Analysis of the quality system of the kefir production line and metrological support at "Altyn Dan" LLС

The characteristic of kefir are reflected. The technological scheme of production of kefir is provided, the information on a nomenclature of indicators of quality. An algorithm of action for improvement of a quality management system on company.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.05.2018
Размер файла 971,7 K

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Normative references


Symbols and abbreviations


1. Metrological support of production

1.1 Characteristics and destination area products

1.2 Justification of the choice of measuring process

1.3 State control over compliance with standards, metrology standards and regulations

2. Management and quality control

2.1 The range of indicators and evaluation of the quality of products qualimetric

2.2 Statistical methods for quality control (computer calculations)

2.3 Test products

2.4 Certification of products and quality systems

3. Development of regulatory documents (UIRS)

4. Life safety

5. Environmental protection

6. Economy

7. Business planning



List of references


The diploma project on the subject: Analysis of the quality system of the kefir production line and metrological support at «Altyn Dan» LLС, was carried out in accordance with the assignment and methodological instructions for the diploma project.

The main part of the thesis project consists of: pages 155, tables 28, pictures 9.

The graphic part consists of 6 circuits on A1 formats. The list of literature includes 19 sources.

kefir nomenclature management quality


In the present diploma project references to the following normative documents are used:

TR CU 021/2011-technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of food products".

TR CU 033/2013-technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of milk and dairy products"

TR CU 005/2011 "About safety of packing"

ST RK 1.14-2004 State system of standardization of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Standards of the organization. Types and order of development

ST RK 1.5-2013 State system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. General requirements to construction, statement, registration and contents of standards

ST RK 2.15-2005 State system of ensuring unity of measurements of the Republic of Kazakhstan. State metrological supervision and metrological control. Basic provisions

ST RK 3.15.1-2009 State system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certification of quality management system. Basic provisions

ST RK 3.15.2-2009 State system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certification of quality management system. A work order on certification of QMS

ST RK ISO 9001-2016 Quality management system. Requirements

ST RK ISO 14001-2016 Systems of ecological management. Requirements and application guide

OHSAS 18001-2015 Systems of management of health protection and safety of work

GOST 14192-96 Marking of Freights

GOST 23285-78 of Paqueta transport for foodstuff and a glass container. Specifications

GOST 23327-98 Milk and dairy products. A method of measurement of a mass fraction of the general nitrogen across Kyeldal and definition of a mass fraction of protein

GOST 31179-2002 Statistical methods. Acceptance control cards

GOST 31454-2012 Kefir. Specifications

GOST 3622-68 Milk and dairy products. Sampling and preparation them to test.

GOST 3624-92. Milk and dairy products. Titrimetrichesky methods of determination of acidity

GOST 5867-90 Milk and dairy products. Fat definition methods


Kefir - the fermented milk product produced in the way mixed (lactic and spirit) fermentations with use of the ferment made on kefiric fungi without addition of pure cultures of lactic microorganisms and yeast.

Technological process is an ordered sequence of the interconnected actions which are carried out from the moment of emergence of basic data before obtaining the required result.

The indicator of quality of production is the quantitative characteristic of one or several properties of production entering her quality, considered in relation to certain conditions of her creation and operation or consumption.

The quality of production is a set of the properties of production causing its suitability to satisfy certain requirements according to her appointment.

Compliance assessment - direct or indirect definition of observance of requirements imposed to an object.

Property of production - the objective feature of production which is shown during her creation, operation or consumption.

Test is a technical operation which consists in definition of one or several characteristics of production according to the established procedure by the adopted rules

Test method - the established technical rules of carrying out test.

The test report - the document containing results of tests and the other information relating to tests.

Statistical methods of quality control show that in a certain series of goods certain characteristics of quality meet a certain number of times, and on the basis of these data it is possible to build a curve of normal distribution.

Measurement - finding of value of physical quantity by practical consideration by means of special technical means.

Accreditation scope - officially recognized objects of conformity assessment, on which accreditation is distributed;

Preliminary national standard - standard for the temporary application, intended to accumulation of requirement experience in the process of its application and available for the wide range of customers;

An audit (in the scope of confirmation of conformity) - systematic, independent and documented analysis of activity of accredited bodies on confirmation of compliance with the established requirements and (or) testing laboratories (centers), as well as performing on the initiative of applicant of consistency control of certified products, services, processes, quality management systems;

Supplier - individual or legal entity, providing products, service;

Producer (executor) - individual or legal entity, providing products for subsequent alienation or self-consumption in industrial purposes, as well as executing the work or rendering a service on non-gratuitous and (or) gratuitous contract;

