop).

The Sequence of Tenses. Direct and Indirect Speech

Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в прошедшем времени, то сказуемое придаточного предложения (преимущественно дополнительного) не может употребляться в форме настоящего или будущего времени - оно должно быть выражено одним из прошедших времен.

В этом случае все времена в придаточном предложении сдвигаются на одну ступеньку вниз:

Present Indefinite (do, does)

Past Indefinite (did)

Present Continuous

(am, is, are doing )

Past Continuous (was/were doing)

Past Indefinite (did)

Past Perfect (had done)

Present Perfect (have/has done)

Past Perfect (had done)

Simple Future (shall/ will do)

Future in the Past (should/ would do)

Modal Verbs can, may must

Could, might, must/ had to

При изменении утверждений из прямой речи в косвенную следует поступать следующим образом, учитывая закон согласования времен:

Mary said: “I live here” - Mary said that she lived there.

Мэри сказала: « Я живу здесь». Мэри сказала, что она живет здесь.

Pete told: “I've been here for two hours” - Pete told that he had been there for two hours.

Петя сказал: « Я здесь уже два часа». - Петя сказал, что он пробыл здесь два часа.

He said: “I am busy /was busy/ will be busy”. He said to me/ told me that he was busy/ had been busy/ would be busy.

Он сказал: “Я занят/ был занят/ буду занят”. Он сказал, что он занят/ был занят/ будет занят.

Изменяются определения и обстоятельства

Прямая речь Косвенная речь

here there

this that

these those

now then

today that day

next week the next week, the following week

tomorrow the next day

Indirect General Questions

При изменении общего вопроса из прямой речи в косвенную нужно соблюдать закон согласования времен, помнить, что вопросы в косвенной речи имеют прямой порядок слов и использовать связующие “ли” - if или whether:

She asked: “Do you live in this city, Tom?” - She asked Tom if (whether) he lived in that city.

Pete: “Can you speak German, Mike?” - Pete asked Mike if he could speak German.

Indirect Special Questions

Изменяя специальные вопросы из прямой речи в косвенную, соблюдайте следующие правила:

а) следуйте закону согласования времен;

б) сохраняйте прямой порядок слов после вопросительного слова: подлежащее + сказуемое. Вопросительные слова: where, when, what, why, how, who(m), whose, what time, which, how many(much), how long, how far;

в) не употребляйте вспомогательный глагол.

e.g. He asked: “What are you doing, Nick?” He asked Nick what he was doing.

She asked: “How have you done it?” She asked me how I had done it.

Indirect Command and Request

Глагол в повелительном наклонении заменяется инфинитивом.

She said: “Be in time, please” - She asked me to be in time.

The doctor said: “Don't take these pills!” - The doctor told me not to take those pills.

1. Translate into Russian:

1. My friend said that he had finished his scientific research the day before. 2. The teacher asked us when Byron was born. We said that Byron was born on January 22, 1788. 3. They said that they were going to take their exam in history the next week. 4. I was asked if I knew about our meeting. I said that I should be there at 5 o'clock. 5. His sister told me that she would study medicine at the Institute. 6. The students said that the story for home reading was very interesting. They also said that they liked detective stories. 7. He said that he had worked in the Far East two years before. 8. We were told that we could go in for different sports at our University. 9. They asked when the conference would take place. 10. She said that she would speak to them if she saw them the next day. 11. He asked me when I was leaving for Astana. 12. They told us to take part in the sport competition on Saturday. 13. We didn't know if our friend was married. 14. The students said that they would study many new subjects the next year.

2. Choose the right word:

1. He asked me if I had visited my friends (yesterday, the day before). 2. They said the scientific conference would take place (the next day, tomorrow). 3. I was asked when I was going to return (here, there). 4. I am sure that (this, that) is well-known all over the world. 5. She said she would take part in scientific work (next year, the next year). 6. They knew their friends were going to Almaty (now, then). 7. He said he had been to the city Smolensk a year (ago, before). 8. We are told that we shall take our English exam (next year, the next year). 9. He said that the lecture in History of Kazakhstan would take place (today, that day). 10. She said that we could find the articles in (these, those) journals. 11. They didn't know if they would watch the football match (tomorrow, the next day).

3. Use the required tense-aspect forms in the following sentences, observing the rules of the Sequence of Tenses where necessary:

1. When I went into the office next morning I already (to formulate) my plan.

2. Well, I don't think I ever (to see) you before. 3. She ended by saying that she (to think) she (to make) a mistake. 4. He knew what (to go on) in their minds. 5. So I went into the living room where my aunt already (to wait) for me. 6. She telephoned her husband to the office to say that her brother (to return) from abroad). 7. An old friend rang up to ask how Elizabeth (to feel) and whether she (can) go with his wife to the concert on Sunday morning. 8. Most of the trees already (to put) out their leaves and there were buds everywhere. 9. He remembered that he (not to see) Lily for three weeks. 10. She hadn't yet figured out what she (to be) going to do and she (to hope) she (to be able) to wait a little. 11. Everybody thought that they (to live) in happiness for nearly thirty years. 12. She didn't know why she (to invent) suddenly the story.

