Motivation as a key factor of communication and management processes in youth organizations of St. Petersburg and Prague
Theorizing the framework for organizational development. Theory X and Y controversial styles of management. Work motivation and satisfaction. Six main antecedents of organizational learning. Youth organizations’ practices: empirical research results.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.10.2017 |
Размер файла | 1,0 M |
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Dissatisfaction with the existing paradigm
The academics believe that this dissatisfaction is a key driver of the learning organization development. The classic bureaucratic command-and-control system is increasingly felt to be obsolescent, and many people believe that it is time for a significant change. Peter Senge explained the importance of organizational learning by incapacity of command-and-contol systems to motivate `smart' employees The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization, Senge Peter, Doubleday, New York, 1990. By trying to adjust talented people into organization's profile, managers may fail to keep those people in the organization. On the contrary, effective learning organizations are able to recognize and value these brilliant workers. They do it through encouragement processes by allowing employees to take risks under their responsibility and thereafter rewarding their achievement and success. The leaders of youth organizations should trust their activists despite the fact that they are quite young. The activities youth organizations organize are not that intimidating, so young people will be able to feel free while carrying out their duties and fulfilling their responsibilities.
The increasingly competitive nature of the business environment
The key reason for that is the increasing globalization of business. Seemingly, this would lead to frustration of organizations, though there are some aspects which can be considered as advantages. As Denton John argued, “there are two key aspects of organizational learning: learning from competitors and learning from the environment” Organizational Learning and Effectiveness, Denton John, Routledge, New York, 1998. Thus this competitive organizational environment can be viewed as powerful driving force which stands behind the growth of the learning organization. Youth organizations are also required to react quickly to become more aware of competitors' actions. It would help them to remain in the social and political systems under the review of any other organizations which could be a source of youth organizations' strength. This is especially important for them since they are self-governing and have many funding and other difficulties with the organizations of theirs activities and events.
Increasingly demanding consumers
The sixth antecedent implies the process of learning of customers' needs and wants. Only by knowing it from customers themselves organization can have a reasonable and practical chance of providing an exceptional service. As for youth organizations, they should be aware of their potential social target groups and their needs. Being comprehensible of such facts as what kind of activities people really want, where and when they would like to participate in the events, and what else should be done in order to earn people's respect. This is crucial for them to develop effective participatory work which involves young and elderly people, children and their parents in the whole process because it can promote a mutual understanding in the society and bring substantial positive outcomes.
1.16 The feasibility of organizational learning
Organizational learning literature tells us a lot about organizational settings which are characterized by at least some of the following factors: a high level of environmental uncertainty, costly potential errors, a high level of professionalism, and strong leadership commitment to learning. And consequently, it has to be mentioned that there is a theory about feasibility of organizational learning which emphasizes that unless some of these factors are present, efforts to institutionalize organizational learning are most likely to fail Organizational learning: mechanisms, culture and feasibility, Popper M. and Lipshitz R., Journal of Management Learning, vol. 31, 2000. In other words it is crucial to keep in mind these four factors in order to have an efficient organizational learning system.
1. A high level of environmental uncertainty. The basic rationale is simple enough: dynamism (rate of change), a basic component of uncertainty, requires adaptation, and successful adaptation is contingent on effective learning. Hence, organizations that do not learn will not survive, particularly if the environment is competitive - another basic component of environmental uncertainty Organization Theory and Design, 3rd ed., Daft R. L., St Paul, MN: West, 1989.
2. Costly potential errors. A high perceived likelihood of potentially costly but avoidable errors facilitates learning. This proposition is based on research showing that failure stimulates risk seekingProspect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk, Kahneman D. and Tversky A., Econometrica 47, 1979 and diagnostic behavior. Consistent with this proposition, some examples of organizational learning come from organizations under crisis.
3. High level of members' professionalism. Professionals are evaluated by the extent to which they master and keep abreast of the knowledge (both `knowing that' and `knowing how') pertinent to their field The Politics of Knowledge, Hoffman L.M., Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989. Accordingly, it was proposed that organizational learning is facilitated by a norm, or mindset, of professionalism.
4. Strong leadership commitment to learning. Managers are central figures on a stage watched by all and the creators of images that influence organization members' feelings and behavior Managers and Leaders: Are they Different?, Zaleznik A., Harvard Business Review 72, 1992. It is thus not surprising that management's commitment and support has been found to be crucial for successful change programs in general and for the success of programs that involve cultural change in particular.
1.17 Learning organization components (the five disciplines)
If we talk about ideal learning organization, I should definitely mention a theory by Peter Senge about five main components of learning organization. He put forward an idea that organization has five components (disciplines) which are interconnected with each other: The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization, Senge Peter, Doubleday, New York, 1990
Ш “Personal mastery is a discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively”. This is a process of competences and skills proficiency which is developed by an individual in a lifelong perspective. It is believed that this process is never completely finished. Senge claimed that it embodies two important ideas: clarification of truly important things and clear perspective of current reality.
