Motivation as a key factor of communication and management processes in youth organizations of St. Petersburg and Prague

Theorizing the framework for organizational development. Theory X and Y controversial styles of management. Work motivation and satisfaction. Six main antecedents of organizational learning. Youth organizations’ practices: empirical research results.

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Research problem: the coordination and management of young people in voluntarily organizations like Youth council are troublesome due to several reasons, which are weak motivation, organizational conflicts, lack of time, and absence of experience. The privation of worthwhile and convenient solutions for these problems leads to crucial outcome which restricts the quality of work they do. This outcome implies the fluctuation of members in a sense of them leaving this organization.

Key research question: how to reduce fluctuation and turnover processes in Youth council in Kirovsky district and keep its members motivated.

Specific research questions (tasks):

1. To identify key motivation factors which keep young people motivated for volunteering work.

2. To describe how work process is organized in youth organizations.

3. To examine types of organizational behavior which youth organizations have.

4. To explore what the main principles of qualitative work in youth organizations are.

5. To make an organizational proposal to Presidium of Youth council in accordance with identified issues and researcher's recommendations.

Subjects of inquiry:

р Youth Council in Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

р Non-profit organization “Youth Included” in Prague


Both these organizations:

1) are open platforms for young people, for their integration into society, for enabling their personal experience;

2) have same goal which is to encourage and provide participation of youth in social and cultural life of the city;

3) have difficulties with funding, and, consequently, use the system of barter for exchanging services;

4) solve local problems in the society they work in.

Access to the field:

The access to the field in the first case was easy to arrange since the researcher also works for this organization as a volunteer. In the second case access was arranged in a different way by negotiating with the director of the organization via Facebook and e-mail.

Data collection:

1. First step: semi-structured interview (7 people: 4 - Youth council chairpersons, 3 - Youth Included core team members), observation (6 times: 4 - Youth council, 2 - Youth Included);

2. Second step: online questionnaire (81 respondents: 50 - Youth council members, 31 - Youth Included members).

The usage of semi-structured interview as a tool for data collection allows the researcher to get reliable and comparable qualitative data by interviewing the superiors/managers of these youth organizations. Moreover, the researcher appeared competent during the interview because of being prepared in advance, while the informants had a chance to express their views on the research problem. Interviewing assisted the researcher in completing several research tasks, such as identification of common issues and motivation factors.

Observation helped the researcher to be included in the studied society and examine organizational behavior and communication processes within organization meetings and events. In the first case the researcher was a complete participant as she is completely integrated in studied organization. While in the second case the researcher was a moderate participant as she maintained a balance between “insider” and “outsider” roles while observation. This method of data collection helped the researcher to have tacit intra organizational knowledge by being involved in the day-to-day or routine activities of youth organizations.

Online questionnaire served as the second step in this research. Only subordinate members of youth organizations were asked to fill in the questionnaire forms since it was oriented towards motivation aspect only.

Data analysis methods: a comparative analysis is necessary to use in these two cases. In particular a narrative analysis was useful while analyzing observation notes and semi-structured interviews.

Theoretical framework: one of the important theories which was used in this research is an organizational theoretical perspective developed by Douglas McGregor. He proposed the assumptions of motivation theory X and theory Y, which are related to managerial behavior in the organizations. These assumptions indicate that members of organization are motivated either via direction and control (theory X) or integration and self-control (theory Y). The central principle which derives from Theory Y is related to integration process: the creation of working conditions such that members of organization can achieve their own goals best by directing their efforts toward the success of organization. Also the learning organization theory by Peter Senge was examined in this research. The author put forward an idea that learning organization is determined as a group of people working together collectively to enhance their capacities in order to create results they really wish to have. In these terms we can speak about youth organizations as samples of this study. Senge also believed in the theory of system thinking, which focuses on how the individual that is being studied interacts with the other members of the system. In other words it was considered that youth organizations are whole complex systems. Moreover, some other motivation theories were examined, such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs, job characteristics model developed by Hackman and Oldham, expectancy theory proposed by Vroom Victor H, and two-factor model theory by Frederick. Maslow's hierarchical pyramid of needs was relevant in terms of its theoretical continuation in Douglas McGregor's work. The author proposed that there are five basic categories of human needs which we can apply to everybody while investigating people's behavior: physiological needs, safety, social, esteem, and self-fulfillment. Job characteristic model was proposed by Hackman and Oldham. The main focus of this theory is the job that workers perform while working. Expectancy theory introduces the idea of certain expectations and beliefs which individuals keep in mind regarding possible consequences and outcomes of their efforts. And, finally, two-factor model draws attention to the concept of intrinsic (motivators) and extrinsic motivation (hygiene factors) in employee participation and performance.