4. Explain how the rules of the Sequence of Tenses work in these clauses. Translate the sentences:

1. She called my mother to say that they had just got a telegram from Boston announcing that Henry's brother had been married in Germany. 2. I knew she was going to tell me what had happened. 3. He knew that his mother would think he was seriously ill and would probably speak to the teacher. 4. He wanted to return to his house to see how Billy was doing and tell him that he would go to California in two or three days. 5. Rudy decided that he would have to tell Bogart that it was impossible for him to appear before the board the next day, but that he would offer to do so any other day.

5. Give your reasons as to why the rules of the Sequence of Tenses are not observed in the following sentences:

1. She says she is free tomorrow. 2. He spoke with the satisfaction of a competent workman who knows his job from A to Z. 3. The teacher told the children that water boils at 100? C. 4. Galileo proved that the Earth moves round the Sun. 5. The speaker said that all the peoples want peace. 6. Monty told me that he had no permit for the gun, and that in England it is illegal to own a gun without a permit. 7. We knew that he plays tennis well. 8. Billy folded his arms and leaned back. 9. “I told you I don't like milk “.

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Она сказала, что была очень занята и давно не была в театре. 2. Я был уверен, что он сказал вам, что получил от нее письмо. 3. Я был удивлен, что вы не сказали им, что собираетесь ехать в Дувр. 4. Я думал, что вы прочитаете в газете, что делегация уже прибыла в Москву. 5. Он обещал, что скажет вам, что я уже вернулся и хочу видеть вас. 6. Она боялась, что вы скажете, что не можете помочь ей. 7. Я знал, что он чувствует, что я недоволен результатами его опытов. 8. Я был уверен, что он уже знает, что мы вернулись с юга. 9. Он сказал, что пошлет телеграмму, если не получит известий от брата. 10. Роберт сказал, что его жена все еще в больнице, и он собирается навестить её вечером. 11. Наш гид сказал, что автобус только что пришел и отправится в Глазго через час. 12. Учительница сказала, что мы должны повторить все правила, если хотим сдать экзамен хорошо. 13. Она думала, что завтра будет хорошая погода. 14. Мы слышали, что вы свободны, решили, что сможете помочь нам.

7. Change from Direct into Indirect Speech:

1. He said, “Bernard Shaw was given the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925”. 2. “When will the Music Festival take place in Edinburg?” she asked. 3. He said, “I shan't be able to attend the meeting tomorrow”. 4. “Are you going to visit your parents on Sunday” they asked me. 5. My friend said to me: “Please wait for me a little”. 6. “How long did you do your homework?” the teacher asked us. 7. My friend said to me, “I know that you are going to take part in our scientific conference” 8. She said, “I have already met this man”. 9. “Can you help me to translate this article?” my brother asked me. 10. The students said, “We have passed our exam in History”. 11. “Were you born in Moscow?” he asked me. 12. The teacher said to us: “Please bring your dictionaries for the next lesson”. 13. She said: “I didn't watch TV yesterday”. 14. He said to us: “Don't tell anybody about it.” 15. “What foreign languages did you study at your school?” she asked me. 16. The father said: “I haven't read today's newspaper yet.”

8. Make the following sentences indirect:

1. He said,

“The students need more practice in speaking”.

“These exercises are too difficult for me”.

“I don't feel well today”.

“Nobody can do this work as well as my friend”.

“I'll come back in a few minutes”.

“I have already seen this film”.

2. She asked me,

“Where does your sister live?”

“How old are you?”

“What time is it?”

“Where are you going?”

“How long have you studied English?”

“Do you like to study at this University?”

3. I didn't know,

“Where does she work?”

“Where did your brother go?”

“Does he know history well?”

“What is her husband's name?'

“When will he visit his friends?”

4. I said to him,

“Wait for me outside”.

“Come back in an hour”.

`Don't tell anybody about it”.

“Go to the cinema at once”.

“Bring me the textbook in economy”.

9. Change the following sentences into Direct Speech:

1. My sister said that she hadn't got a watch. 2. The teacher told his students that he was pleased with their work. 3. I told him that I hadn't seen his brother for a long time. 4. I told my mother that Henry was studying medicine at the University. 5. She told the grocer that she didn't want any sugar. 6. We told the teacher that we didn't understand his question. 7. I told the taxi driver that he was driving too fast. 8. She said that her children were playing in the garden. 9. The teacher said that the students would read the text the next day.10. She asked me to buy some bread on my way home. 11. Mike asked me if I had read “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. 12. I asked Mike what he had seen at the exhibition. 13. The mother asked Marat not to go there alone. 14. Jack said that he often went to see Bob.