Ш “Mental models are deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures of images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action”. These are the driving and fundamental values and principles of an organization. It basically means how people see the world, understand their position and form their actions. Managers and leaders of the organization have to be conscious of all members' mental models in order to ensure shared understanding of organization's vision.
Ш “Building shared vision - a practice of unearthing shared pictures of the future that foster genuine commitment and enrollment rather than compliance”. Intrinsically, it highlights the importance of co-operation and a shared vision by team members. Shared vision is a compulsory element for learning organization since it provides focus, direction and energy for learning.
Ш “Team learning starts with dialogue, the capacity of members of a team to suspend assumptions and enter into genuine thinking together”. It is about dialogue and discussion among members of the organization, which ensures employees to think together. Moreover, it helps organization's managers to discover insight.
Ш “Systems thinking - The Fifth Discipline that integrates the other four”. This fifth component emphasizes recognition that things are interconnected and organization is a complex system. According to Peter Senge, systems thinking is the umbrella concept which comprises all four disciplines with the aim of enabling a learning organization. Senge was convinced that systems thinking shows people that “there is no outside, that we and the cause of our problems are part of a single system” The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization, Senge Peter, Doubleday, New York, 1990.
The systems perspective allows people to look beyond their mistakes and themselves. This discipline provides people with the vision of structures which underlie complex situations. “All are concerned with a shift of mind from seeing parts to seeing wholes, from seeing people as helpless reactors to seeing them as active participants in shaping their reality, from reacting to the present to creating the future” Same. As the fifth discipline, systems thinking is considered to be the cornerstone and foundation of the learning organizations' vision. Thereby, learning organization model can be illustrated as follows:
Adapted from “The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization”, Senge Peter, Doubleday, New York, 1990
For youth organizations it is also highly important to make tremendous efforts in order to become learning organizations. They can lack either team learning or mental models, for example. Therefore, the key objective of the leaders of these organizations is to create conditions for the establishment of learning organization. It should be done systematically and efficiently. Moreover, they must not rely on fortunate coincidence of circumstances. For the purpose of creation of learning organization there must be people capable of seeing the world as system thinkers. In other words, the leaders of youth organizations must work on their selves, the enhancement of their personalities. Furthermore, there should be collaborative effort of both leaders and activists of the organization. This effort should seek to recognize and reconstruct intellectual models of youth organizations.
Chapter 2. Youth organizations' practices: empirical research results
2.1 Interviewing and observation conclusions
Since key research question refers to motivation, the researcher identified several features of this process, which were mentioned by superior representatives of both organizations during the interview. In their opinion, motivation has been kept due to these principles of their work:
1. Non-formal communication and support
Youth Included case |
Youth council case |
o “We support them. And also we sometimes wanna meet in a non-formal way just to know how they are doing. If the person is studying, but sometime feels alone or reached out, we talk to him. And I think all these things are keeping them motivated” o “У нас организация молодежная, все такие активные, добродушные и доброжелательные, поэтому просто иногда весело” Our organization is youth, all members are so active, good-natured and benevolent, therefore it is sometimes simply fun. o “Ну, раз в неделю мы стараемся видеться именно в неформальной обстановке, не на собраниях” Well, once a week we try to see each other in an informal atmosphere, not at meetings. |
o “Еще следует часто помогать советом и не относиться с нисхождением к любой инициативе ребят. Следует их наставлять, им помогать и давать возможность” We should also often help them with advice and not treat with descent any their initiative. They should be instructed, be helped and given the opportunity. o “Все мои друзья и знакомые состоят в Молодежном совете. Мы очень часто вместе отдыхаем, проводим досуг и т.д.” All my friends and acquaintances are members of the Youth council. We very often rest together, spend leisure time etc. o “Есть ведь люди, которым вообще не интересна общественная деятельность, политика, они просто приходят пару раз в неделю пообщаться со своими друзьями и приятно провести время” There are people who are not interested in public activities, politics, they just come to communicate with their friends a couple of times a week and have a good time. |
Communication is a tool which all people use in their everyday lives. The core idea is that people were born with capacities, but they have to develop them in order to improve their communication skills. These organizations involve participation of young people in their work. It is a special case of enabling youngsters in the development of their learning process of communication abilities. Informal communication in the organization has a characteristic feature - relatively high speed of information dissemination. This positively affects the effectiveness of the entire organization. By using non-formal communication in their work, superiors of these organizations assist its members in their active assimilation of social experience along with dynamic exchange of values and standards of behavior. Together with acquiring personal skills it also has positive effect on both socialization process of young people and strengthening of group cohesion. Consequently, as I mentioned earlier, it can lead to better effectiveness of the organization. In terms of motivation this type of communication can lead to satisfaction of young people social needs, such as friendship, companionship, acceptance and belonging.
