Соціально-правовий механізм протидії злочинності в Україні (теоретичні та практичні засади)

Визначення сутності соціально-правового механізму протидії злочинності та його відмінностей від суміжних категорій та правових феноменів. Аналіз класифікації правових чинників і засобів юридичної техніки, що застосовуються в системах нормотворчості.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2015
Размер файла 79,7 K

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По результатам проведенного исследования сформулированы рекомендации, направленные на оптимизацию теоретико-правовых основ и практической деятельности по противодействию преступности и механизма ее функционирования.

Ключевые слова: социально-правовой механизм противодействия преступности, система противодействия преступности, деятельность по противодействию преступности, факторы преступности, юридические средства, функционирование, организационно-правовое обеспечение, эффективность.

Lytvynov O.M. Social and legal mechanism of criminality counteraction in Ukraine (theoretical and practical grounds). - Manuscript.

The Thesis for a doctor's degree by speciality 12.00.08 - criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law - Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 2010.

The thesis is devoted to analysis of methodological bases and practice of functioning social and legal mechanism of criminality counteraction, determination the ways of its improvement. The content, main directions, system, elemental and component structure, features and significance of separate static and dynamic elements of criminality counteraction activity are determined. The nature of social and legal mechanism of criminality counteraction, its difference from the adjoining categories and legal phenomenena are uncovered. The current situation of legal supply of criminality counteraction is analyzed and the directions of prospect improvement are determined. The practice of implementation legal mechanism of criminality counteraction in the court and law enforcement agencies activity is characterized. The sum of profile criminological functions is determined and the methods of criminological influence which are included in the system of social and legal mechanism of criminality counteraction are systematized. The victimization's essence, content and significance for forming the structures of the searched mechanism and also for providing a complex character of basic activity are established. It is researched the evaluation issues of social and legal mechanism of criminality counteraction functioning and formulated the recommendations which are referred to improvement of theoretical and criminality counteraction's practical activity and mechanism of its functioning.

Keywords: social and legal mechanism of criminality counteraction, system of criminality counteraction, criminality counteraction activity, factors of criminality, legal factors, functioning, organizational and legal ensuring, efficiency.

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