10. Find the mistake and correct it:

1. I wonder what does he do all day long. 2. She asked them what colour were they going to print the living-room. 3. The customs officer asked Dan if he has got anything to declare. 4. They said the lecture was to begin in the afternoon. 5. I'd like to know where are they. 6. Could you tell me why you look so upset? 7. I was sorry I couldn't met her after classes. 8. I don't know why they had not kept their promise to take us with them. 9. Why didn't you say that we must translate the whole article? 10. We were told that our parents will be coming back on Saturday. 11. He said he thought it is rather silly idea and he was not going to take part in it. 12. Do you know if Jane has received a letter from her American pen-pal? 13. Do you know that they had been left for London? 14. He asked whether I would go there next year.15. Can you tell me is there a cafй near here?

11. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Интересно, в какой гостинице они остановились? - Я полагаю, что они остановились в «Гранд-Отеле». В прошлый раз они тоже останавливались там. 2. Директор нашего офиса попросил меня позвонить в ресторан «Прага» и заказать два столика на завтра. 3. Он спросил меня, есть ли лифт в том новом здании. 4. Интересно, какая завтра будет погода. 5. Мой друг спросил, когда я смогу навестить его снова. 6. Представитель фирмы сообщил нам новый адрес их лондонской конторы. 7. Я не знаю, кто он по национальности, но он очень хорошо говорит по-английски. 8. Интересно, сколько рейсов совершают самолеты в Астану ежедневно? - Одну минутку. Я сейчас проверю это. 9. - У вас с собой ключ от нашего офиса? - Нет. Я брал его вчера, но вернул. 10. Администратор гостиницы сказал, что он может предложить мне очень хороший номер на одного человека на 5-м этаже. 11. Они спросили меня, когда начинается мой рабочий день. 12. Он спросил, какую музыку любят мои друзья. 13. Мы спросили его, кто из его друзей знает два иностранных языка. 14. Журналисты спросили писателя, над какой книгой он работает. 15.Она спросила меня, где я был вчера. 16. Они спросили моего друга, как он провел летние каникулы. 17. Я спросила у неё, где она купила пальто. 18. Я спросила у него, какие еще французские книги он прочитал за последнее время. 19. Друзья спросили его, куда он ездил в прошлое воскресенье. 20. Родители спросили нас, что мы собираемся делать летом.

The Subjunctive Mood

Conditional Sentences

I type


Subordinate Clause

Principle Clause


If it looks like rain,

If I have more time,

If he is working on Friday,

we'll stay at home.

I'll go for a walk.

he won't be able to go with us.

Предложения нереального условия (II type), относящиеся к настоящему или будущему, строятся по следующей формуле:

If I were not busy now, we should go for a walk.

Если бы я не был сейчас занят, мы пошли бы погулять

If you went to London with us, you would see a lot of places of interest there.

Если бы ты поехал с нами в Лондон, ты бы увидел там много интересных мест.

Предложения нереального условия (III type), относящиеся к прошлому, строятся по формуле:

В придаточном предложении употребляется Past Perfect смыслового глагола, а в главном предложении глаголы would, should, а также could, might и перфектный инфинитив смыслового глагола.

If he had visited the factory yesterday, he would have seen this machine tool in operation.

Если бы он посетил вчера завод, он бы увидел этот станок в действии.

Существуют два вида предложений смешанного типа (IV type) нереального условия.

В первом смешанном типе - условие относится к прошлому, тогда как следствие - к настоящему или будущему

If you had taken your medicine yesterday, you would be well now.

Если бы ты принял лекарство вчера, ты был бы сейчас здоров.

Во втором смешанном типе предложений условие относится к настоящему или будущему, а следствие - к прошлому:

If I were more attentive, I shouldn't have made so many mistakes in the test.

Если бы я был более внимательным (вообще), я бы не сделал так много ошибок в тесте.

1. Open the brackets and make up sentences according to the model:

Model: If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.

If you are free, I shall come to see you tomorrow.

If you were free, I should come to see you now.

If you had been free yesterday, I should have come to see you.

1. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone. 2. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 3. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 4. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together. 5. If she (to know) English well, she (to try) to enter the Foreign Languages Department. 6. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 7. If my mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea-party. 8. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry). 9. If you (to work) systematically, you (not to fail) at your exams.

2. Read and translate these sentences:

1. I should give up smoking if I were you. 2. He would do the job if he had time. 3. What would you do if you had a high temperature? 4. They would not miss the train if they started for the station right away. 5. If we had time we could go sightseeing tomorrow morning. 6. If I were you I should grant their request. 7. If I had a lot of money I should travel around the world. 8. But for your help I shouldn't have translated the text. 9. But for planes we couldn't cover long distances so quickly. 10. If it were not for hot weather we shouldn't go to the beach.

3. Change conditional sentences of type I into sentences of type II:

1. If you take this medicine it will do you good. 2. If I am not so busy I shall go to the concert. 3. If she takes bus 27 she will get there in a quarter of an hour.4. If you put on your glasses you will see better. 5. If you get to know them well you will grow fond of them. 6. What shall we do if they are late? 7. If he goes out without his coat on he will catch a cold. 8. Will you be very angry if we don't come? 9. If the weather keeps fine we shall stay in the country for a week. 10. They will be all surprised if I make such a mistake. 11. If he doesn't come in time shall we wait for him? 12. If the cast is good I'll go to see the play.