2. Opportunity to become friends with other members of the organization
Youth Included case |
Youth council case |
o “And as for motivation, I would say that after one year we all are becoming friends, even though there is an age difference” o “Because mostly young people would prefer to meet in non-formal way and to feel that “well, maybe at some point this one can become my friend” |
o “Прежде всего, им интересен круг лиц, с которыми они потенциально могут взаимодействовать. Они могут найти себе друзей” First of all, they are interested in the circle of people with whom they can potentially interact. They can find friends there. o “Первая и самая важная мотивация - это социальная зависимость. Просто если там состоят все твои друзья, ты приходишь и тоже этим занимаешься. Очень много я своих друзей привел” The first and most important motivation is social dependence. It's just that if all your friends are there, you come and do it too. I brought a lot of my friends. |
There are several factors shaping the lifestyle of modern youth, who are willing to organize their own lives. One of key factors is their communication environment. Sphere of leisure and recreation, in its turn, is one of the most important areas of young people everyday life. They prefer to associate with people of their own kind, and consequently, they are willing to find those people in these organizations. It is highly important to say that these young people are still in the process of socialization and formation of their communication circle. Therefore, one of the main objectives of organization superiors is to guide its members in their affiliation with the appropriate group of people. As for the motivation, young people are coming to these organizations to satisfy their social needs as well. These social needs are assigned to have a third role since they follow the physiological and safety needs. However, they are more significant for the human personality, especially in case of young people who are in the process of formation their personality. Young people tend to be active in the society, to perform socially useful work, to establish positive interpersonal relations. They want to be recognized and successful in the social environment. The leaders of these organizations realize that it is necessary to satisfy these desires of youth for their successful coexistence with other people in society.
3. Feeling of belonging and being valuable
Youth Included case |
Youth council case |
o “It doesn't make them less valuable for us. So, yes there are more active people, but all the rest also have this feeling that they are belonging to this group” o “Природа нашей организации в любом случае нацелена на людей. И мы все объединились именно с такой целью, нам всем хочется сделать что-то стоящее, что-то, что будет полезно людям” The nature of our organization is in any case aimed at people. And we all have teamed up with this goal, we all want to do something worthwhile, something from what people will benefit. o “Держит то, что мы единомышленники. То, что люди с определенным похожим мышлением имею тенденцию быть в таких вот группках” It is that we are like-minded people. The fact that people with certain similar thinking tend to be in such little groups. o “Ты занимаешься действительно чем-то полезным, не просто переводишь кислород” You are doing something really useful, not just translating oxygen. o “С другой стороны есть важность всего того, что мы делаем” On the other hand, there is the importance of all that we do. |
o “Им действительно становится интересно, и они понимают, что это делается для благих целей, а не для личной выгоды и коммерции” They are really becoming interested, and they understand that this is done for good purposes, not for personal gain and commerce. o “Они могут в дальнейшем найти себе реальную возможность быть полезным и найти себе работу в этой сфере” They can later find a real opportunity to be useful and find a job in this field. o “А частью коллектива все равно все ощущать себя хотят” Still everyone wants to be a part of the team. o “Это неплохое времяпрепровождение, которое направлено на какой-то приятный социальный результат” This is a good pastime, which is aimed at some kind of pleasant social result. o “Это невероятные чувства того, что ты помогаешь людям, что они нуждаются в тебе” It's an incredible feeling that you help people, that they need you. |
Everyday communication, broad social contacts, leisure preferences, which are forming the type of social life of various groups of modern youth, are the most important characteristics of the chosen lifestyle, one of the main criteria for the self-identification of a young person with a certain group or environment. It has to be mentioned that young people are willing to feel their significance that somebody needs them. In order to have more productive activities, organization superiors should maintain this feeling among their members by appreciation and recognition of their contribution. Moreover, it is always better to delegate and assign some people responsible for the event organization in order them to have a feeling of self-esteem. They need to evaluate their own worth towards themselves and other people. They should have a belief that they are competent and worthy in these activities. And following these core principles, their work participation might be more productive and they will have the will to give brilliant performance. This is mostly about self-esteem needs, such as sense of achievement, confidence, and worth. Young people need to be appreciated in order to recognize their merits, their uniqueness and irreplaceability. But recognition by others is not enough. It is important to respect yourself, to have a sense of self-worth, to believe in your high destiny, to be busy with the right and useful things, to occupy a worthy place in life. Therefore, one of the key objectives of superiors of youth organizations is to provide their members with all these feelings by enabling them to experience responsibility and maturity while doing their job.