Appendix 2

Organizational proposal

Youth council chairpersons should follow several ideas which were developed by researcher in order to reduce fluctuation and turnover processes in Youth council in Kirovsky district and keep its members motivated:

р They should firstly introduce the role of HR manager, who will be responsible for establishment of contacts with school and universities in Kirovskiy district (since they need to attract new people), also for organizational conflicts solving and for maintenance of motivation level.

р They should create sections and departments for better transferring of tacit and explicit knowledge among absolutely all members of the organization. The principle idea is to show all activists how work is organized so that all of them will be involved in decision-making process and will direct their efforts towards the success of organization.

р They should implement rotation of responsibilities in the working process so that there will be variety of activities and challengeable tasks for everyone. In this way, it will lead to reemergence of young people's interest and eagerness to contribute more in their work.

Some motivation strategies are also compulsory for consideration:

Motivation factors which influence young people's work

Chairpersons' contribution

Young people will be more likely motivated if the organizational environment enables them to feel valuable for what they are doing day by day. This basically means that there should be recognition and acknowledgement from the chairpersons.

р Develop such managerial processes that will provide young people with the opportunity to agree their expectations and receive positive feedback and outcome.

р Develop such rewarding system that will provide young people with the opportunities for receiving non-financial rewards such as vouchers for attractions, gift cards and posters, etc.

Principal needs should be satisfied, thus it will provide young people with the techniques for achieving their goals, becoming autonomous, using variety of skills and competencies.

р Develop a redesign of jobs which will take into account job enlargement, job rotation, and job enrichment. Moreover, young people have to be given responsibilities and as much self-control as possible.

Young people are also seeking for opportunities for their personal growth.

р Provide young people with learning opportunities and personal development through planning working processes in the way that all their abilities will be involved.

Appendix 3

Guide for the interview

Hello, my name is Alesia and I am currently studying communication and management systems in Youth organizations. I would like to ask you several questions concerning this matter. It will take approximately for 30-40 minutes.

1. Could you please tell me what position you take? How long do you take it? How long have you been working for Youth council (for this organization)? What is your major activity (school, university, job)?

2. Do you know what objectives Youth council has? Do these objectives coincide with yours? What for you are the main principles (goals) of working in Youth council?

3. How is work in Youth council constructed? What are the areas of this work? Do all members of Youth council participate in it? What kind of activities (events) does Youth council organize? Who initiates it? How does the organization process of events pass? Have you ever been responsible for the events organization? Did you like it? Did you do it alone or with a help of somebody?

4. Do you think Youth council nowadays has some problems to deal with? What kind of problems? Who should be responsible for these solutions? Do you feel some pressure under the superiors of Youth Council?

5. How often do you communicate with your colleagues except for the working questions? Do you prefer to communicate with somebody more than with the others? What principle of selection do you have? Would you like to spend more free time with your colleagues? Do you have some people you are not interested to communicate with?

6. What in your opinion is the motivation for Youth council members to work here? What could you advice to improve it?

Thank you very much for the answers. Good luck with your work!

Appendix 4

Questionnaire for motivation in youth organizations

Dear respondent, I am a master student from Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of Sociology. Currently I am writing my master thesis about motivation as a key factor of communication and management processes in youth organizations. I kindly ask you to fill in this questionnaire as part of my research. Thank you in advance!

1. How many years have you been working as a volunteer in this organization?

a. Less than a year

b. 1-3 years

c. More than 3 years

2. What are your future plans for working as a volunteer in this organization?

a. I want to stay as long as it is possible

b. I want to stay for one more year

c. I want to stay for a couple of months

d. I think about leaving the organization

e. I don't know yet

3. Rate your level of satisfaction with overall organizational culture (working conditions, values and norms it has, working climate and atmosphere, etc.)?