4. Answer the questions:

1. Where would you go if you took a holiday in winter? 2. What would you do if you were free tonight? 3. What would you start sightseeing with if you found yourself in London? 4. Would you go to see the film a second time if you liked the production? 5. How would you spend the week-end if the weather were nasty? 6. What other language would you start learning if you had time? 7. What would you do if you won 1.000.000$? 8. What would you do if you were a king (queen)?

5. Read and translate these sentences:

1. I should have called on him yesterday, if I had known of his arrival. 2. If I had not been told his name, I should never have recognized him. 3. You would not have caught cold, if you had had your coat on. 4. If you had taken the medicine yesterday, the temperature would have gone down. 5. If he had not helped us yesterday, the project would not have been completed. 6. If you had arrived a few minutes earlier, you would have met him. 7. She would have shown us places of interest yesterday, if she had not been so busy. 8. I should not have finished the article last week, if he hadn't helped me. 9. They could have caught the train, if they had started earlier. 10. They would have gone down to the country last Saturday, if it had not rained hard. 11. I should have called on you yesterday, if I had not had to do my home-work. 12. If he had liked the play, he would have gone to the theatre

6. Open the brackets and make the sentences of type I (of a real condition):

1. If I (to see) John, I (to tell) him your news. 2. He (to be) very pleased if it (to be) really true. 3. If you (to go) to town on Monday, you (to meet) my brother Tom. 4. If you (to need) help, my father (to help) you. 5. We (to have) a picnic lunch if the day (to be) fine. 6. If you (to ask) a policeman, he (to tell) you the way. 7. I (to finish) the job tomorrow if I (to can). 8. I (not / to require) an umbrella if it (not / to rain). 9. If she (to think) it over carefully, she (to form) a clear opinion. 10. If they (to catch) the bus now, they (to arrive) at half past nine. 11. He (to find) the answers if he (to look) at the back of the book. 12. If you (to want) me to, I (to come) for a walk with you. 13. If he (to write) to her, she (to answer) at once. 14. If you (to wait) a few moments, the waiter (to bring) your coffee. 15. He (to lose) weight if he (to stop) eating too much. 16. If she (to be) patient, I (to try) to explain. 17. I (to wear) a purple tie only if I (to must). 18. If we (to leave) at once, we (to catch) the early train. 19. If he (to do) that again, his father (to punish) him. 20. If she (drink) this medicine, she (to feel) much better.

7. Open the brackets and make the sentences a) of a real condition, b) of an unreal condition referring to present:

1. If I (to know), I (to tell) you. 2. If she (to want) to talk she (to ring up). 3. Her health (to improve) if she (to sleep) longer. 4. If he (to have) enough money, he (to buy) a large house. 5. She (to feel) lonely if Peter (to go) out every evening. 6. We (to be) pleased to see you if you (to arrive). 7. If we (to can) come on Sunday, we (to come). 8. I (to understand) Mr. Smith if he (to speak) slowly. 9. We (not / to go) by ship unless there (to be) no other way. 10 If you (not / to give) him good meals, he (not / to be able) to work hard.

8. Change the sentences of type II into the sentences of type III:

1. If she weren't tired, she could do this work better. 2. He would do more work if he were able. 3. I should live better if I earned more money. 4. If I knew the answer, I should tell you. 5. He wouldn't come unless you invited him. 6. We shouldn't remember it if it weren't so strange. 7. If I had time, I would help you. 8. Peter would come if you wanted him to. 10. If you wrote more often, you would receive more letters. 11. They would prefer to keep it if they could. 12. I would buy it by myself if I had money. 13. If they offered it to me for nothing, I wouldn't take it. 14. I should break a promise if I answered your question. 15. If you swore to keep a secret, I would tell you.

9. Match the parts of sentences in A and B columns:


1. If I go on a diet

a. we'll make a snowman

2. If it's sunny tomorrow

b. I'll buy you some chocolate

3. If John doesn't hurry

c. she'll have to take a taxi

4. If it snows

d. I'll lose weight

5. If there are no buses

e. he'll be late

6. If you are a good girl

f. we'll go for a picnic

10. Open the bracket, using the verbs in the necessary tense form:

John Smith is in prison. How did it happen? If John (not / to oversleep), he (not / to be) late for work. If he (not / to be) late for work, his boss (not / to fire) him. If John (not / to lose) his job, he (not / to need) money and he (not / to rob) the bank. If he (not / to rob) the bank, the police (not / to arrest) him.

11. Make up sentences according to the model:

Model: Daniel had fallen ill. (put on coat / catch cold)

Daniel wouldn't have caught cold if he had put on coat.