4. Perspective opportunities and future feedback
Youth Included case |
Youth council case |
o “So, at some point, it will pay back” o “Это хороший такой point для резюме. Очень часто это играет даже большую роль, чем нежели ты работал в какой-то коммерческой организации” This is a good point for a resume. Very often it plays even a bigger role than you did in any commercial organization. o “Но это тоже определенная отдача, после которой ты получаешь то, чего не сможешь получить, работая на обычной работе” But this is also a certain payoff, after which you get what you cannot get by working in a normal job. |
o “Еще это возможные связи, что тоже немало важно, возможные перспективы работы” Still these are possible useful contacts, which are also important, and possible prospects for work. o “Потом это возможность зарекомендовать себя, чтобы в дальнейшем стать депутатом или устроиться в ту же самую администрацию в отдел по молодежной политике специалистом первой категории” Then this is an opportunity to prove yourself, in the future become a deputy or get a job in the administration in the department of youth policy as a specialist of first one. o “Кто-то считает, что это какие-то перспективы для него, а для кого-то действительно эти перспективы работают” Someone thinks that this is some kind of perspective for him, but for someone these prospects indeed work out. o “Для амбициозных людей это перспектива” For ambitious people this is the prospect. o “Сейчас у меня тоже цель одна - завести как можно больше полезных знакомств, проявить себя, чтобы в дальнейшем рассчитывать на эту поддержку” Now I also have one goal: to get as many useful acquaintances as possible, to prove myself in order to count on this support in the future. |
In this age people usually start to muse about their future and have long-term perspectives regarding their self-fulfillment. Nowadays young generation is considered to be the one with the perspective of lifelong learning. They reckon that experienced learning is a meaning of life and necessity for future work. They acknowledge the fact that even qualifying education is not enough for becoming a high achiever in any activity. Furthermore, their active participation can lead to lasting positive changes not only in their lives but also in the society life. The activity of youth in the present has become a condition for the survival and development of society in the future. After all, the development of modern society depends more on political, economic and cultural elections of young people. Therefore, the key objective of organization superiors is to provide youngsters with the space for their development and learning. Here it is important to note that by implementing knowledge management practices, for instance, both organization and individuals will benefit. In the first case, organization will be able to become more competitive at the city or even regional level. Despite the fact that these organizations do not have permanent financing, they still will be able to compete with other organizations by usage of efficient and impressive organizational learning practices. In the second case, the awareness of young people about opportunity to satisfy their self-actualization needs might enable them for more active participation, stimulate them to work hard even without payment. They will keep going for the benefit of their future.
5. Voluntary work as an intrinsic interest and part of life
Youth Included case |
Youth council case |
o “And as for us who are working, I think it became a part of our lives” o “Это говорит о том, что ты человек идейный, предприимчивый, у тебя есть свои какие-то beliefs, что ты работал не тупо ради финансового вознаграждения, а работал за что-то не материальное. Это показывает, что человек can be motivated through intrinsic interests” This suggests that you are an ideological, enterprising person; you have your own beliefs that you worked not stupidly for the sake of financial reward, but worked for something not material. This shows that a person can be motivated through intrinsic interests. o “Я верю в предназначение человека. Если он чувствует, что он в том месте, в котором он должен быть, его внутренняя энергия будет бесконечна. Люди, которые готовы больше отдавать, чем получать, это счастливые люди, полные сил и энергии на долгие долгие годы” I believe in the destiny of man. If he feels that he is in the place in which he should be; his inner energy will be infinite. People who are ready to give more than receive, are happy people, full of energy for many long years. |
o “У них есть неподдельный интерес к общественной деятельности” They have a genuine interest in social activities. o “Действительно есть пара человек, которые искренне пытаются улучшить этот мир. Я иногда поражаюсь таким моментам, когда они абсолютно бескорыстно, на добровольной основе ходят в детские дома, организовывают эти мероприятия чисто от души, по зову сердца” Indeed there are a couple of people who are sincerely trying to improve this world. Sometimes I am amazed at such moments when they are completely disinterested visit the orphanages on a voluntary basis, organize these activities purely from the heart, at the call of the heart. |
Intrinsic motivation arises in a person under the influence of one's own aspirations and needs. There are self-generated factors that influence people to behave in a particular way or to move in a particular direction. In this way, it has to be noted that the primary driver for participation in voluntary work is self-serving, which means that all people require a purpose and a notion that they are making contribution to humanity in some way. Intrinsically, there are people who are volunteering for the benefit of others. They believe that they make a difference in this world; that every person counts. They reckon that volunteerism and participation in society life are an investment in the community they live in. They are convinced that activities which they organize can have a real and valuable positive affect on people they work with. This is about intrinsic energy and predestination of people. There are few people like that, but they do exist. As for satisfaction of their needs, it is called self-transcendence, which implies altruism and communal consciousness. Even though for the most part young people do not have these altruistic motives, they still can consider volunteering as a part of their life for any other reason. The participation in these organizations can also serve as a process of mixing young members of the society with aim of providing them with the place for learning how to behave and become mature.