Inspectorial control - verification, carrying out by an accredited body on confirmation of compliance of certified products, process to the requirements, established by the technical regulation according to the procedure, determined by the authorized body;

Consortium standard - standard, developed and approved by consortium, applied by its members;

Service - the results of direct interaction of supplier and consumer and internal activity of supplier on consumer satisfaction;

Risk - probability of causing of harm to human life or health, environment, as well as plant and animal life, in recognition of degree of its consequences;

The state system of technical regulation - a set of individuals and legal entities, state bodies, carrying out work in the field of technical regulation within its competence, as well as regulatory legal acts, standards and standard technical documents;

Register of the state system of technical regulation - a document of registration of technical regulation and standard technical documents, standards, classifiers of technical and economic information, bodies on confirmation of conformity, testing laboratories, technical committees on standardization, experts - auditors on confirmation of conformity, accreditation, determination of country of origin of goods, the status of goods of Custom union or foreign goods and issued documents in the scope of confirmation of conformity, except for the standards of organizations and consortia standards;

Interested parties - individuals, legal entities and their association, unions, activity of which directly related with developing of technical regulations, as well as other persons, participation of which is provided by international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Compulsory certification - confirmation procedure of compliance of products with the requirements, established by the technical regulations, with participation of bodies on confirmation of conformity;

Standard technical document - regulatory document, containing technical and technological standards.

Authorized body - the public authority which is carrying out state regulation in the field of technical regulation and metrology

Metrological support - establishment and application of the scientific and organizational bases, technical means, rules and norms necessary for achievement of unity and the required accuracy of measurements.


TR CU - Technical regulations of the Customs Union

TR RK - Technical regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

GOST - interstate standard

ST RK - national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

ISO - International Organization for Standardization

MI- measurement instruments

QMS - Quality management system

TPM - a technique of performance of measurements

MI - the methodical instruction

DP - the documentary procedure

GSI - State system of ensuring unity of measurements

ND- Normative document

OHSAS- Occupational health and safety Assessment Series

HACCP- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

CP TEA - classifier of products by type of economic activity

DHPF - dangerous and harmful production factors

DPF - dangerous production factors

HPF - harmful production factors

LLC «Altyn Dan» - Limited Liability Company «Altyn Dan»


In Kazakhstan and in other CIS countries need of the maximum use of achievements of biotechnology for compact and effective processing of raw materials for the food purposes has begun. Now for achievement of this task exerts a great influence on production of acid dairy products.

For the Kazakhstan producers of dairy products market conditions were followed by considerable problems and many risks. Though the agrarian sector has traditionally played an important role in development of national economy, that is in development of the dairy industry, first of all, it has to be the solid source of raw materials, both producers, and analysts recognized decrease in growth of the industry and are concerned about an import priority.

Certainly, the current global crisis has influenced the market of dairy products, but in the next years their consumption won't decrease, on the contrary will increase, analysts say.

By data, last year Kazakhstan has received 355 million. Dairy products have been imported of US dollars. These are 15 percent of the imported foodstuff in the country. Today 20% of food products of the country are the share of dairy products.

In Kazakhstan 18 kilograms of milk per capita while Russians consumed 65,6 and Icelandic inhabitants 152,8 kilograms were consumed. In Kazakhstan the average consumption of oil on kg makes 1,1 kg, in Belarus - 3,6, Russians - 2,8, Germans - 6,2 and French - 7,8 kilograms. The bulk of the population of Kazakhstan by 1,6 times, Russians - 5,5, the French - 24,6, Swisses - 22,1, and Germans - 22,7 kilograms.

The share of the dairy industry makes 16% of the total amount of production, generating cash flows.

The first city dairy, flour-grinding and macaroni plant Altyn dan LLC has been founded in 1938.

Main activities of Altyn-Dan LLC:

- Production of wheat flour

- Production of pasta

- Production of dairy products.

Altyn Dan LLC is one of the largest producers of dairy products in Kazakhstan meeting the world requirements of quality.

Now the enterprise is completely equipped with the modern equipment for production of dairy products. Many tools and the equipment are manufactured in Italy, France and Switzerland. Specialists of Altyn Dan LLC constantly work on improvement of quality of production and the range of the range.

At the enterprise there are qualified specialists in production of dairy products. Total of employees - 180 people. From them 60% - experts with the higher or secondary education. The age of workers is 30-35 years.[19]

Main objective of Altyn Dan LLC is granting the dairy products answering to world quality of production in the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The general product quality control can organize a way of functional regulation at the level of the enterprise and create a certain problem or division of quality control between employees and parts.

