Analysis of the quality system of the kefir production line and metrological support at "Altyn Dan" LLС

The characteristic of kefir are reflected. The technological scheme of production of kefir is provided, the information on a nomenclature of indicators of quality. An algorithm of action for improvement of a quality management system on company.

Рубрика Менеджмент и трудовые отношения
Вид дипломная работа
Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.05.2018
Размер файла 971,7 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Hashing and pouring.

After maturing time, before pouring kefir in the tank is mixed by 2-10 min. Packing and marking are made according to requirements of the standard of this product. For the purpose of improvement of consistence of a ready-made product, the packed kefir is recommended to be matured in the refrigerator before realization. At achievement by kefir of the required indicator of conditional viscosity and temperature of 6 0 C technological process is considered finished and the product is ready to realization.

Financial plan

Calculation of costs of development of production schedules

Table 21 - Calculation of costs of materials and purchased products

Name of material

Value, tenge



Office supplies


ST RK 1.5-2013

3 250

ST RK 1.10-2013

2 250

ST RK 1.7-2003

1 650

GOST 55971-2014


GOST 3987-2013




Transport and procuring expenses

5 350


23 130

Table 22 - Costs of the equipment

Name of equipment


Value, tenge

Estimated cost

Sum of depreciation charges, tenge










In total




Table 23 - Calculation of costs of operation of the special equipment


Values by types of the equipment



Laboratory equipment


Book value of a unit of equipment, tenge

220 000

51 000

62 000


Norm of depreciation of the equipment, %





The number of the working days in a year, d.





Standard number of hours of operation of the equipment in day, h.





Depreciation charges from the equipment, tenge/h

88 000

12 750

24 800


Norm of expenses on prevention of the equipment, %





Costs of prevention of the equipment, tenge/h

17 600




Equipment capacity, kWt





Electric power cost, tenge/kWt-h





Electricity cost, tenge/h



14 758


Total cost of hour of operation of the equipment, tenge





The number of the hours fulfilled by the equipment (directly for development of the project), h





Quantity of units of the operated equipment, piece





Total costs of operation of the equipment, tenge (by types)

258 038

55 054

457 155


In total costs of operation of a special equipment, tenge

770 247

Table 24 - Calculation of labor costs and social needs

Performer's position

Expenses of time for development of the project, h

Hour rate of the performer, tenge

Number of performers, man.

Salary for the period of development of the project, tenge

Director of quality





Head of laboratory





Chief technologist




106 350




Additional salary (20%)

62 874

Social tax of all (13 %)


Table 25 - Technical and economic indicators of the project

Name of article of expenses

Sum, tenge

1 Materials and purchased products


2 Special equipment for scientific and experimental works


3 Main salary of performers


4 Additional salary of performers

62 874

5 Social tax


6 Costs of operation of the equipment


7 Estimated cost of development of the project


Risk analysis

The packed carpets have to be stored in the dry, aired room. Mechanical influence and hit of sunshine are inadmissible. Them it is necessary to have on a podtovarnik and racks at distance from a floor not less than 20 cm. Pack bales of carpets into a nonwoven tare cloth or a polyethylene film.

Purpose of assessment of risk - to reveal that economic, social, technical, etc. factors which can influence achievement of the goals, put in the business plan. Identification of such factors allows to predict development of production and to develop the measures allowing to reduce impact of risks on activity of the enterprise.

Risk management assumes application of methods of their decrease, of which is considered to be main:

- distribution of risk;

- insurance;

- reservation of means.

It should be noted that the volume of expected investments will be directed to creation of material assets - the equipment, buildings, constructions. Therefore the following events leading to decrease in risks are provided:

1. Increase in reliability of processing equipment by use of import accessories and full automation (decrease in accident rate of technology, technical risks).

2. Insurance of property in insurance company (decrease in risk of loss of property as a result of natural disaster, accident or the fire).

Social aspects

Creation of an object in Kazakhstan will allow to resolve an issue with unemployment in this region. Increase in the output is in the long term planned that will lead to hiring of additional labor.

Impact on the environment

Much attention at the enterprise is paid to environmental protection, the solution of environmental problems. Besides reconstruction and expansion of productions the solution of such important problem as ecological safety is necessary. Therefore, at the enterprise the long-term ecological program including the works which are cardinally changing technology of the main production and the principle of operation of economy is developed.


The diploma project has been performed on production of kefir of Altyn Dan LLC. Metrological support of production kefir for improvement of a control system of quality on the basis of development of standards of the organization and actions for introduction of metrological requirements in the field of quality was the purpose of the degree project. During the solution of a goal the following tasks have been solved: data on the characteristic and purpose of kefir are reflected, the technological scheme of production of kefir is provided and gages for each size of the measured parameter are chosen, the information on a neomenklatura of indicators of quality of kefir and qualimetrical assessment is supplied, assessment of level of quality is carried out by a differential method, information on the main static methods of management of quality is reflected, the control Shukharta card on the measured kefir productivity indicators is made, given techniques of test of kefir, the quality management system designation, an algorithm of action for improvement of a quality management system on Altyn Dan LLC on the basis of data of the analysis of the existing quality system is explained, is described the characteristic of all harmful potential factors for workers of production and are developed an action for elimination of these factors, the business plan is developed for the degree project.


The diploma project is made on a subject «Analysis of the quality system of the kefir production line and metrological support at «Altyn Dan» LLС.

For improvement of quality of production in the degree project the analysis of a control system of quality of production of kefir with development of standard documentation is carried out and metrological support of technological process is carried out that allows to speak about efficiency of the held events.


1. Федюкин В.К. и др. Методы оценки и управления качеством промышленной продукции. Учебник .-М. Изд.«Филин», 2000г.

2. Окрепилов В.В. Управление качеством. Учеб.пособ.-М. Изд.стандартов, 2000г.

3. Контроль качества продукции физико-химическими методами / О.Д. Скуратовская. - М.: ДеЛи принт, 2001 г.

4. В.Н. Фомин Квалиметрия. Управление качеством. Сертификация.

5. Рейх Н.Н., Тупиченков А.А., Цейтлин Метрологическое обеспечение производства. - Москва: Изд-во стандартов, 1987г.

6. Костылев Ю.С., Лосицкий О.Г. Испытания продукции.

7. Тулекбаева, А. К. Система менеджмента качества. Учебное пособие, 2013г.

8. Ешанкулов А.А., Тулекбаева А.К., Сабырханов Д.С. Испытания, контроль и безопасность продукции.

9. Предпринимательский кодекс Республики Казахстан

10. Технический Регламент Таможенного Союза «О безопасности пищевой продукции»

11. ISO 9001-2015 Системы Менеджмента Качества

12. ISO 14001-2015 Системы Экологического Менеджмента

13. OHSAS 18001-2008 Охраны здоровья и безопасности труда

14. ГОСТ 31454-2012 Кефир. Технические условия

15. ГОСТ 4495-87 Молоко цельное сухое. Технические условия

16. ГОСТ 3622-68 Молоко и молочные продукты. Отбор проб и подготовка их к испытанию.

17. ГОСТ 10970-87 Молоко сухое обезжиренное. Технические условия

18. ГОСТ 5867-90 Молоко и молочные продукты. Методы определения

19. Официальный сайт ТОО «Алтын Дан»

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