Договор в международном частном праве: коллизионные проблемы
Понятие частно-правового договора, правовая природа договора в международном частном праве, определение его характерных признаков, построение системы частно-правовых договоров. Субъективный и объективный методы при определении применимого к договору права
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 03.04.2014 |
Размер файла | 85,6 K |
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18. Юридическая природа договора внешнего займа // Право Европейское и право Казахстанское: проблемы правового регулирования: материалы международной научно-практической конференции / Отв. ред. К.С. Мауленов. - Алматы: КазГЮУ, 2004. - С. 55-57 (0,1 п.л.).
19. Особенности содержания договора государственного внешнего займа // Государственно-правовое регулирование внешних заимствований Республики Казахстан: материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной памяти Ю.Г. Басина / Отв. ред. К.С. Мауленов. - Алматы: Институт государства и права КазГЮУ, 2005. - С. 33-34 (0,1 п.л.).
20. Мемлекеттік ж?не сырт?ы заем шартыны? за?ды таби?аты // Государственно-правовое регулирование внешних заимствований Республики Казахстан: материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной памяти Ю.Г. Басина / Отв. ред. К.С. Мауленов. - Алматы: Институт государства и права КазГЮУ, 2005. - С. 28-32 (Э.С. Бабашевамен бірлесіп) (0,3 п.л.).
21. Определение международного характера договора по Римской Конвенции 1980 года // Государственно-правовое регулирование внешних заимствований Республики Казахстан: материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной памяти Ю.Г. Басина / Отв. ред. К.С. Мауленов. - Алматы: Институт государства и права КазГЮУ, 2005. - С. 382-384 (0,1 п.л.).
22. Коллизионные нормы в отношении формы сделок по законодательству Российской Федерации и Республики Казахстан // Закон. - М., 2005. - № 11. - С. 118-120 (0,1 п.л.).
23. Принцип наиболее тесной связи в сфере договорных обязательств по законодательству Российской Федерации и Республики Казахстан // Черные дыры в российском законодательстве. - М., 2006. - № 1. - С. 262-264 (0,2 п.л.).
24. Особенности коллизионного регулирования сферы договорных обязательств по законодательству Российской Федерации и Республики Казахстан // Журнал Российского права. - М., 2006. - № 9. - С. 122-134 (1,2 п.л.).
25. Оговорка о применимом праве во внешнеэкономическом контракте // Вестник КазНУ. Серия международные отношения и международное право. - 2007. - № 5-6(31-32). - С. 105-107 (0,2 п.л.).
26. Юридическая природа института автономии воли сторон // Гражданское право в системе права: материалы международной научно-практической конференции в рамках цивилистических чтений / Отв. ред. М.К. Сулейменов.- Алматы: НИИ частного права КазГЮУ, 2007. - С. 509-519 (0,7 п.л.).
27. Принцип наиболее тесной связи в международном частном праве // Гражданское право в системе права: материалы международной научно-практической конференции в рамках цивилистических чтений. / Отв. ред. М.К. Сулейменов.- Алматы: НИИ частного права КазГЮУ, 2007. - С. 525-541 (1,1 п.л.).
28. Вопрос применимого права в законодательстве и практике международного арбитража Республики Казахстан // Вестник КазНУ. Серия «Международные отношения и международное право». - 2008. - № 1(33). - С. 75-78 (0,25 п.л.).
29. Особенности применения Венской Конвенции 1980 года «О договорах международной купли-продажи товаров» // Вестник КазНУ. Серия «Международные отношения и международное право». - 2008. - № 3-4(35-36). - С. 128-132 (0,3 п.л.).
30. Соглашение о выборе права как особый частно-правовой договор // Государство и гражданское право: материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной памяти и 85-летию со дня рождения доктора юридических наук, профессора Ю.Г. Басина (в рамках ежегодных цивилистических чтений) / Отв. ред. М.К. Сулейменов.- Алматы: НИИ частного права КазГЮУ, 2008. - С. 530-544 (0,9 п.л.).