The purpose of the degree project is - the analysis of the quality system of the line of production of kefir and metrological support on Altyn Dan LLC

The main questions which have to be considered in the Degree project:

- the analysis of measuring devices for quality control of production and quality of process;

- choice of range of indicators of quality of production;

- improvement of documentation of QMS in the food industry;

- description of technological process of production;

- quality standard of quality of production;

- to analyse the existing quality system of the enterprise, to make recommendations about improvement of the quality system of production;

- disclosure of the state control of observance of requirements of the standard, metrological norms;

- economic calculation of efficiency of business, business planning;

- ecological safety in production, disclosure of the vital questions.


1.1 Characteristics and destination area products

Kefir - one of the most popular fermented milk products to which share more than 2/3 of their productions fall.

Kefir has all useful properties of dairy drinks and belongs to dietary fermented milk products. The main nutrients of kefir are present at a digestible form therefore this product is especially valuable to children, the elderly and recovering after a disease people. Medicinal properties of kefir are well-known in traditional medicine and are explained by accumulation of antibiotic substances (the lowland and others, developed by barmy cages).

The main advantage of kefir - an opportunity to have pro-biotic effect, i.e. to influence favorably structure of microbes of intestines: kefir suppresses growth of pathogenic microorganisms, thus, he promotes prevention of development of intestinal infections and helps in the presence of dysbacteriosis.

Besides, consumption of kefir well affects protective forces of an organism: he increases immunity. Kefir is recommended to apply to restoration of forces at an anemia, at some diseases of digestive tract.

Also, positive effect of kefir on a condition of the people suffering from a syndrome of chronic fatigue is noted. At sleep disorders, neurotic states as one of indispensable components of a diet of patients kefir as in addition he possesses the calming action on the psychological sphere is besides recommended. Kefir normalizes work of an urinary system: raises a diuresis, influences nitrogenous exchange, promoting the strengthened removal of his products and also brings urea, phosphates and chlorides out of an organism. In this regard kefir is recommended as an obligatory component of good nutrition of children of early age.

The acidic environment formed by kefir in a stomach promotes good digestion of calcium, iron and vitamin D, improves digestion and digestion of all nutrients.

Kefir is more suitable, than other dairy products, for those who don't transfer lactose: he helps to acquire lactose, being the catalyst.

Kefir possesses strong sokogonny action that is explained by contents in him lactic acid, casein, alcohol and carbonic acid. Lactic acid not only gives certain tastes, but also substantially defines its dietary and preventive properties. She intensifies release of digestive enzymes in an intestinal path and stimulates their action.

Lactic acid promotes increase in digestion of phosphorus and calcium an organism. The useful effect of kefir is caused by his overwhelming action in relation to a number of microorganisms including to pathogenic organisms. Their ability besides lactic acid to produce the substances stopping development of harmful bacteria in intestines namely hydrogen peroxide, acetic benzole acid and some other is the cornerstone of such effect of kefir. It leads to braking of putrefactive processes and the termination to formation of toxic products of disintegration. Dairy drinks in baby food hold a specific place as in comparison with dry mixes has higher physiology. Children have an allergic reaction. As a result of researches it has been confirmed that lactic bacteria prevent development of cancer. Bacteria induce immune system to mobilize all forces of an organism for fight against cancer cells. Microorganisms of fermented milk products play a large role in accurate proportional accumulation of useful substances. Also kefir neutralizes the toxins which are available in an organism and removes cholesterol level in blood. Thus, kefir is fine prophylactic against long action on an organism of toxic agents and diseases warmly - vascular system. For this reason for the smoking people, diabetics, and also suffering from excess weight, it is necessary to include kefir in the diet. Despite the acids which are a part of kefir, kefir treats the food neutralizing acid. Kefir promotes formation of important enzymes, thanking whom in a stomach less acid, causing burning sensation is formed.

Assortment of kefir

Depending on the applied milk and a mass fraction of fat kefir is developed:

- fat - with the content of fat of 1%, 2,5% and 3,2%;

- low-fat - from skim milk;

- kefir fat with vitamin C addition;

- kefir low-fat with vitamin C addition;

- Tallinn - with a mass fraction of fat of 1%;

- The Tallinn low-fat;

- kefir of 6% of fat content - from the homogenized mix of milk and cream;

Before the kefir of dense consistence which hardly is pouring out from a bottle came to retail chain stores. Now produce kefir of more liquid consistence. Both that, and another don't differ on the chemical composition. A difference only in a way of preparation. If earlier kefir was skvashivat directly in bottles, then in big tanks (picture1) now. Besides, when kefir is already ready, it is carefully mixed and only after that directed to pouring in bottles, packages or sacks.