6. Life and event organization experience
Youth Included case |
Youth council case |
o “с одной стороны, ты получаешь прекрасный опыт” On the one hand, you get a great experience. o “Для меня Youth Included это неоценимый подарок на пути этапа, когда человек чему-то учится, это дает ему определенный опыт” For me, Youth Included is an invaluable gift on the path of a stage when a person learns something, it gives him some experience. |
o “Прежде всего, как бы парадоксально это ни звучало, это опыт. Когда ты можешь делать мероприятия из воздуха, без денег, без всего, опыт ты получаешь различный” First of all, however paradoxical it may sound, this is an experience. When you can make events from the air, without money, without everything, you get different experiences. o “Я наращиваю сейчас опыт в организации мероприятий, например. Да, конечно, бывает, что я косячу и совершаю много ошибок, но это опыт, потому что умение качественно и в больших масштабах организовывать мероприятие пригодится в дальнейшем, куда бы ты ни пошел” I am now building up experience in organizing events, for example. Yes, of course, it happens that I make many mistakes, but this is an experience, because the ability to organize the event qualitatively and on a large scale is useful in the future, wherever you go. o “И вот когда он выпускается из университета, весь этот наработанный опыт за эти годы возвращается ему. То есть он наработал вот этот опыт, эту практику, стажировку (называй, как хочешь), и потом может смело пробовать себя в этой сфере, если он в этом заинтересован” And when he is graduating from the university, all this experience is returned to him over the years. That is, he has earned this experience, this practice/internship (call it whatever you want), and then he can boldly try himself in this area if he is interested in this. |
Experience in event management is an important step in young people lives. It assists them not only in the development of their own personal skills but also in social impact which these events can have. Generally, it is worth noting that volunteering is rather widespread phenomenon in event sector. Young people are convinced that this is an invaluable experience to organize events having only great enthusiasm and voluntary energies. The organization superiors should monitor volunteers' satisfaction with their involvement in the whole process of event organization. They should encourage their members for sustained effort they make in order to maintain volunteer support and count on them in the future. As one of prevailing models of job satisfaction claimed, there should be equity in the organization. It basically means fairness treatment of all members of organizations. For young people it is highly important to be treated well and equally because it can lead to the feeling of being satisfied with and proud of themselves. And this, in turn, is likely to lead to their better performance as well.
7. Social activity and opportunity for achievement their potential
Youth Included case |
Youth council case |
o “Люди часто приходят к нам от знакомых и друзей знакомых. Приходят они всегда с новыми идеями и инициативами, кстати говоря. От части, потому что мне кажется, им просто некуда податься” People often come to us from acquaintances and friends of acquaintances. They always come with new ideas and initiatives, by the way. From the part, because it seems to me, they simply have nowhere to go. o “И это дает платформу и возможность реализовать себя в разных ролях, получается” And it turns out that this gives the platform and the opportunity to realize themselves in different roles. o “То есть у молодежи (кто бы это ни был: школьники или студенты) есть возможность что-то придумывать и в чем-то участвовать, реализовывать что-то свое. Направленность - в основном социальная” That is, young people (whoever it is: schoolchildren or students) have the opportunity to invent something and participate in something, to realize something of their own. Direction is mainly social. o “Есть еще люди, которые хотят быть активными в социуме” There are still people who want to be active in society. |
o “Подняться как можно выше - вот главная цель” To climb as high as possible - that's the main goal. o “В первую очередь, это работа с молодежью. То есть это помощь самим членам Молодежного совета как-то себя реализовать, посмотреть мир и что-то сделать полезное. Плюс организовать свой досуг, свою карьеру будущую, и при всем при этом сделать какие-то важные полезные дела. Совет это площадка для начинания какой-то взрослой жизни, поисков себя” First of all, this is the work with young people. It is the help to all members of the Youth council to somehow realize themselves, to see the world and do something useful. Plus, organize your leisure, your future career, and at the same time do some important useful things. Council is a platform for the beginning of some adult life, the search for oneself. |
Organizational development interventions imply the career and potential development of the members of organization. It is believed that by encouraging youth development and their personal growth, the superiors of organizations take a significant step in the development of their organization itself. As long as organizational environment is supportive and challenging, young people are willing to improve themselves and are driven by the need for personal growth and achievement. Therefore, it has to be mentioned that the main goal of both organizations is to provide young people with a perfect place to socialize. Everybody knows that socialization is truly a lifelong process as well as learning. Socialization is the means by which human infants begin to acquire the skills necessary to perform as a functioning member of their society and is the most influential learning process one can experience. These organizations are willing to create the conditions for youth self-realization, to educate them necessary skills for the adulthood. Consequently, in pursuit of effective organization of events and performance of the organization it is rather more important to analyze that their members are in the beginning of their socialization. That is why the leaders of youth organizations are trying to create an appropriate place and atmosphere for it.