31. Соотношение частного и публичного в праве // Государство и гражданское право: материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной памяти и 85-летию со дня рождения доктора юридических наук, профессора Ю.Г. Басина (в рамках ежегодных цивилистических чтений) / Отв. ред. М.К.Сулейменов. - Алматы: НИИ частного права КазГЮУ, 2008. - С. 65-78 (0,9 п.л.).
32. Сфера применения Венской Конвенции 1980 года «О договорах международной купли-продажи товаров» // Зангер. - 2009. - № 5. - С. 30-33 (0,25 п.л.).
33. Место международного частного права в системе права // Гражданское право и гражданское законодательство: материалы международной научно-практической конференции (в рамках цивилистических чтений) / Отв. ред. М.К. Сулейменов. - Алматы, 2009. - С. 378-389 (0,75 п.л.).
Всего по теме диссертации опубликовано работ общим объемом 25 п.л.
1. Шершеневич Г.Ф. Учебник русского гражданского права (по изданию 1907 г.). - М.: Фирма «СПАРК», 1995. - 556 с.
2. Агарков М.М. Ценность частного права // Правоведение. - 1992. - № 1. - С. 25-42.
3. К дискуссии о системе права с.г.// Советское государство и право. - 1940. - № 8-9. - С. 197-204.
4. Дембо Л.И. О принципах построения системы права // Советское государство и право. - 1956. - № 8. - С. 88-99.
5. Алексеев С.С. Теория права. - М.: Издательство «БЕК», 1995. - 320 с.
6. Беляцкин С.А. Частное право в основных принципах. - Каунас, 1928. - 900 с.
7. Лунц Л.А. Курс Международного частного права. - В 3-х т. - Изд. 3-е, доп. - М.: Юридическая литература, 1973. - Т. 1. Общая часть. - 376 с.
8. Советское гражданское право: Учебник / Под ред. О.А. Красавчикова. - В. 2-х т. - 3-е изд., испр. и доп. - М.: Высшая школа, 1985. - Т. 1. - 544 с.
9. Брагинский М.И., Витрянский В.В. Договорное право. - В 5-ти кн. - М.: Статут, 2003. - Кн. 1. Общие положения. - 848 с.
10. Бекленищева И.В. Понятие гражданско-правового договора (сравнительно-правовое исследование): Автореф. … канд. юрид. наук: 12.00.03. - Екатеринбург, 2004. - 28 с.
11. Покровский Б.В. Договор как правоотношение // Договор в гражданском праве: проблемы теории и практики: материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 5-летию образования НИИ частного права КазГЮА (в рамках ежегодных цивилистических чтений) / Отв. ред. М.К. Сулейменов. - В 2-х т. - Алматы: КазГЮА, 2000. - Т. 1. - С. 35-38.
12. Мороз С.П. Инвестиционное право Республики Казахстан: научное издание. - Алматы: НИИ частного права КазГЮУ, 2006. - 509 с.
13. Мороз С.П. Инвестиционный договор // Актуальные проблемы частного права: материалы международной научно-практической конференции (в рамках ежегодных цивилистических чтений) / Отв. ред. М.К.Сулейменов. - Алматы: КазГЮУ, 2003. - С. 369-377.
14. Гражданский Кодекс Республики Казахстан (Общая часть). Комментарий / Отв. ред.: М.К.Сулейменов, Ю.Г. Басин. - В 2-х кн. - Алматы: Жетi Жаргы, 1997. - Кн. 1. - 416 с.
15. Сулейменов М.К. Договор в гражданском праве Республики Казахстан: проблемы теории и практики // Договор в гражданском праве: проблемы теории и практики: материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 5-летию образования НИИ частного права КазГЮА (в рамках ежегодных цивилистических чтений) /Отв. ред. М.К. Сулейменов. - В 2-х т. - Алматы: КазГЮА, 2000. - Т. 1. - С. 5-13.