Picture 1- Kefir of 1% 1 L and Kefir of 2,5% 1 L

Kefir differs from other fermented milk products in a unique set of the bacteria and fungi which are its part. He is divided on one-day, two-day and three-day. Classification reflects certain qualities of kefir: its acidity, extent of accumulation of carbonic acid and alcohol and also extent of swelling of proteins.

The percent of ethyl alcohol reaches 0,07% (on outdated technology with use of abomasal enzymes there could be tenth shares of percent) in one-day and 0,88% (BME) in three-day. In this regard kefir, especially three-day, small children should use with care and also at some diseases, for example, epilepsies. It is connected with the fact that toxic impact of alcohol on these categories of people is much stronger, than on the others. [19]

1.2 Justification of the choice of measuring process

Technological process of production of kefir

Kefir is developed reservoir and thermostately in the ways.

Technological process consists of the following operations: acceptance and preparation of raw materials, normalization, homogenization, pasteurization and cooling, a zakvashivaniye, souring in special capacities, coolings of a clot, maturing of a clot, fasovaniye.

1 Raw materials.

Kefir is developed in the reservoir way from the whole genuine normalized milk not below the second grade, acidity by no more than 19 0 T, with a density not less than 1,0278 kg/m3, with various mass fraction of fat therefore initial milk is normalized to the required mass fraction of fat. At normalization of whole milk on fat there can be two options: it is more fat in whole milk, than it is required in production, and it is less fat in whole milk, than it is required. In the first option fat is partially selected by separation or add fat-free to initial milk. In the second option for increase in fat content of initial milk add to him cream. One of the simplest ways of normalization on fat - normalization by mixing in the capacity of the calculated amounts of the normalized milk and the normalizing component (cream or skim milk) at careful hashing of mix.

2. Thermal treatment and homogenization.

Pasteurization of milk is made for the purpose of destruction of vegetative forms of microflora, including pathogenic. The most widespread way in production of fermented milk products - short-term pasteurization at a temperature of 85-87 0 C with endurance within 5-10 min. or at 90-92 0 C with endurance of 2-3 min. with the subsequent cooling up to the zakvashivaniye temperature. The mode of pasteurization has to provide the set properties of a ready-made product, in particular organoleptic indicators (taste, the necessary viscosity and density of a clot). High temperatures of pasteurization cause a denaturation of serumal proteins, at the same time hydration properties of casein increase. It promotes formation of more dense clot which well holds moisture that interferes with office of serum at storage.

Homogenization is a smashing (dispergating) of fatty balls by impact on milk of considerable external efforts. In processing the sizes of fatty balls and speed of emerging decrease. There is a redistribution of obolochechny substance of a fatty ball, the fatty emulsion is stabilized, and the homogenized milk doesn't settle. Now apply the two-level homogenization excluding adhesion of parts of fatty balls at the exit from a valvate crack of the homogenizing head. Homogenization is carried out at a temperature of 60-65 0 C and pressure of 15-17,5 MPas (125-175 atm). After pasteurization and homogenization mix is cooled up to the zakvashivaniye temperature.

3 Fermentationand souring of milk.

By production of kefir usually apply the ferment made on kefiric fungi. Their main representatives are lactic sticks, lactic streptococci, including aromatobrazuyushchy and milk yeast like Torula. Casual microflora of grains consists of sporous sticks, acetic bacteria, dairy pleseny, filmy yeast, bacteria of the Colii group of the ave.

For preparation of kefiric ferment dry kefiric grains keep in warm water (25-30 0 C) within a day, changing her during this time 2-3 times. After that water is merged, and the bulked-up grains fill in with the warm milk taken in tenfold quantity in relation to the volume of fungi.

For development of kefir with characteristic taste and strong consistence it is necessary to use the production ferment matured after souring at a temperature of 10-12 0 C within 12-24 hour. Ferment which mass usually is 5% of mass of the fermented mix is brought in the mix cooled up to the zakvashivaniye temperature. Mix is skvashivat at a temperature of 23-25 0 C before formation of a milk protein clot acidity of 80-100 0 T (рН 4,5-4,65). During souring there is a reproduction of microflora of ferment, the acidity increases, coagulates casein and the clot is formed. After the end of souring the product is immediately cooled.

4 Hashing and cooling of a clot.

After souring kefir is mixed and cooled up to the maturing temperature. Hashing of a product is begun in 60-90 min. after the beginning of time of his cooling and out within 10-30 minutes. The clot mixed and cooled up to the temperature of 20 0 C leave alone

5 Maturing of kefir.

Duration of maturing of kefir is 6-10 h. During maturing yeast becomes more active, there is a spirit fermentation therefore in a product the alcohol, carbon dioxide and other substances giving to this product specific properties are formed.