1. Nick has broken his leg. (сlimb ladder / break his leg) 2. Mr. Davidson had got a smashed car. (drive carefully / avoid accident) 3. John Smithson was the second in the competition. (run faster / win the race) 4. Chris has cut his finger (play with knife / cut finger)

12. Complete the situation

1. He is busy and does not come to see us. If ... . 2. The girl didn't study well last year and received bad marks. If ... . 3. He broke his bicycle and so he didn't go to the country. If ... . 4. He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If ... . 5. I had a bad headache yesterday, that's why I didn't come to see you. If ... . 6. The ship was sailing near the coast, that's why it struck a rock. If ... . 7. He was not in town, therefore he was not present at our meeting. If ... . 8. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg. If ... . 9. The sea is rough, and we cannot sail to the island. If ... . 10. They made a fire, and the frightened wolves ran away. If ... . 11. It is late, and I have to go home. If ... . 12. I was expecting my friend to come, that's why I couldn't go to the cinema with you. If ... . 13. He always gets top marks in mathematics because it is his favourite subject and he works a lot at it. If ... . 14. I didn't translate the article yesterday because I had no dictionary. If ... . 15. We lost our way because the night was pitch-dark. If ... . 16. The box was so heavy that I couldn't carry it. That's why I took a taxi. If ... .

13. Make up Conditional sentences:

1. The travelers had no camera with them, so they could not take photos of the beautiful scenery. If ... . 2. There was no sugar left, so we had to go to the shop late in the evening. If ... . 3. This house is very nice and comfortable, but it is not very good for living because it is situated close to a chemical plant and the air around is very bad. If ... . 4. He is an excellent specialist, but I can't ask his advice because I'm not acquainted with him. If ... . 5. You cannot enjoy this merry evening party because you have a toothache. If ... 6. You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that's why you always make many mistakes. If ... . 7. You did not ring me up, so I did not know you were in trouble. If .. . 8. You left the child alone in the room, so he hurt himself. If ... . 9. They spent a year in the tropics, so they got very sun-tanned. If ... . 10. It rained heavily, so we got drenched to the skin. If ... . 11. Why didn't you watch the cat? It ate all the fish. If ... . 12. A huge black cloud appeared from behind the forest, so we had to turn back and hurry home. If ... . 13. We shall not go to see them because it is very late. If ... . 14. Naturally she was angry, because you were in her way. If ... .

14. Open the brackets using the verbs in the necessary tense-form:

1. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I should certainly have told her all about it. 2. If you (to do) your morning exercises every day, you health would be much better. 3. If he is not very busy, he (to agree) to go to the museum with us. 4. If I (not to be) present at the lesson, I should not have understood this difficult rule. 5. If they (to know) it before, they would have taken measures. 6. If you really loved music, you (to go) to concerts much more often. 7. If you had not wasted so much time, you not (to miss) the train. 8. If you (not to miss) the train, you would have arrived in time. 9. If you had written the test- paper successfully, you (not to get) a “two”. 10. If I (not to know) English, I should not be able to enjoy Byron's poetry. 11. The dish would have been much more tasty, if she (to be) a better cook. 12. If I (to have) his telephone number, I should easily settle the matter with him. 13. He (not to go) there, if his family had not been invited. 14. If he liked children, he (to work) at school.

15. Complete the following sentences:

1. If I didn't have a lot of things to do… 2. They would publish his story if … 3. If he were interested in … 4. If she hadn't followed my advice … 5. How would you react if …? 6. I wouldn't think of changing my job if … 7. He wouldn't buy this picture if … 8. We would have flown to California if … 9. If I read more about the history of this country … 10. We should have stayed in San Francisco longer if … 11. We could have taken photos of all the sights if … 12. I shouldn't have been so tired when we got to the town if … 13. If I had known that you were in hospital … 14. If you had arrived ten minutes earlier … 15. I shouldn't have believed it if … 16. If you had told me that he never paid his debts … 17. If she hadn't a headache …

16. Translate into English:

1.На её месте я бы завтра объяснил все преподавателю. 2. На вашем месте я бы осмотрел город сегодня. У вас достаточно времени. 3.Если бы он мог поехать отдохнуть в горы, он бы быстро выздоровел. 4. Если бы хорошая погода удержалась, мы бы поехали за город на субботу и воскресенье.

5. Если бы вы больше читали английских книг, вы бы лучше знали английский язык. 6. Если бы вы позвонили ему сейчас, вы бы могли поговорить с ним. 7. Если бы он не устал так сильно в воскресенье, он бы присоединился к вам. 8. Если бы вы не свернули направо, вы бы не заблудились. 9. Если бы не отвратительная погода, дети смогли бы погулять утром. 10. Если бы у нее вчера не болела так сильно голова, она бы закончила перевод. 11. Если бы ты попросил его вчера вечером, он зашел бы на почту и отправил бы телеграмму. 12. Если бы вы все объяснили ему, он бы помог вам. 13. Если бы вы его встретили сейчас, вы бы его не узнали. 14. Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы посоветовался бы с родителями. 15. Если бы не дождь, мы могли бы пойти погулять. 16. Если бы не ваша помощь, я бы не закончил работу вовремя.