16. Гражданское право России. Общая часть: Курс лекций / Отв. ред. О.Н. Садиков. - М.: Юристъ, 2001. - 770 с.
17. Макаров А.Н. Основные начала международного частного права. - М.: Юрид. изд. Наркомюста РСФСР, 1924. - 534 с.
18. Богуславский М.М. Международное частное право:Учебник, 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: Юрист, 2004. - 604 с.
19. Комментарий к Гражданскому Кодексу РФ части третьей (постатейный) / Отв. ред.: докт. юрид. наук, заслуженные деятели науки РФ Н.И. Марышева, К.Б. Ярошенко. - М.: КОНТРАКТ, ИНФРА-М, 2004. - 578 с.
20. Лунц Л.А. Внешнеторговая купля-продажа (Коллизионные вопросы). - М.: Юридическая литература, 1972. - 432 с.
21. Монастырский Ю.Э. Господствующие доктрины коллизионного права США: Дисс. … канд. юрид. наук. - М., 1999. - 135 с.
22. Вилкова Н.Г. Новое в унификации права международных коммерческих контрактов // Право и международные экономические отношения: сб. статей / Отв. ред. Н.Г. Доронина. - М.: Юристъ, 2005. - С. 16-19.
23. Комментарий к части третьей ГК РФ / Под ред.: А.Л. Маковского и Е.А. Суханова. - М.: ЮРИСТ, 2003. - 554 с.
24. Зыкин И.С. Развитие международного частного права в свете принятия части Третьей гражданского Кодекса Российской Федерации // Государство и Право. - 2002. - № 12. - С. 59-64.
25. Кудашкин В.В. Актуальные вопросы международного частного права. - М.: Волтерс Клувер, 2004. - 458 с.
26. Сулейменов М.К. Становление и развитие гражданского законодательства Республики Казахстан - Алматы, 2006. - 356 с.
27. Сарина С.А. Разрешение споров международным коммерческим арбитражем // Дисс. … канд. юрид. наук. _Алматы, 2009. - 181 с.
Ispaeva Gulnar Bahitovna
Contract in international private law: conflict problems
12.00.03 - civil law; entrepreneurial law; family law; international private law; civil procedure; arbitration proceeding
Target of research. Target of thesis work is civil relations complicated by international set of facts and fall within conflict legal regulations.
Purpose and objectives of research. Purpose of thesis work is development of theorize and practical guidelines in legal regulation area of civil relations complicated by international set of facts, and also proposals for legislative development in this area factored in international treaties states, by conflict legal regulation's specialties in international private law.
In accordance with purpose, objectives of thesis work's research are:
- investigate into the matter of private and public law correlation;
- analyze the matter of international private law's structure in this system;
- consider nature and specialties of treaty in private law system and, also, state the concept of civil treaty;
- find out correlation between private treaty and civil law treaty;
- investigate contractual nature of treaty in civil low and it's correlation with treaties from other branches of private law system;
- define a concept and matter of foreign economic agreement and establishment measures of its foreign economic character;
- investigate specialties of transnational agreement;
- consider specific features of choice of law agreement in terms of its legal nature and conditions of the validity;
- find out specific features of autonomy of the parties in international private law;
- determine relaxation methods of the law applicable to agreement by evaluation of subjective method in form of autonomy of the parties and objective method in form of principles of germaneness;
- determine methods of conflict legal regulations in treaty obligations area;
- determine measures of agreement formal validity in international private law;
- define specialties of conflict legal regulations in private treaties.
Subject of research. Subject of research is material control area connected with features of conflict legal regulations in civil relations complicated by international set of facts. In aid of comprehensive analysis of this problem of correlation between private and civil law there has been considered general theory of treaty in civil law and its correlation with other types of private treaties; treaties specialties in international private law; determination criteria of foreign economic character of the treaty; subjective and objective specialties of applicable law determination and other important issues connected with definition of terms and matters of private treaty.