(highly dissatisfied) 1 2 3 4 5 (highly satisfied)

4. How do you evaluate the statement “The core team/president of the organization is interested in motivating other volunteers”?

(strongly disagree) 1 2 3 4 5 (strongly agree)

5. How strong is your motivation as a volunteer for this organization? (Rate your options in accordance with provided scale, where 1 - not important for your motivation; 5 - highly important for your motivation)







a. Interesting work

b. Career perspectives and establishment of valuable contacts

c. Incentive awards (tickets to the concert, theatre or others)

d. Appreciation letters, certificates of honor

e. Recognition from the core team/president

f. Incredibly friendly team (I have a lot of friends here)

g. Gained experience and professional skills

h. Open communication and feeling of being involved in the whole working process

6. Please rate the below statements with the following rating

a. The organization (core team/president) recognizes and acknowledges my work

(strongly disagree) 1 2 3 4 5 (strongly agree)

b. Good relationships and support from other volunteers is helpful to get motivated

(strongly disagree) 1 2 3 4 5 (strongly agree)

c. The organization has effective performance evaluation system for its members
(strongly disagree) 1 2 3 4 5 (strongly agree)

7. How often are you assigned for being responsible for some task or event organization?

(not at all) 1 2 3 4 5 (too often)

8. What do you like least about your work in this organization?

a. No salary

b. Expenditure of time

c. Effort

d. No career perspectives

e. Other_______________________________________________________________

9. What do you like most about your work in this organization?

a. New acquaintances

b. Treatment as equals

c. Friendship atmosphere

d. Entertaining leisure and pastime

e. Other_______________________________________________________________

10. Do you think that incentives and other benefits might influence your performance?

(definitely, not) 1 2 3 4 5 (yes, absolutely)

11. Your sex

a. Male

b. Female

12. Your age

a. Under 18 years

b. Between 18 - 22 years

c. Between 22 - 25 years

d. Between 25 - 30 years

e. Over 30 years

13. Please write your current main activity (eg. student of faculty of social sciences, high school pupil, employee in NGO company etc.)


Thank you for your participation in my research!

Appendix 5

Interview transcript

Interviewer: Student who is doing the research

Interviewee: the President of the organization “Youth Included”

(Start of the interview)

Interviewer: First of all, thank you very much, because I was trying to reach any other organizations here, and like some of them completely ignored me, and some of them just didn't help me. So, firstly, can you please tell me where you're working, what kind of employees you have (volunteers, as I got), whim who you're working and what event you organize.

Interviewee: Well, I guess, it is better to split the questions a bit, because I already don't remember all of them.

Interviewer: Yeah, of course. I'm sorry. So, first of all, what kind of organization you are.

Interviewee: So basically, Youth Included is an open platform for youngsters who are coming from different backgrounds. We are not deliberately saying via our status, for example, that we are migrants' organization, but we are actually. We were established in 2012 by group of young enthusiasts who were working basically in Academia and who were somehow connected with non-formal education or intercultural education and so on. At the moment it was established, two of us were working in migrants' organizations. And we understood that there is a gap, because migrants' organizations here in the Czech Republic mainly work with social cases, so with poor migrants. And they basically are giving the possibilities of legal counseling or social services. And they also work either with kids or with people who already have problems in terms of their rights or seniors. But there was nobody who worked with usual youngsters who are studying at the universities. A lot of students actually are studying here from all over the world but there was no place where they could come and they had to integrate into society on their own. So we were thinking that there is a gap and we wanted to fulfill this gap. We were also working at different organizations, which mean that we had some part-time employment, so that's why we decided we will leave it on a voluntary base. So again we are working for already 4 years and we started with international projects. So, with the funding from European Union on the line Erasmus+. It's trainings, seminars, round tables, conferences, because we were academic related. Afterwards in 2015 we were thinking that it's time to give back to communities to organize local things. And we started with the project “Hungry for change”. And within this project we are doing the activities for Prague. Now it's already the second year of doing local work. For sure, I can tell that local wok takes more time than international one, because it is quite difficult to coordinate and organize something, because we all are working or studying. As for funding, some of the activities are funded, some are not.