Observation interpretation quotes and analysis
Points of issue |
Youth Included case |
Youth council case |
Atmosphere |
Ш I suppose that she is doing it in order them to feel like at home, so that everybody can experience their friendship atmosphere in the organization; Ш Katya is a professional manager and mediator in terms of being thoughtful to all the members of the organization. |
Ш There is no spirit of unity and solidarity in this team. It is divided into several groups of like-minded people who consider each other as friends. Others are considered to be strangers for these groups; Ш This conflict includes disagreement over some issue, and, consequently, it results in debate. Plus it involves personal antipathy which results in dislike. |
Organizational behavior |
Ш No pressure; Ш Everybody can feel the support and concern; Ш Even that they don't know each other, they are so friendly, which can mean that they are seeking for affiliation with the existing team. |
Ш He is frustrated with disrespectful behavior of these girls. Other people's reaction split into two groups: ones who support those girls, others who support the chairperson; Ш They strive for finding points of contact with inactive members of Youth council. |
Appreciation and treatment |
Ш She recognizes contribution to work of everybody. Every time she has a chance to show them that it is teamwork, she catches these moments; Ш She provides them with the feelings of belonging and being valuable constantly. |
Ш I suppose that the chairperson deputy said it (“This merit is all your”) only in order to leave a positive impression among members of Youth council. I don't think that he means it. |
Certainly, human communication and interpersonal relationships include both concord and conflict. The researcher had the impression of presence of these two forms of human contact during my observations. According to the basics of communication, concord in the organization consists of two elements, which are agreement over some common issue and personal attraction towards other members. The researcher was observing this form of interpersonal communication between the members of the organization “Youth Included”. The atmosphere during their meetings was comfortable and friendly. The director of this organization always was nice and charming to her volunteers. She is guided in her behavior by principles of cooperative work and equality. Mutual interaction and complementary influence strengthens the feelings of personal attraction among members of this organization.
Youth council, in its turn, had not so pleasant atmosphere during their meetings and events. At one meeting the researcher even noticed a form of interpersonal conflict during her observation. It was a debate, form of conflict which involves disagreement over common issue in the organization. It was an organizational problem, which they were discussing. It is hard to say if there was personal antipathy during this conversation. However, unconditionally, this communication did not lead to problem solving. The researcher did not feel the spirit of unity and solidarity in this team. I had an impression that this organization is divided into several groups of like-minded people who consider each other as a friend, and others - as strangers. Certainly, controversy is healthy in any organization, and this one is not an exception. However, both sides of this interpersonal organizational conflict did not come to a consensus, which tells us about incapability of the chairperson of this organization. He was not able to manage the situation and achieve the desired result.
Observations assisted the researcher mostly in analyzing organizational behavior and atmosphere during meetings of organization members and events which they organized. However, I was able to observe some key points in the maintenance of motivation as well:
ь Recognition and appreciation of volunteers' contribution to work;
ь Positive interpersonal relations with superiors and peers;
ь Division of responsibilities process;
ь Advancement and development processes.
2.2 Questionnaire results
Youth council case
The survey has received responses from 50 members of Youth council. Data were collected quicker than expected: during less than a week. The questionnaire has revealed that mostly people who are engaged in the activities of Youth council are members of this organization less than a year (26 respondents). However, the second option is also predominated among the respondents - they are members of Youth council for already 1 year-3 years (24 respondents). As the chairperson said in his interview that members of Youth council are usually staying for maximum 2 years, and only a few people have a long-term interest in these activities: “У них есть неподдельный интерес к общественной деятельности. У многих он краткосрочный (год-максимум два), а у редкого количества он долгосрочный”/ “They have a genuine interest in social activities. For many, it is a short-term (a year or two) interest, and for a rare amount it is a long-term interest”.
However, interestingly that on the question regarding their future plans for participation and membership in this organization they mostly answered that they would like stay as long as it is possible (40 respondents). We suppose that this can be explained by the enthusiasm and passion in the beggining of activists' work in this organization. The members of Presidium of Youth council are aware of this phenomenon that young people firstly are so inspired by everything what they are doing, but then after some time and with a lack of feedback they are burning out: “Просто когда люди на протяжении года-двух лет не получают никакой отдачи, то сама понимаешь, желание как-то угасает, мотивация падает”/ “It's just that when people do not receive any feedback for over a year or two then, you understand, the desire somehow fades and motivation falls”.