Methodological background to the research. In Thesis work were applied to perception single legal phenomenon such scientific methods as general scientific and dialectical methods, scientific analysis and synthesis, historical method, formal dogmatical method and special methods i.e. technical and comparative law methods.
Regulatory framework was Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory legal acts of the Kazakhstan, regulatory legal acts of the Russian and other foreign countries. Also there were studied particular provisions of international conventions related to conflict regulations of treaties in international private law.
Scientific modernity of thesis work is lies in the fact that is the first try of complex investigation of theoretical and practical matters of applicable law to treaties determination. New single conception of conflict regulations in treaties performance was based on comparative law analysis of foreign legislation, international legal regulation and prevailing legislation of Kazakhstan. New methodological approaches were used in work.
This thesis work contains fundamentally new approach to matter of place international private law in legislative system. Also, self-reliant approach was developed to definition of terms and matter of treaty in international private law and methods of conflict legal regulations of treaty obligations. Up to date there is no any fundamental work on this research issue in civil jurisprudence of Kazakhstan.
In terms of international legal regulations strengthening of treaty obligations, further perfection of national legislation impossible without correlation with states of international treaties. In this regard developed proposals for perfection of Kazakhstan national legislation with mentioned factors will allow define differences in similar institutions and methods of its correction.
Developed, as the part of research, conclusions and proposals are theoretical and practical concerns for perfection of national legislation system in field of international private regulations of treaty relations and decision of matters in law enforcement.
Proposals bringing into defense. Proposals and conclusions of international research that are brought into defense:
1. Separation of powers on public and private, influence on classification of law and define specialties of legal regulation system. A term of reference of private law is a wide range of property and non-property relations. However property relations fall into several fields of public law. In this regard category of concern, private or public is the main criteria that allow making boarder line between these relations. Private concern supposes profit and benefit for individual. Public concern supposes public profit and public benefit. Public relations are property relations based on authority and submission. Private relations are property relations based on equality of parties. Property relations with participation of government may be private and public. In order to divide relations with participation of government on private and public may be used such criteria as nature of activity. Criteria of concern in that case couldn't be used.
Private law is a special constitution in legislative system that covers different branch of law, such as civil law, international private law, family law, labor law, adjudicatory law and investment law. Nature of private law in these branches determines that for legislative regulations will be used optional method, or, put in other way, method of equality of parties. Subject of legal regulation is individual for such branches as civil, international private, family or labor law, and specific for investment and adjudicatory law.
2. Separation of powers on public and private allows introducing in scientific use category “private treaty” as subordinate concept for different types of treaties, used in civil, international private, family, investment and adjudicatory law.
Correlation between private and civil treaties is correlation of class and aspect. Civil treaty is a sort of private treaty that covers wider range of property relations.
Contracts from contiguous branches to civil law are uniting on their nature, but have different specification of private treaties. It includes treaties in family law (marital agreement), labor law (labor contract) and adjudicatory law (arbitration agreement). All these treaties have similar structure of legislative regulation. In this regard norms of civil code of Kazakhstan have subsidiary application in the case of gaps in following branch of law. Investment contract poses combination of private and public principles should be separated. To our opinion only several types of investment contracts are private (for example subsoil management contract).
Treaties in international private law are also private and can be classified as: 1) foreign economic agreement (civil-law contract with foreign individual); and 2) transnational contract (civil-law contract, complicated by foreign individual), to which it is possible to refer arbitration agreement, choice of law agreement, marital agreement and labor contract. It difference from usual civil-law contracts by relations character, complicated by foreign individual, and field of these agreements. So it form independent group of civil-law contracts.
3. Correlation of foreign economic and civil-law contracts is very important because in many ways determines legal regime. From the side of legal nature, foreign economic agreement is a civil-law contract differs by singularity of international set of facts.
Presence of foreign compose in this legal relation differences legal regime of foreign economic agreement from civil-law contract. From the other side, objective terms of reference of two contracts serve as ground for its differentiation. Foreign economic agreement defines relations in international trade volume and has less terms of reference that suggested its commercial field.