Interviewer: By government?

Interviewee: For these two years we have cooperation with City Council Prague 14. Last year they invited us to their neighborhood to organize activities for migrants. Both on the social level and creativity level. We organized a community cooking, so migrants from different parts of the world were sharing their cuisines. And also some creativity workshops. So now we finished after two years. And we are planning to open up again in Prague 14 a round spring. Because this funding works like that: you're applying in January and wait for all the money till April. And last year we had a co-funding, so we could start in January. This year we don't have, because we start with new initiatives. So we will just start when the money is on the account. This is one, and on the local level we also have new initiative which is called “Czech friendly”. This is a set of tools which will enable a social solidarity in the city. Because we know what are the sentiments against foreigners now here in Prague. So this is basically a platform for enabling personal experience with foreigners. There is a web page with an interactive map with ethnic food places. It also collects the stories of the owners of these food places in order to people to understand and know the whole story for the “Borsh” from Russian cafй, for example. The whole story, why this person opened this place and what is his life here. So we would like to collect around 50 place in Prague. And through these life stories which we are planning to do like videos and also in the written form we will be able to start think more what is behind these food places. Because we were thinking what is the easiest way for people to know each other. It's music, but there are already someones who are doing it. As for food, there is no such project. We were inspired by similar project in Bulgaria, it's already working. Afterwards there will be also recipes from specific restaurants. So people will be able to try to do it and bring to their home. And also there will be a printed map with which you can go around the city. And there will be a mobile application. We want to do it like an educational game. But the aim is again to know that there are not only Czech food places here. So this is our new initiative which is supported by Vodafone. And we are starting in January. We applied, passed through three selections and will start in January again. Then we are doing on the local level the coordination of volunteers on “Refufest”. It's an intercultural festival. And we already third year helping them out with volunteers, because they don't have capacities for it. And it was supported by Ministry for 10 years, but now it's not. So it means we have more freedom, but at the same time it's also funny, Because earlier we did per one day, this festival. And now we do it for 3 days, and I think we actually are doing really good, since young migrants are able to join it and they are really active, they want to give back to a community. This year was started already in September. So we organize in collaboration with Czech team fundraise, charity concert, collection of things (we collected three cars of clothes and so on). And in January we start again with fundraise and community cooking. And also some dancing workshops. So this is like the big part of what we are doing. These events are every month. As for international, from 2015 we started doing long term initiatives. The big one was - “social inclusion out of the box”. It's again the platform of tools, which you can use while working with different target groups (single mother or migrants or whatever). We also did one year project for young people competencies. And I would also really like to mention that we want to put this “Czech friendly” project on the international level.

Interviewer: This sounds really interesting, and a lot of things to do. And do you have time for it? I mean you said that you all are working or studying or whatever, but how do you find time for it? So I guess this is basically the question of motivation, I would say.

Interviewee: Well, first of all, after 4 year one thing is clear - we do not commit young people to do it, it's all like they can join on whatever thing they want. And on the other hand, it's like….let's say it's a charity concert. I'm working with a group of volunteers for 40-50 people. So when we meet, we give them different possibilities and then go with the majority. And then we organize the meeting on specific day, when only 20, for example will come. And then on this meeting, let's say, 10 people will be the core team, which are always there. But what we were really surprised at, that people who we thought wouldn't have time for it, they always have. And vice versa. So we have a one girl, who is always asking about the time through our Facebook group. And she would talk with everybody like how are you, what are you doing now, are you planning to stay in this group.

Interviewer: So she is kind of human resource manager?