Overall level of satisfaction with organizational culture in Youth council is 4 (3.94) on a scale from 5, which tells us that more than a half of the members of this organization are rather satisfied with the working conditions, climate and atmosphere in the organization (four on a scale - 24 respondents, 5 on a scale - 13 respondents). Though according to researcher's observation (behavior and comments of activists during meetings), there are cases of dissatisfaction with the chairperson's treatment: “Да потому что меня это бесит, мы и так много делаем. Я не хочу мероприятие “для галочки”/ “Because it makes me mad, we do so much. I do not want an event “for a tick”. Moreover, several activists during an organizational meeting said that they are not satisfied with the existent working conditions: “Я не успеваю ничего, у меня еще экзамены впереди и учебы много, а вы требуете присутствия на большом количестве мероприятий”/ “I do not have time for anything, I still have exams ahead and a lot of studies, but you demand a presence on a large number of events”; “Я не могу столько работать, пусть делает кто-то другой. У меня много дополнительных занятий”/ “I cannot work so much, let someone else do it. I have many additional classes”. Interestingly that one of the members of Youth council also emphasized on the question “What do you like least about your work in this organization?” that he/she doesn't like one aspect of working atmosphere as well. He/she answered: “Другое: отсутствие понимания того, что за месяц до экзамена важнее подготовиться к нему, чем сходить на досуг”/ “Other: lack of understanding that it is more important to prepare for the exam than to go on a leisure event one month before the session time”. However, there is a possibility that these were only isolated incidents since the questionnaire results indicated that the majority of the activists are enough satisfied with the working conditions and overall atmosphere in the organization.
Nevertheless, on average respondents consider that the chairperson of Youth council recognizes and acknowledges their work. That is, overall average scale number on the question “Please rate the below statements with the following rating: the Youth council chairperson recognizes and acknowledges my work” is 3.76. Moreover, one of the chairpersons during his interview also emphasized the significance of this aspect as he said “Важно давать им понять, что работа проделана не зря, что она может понести за собой какое-то поощрение. Не всегда, конечно, есть возможность уделить внимание каждому”/ “It is important to let them know that the work has not been done in vain, that it can result in some kind of encouragement. Of course, there is not always an opportunity to pay attention to everyone”. According to this overall scale number, not every member of this organization feels that his work is being recognized.
Likewise, nearly the same result is obtained regarding the question about performance evaluation system in Youth council. For the most part, respondents answered that their organization has effective performance evaluation system (five on a scale - 15 respondents, four on a scale - 20 respondents). Thus, overall average scale number is 3.72. However, I would like to notice again that there is a slight discrepancy with my observation notes where I observed dissatisfaction among several activists regarding evaluation and feedback systems. For example, one of the members during an event said to his friend that the chairperson does not “even said thank you words” after organization of previous event: “Мне ведь много не надо, просто хотя бы благодарность услышать, я о большем не прошу”/ “I do not need much, just at least gratitude to hear, I'm not asking for more”. The most provocative moment here is the fact that he did no say it out loud or at least to the chairperson himself. The other way around, he concealed his dissatisfaction from the Presidium.
As for division of responsibilities, young representatives of this organization do not feel that they are assigned for being responsible for event organization quite often. The answers of respondents are evenly distributed, as we can see from the scale. The explanation for that might sound as follows: the organization superiors (Presidium) assign usually same people for being responsible in doing something. Since less than a half of respondents answered that they are assigned for being responsible too often and often (five on a scale - 5 respondents, four on a scale - 17 respondents), it could mean that they quite often assist the Presidium in organizing events and complying with their instructions. The other part of respondents is almost never assigned for being responsible for the same tasks (two on a scale - 10, one on a scale - 12). Therefore, overall average scale number is only 2.86, which means that prevailing majority of respondents answered less than three (included) on a provided scale. Interestingly that one of the respondents answered that she likes the most about her work in this organization the feeling of responsibility. Thus on the question “What do you like most about your work in this organization?” she answered: “Другое: быть ответственной”/ “Other: to be responsible”.
The most important question in the questionnaire was about motivation factors which stimulate young people for working without payment in Youth council. Interestingly, that more than a half of respondents emphasized these factors as the most influential in their motivation (five on a scale): open communication and feeling of being involved in the whole working process (31 respondents), incredibly friendly team (29 respondents), and interesting work (27 respondents). As can be seen, these factors are associated with social and communication aspects of this work. That is to say, we can conclude that there is a convergence between factors which were highlighted by superiors during interview and these most valuable factors which other members of Youth council mentioned. It means that social needs indeed are prevailing in young people's requirement system and their life organization. Overall average scale number for open communication factor is 4.46, for interesting work - 4.36, and for friendly team - 4.3.