In this regard marital agreement and labor contract can't be referring to foreign economic category, but to category of transnational contracts.
Arbitration agreement is civil-law contract used in field of international commercial arbitration, subject of which is method of conflict resolution. This agreement also can't be refer to foreign economic category.
Investment contract is an institute of complex branch of law. In this regard investment contract includes private and public principles and can be as commercial or non-commercial. So investment contract can be civil contract (subsoil management agreement) and foreign economic contract (Public-private partnership agreement with foreign investor) or transnational agreement (arbitration clause or choice of law agreement).
4. Choice of law agreement is a special type of civil-law contract for special aims of international private law. This agreement can't be refer to foreign economic category.
Choice of law agreement is an independent contract subjected to law chosen by sides, without choice it bases on following conflict norms applicable to that contract.
In this regard, it is necessary to make legislation recognition for matters of validity of this contract on the same principles as definition of validity of main contract. This corresponds to states of article 1115 CC RK.
Amendments should be made in article 1112 CC RK, or it is necessary to add new article 1112-1 to CC RK, devoted to choice of law agreement validity in following redaction: “choice of law agreement submits to law applicable to agreement (executory statute) or law of the country”.
5 Institution of autonomies of parties in international private law has its own value conditioned by international private law specification. Correlation of liberty principle of contract in civil law and principle of autonomies of parties in international private law are the different aspects of terms of autonomies of parties. In that case unique terminology in context of autonomies of parties in international private law brings to a mixture of different categories. In this regard Latin analog is preferential (lex voluntatis).
Implementation forms of choice of law (popular choice and/or argumentative) should reply to principle of autonomies of parties.
Paragraph 2 of article 1112 CC RK contains demand that choice of law should result from contract conditions and factual background. Such approach narrows down potentialities of argumentative choice. Consider that choice could be if it results from contract conditions and factual background. In this account it is suggested wider formulation of paragraph 2 of article 1112 CC RK excluding usage of term “in case of accumulation”. So new redaction of this article may be suggested: “choice of law agreement should be explicit or direct results from contract conditions and factual background”.
Also paragraph 4 of article 1112 CC RK should be added with thesis “in condition that it wouldn't hurt interests of third party”.
6. The principle of germaneness is common ground at determining applicable law to whole field of civil law relations, complicated by foreign individual. However in regard to obligations of contract higher priority principle is principle of autonomies of parties that allows choose law applicable to contract.
Consideration of autonomies principle of parties as principle of germaneness characterizes English-American approach under doctrine of appropriate relation and localization of contract. This approach was overviewed in doctrine of international private law and states of national legislation of European countries and, also, international conventions in favor of recognition higher priority of autonomies principle of the parties as independent method of determining applicable law (subjective method). Extension of autonomies of parties' principle operations in field of legal conditions led to necessity of its correction in forms of abidance of binding law of Country with which this contract closely connected.
7. Principle of germaneness in field of legal conditions has form of doctrine of characteristic performance that fixed in paragraph 1 of article 1113 CC RK. As can be seen from the above, doctrine of characteristic performance is principle in RK legislation in field of legal conditions.
Doctrine of characteristic performance, that provides background to applicable law, justify its purpose when this performance took place, and also only in the field of entrepreneurial contracts. Priority of one contract side performance doesn't take into account variety of types of foreign economical agreements that may lead to negative result.
Consider foreign experience and international legislative regulations in this field it is necessary to strengthen principle of germaneness in RK legislative system and fix it as main principle of applicable law determining. Particular paragraph 1 of article 1113 CC RK needed in correction: “Law applicable to contract determines on base of principle of germaneness”.
Therefore priority of principle of germaneness determines auxiliary character of doctrine of characteristic performance that correspond to Roman convention from 1980 and states of national legislation of European countries adopted according to states of this convention.