Other cases of using the Subjunctive Mood

Помимо использования в условных предложениях сослагательное наклонение может употребляться для выражения нереального действия в следующих случаях:

а) после глагола wish.

Пожелание на будущее

She will not tell me. Она мне не скажет.

He isn't going to be here. Его здесь не будет.

He can't come tomorrow. Он не сможет прийти завтра.

I wish she would tell me. Я бы хотел, чтобы она мне сказала.

I wish he were going to be here.

Жаль, что его здесь не будет.

I wish he could come tomorrow.

Жаль, что он не сможет прийти завтра.

Желание в настоящем

I don't have a bicycle. У меня нет велосипеда.

It is so cold. Так холодно.

I can't speak French. Я не могу говорить на французском языке.

I wish I had bicycle. Я хотел бы, чтобы у меня был велосипед.

I wish it weren't so cold. Я хотел бы, чтобы не было так холодно.

I wish I could speak French. Как бы мне хотелось говорить на французском языке.

Желание прошлого

He didn't finish his work.

Он не закончил свою работу.

I went to the party. Я ходил на вечеринку.

Mary couldn't come. Мэри не смогла прийти.

I wish he had finished his work.

Жаль, что он не закончил свою работу.

I wish I hadn't gone to the party.

Лучше бы я не ходил на вечеринку.

I wish Mary could have come. Как жаль, что Мэри не смогла прийти

б) после союзов as if/as though:

He speaks as if he were an expert in this field (Present)

She speaks French so nicely as though she had lived in France for all her life.(Past)

He behaves as if he would follow my advice. (Future)

Он говорит, словно специалист в этой области.

Она говорит так хорошо по-французски, как будто бы она прожила во Франции всю свою жизнь.

Он ведет себя так, как будто он последует моему совету.

в) после глаголов to demand, insist, suggest, propose, order, require, recommend и др.:

The teacher demands that we should come to school on time.

I recommend that she should not go there.

Учитель требует, чтобы мы приходили в школу вовремя.

Я рекомендую ей туда не ходить.

В Am.E. употребляется следующая конструкция:

г) после прилагательных important, necessary, desirable, doubtful и т.п. в конструкции:

д) в придаточных цели после союзов that, in order that, so that, lest:

1. Open the brackets using the verb in the necessary form, translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I wish I (to know) Spanish. 2. I wish I (to be) at the party yesterday. 3. I wish we (to meet) again next summer. 4. I wish I (not to drink) so much coffee in the evening: I couldn't sleep half the night. 5. I love sunny weather. I wish it (to be) warm and fine all the year round. 6. I wish you (to send) a word as soon as you arrive. 7. He speaks English as if he (to be) an Englishman. 8. She looks as if she (to be) ill for several months. 9. She dances as if she (to be) a professional dancer. 10. He speaks to me as though he (to know) me for ages. 11. They suggested that the museum (to be reconstructed) this year. 12. The doctor insisted that I (to stay) in bed for some more days. 13. It is important that we (to know) all the details of his plan. 14. It is necessary that you (to follow) my advice. 15. It is recommended that the goods (to be delivered) in time. 16. He speaks slowly so that we (to take) notes after him. 17. Put on your warm coat lest you (to catch cold). 18. They spoke in low voices so that we (not to hear) what they were talking about.

2. Read and translate these sentences:

1. She suggests that we should take Ann to the skating rink. 2. He suggested that we should put off our work till Monday. 3. I insisted that you should see a doctor. 4. We suggest that we should start the experiment next week. 5. He insisted that I should spend summer in the mountains. 6. It is important that you should carry out experiments at this laboratory. 7. It is necessary that the students of our group should take part in the students' scientific work. 8. It is recommended that we should discuss all the details of the contract. 9. I wish I were free now. 10. She wishes she were a film star. 11. He looked at her as if he had never seen her before. 12. Her parents always speak with her as if she were a small girl. 13. She repeated her address twice so that I could remember it.

3. Complete the sentences:

1. I wish … 2. Her parents wish …. 3. He wished …. 4. He speaks about this film as if…. 5. She looked at him as though…. 6. The boy behaved as if …. 7. The father demanded that …. 8. The manager suggested that …. 9. I insist that …. 10. The doctor recommended that …. 11. It is important that…. 12. It is necessary that… 13.It is suggested that…. 14. I left the house earlier so that…. 15. We hurried to the station lest …. 16. She learnt the grammar rule in order that….

4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb “wish”:

1. It's a pity you are not with us these days. 2. It's a pity my friend didn't enter the University. 3. He was sorry that he hadn't had enough time to finish his test paper. 4. It's a pity we shan't be able to reach home before tea-time. 5. I am sorry I've told you this news. 6. What a pity you don't know enough physics. 7. Unfortunately they won't return before Christmas. 8. The student was sorry he had not studied the material better and had shown such poor knowledge at the examination. 9. It's a pity that you did not send for a doctor in time.