6 Hashing and pouring.After maturing time, before pouring kefir in the tank is mixed by 2-10 min. Packing and marking are made according to requirements of the standard of this product. For the purpose of improvement of consistence of a ready-made product, the packed kefir is recommended to be matured in the refrigerator before realization. At achievement by kefir of the required indicator of conditional viscosity and temperature of 6 0 C technological process is considered finished and the product is ready to realization. In the picture 2 it is given the general sequence production of kefir.

Picture 2 - Scheme of process of production of kefir

During meteorological productions of kefir are used the following measuring devices:

Model level gauge G24B Seebio Completely corresponds to sanitary-and-hygienic norms of capacities with the maintenance of foodstuff or high-clean chemical preparations where the equipment sink has huge value. The technical characteristics is resulted in table 1.

Table 1- Technical characteristics of model G24 Seebio

Maximum working temperature

80 °C

Maximum working pressure

4 bar g

Valve material

Stainless steel


1 "patting-fitting

Maximum working temperature

80 °C

Linen materials


Visual glass

Borosilicate glass with a diameter of 19 mm

Protective material of the panel

It is made of stainless steel with a cover from transparent plastic.

Length from

According to requirements (max. 6000 mm)

System accuracy: indicator of level of direct reading indicator. Liquid level in a control tube corresponds to liquid level in the tank and can be read out on a scale after 1 mm of all length of a viewing tube. The system allows you precisely and to easily read out liquid level at any time. G24B Seebio the Model urovnomer is shown in the picture 3.


Picture 3 - Model level gauge G24B Seebio

Thermometer TS-4M - The thermometer is intended for temperature measurement at processing and storage of milk and dairy products in a range from 0 to +100 °C. Thermometers are intended for temperature measurement in laboratory and working conditions of various branches of agriculture and agriculture.

Table 2 - Technical characteristics of Thermometer TS-4M

Range of measurements.

+ 100.

Scale division

C 1.0.

Length, mm


Diameter, in mm Ellipse


Liquids termometrl


Picture 4- Thermometer TS-4M

Thermometric Metilkarbitol liquid the pH-meter Knik with the getting universal electrode is intended for measurement of acidity of dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, a dessert, sour cream, processed cheese, etc.).

Appointment: the rn-meter Knik with the getting universal electrode is intended for measurement of acidity of dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, a dessert, sour cream, processed cheese, etc.). The technical characteristic is given in table 3.

Table 3 - Technical characteristics of Thermometric Metilkarbitol liquid the pH-meter Knik

The name


Allowing ability



-2.00 ... +16.00 pH

0.01 pH

< 0.01pH


-1300 ... +1300 мВ

0.01 мВ



-20.0 ... +120.0 °C


±0.3 °C

MTP-100/1-VUM. The manometers showing vibration-proof with the membrane dividing MTP-100/1-VUM device are intended for measurement of excessive pressure in pipelines of separators of foodstuff.(picture 5)

The MTP-100/1-VUM manometer consists of the manometer and membrane dividing device. An internal cavity of a tubular spring of the manometer and over membrane space of the dividing device have to be filled with liquid of the GOST 13004-77 polietilsiloksanovy PES-2 brand.

Main technical characteristics

Ranges of indications of devices:

* MTP-100/1-VUM - from 0 to 10 kgfs/cm2

By request devices are delivered in units of measure of kPa, MPa

Diameter of the case is-100 mm

Class of accuracy of devices - 2,5

Degree of protection - IP50

The mass of devices - no more than 1,5 kg

Middle service life - 10 years

Materials of details:

* the case - aluminum alloy

* glass - technical

* a membrane - phtor

Picture 5- MTP-100/1-VUM..

The alizator of somatic cages measures concentration of somatic cages in Somatos-M milk and defines sanitary safety of milk raw materials and quality of products of his processing (cheeses, fermented milk products, etc.).

Somatos-M it is used:

* On farms and in collective farms for control and fight against mastitis.

* On entrance control of processing enterprises.

* At veterinary stations and SES stations.


The realized way of the regulated wavy and non-stationary hashing of milk with the medicine "Mastoprim" in the chosen flask provides the metrological accuracy of this graduation.

* Somatos-M by results of tests I have shown higher convergence with results of an arbitration microscopic method, than the import device of a line tsitometriya which is 100 times more expensive.

* alphanumeric indication;

* storing of the sequence of results of measurements;

* a possibility of calculation of average values at parallel definitions.

The main technical characteristics of the analyzer are given in table 4.

Table 4 - technical characteristics:

Range of measurement of quantity of somatic cages (one thousand in 1 cm3)

from 90 to 1500

Limit of the main error


Average duration of one measurement

4 min.