8. Institute of autonomies of parties and principle of germaneness are the common base of determining law applicable to contract. However specifics of different types of contracts determine principles of subjective and objective methods. In this regard further differentiation of principle of germaneness is suggested, taking into account classification of contracts mentioned in article 387 and 389 of CC RK, concerning public contracts (including consumer contract) and contracts of adhesion. It is suggested to use other criteria of applicable law determining, concerning to these types of contracts, for the purpose of interests' protection of weak side in agreement (personal law of client, consumer, customer).
Concerning to mixed types of contracts it is suggested the principle of germaneness depending from elements of prevailing type of contract. Concerning to barter agreement it is suggested law of side that has discharged the obligation.
It is suggested to extend list of contracts mentioned in § 5 “Legal Obligations” in section 7 of CC RK by including article especially for public contracts.
9. Concerning private contracts at determining applicable law necessary to proceed from general principles of conflict legal regulations of legal obligations field in respect of personal law of one party. Particular it is necessary to foresee possibility of law choice in labor contract. In the absence of mutual agreement of the parties it is necessary to apply law of employee's country as weak side in contract. Therefore necessary to write additions in LC RK by inclusion of special conflicts norm that provides possibility of law choice in labor contract. In the absence of it conflicts norm should be the law of employee's country.
In the Republic of Kazakhstan applicable law in the absence of agreement for solution of a problem determines by article 205 of RK Code “laws on marriage” where fixed application of law of joint residents of partners. In absence of it, it is determined by law of country where partners had last joint residence.
These conflict aspects may be fully concerned to marital agreement. Nevertheless inclusion of single conflict norm will allow considering specific of relations with foreign individual. It is suggested to include single conflict norm concerning marital agreement. It is necessary to foresee possibility for choice of law, regulating property relations of partner in marital agreement.
Concerning of arbitration agreement (arbitration clause) in absence of agreement for law applicable to arbitration clause, it should be used the law of country where arbitration proceeding take place (lex arbitri) or law of the country where conclusion of an agreement take place (lex loci actus), it means the place of arbitration agreement conclusion if it was confirmed as separate contract agreement.
Investment contracts that have private legal nature should be regulated on base of conflict legal regulation field of legal obligations. However, choice of law can be limited.
10. Determining of contract formal validity should response to norms of international volume that is possible because of alternative character of conflict legal regulations. Therefore considered that it is necessary to extent range of conflict norms for determining of contract formal validity by inclusion this issue into field of executor statute (lex causaе) and principles of locus regit actum and lex fori at the same time. For this reason, it is suggested to add 1104 CC RK the norm of correspondence of transaction form to law in order to provide formal validity of contract.
Principle locus regit actum is combined with several conflicts norm in current legislation of many foreign countries that provides protection of transaction validity. Protection of contract formal validity responds to international trade volume.
11. Thesis of article 11 of Minsk convention from 2002 and of article 44 of Kishinev convention from 1993 fixed application of place of contract conclusion as conflict norm in case of absence choice of law. It contradicts to paragraph 1 of article 1113 CC RK where fixed application of law of the side which obligations are determined for contract.
In order to harmonization of standards of national legislation of CIS countries it is necessary to consider thesis of Minsk convention from 1993 and Kishinev convention from 2002 in part of applicable law.
Therefore it is suggested following formulation: “In the absence of agreement of parties contract regulates by principle of germaneness”.
12. It is necessary for Kazakhstan to sign Vein Convention from 1980 “About contract for the international sale of goods”.
Norms of national legislation according to regulations of contract for sale and goods and thesis of Vein convention are similar in many ways. Disposition of convention's norms covered by article 6. allows to exclude several thesis of convention. Differences between norms of national legislation and Vein convention concerning contract conditions, contract process and procedure for the conclusion of contract may be overcame by institute of reservation.
Practical relevance of research consists in substantiation of states for legislative development, in possibility of usage research materials in law-making and law enforcement activities and also in teaching of “the International private law”.
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