Motivation factors |
Average scale number |
Open communication and feeling of being involved in the whole working process |
4.46 |
Interesting work |
4.36 |
Incredibly friendly team (I have a lot of friends here) |
4.3 |
Gained experience and professional skills |
4.26 |
Career perspectives and establishment of valuable contacts |
4.14 |
Recognition from the core team/president |
3.72 |
Appreciation letters, certificates of honor |
3.66 |
Incentive awards (tickets to the concert, theatre or others) |
3.42 |
In that way gained experience and professional skills combined with career perspectives and establishment of valuable contacts are considered to be less influential but in the meantime substantial in terms of young people motivation. By that I mean that perspective opportunities and future feedback which were mentioned by chairpersons also have implications for the activists of Youth council. Unconditionally, the idea of the future importance does not leave their bright heads since they do believe it will contribute to positive outcomes after they will graduate schools and universities. Incentive awards were placed on the last position in this table of motivational factors since overall average scale number for it was 3.42. That means young people overlook this factor during their work for this organization.
Even so, on the question “Do you think that incentives and other benefits might influence your performance?” most of the respondents answered “yes, absolutely” or “yes” (five on a scale - 22 respondents, four on a scale - 11 respondents). The most interesting thing is that they did not choose this option in the question of motivation factors as most influential, as I mentioned above. Consequently, it can be explained by the fact that they are mostly motivated through their intrinsic motivators rather than through extrinsic one. Undoubtedly, they do believe that good working conditions and rewards from the chairperson will influence their performance. However, to this very day it has not been the most powerful and authoritative aspect of their work. In this regard, their work satisfaction might depend on the motivators rather than on hygiene factors such as organization policy, working conditions, and rewarding system.
On the question about things which they like least about their work in Youth council 17 respondents answered that they do not like the fact that they do not have salary, 11 respondents wrote their own option, equally 10 respondents marked that there are no career perspectives and 10 young people indicated that it is time-consuming work, and only 2 indicated that it demands a lot of effort. Among “other” options of respondents were: “Отсутствие понимая того, что за месяц до экзамена важнее подготовиться к нему, чем сходить на досуг”/ “Lack of understanding that it is more important to prepare for the exam than to go on a leisure event one month before the session time”, “Часто случаются провалы в организации мероприятий”/ “Often there are failures in the organization of events”, “Другие менее активные люди”/ “Other less active people”, “Отсутствие мотивации”/ “Lack of motivation”.
While on the question regarding things which they like most about their work in this organization almost half of the respondents answered that they enjoy entertaining leisure and pastime (19 respondents). Then 1/3 of the respondents chose the option “New acquaintances” - 16 respondents. At the same time 9 of them chose “Friendship atmosphere”, 5 of them wrote their own option, and only 1 person answered about “Treatment as equals”. Among “other” options of respondents were: “Саморазвитие, обучение чему то новому”/ “Self-development, learning something new”, “Приобретение нового опыта и навыков”/ “Acquiring new experience and skills”, “Быть ответственной”/ “Be responsible”.
The most interesting thing, which, in my opinion, deserves a special attention is the fact that only one respondent said about treatment as equals as the most pleasing thing in their work for Youth council. We suppose that it is mostly connected with the hierarchical management system which this organization has. This is a well-known fact that organization should have board members for signing the papers or negotiating with other authorities, for instance. Yet this shouldn't affect the relationships among all the members of the organization. In the best possible way, organization like this should have a division of responsibilities, but all members must be treated as equals. Since this is an organization, where young people can join voluntarily, there should be no pressure and “superior-subordinate” relationships. Even one of the members of Presidium mentioned it in his interview: “без иерархии внутри совета не обойтись. Звание ничего, по сути, не дает, ну заместитель ты, и что? Председателя выбирают единогласно, потому что это видно, кто лидирует и больше всего делает. А вот заместителя председатель назначает сам. И ты понимаешь, может, к чему я веду? Начинается какая-то ревность, зависть может даже, борьба или недопонимание. Но это субъективное мнение председателя о том, с кем ему проще работать и кому проще доверить какие-то дела. Но люди этого не понимают, ты же не станешь объяснять каждому”/ “It is indispensable to work within council without hierarchy. The position does not give you anything. Well, you are the deputy and what? The chairperson is chosen unanimously, because it is clear who is in the lead and who does for the organization the most. But the chairperson deputy is designated by the chairperson himself. And maybe you understand what I'm getting at? Some jealousy, even envy, struggle or misunderstanding occur. But this is a subjective opinion of the chairperson about who it is easier for him to work with and who is easier to entrust some business. However, people do not understand this, and you will not explain to everyone”. In the situation when people do not want to offend others and be offended themselves, it is better not to focus on the hierarchy as a command-control system, but rather to establish a new organizational structure with a division of labor in accordance with the preferences of organization members. That is why a decentralization and simplification of organizational structure should be implemented in this organization.
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