Interviewee: Yes. We actually didn't do it last year, because they themselves (youngsters) introduce that they wanted to do this and that, but then in the end for 5 people not to do all the job we just need to understand if these 40 people are still here with us, or if it's less than 40. And this is why we need it, we need to address to them, to talk to them. Because, for example, now it's an exam period from December till the end of January, and a lot of guys ask to stay in the group though they don't have time now to do anything. And as for motivation, I would say that after one year we all are becoming friends, even though there is an age difference. We have people from 16 to 30-35 years old. But within the organization we never say “I'm older, you're younger, so you do a dirty job”. So we all are equals. If there is a charity concert, let's say last year, simply one of the volunteers was 16 and another 22. They just decided they would be responsible for it together. And we just trusted them; I asked them “what do they need”. Even though, of course, I can do it all by myself. But there is no point in doing this. And they actually did perfect job, because the girl is a professional singer. And the guy is just really passionate about music and photography and so on. They were the main who coordinated everything. And last year we also did a Syrian dinner for 180 people. So again we had a group of volunteers, who said they would like to fundraise it this way because the main guy is Syrian and he is really passionate about cooking, but he is also only 22 years old. At that moment he finished university. So he organized the group of people within our volunteers who helped him with cooking. And then he also organized a cafй in his university, which gave this space for free. So we had people who were serving, helping with the tickets, collecting money and so on. So, generally, when we organize something, we first of all, ask who wants to be responsible for what, and then we (the core team), we just helping out. So basically we just facilitate, and young people themselves organize things. And they always have the possibility of mistake, so it's not a problem, we will be there for them. And also it's a good experience. For example, on the 8th of December we had a really big event - French musician Zaz was coming to Prague, and her producer was contacting us and asking to speak from the podium. There were 3000 people, and it was a good possibility to talk. And first, when I agreed on this, I didn't know she is so popular. And we were 10 people, 10 volunteers. And we decided who did what, but in the place everything has changed, and we just wanted to be sure that everyone is okay. So this is one thing. We support them. And also we sometimes wanna meet in a non-formal way just to know how they are doing. If the person is studying, but sometime feels alone or reached out, we talk to him. And I think all these things are keeping them motivated.

Interviewer: I thing yeah, the main point that you mentioned is about responsibilities. I would say that if you give some responsibility to person, he is motivated more than enough; because this is how he thinks that he is needed, like people need him. And this really supports his motivation. Well, yeah, than I also wanted to ask you about cooperation with local government. You said about Prague 14, right?

Interviewee: Basically because we don't have an official office, because we don't need it at this point. And Prague 14 was among those local governments, who really invited us to come in. and even though for us it's not super comfortable because it's 20 minutes by metro from the center. On the other hand, we have total freedom in what we are doing.

Interviewer: So they are providing you with some budget? No rooms for meeting?

Interviewee: Yeah, just budget. Because again we don't need these rooms for meetings. When we organize creativity shops, it's the place for this shops, like atelier or some others.

Interviewer: Yeah, but for regular meeting with volunteers?

Interviewee: Aah, yeah. We meet in the basic community center, for whom we did “Refufest coordination of volunteers. So yes, the space for meeting is there. And when we do other meeting, like for “Czech friendly”, we meet at cafй. It's much easier, because mostly young people would prefer to meet in non-formal way and to feel that “well, maybe at some point this one can become my friend”. Oh, and I remember you asked about the time. So, in this case, the core essence is that you help as much as you want, and every help counts. So there is no obligation to help, like 2 hours per week, 3 hours per month and so on. And also from our experience I can say that there are people who can honestly come every time and they are working on a regular basis. But there are also people who come once per six months and something big or just come and spend 48 hours at the festival, but it doesn't make them less valuable for us. So, yes there are more active people, but all the rest also have this feeling that they are belonging to this group. So, at some point, it will pay back. And as for us who are working, I think it became a part of our lives. But I'm not doing it at home, to be honest.

Interviewer: And what is your major job?

Interviewee: My major job is…at this point I am a project coordinator for the integration course “Welcome to the Czech Republic”. So I'm working for an NGO. But from 1st of January I will manage the student department at the international office of University of New York. And I think I will still have time for that. I mean it seems like there are a lot of things, but in reality, as I said, we just facilitate, we are just helping out other volunteers. So we involve young people, and then a lot of time they are doing alone, we don't need to be there. We just give them the chance to be involved.

Interviewer: So it seems like you and your core team, you all are coordinators for the work of your organization? Like management superiors?

Interviewee: You can say that. But we don't have any hierarchy. Officially we have board members, simple because we need it for the papers. But in reality we don't have.

Interviewer: But who is the one who is always asking what is going to be done? You, right?