290х270х180 mm

Mass of Somatos-M, (no more)

5 kg

Energy consumption (no more)

70 W

Impulse electronic clock for industrial facilities can be equipped with various meteosensors:

* air temperature (the index - T in marking, in street modifications is included in the basic package).

* atmospheric pressure (the index - P in marking)

* relative humidity of air (the index - W in marking)

* radiation level (the index - Rd in marking)

* wind speed (the index - Wd in marking)

Sensors of pressure, radiation are installed in a board. Sensors of temperature, humidity of air and speed of wind - external

Picture 6 - Impulse electronic clock

G9-OMA-3M - Separator milk cleaner . The separator (picture 7) is intended for cleaning of warm milk of pollution and dairy slime. It is used at small and medium-sized enterprises of the dairy industry. Can work as a part of pasteurization installation with a productivity of 5000 l/hour

Table 5 -Technical characteristics

Dimensions, mm


Net weight, kg


Gross weight, kg


Power, kW


Tension, In


1.3 State control over compliance with standards, metrology standards and regulations

The State control - is the periodic check of the government of activity of natural and legal entities by authorized bodies directed to prevention, identification and suppression of violations of the requirements established by regulations by results of which at detection of violations measures of the state coercion can be applied. The main objectives of the state control are: prevention and suppression from legal entities and individuals of violations of the normative documents establishing mandatory requirements to production, control of observance of rules of certification, quality of the certified production, granting to public authorities, other interested organizations of reliable information about observance by legal entities and individuals of the established mandatory requirements of normative documents and rules of obligatory certification, a condition of quality of the products which are turned out and realized in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Subjects to the state control are: production, including import; services to the population, works; standard, technical (design, technological, design) and other documentation on production; works on obligatory certification of production of manufacturers, testing laboratories, bodies for certification. The state control is exercised in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan at legal entities and individuals, including foreign firms, at any stage of life cycle of production: developments and statements of production on production, her production, realization, use, storage, transportation and utilization and also when performing processes and rendering services.

The state control is exercised by officials of State standart and territorial authorities subordinated to him on state control - the state inspectors certified in the order established by State standart, and having the certificate of the established sample. Representatives of other public authorities performing control and supervising functions, public organizations, certification experts-auditors can be involved in checks in accordance with the established procedure.

In all cases of check officials State standarta or his territorial authorities on state control head. The chief state control inspector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, being within the competence State standart, the Chairman State standart is. The deputy chief state inspector is the vice-chairman State standart. The chief state inspectors of areas, the fixed territories, heads of territorial authorities State standart on state control and their structural units located out of the place of dislocation of the main division are.

When carrying out the state control the external survey, identification of production, measuring and test control and other methods providing reliability and objectivity of results of supervision is applied. Heads of legal entities and natural persons when conducting check at them are obliged to provide to the state inspectors necessary conditions for her performance: free access to service and production premises at presentation of the certificate of the state inspector and a task for check registered in territorial authority of state control, if necessary, in body of prosecutor's office according to the requirements established by the legislation; submission of the documents and data necessary for the state control, rooms and office equipment for execution of the inspection statement, measuring instruments and tests, vehicles for delivery of samples to tests to allocate responsible persons with right to sign of intermediate acts, references; sampling and product samples for control of their compliance to mandatory requirements of normative documents with reference of cost of the spent samples and costs of carrying out tests of expenses of the checked objects.

The State control is exercised by means of random inspections taking into account: the priority directions of the state control established by State standard annually; target tasks of the Government, State standard and local executive bodies; complaints of the consumers and other circumstances demanding check of a particular legal (physical) person; data of the State Register of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the accredited testing laboratories and bodies for certification. Frequency of planned inspections of observance of mandatory requirements of normative documents by manufacturers of production makes no more once a year. Frequency of planned inspections at other stages of life cycle of production isn't established also depends on existence of data on the available and possible violations.