5. Translate into English:

1. Он пожалел, что бросил институт. 2. Жаль, что вы не читали такую интересную книгу. 3. Жаль, что она делает так много ошибок в речи. 4. Хорошо бы у нас были сейчас каникулы. 5. Жаль, что ты не сможешь поехать с нами за город. 6. Мы предложили осмотреть город как можно скорее. 7. Он настаивал, чтобы мы остались дома в такую плохую погоду. 8. Николай предложил взять носильщика, так как у нас было много багажа. 9. Я предложила им оставить ему записку. 10. Они разговаривали так, как будто они давно знали друг друга. 11. Она поет так, как будто она профессиональная певица. 12. Он смотрел на картину так, как будто никогда не видел ее раньше. 13. Он остановился, чтобы посмотреть, не идет ли кто-нибудь за ним. 14. Она закрыла окно, чтобы не слышать шума улицы. 15. Они пригласили нас, чтобы мы посмотрели их новый дом. 16. Надень пальто, чтобы не замерзнуть.

The non-finite forms of the verb

Participle I

(Present Participle)

Причастие I образуется по формуле: к основе глагола присоединяется суффикс -ing: read - reading «читающий, читая», leave - leaving «покидающий, покидая», sit - sitting «сидящий, сидя» и т.д.

1. Give the Present Participle of these verbs:

to advertise, to crowd, to produce, to exhibit, to cross, to complete, to sit, to study, to build, to turn, to inform, to greet, to examine, to play, to dance, to fall, to state, to agree.



Indefinite Participle


being asked

Perfect Participle

having asked

having been asked

2. Translate the following participles:

покупающий, покупая, покупаемый, получающий, получая, получаемый, давая, разговаривающий, отвечая, читаемый, издаваемый, работающий, читая, открывающий, берущий, идущий, входя, смотрящий, видя.

3. Translate the sentences from English into Russian, paying special attention to the function of the Participle in the sentence:

1. The boy playing in the garden is my sister's son. 2. He asked her to go on with her story, promising not to interrupt her again. 3. Receiving no letters from her father, she called him. 4. He left the office at three o'clock, saying he would be back at five. 5. She stood leaning against the wall. 6. He lay on the sofa reading a book. 7. Seeing her he raised his hat. 8. Having signed the letter the manager asked the secretary to send it off at once. 9. Having lived in that town all his life, he knew it very well. 10. Having arranged everything, he went home on the 10.30 train. 11. Being checked with great care, the report didn't contain any errors. 12. Being told of his arrival, I went to see him. 13. Having been advised by the doctor to go to the south, she decided to spend her holiday in Sochi. 14. A person bringing good news is always welcome.

4. Replace subordinate clauses by participial constructions:

1. I think the man who is trying on that suit, wears the same size as you do. 2. When the director came into the office he saw several people who were waiting for him. 3. I don't know the name of the actress who is playing the part of Karenina. 4. When I lived in Moscow I often visited the Tretyakov Gallery. 5. The famous ballerina who was dancing the leading part made the greatest impression on us. 6. When she crosses the street she is always very careful. 7. When I travel I always reserve accommodation in advance. 8. When the editor learned that his newspaper had been taken over by another publisher, he resigned from his position. 9. When I visit a strange city, I like to have a guide-book with me. 10. Now that I have heard you side of the question, I am more inclined to agree with you.

5. Join the groups of sentences, using participles, and making any necessary changes in the word order:

Model: 1. He got off the bus. He helped his grandmother.

Getting off the bus, he helped his grandmother.

2. They found the treasure. They began quarrelling about how to divide it.

Having found the treasure, they began quarrelling about how to divide it.

3. He was exhausted by his work. He threw himself on the bed.

Being exhausted by his work, he threw himself on the bed.

1. He realized that he had missed the last train. He began to walk. 2. She didn't want to hear the story again. She had heard it all before. 3. She entered the room suddenly. She found them smoking. 4. I turned on the light. I was impressed by what I saw. 5. We visited the museum. We decided to have lunch in the park. 6. He offered to show us the way home. He thought we had got lost. 7. She asked me to help her. She realized she couldn't move it alone. 8. He fed the dog. He sat down to his own dinner. 9. I didn't like to sit down. I knew that the grass was very wet.

6. Translate into English:

1. Женщина, сидящая в кресле, - жена нашего редактора. 2. Стоящий у доски мужчина - наш преподаватель. 3. Забор, окружающий сад, недавно покрашен. 4. Не буди спящего ребенка. 5. Ребенок, спящий на диване, болен. 6. Чувствуя себя больным, Джо решил не ездить на работу. 6. Не зная, как перевести последнее предложение, я попросил сестру помочь мне. 7. Мы сидели на берегу моря, наслаждаясь чудесным морским воздухом. 8. Интересно наблюдать за играющими детьми, когда они не знают, что вы за ними наблюдаете. 9. Возвращаясь домой, мы разговаривали о спектакле, который произвел на всех большое впечатление. 10. Не зная его номера телефона, я не мог позвонить ему. 11. Посмотри на эту улыбающуюся девушку, кажется, я её знаю. 12. Они купили два билета на самолет, вылетающий в Лондон на следующий день.