Interviewee: Me, yes. And in reality, I'm also the one who is doing dirty job. And they would do the good one. So, for example, on Sunday I was the one who had to spend half of the day sorting out the staff for the refugees together with another board member. And on Tuesday I had to collect all of the things and bring them to the work house and give it to the drivers. And nobody would say “how's that? President is doing this dirty job?” Because we don't have this management system. Officially, again, I have some responsibilities, for example, finances plus signing some things. But as for doing different kind of jobs, no.

Interviewer: Okay. That's great, I think, because one of main problems youth organizations could encounter, is that it originates from the hierarchy system they pretend to have. Some subordinates can think that “okay there are superiors who want us to do the dirty job” or whatever. Every time, I think, all the organizational conflicts originate from this, from hierarchy perspective in the organization.

Interviewee: Yeah, I completely agree. Because it's a human nature. However, in our cases, if you want to people be engaged, there should be no hierarchy. There can be levels of responsibilities. So we know, who would take the responsibility at some point, and in the situation of emergency he will come and do it.

Interviewer: Okay, yeah, I got you. Well, I think the last question can be…if you're not in a hurry, what would you say about some problems you have (if you have ones), some maybe organizational conflicts, and communication barriers? Could you point out them?

Interviewee: Well, I would say not problems, but challenges. Okay, again about the structure. Yes, we don't have hierarchy, which brings us to the side that there is no usual division of labor and also leads to the situation when you don't know who would do the dirty job and so on. But when you work with volunteers, this is just not possible, because if at the moment you treat volunteer like that, next day you won't have this volunteer. If the person is smart, he will leave. So on the one hand, it's a challenge again, because sometimes you have to take the responsibility and do it when somebody else cannot. But on the other hand, it's strength, because another time other people will cover for you. Well, second one is finances. So yes, we don't have stable salary or something. But I would say…well, I'm working in the NGO sector from 2010 and I can say that it also gives us freedom. And due to the fact that we work with young people, freedom is needed. If you see NGOs who are working with funding, they're really limited by funding lines. They have to work with the priorities which are funded at the specific year. And afterwards they have to write projects all the time. Because if they don't, they don't have salaries to pay the rent, for example. We are totally free of it. So, it gives us possibility to keep creativity up. For example, one girl came to us and she said “I want to organize these salsa classes for fundraising”. She is working full-time, like every day, but she has this idea which she wants to fundraise this way. And we, of course, say “yeah, let's do it”. And if you come to any other organization, this is simply not possible, because they don't have capacities to do something like that; they don't want to work extra time for things which don't have money involved. I understand it, but we saw that with young people it doesn't work like that. This is second. Next is about rotation of people, yes. The core team needs to be changed more or less every two years. Because simply people change their life priorities or move somewhere. Actually in the majority of cases, when people leave our organization, it's basically because they move to other country. So they don't leave just because they want to leave. And again, on the one hand, it's a challenge, because every two years you have new people with new ideas and new ways, so we take it just as life circles. This period is over, but the next one is starting. So when we started, we had an academic view, we dealt with conferences and research, cultural education. But at that point we would never think we will do some local work as well. And as for the presence, not everybody has to be physically at the meetings, because he simply can read the report afterwards.

Interviewer: And who is actually writing these reports?

Interviewee: Every time it's a different person. And then everyone can see what was discussed and what he wants to do, for example. And what I also wanted to say that sometimes people start working with us as interns for 3-6 months. For example, there is a high school girl, who had to find an internship, so we provided her with this placement. And there is a guy, who had to do a project with accordance to his master thesis, and he came to us and together we developed this project “Czech friendly”, so now he is one member from this core team of this project, You will talk to him, he is also 22 or 23 years old, just finished his masters. So he did a research with us from summer, and he actually was the best in his class, because it was really something valuable done.

Interviewer: Okay, yeah I see. Well, I really don't want to bother you anymore, so again thank you so much for your time and I will text you and then you can contact me with other guys. Thank you and have a nice day!

Interviewee: No problem! It was a pleasure. Have a nice day you too.

Appendix 6

Observation diary

Location: InBaze community center

Date and time: 15.01.2017 11.00-12.50

What I see

How I feel about it

How I interpret it

The first thing which happened when we came into the room was the fact that Katya offered tea for everyone. A couple of girls said that they can help her out.