At receipt in territorial authority on state control of complaints and claims of consumers on the facts of violations. Legal entities and individuals of the requirements to production established in normative documents, additional tasks from the higher organization and municipal authorities, carry out unscheduled inspections of these persons irrespective of, planned inspection was carried out at them or not. At identification as a result of check of violations of mandatory requirements of normative documents, rules of obligatory certification and issue of the instructions established by the legislation after the termination of the term specified for elimination of violations check of execution of the issued instructions has to be organized. Check of implementation of earlier issued instructions can be organized to the term established for their execution if the legal (physical) entity to which the instruction was issued, reports in territorial division on state control about elimination of the revealed violations and will address with a request for extradition of the corresponding permissions. [9]

The commission on check of any object of state control, is defined and approved by the Chief state inspector of area, except the commission on check of activity of bodies for certification which is formed according to offers of territorial division on state control and is approved by the order of the Chief state inspector of the Republic of Kazakhstan or his deputy. For the organization of check addressed to the head of the checked object the task for check which has to be surely registered in the log-book of checks of territorial authority on state control and in body of prosecutor's office prepares if it is established by the normative legal act. By preparation for checks:

- results of the previous checks including which are carried out by other public authorities on control and supervision are analyzed;

- the standard and technical documentation relating to a check subject is analyzed;

- results of activity of the checked object are studied (according to reporting data, claims, etc.);

- it is developed, if necessary the program of check;

- the issue of need of involvement of experts and experts in the field of quality of controlled production of the third-party organizations is handled;

- the possibility of carrying out tests of controlled production in testing laboratories of the city, area is defined.

On arrival on the checked object his head or the replacing his face are handed the notice of conducting check prepared in compliance of this document and acquaint with plans of check. Here work between members of the commission as the state inspectors and the involved experts is distributed and also the list of the necessary materials and documents submitted by object of check is defined.

Organization of carrying out the state control of observance of requirements of normative documents for standardization. When carrying out the state control of observance of mandatory requirements of normative documents assessment of observance of the established requirements has to be carried out. External inspection of production, her identification is for this purpose performed and product samples for carrying out their tests are selected. The technique of selection and quantity of the selected samples have to conform to requirements of standards of concrete production. If the standard on production provides continuous control or doesn't establish norm for sampling, then the volume of selection is defined by the state inspector in coordination with the head of the checked object, but not less than 10% of production of the checked party go three products at continuous control. Assessment of compliance of production to requirements of normative documents is carried out on the basis of the control and tests provided by standards. External inspection of production is performed by the state inspector with involvement of experts of the checked object. Tests of samples are carried out in the checked production of laboratory accredited to tests any.

In the absence of the accredited laboratory it is allowed to carry out tests in the certified laboratory. The selected samples isolate from other production, pack, will seal up or seal up and transfer to tests with the copy of the act of selection and with the accompanying letter direction in which the program of tests is specified. The lot of products from which samples are selected before the end of tests of realization isn't subject, except for perishable production. The volume of tests is established by the state inspector heading check depending on a task. As a rule, tests are carried out only according to the mandatory requirements established in normative documents.

When conducting checks according to complaints of consumers to discrepancy of production on the quality indicators causing consumer properties of production, tests are carried out also on these indicators. The cost of the spent samples and costs of carrying out tests belong on expenses of the checked objects. At impossibility of carrying out tests in the accredited or certified laboratories of test of production are carried out on the basis of the checked object by forces of his experts in the presence of the state inspector. At the same time before carrying out tests the state inspector is obliged to be convinced of security of the checked object with measuring instruments, measurement techniques, the test equipment and their readiness for monitoring procedure with the normalized accuracy.

By results of tests, measuring control, external survey and identification of production the protocol in a form of the recommended or in any form is formed. The made test report or the protocol issued by the accredited laboratory which was carrying out tests is the annex to the inspection statement. Results of tests extend to lot of products from which samples have been selected. If by results of external survey and to tests of production of violations it isn't established, then check comes to an end and the act is made out. At establishment of the fact of discrepancy of production to mandatory requirements of normative documents the reasons of the revealed violations are established and an inspection at full scale is carried out.

In the course of control of production which is subject to obligatory certification also it is checked: existence of the certificate issued by the representative on that body, its authenticity, correctness of registration, registration and validity period; competency of application of the Mark of conformity; existence of the documents confirming carrying out inspection control by the body for certification which has issued the certificate according to the scheme of the certification providing inspection control.

When conducting checks behind observance of requirements of normative documents for standardization on the checked object security and a condition of measuring instruments and tests by the techniques approved by State standart at the same time is checked. Production which mass production or the quality system of manufacturer are certified in accordance with the established procedure is checked by bodies of state control at her producer only in the following cases; in the presence on her complaints from consumers or tasks of the higher organization; if as a result of check of activity of bodies for certification are established groundlessness of issue of the certificate of conformity on this production or violations at implementation of inspection control of the certified production from body for certification.

Organization of carrying out the state control of activity of bodies for certification and testing laboratories. The state control of activity of the accredited bodies for certification and testing laboratories is carried out for the purpose of establishment of compliance of their activity to requirements according to which they have been accredited and also for the purpose of check of observance of requirements of the state system of certification of the Republic of Kazakhstan by them.