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  • Формы степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке в разные периоды. Образование и развитие прилагательных. Этапы формирования суффикса прилагательных less. Лексико-семантическая группа эмоционально-оценочных прилагательных в новоанглийском языке.

    курсовая работа [37,8 K], добавлен 18.04.2011

  • Неличные формы глагола в английском языке. Грамматические категории инфинитива, особенности употребления частицы to с ним, структурно-семантические особенности. Инфинитив в функции члена предложения, его конструкции в грамматике английского языка.

    дипломная работа [74,9 K], добавлен 25.11.2011

  • Использование множественного числа в английском языке. Определение части речи в английском тексте. Особенности перевода существительных в роли определения на русский язык. Перевод форм сравнения. Временные формы глаголов, определение их инфинитива.

    контрольная работа [12,9 K], добавлен 09.11.2011

  • Словообразование, род и число существительных в английском и турецком языках. Правила склонения существительных. Аффиксы принадлежности. Сравнительная характеристика турецкого и русского языка. Образование существительных от прилагательных и глаголов.

    дипломная работа [77,3 K], добавлен 21.10.2011

  • Грамматические признаки слов, оформленных окончанием –s, его функция как показателя части речи. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Особенности перевода неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений. Значение модальных глаголов и их заместителей.

    контрольная работа [18,6 K], добавлен 14.01.2014

  • Трактовка изъявительного и сослагательного наклонения. Функционирование в английском языке "будущего в прошедшем". Дополнительные формы наклонения глаголов: повелительное предположительное, условное. Принципы формирования данных грамматических категорий.

    курсовая работа [38,5 K], добавлен 13.08.2015

  • Морфологическая категория числа существительных, единственное и множественное число. Существительные pluralia tantum. Парадигмы существительных и падежные флексии. Определительное, объектное и абстрактное значение падежа. Характеристики падежей.

    курсовая работа [80,1 K], добавлен 24.09.2010

  • Образование сослагательного наклонения во французском языке от основы глагола путем прибавления окончаний. Глаголы 3-й группы, изменяющие основу при образовании. Основные правила употребления сослагательного наклонения в придаточных предложениях.

    презентация [495,3 K], добавлен 04.05.2012

  • Порядок слов в английском предложении. Множественное число имен существительных. Применение артиклей, местоимений, глагола "to be", оборота "there is/are". Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Выражения, которые используются в ситуациях знакомства.

    методичка [40,2 K], добавлен 17.12.2013

  • Основные функции инфинитива. Особенности написания резюме на английском языке. Употребление глагола в правильной видовременной форме. Особенности применения модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. Правила пересказа и перевода текста на английский язык.

    контрольная работа [11,7 K], добавлен 13.12.2009

  • Категории рода, числа и падежа прилагательных. Качественные, относительные и притяжательные прилагательные. Полная и краткая форма качественных прилагательных. Некоторые случаи образования кратких прилагательных. Типы ударений кратких прилагательных.

    контрольная работа [15,1 K], добавлен 17.09.2009

  • Обобщение правил употребления артиклей в английском языке: склонение, отсутствие артикля. Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных. Употребление грамматических предлогов, местоимений, глаголов и числительных в английском языке.

    реферат [3,8 M], добавлен 19.02.2011

  • Перевод предложений с английского языка на русский. Функции окончаний, их грамматические признаки. Определения, выраженные именем существительным. Формы сравнения, перевод неопределенные местоимений. Видовременные формы глаголов и их инфинитивы.

    контрольная работа [15,8 K], добавлен 29.05.2012

  • Категория модальности как языковой универсалии, ее значение в лингвистике, грамматико-лексические поля. Основные значения, словарные объяснения основных модальных глаголов русского языка. Формы модальных глаголов в немецком языке, их место в предложении.

    дипломная работа [269,5 K], добавлен 23.05.2010

  • Теоретическое исследование структуры сравнительных прилагательных в русском и английском языках, оценка их стилистических возможностей. Анализ романа Шарлотты Бронте "Джен Эйр" на предмет использования прилагательных в форме степеней языкового сравнения.

    дипломная работа [209,6 K], добавлен 19.07.2014

  • Теоретические сведения о модальности и переводе модальных конструкций. Модальные глаголы, употребляемые в тексте научно-популярной статьи. Обзор текстов англоязычных научно-популярных статей, выявление в них особенностей употребления модальных глаголов.

    курсовая работа [89,2 K], добавлен 09.10.2016

  • Обобщенные сведения о модальных глаголах английского языка, их значения, функционально-семантические особенности и варианты использования. Варианты использования модальных глаголов в прямой речи из литературы английских и американских писателей.

    курсовая работа [163,8 K], добавлен 20.04.2009

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