When they went to the kitchen space, other guys started to talk to each other. There were several new guys, who began to introduce themselves while telling their own stories how they came here and why.

A couple of guys were late, Katya said “no problem, come on in, just take a chair from the outside”. Others are smiling to them and saying “hi” and are moving so that there will be space in the circle for everybody.

Katya is telling the story why and what for this organization exists. She is turning to everybody and trying to look in their eyes with each her word. Other people pay attention to her words, especially ones that came for the first time. Plus every other minute she is asking others (the old ones) “did I miss something? What else?” She said “We're working for coordination of young people volunteers”, another guy reacted and said that it's great. He continued talking and mentioned that his main objectives here are to be a volunteer and have new friends.

Newcomers start to talk about themselves again, because Katya asked them to tell everything since she and some other guys haven't heard the stories. Some of them mention these reasons why they came: get to know new people, have fun, gain experience for future work. Furthermore, they emphasize the fact that they just came to Prague so they don't have a lot of acquaintances to communicate with.

Then she started to talk about organizational moments. One girl is making notes in her notebook at this time. Katya firstly tells what they need to do, what the aim of event is, and then she asks who wants to be responsible for the tasks. Someone offers help by negotiating with a “friend of mine”; someone volunteers to do a campaign to attract people so that they will come to an event. Mostly Katya speaks and then asks other people opinion; she starts the conversation regarding each new agenda item.

In the end of the meeting she said “are you excited?” Then she summarizes everything and asks if there are any questions. Everyone is shrugging. And then they all are getting up. However, one girl comes to Katya and asks her question personally so that nobody can hear. Little by little everyone is leaving.

I feel that she as a Director of this organization is trying to be nice and polite.

I think that these new guys feel a bit uncomfortable to speak aloud about themselves. However, those experienced people were trying to support them by starting the conversation.

It's not a big deal to be late for this meeting. The Director is not trying to put any pressure on the members of the organization.

I think it's nice of them to provide these latecomers with the space for their chairs.

She is definitely proud of the things which her organization is doing. However, she doesn't hold the stage. While talking she pointed out several times that it's a merit of all team members. When she asked to continue this guy, she is really nice to him and I think that they're good friends.

I feel that they are more relaxed than in the beginning of the meeting. Some of their voices tremble, though they at least are smiling and sitting with the open posture for communication.

They indeed look a bit lost there and in the city in general. I think they feel some sort of cultural shock.

Katya is only suggesting the idea concerning different topics. Her main objective is to navigate other team members so that they can participate in the whole discussion. They look passionate while expressing their opinions.

She is trying to keep them excited and passionate about organizing forthcoming events.

Not everybody is courageous enough to talk aloud especially if this girl has some personal question regarding her active participation or excuses for not being at some event, for example.

I suppose that she is doing it in order them to feel like at home, so that everybody can experience their friendship atmosphere in the organization.

One of the objectives of core team in this organization is to attract new people to work with them. They need to interest newcomers not only with the exciting work they do but also with the pleasant atmosphere where everybody can feel the support and concern.

Since the organization is volunteer oriented, they literally cannot press their members for being on time, because everyone can have its own plans and other things to do.

Even that they don't know each other, they are so friendly, which can mean that they are seeking for affiliation with the existing team.

Katya is a professional manager and mediator in terms of being thoughtful to all the members of the organization. She recognizes contribution to work of everybody. Every time she has a chance to show them that it is teamwork, she catches these moments.

The objectives of this guy are rather social and value oriented than truly egoistic.

These newcomers are outgoing and open-minded people, but they are totally confused and embarrassed. The reason why they in actual fact came there is that they are searching for like-minded people to feel at ease in new city. They are in need of support and belonging to the group as a necessary step in their adaption to new culture and place.

She (Director) keeps in mind the idea of facilitating other members and giving them a chance to do their best first. She provides them with the feelings of belonging and being valuable constantly.

Katya understands that if she doesn't keep this level of excitement, she will probably lose some people after several weeks.

Private conversations are also very important in terms of being in touch with all the members of the organization. There is a probability that if Katya doesn't pay enough attention to some concerns of volunteers, she also can lose these people.

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