When conducting checks in the accredited bodies for certification is established: existence of the certificate of accreditation of body for certification of production, quality systems, productions; existence of necessary fund of standard documentation and timeliness of his updating; presence of necessary personnel and its qualification; existence of the documents defining rules and an order of certification of production assigned to body; observance of the requirements established in the Provision on body for certification and documents of the state system of certification; correctness of registration and validity of issue of certificates of conformity on production according to area of accreditation; correctness of registration of the issued certificates; refusal cases in issue of the certificate on production because of her discrepancy to mandatory requirements of normative documents; provision of work with subcontractors; correctness of carrying out inspection control of the certified production; carrying out internal audit. [9]

When conducting checks in the accredited testing laboratories is established: existence of the certificate of accreditation of testing laboratory on the right of carrying out certified tests; compliance of the types of production which are subjected to certified tests, area of accreditation of laboratory; presence of necessary personnel and its qualification, existence of duty regulations, professional development forms; existence of necessary fund of standard documentation and timeliness of his updating; a condition of means and measurement techniques, the test equipment and techniques of the tests applied at certified tests; timeliness of checking of measuring instruments and tests; correctness of application of standard samples existence of acts of selection and the system of designation of samples of the tested production; completeness of carrying out tests of product samples for compliance to requirements of normative documents; observance of programs and techniques of carrying out tests; correctness of registration and reliability of protocols of certified tests; carrying out internal quality control of tests and internal checks of a control system of quality of laboratory; interaction with the applicant, other testing laboratories, bodies for certification.

Registration of results of checks. By results of checks of legal entities and individuals the act is made out. The inspection statement - the document which is the basis for issue of instructions and resolutions on application of corrective actions according to the current legislation. Main requirements to the inspection statement: reliability and validity of established facts of violations of requirements of normative documents for standardization, the rules of obligatory certification and the reasons which have caused them; brevity of statement at a maximum of necessary information; completeness of results of check; objectivity of results of check.

The inspection statement at which violations are established consists of the following sections: basic data, results of check of observance, requirements of normative documents results of check of a condition of measuring instruments and tests, reasons of violations, conclusions. Intermediate acts are attached to the main act: sampling, test reports, copies of the documents confirming the revealed violations, etc. In the act the short characteristic of the checked object is given, the revealed violations, their reasons and also other data allowing to prove the taken measures are specified.

The act is signed by all participants of check. Responsibility for completeness, reliability and objectivity of the data stated in the act is born by the head of check. The contents of the act are brought to the attention of the head of the checked object who signs it. Officials of the checked object have the right to state in writing the dissenting opinion by results of check which is applied to the act. The inspection statement at which violations haven't been established consists only of sections: basic data; results of check of observance of requirements of normative documents. Additional requirements for carrying out and registration of checks at various stages of life cycle of production, by concrete types of production and objects of checks are established in techniques of checks or specifications on conducting the checks approved by State standard.

The copy of the inspection statement of activity of the accredited bodies for certification and testing laboratories regardless of results of check goes to State standart. After obtaining the act and instructions the checked face immediately takes measures for elimination of the revealed violations and the reasons which have caused them. If necessary, the plan of measures on elimination of violations which is brought to the attention of territorial division on state control is developed. Certificates of implementation of the plan of measures, the message about execution of the received instructions are sent to territorial division on state control for control and are used when conducting check of execution of the issued instructions.


2.1 The range of indicators and evaluation of the quality of products qualimetric

Quality of production - all this properties which have to satisfy the consumer. Any goods, a thing, production have the characteristics which have to meet certain standards and rules. To it State standard specifications, specifications, the quality standards and others belong. The quality of production has to be formed at the initial stages, since quality of the delivered raw materials, during scientific developments, at a design stage, in the process of production, transportation and storage. Respect for quality of production, according to standards, is monitored by special services which are obliged to be at the enterprises.

Quality of production (process or service) - set of the properties and indicators defining suitability of production (process or service) for satisfaction of certain requirements according to appointment.

Speaking about quality of production, his improvement, it is necessary to know what reached quality, and to have opportunities to compare him to quality of similar products. To improve quality, it is necessary to measure it and to estimate quantitatively. Then it is possible to speak about in what degree it corresponds to needs of people, modern requirements of production as far as he should be improved.

Problems of quality are considered and studied by special science a kvalimetriya which problem enter definition of indicators and components of quality, development of methods of achievement and assessment of quality, etc.

In this regard the basis of quality management is made by assessment of quality of production. Kvalimetriya - the new scientific direction in the theory and practice of product quality control. The word a kvalimetriya is formed from: Latin - what what quality and Ancient Greek - to measure, measure. Therefore, the kvalimetriya is a science about measurement.


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