Особенности использования прецедентных феноменов в рекламе

Теоретические основы исследования прецедентных феноменов в рекламе. Определение и функции прецедентного феномена, его классификация по В.В. Красных и использование в англоязычном рекламном тексте. Прецедентные тексты, ситуации, высказывания и имена.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 26.06.2015
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

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18. Захаренко И.В., Красных В.В., Гудков Д.Б., Багаева Д.В. Прецедентное имя и прецедентное высказывание как символы прецедентных феноменов // Язык, сознание, коммуникация: Сб. статей / Отв. ред. В.В. Красных, А.И. Изотов. М.: Филология, 1997. Вып. 1. С. 82?103.

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25. Клушина Н.И. Композиция рекламного текста // Русская речь. - 2000.- №5. - С. 25-30

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27. Костомаров, В.Г. Как тексты становятся прецедентными //В.Г. Костомаров, Н.Д. Бурвикова. - РЯЗР. - 1994. - №1. - С.73-76

28. Котлер Ф. Основы маркетинга. -- М.: Прогресс, 1990, с. 511

29. Кохтев Н.Н. Десять эффектов рекламы (О языке рекламы) // Русская

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31. Кохтев Н.Н. Реклама:искусство слова:Рекомендации для составителей рекламных текстов. - М.: Изд-во Московского гос. унив-та, 1997. - 93 с.

32. Красных В. В. «Свой» среди «чужих»: миф или реальность?. -- М.: Гнозис, 2003. -- 375 с.

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34. Красных В.В., Гудков Д.Б., Захаренко И.В., Багаева Д.В. Когнитивная база и прецедентные феномены в системе других единиц и в коммуникации. В печати.

35. Красных, В.В. Основы психолингвистики и теории коммуникации / В.В. Красных. - М.: Гнозис, 2001.

36. Кривоносов А.Д. Жанры PR-текста. - СПб: Петербургское востоковедение, 2002

37. Кромптон А. Мастерская рекламного текста. - Тольятти, 1996. - 320 с.

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39. Кушнерук С. Л. Сопоставительное исследование прецедентных имен в российской и американской рекламе : автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук / С. Л. Кушнерук. - Челябинск, 2006. - 24 с.

40. Лихачев Д.С. О ? филологии. - М.: Высшая школа, 1989. - 160 с.

41. Лихачева А.Б. Современный русский телезритель: фрагменты языкового сознания // Язык, сознание, коммуникация. Сборник статей / под ред. В.В. Красных, А.И. Изотова. - Выпуск 17. - М.: Изд-во МАКС-Пресс, 2001. - 152 с.

42. Международный кодекс рекламы - Париж, июнь 1987 г.

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45. Моррис Ч. У. Основания теории знаков // Семиотика. - Благовещенск: БГК им. И. А. Бодуэна де Куртенэ, 1998. - С. 36-88.

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48. Назайкин А.Н. Рекламный текст в современных СМИ. - М.: Эксмо, 2007. - 283 с.

49. Наймушин А.Д. Основы организации рекламы (на опыте рекламы продукции лесопромышленного комплекса). М.: Внешторгиздат, 1992. - 196 с.

50. Новохачева Н.Ю. Стилистический прием литературной аллюзии в газетно-публицистическом дискурсе к. XIX - н.XX века: автореф. диссерт… кандидата филолог. наук. - Ставрополь, 2005. - 25 с.

51. Сидоренко К.Т. Скрытая цитата // Русский язык в школе. - 1995. -

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53. Силантьев И.В. Газета и роман: Риторика дискурсных смешений. М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2006. 224 с.

54. Слышкин Г.Г. Лингвокультурные концепты прецедентных текстов. Автореф.дисс. … канд.филол.наук. Волгоград, 1999. - 32 с.

55. СО Ожегов С.И. Словарь русского языка: Ок. 57 000 слов. (Под ред. Н.Ю.Шведовой). - 17е изд. - М.:Русский язык, 1985. - 797 с.1. ЛРШ2ЯТЫЕ СОКРАЩЕНИЯ

56. Сэндидж Ч., Фрайбургер В., Ротцолл. Реклама. Теория и практика [Текст] / Пер. с англ.- М.: Прогресс, 1989. - 630 с

57. Традиции и инновации в методике обучения иностранным языкам. Под общей редакцией М. К. Колковой. - СПб.: КАРО, 2007. - 288 с.

58. Ученова В.В., Старых Н.В. История рекламы или метаморфозы рекламного образа. - М., 1999. - 386 с.

59. Федеральный закон «О рекламе» от 13 марта 2006 г

60. Фещенко Л.Г. Структура рекламного текста: Учебно-практическое пособие. - СПб.: Изд-во «Петербургский институт печати», 2003.

61. Чилингир, Е.Ю. Гипертекст в литературе, журналистике и пиаре: социокультурный аспект // Вестник славянских культур. -- № 1 (XIX). -- М.: ГАСК, 2011. -- С.15-22.

62. Шатин Ю.В. Построение рекламного текста, 2-ое изд. - М.: Бератор- Пресс,2003

63. Язык, сознание, коммуникация: Сб. статей / Ред. В.В. Красных, А.И. Изотов. - М.: «Филология», 1997. Вып. 1. - 192 с.

64. Cadet Cathelat В., Cadet A. Publicite et socitete, coll. - "PBP". Paris, Payot, 1976.

65. Clifford G. Christians, Kim B. Kotzoll, Mark Fackler, Media Ethics. Cases and moral reasoning. 3rd edition. Longman, 1991, N.Y., pp.446.

66. Huth L. From advertising to communication changes in the forms and functions of communication for economics and socialpurposes: project concept 2nd version. // Hochshub der Kunste.Berlin.1993. November.

Список источников примеров

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advertising_slogan

2. http://www.adslogans.co.uk/services/index.html

3. http://www.versacreations.net/advertising/82/7-famous-slogans-of-20th-century/

4. http://www.fiftiesweb.com/pop/1958.htm

5. http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie.php?filename=TA5242

6. http://www.flickr.com/photos/crispymo/133745264/

7. http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie_vintage.php?filename=VA0289

8. http://www.headington.org.uk/adverts/cleaners_washingpowders.htm

9. http://www.ianswer4u.com/2011/05/list-of-advertising-slogans.html#axzz2WHfxJzqc

10. http://www.thinkslogans.com/slogans/advertising-slogans/

11. http://www.catchphrases.info/advertising.php

12. http://www.ranker.com/list/the-most-memorable-ad-slogans-of-all-time/desertrat89

13. http://stlawu.edu/gallery/education/f/09corita/commercial_slogans.pdf

14. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/famous-advertising-slogans.html

15. http://sbinformation.about.com/od/marketingsales/a/famousadslogans.htm

16. http://www.advergize.com/advertising/40-best-advertising-slogans-modern-brands/

17. http://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/advertising-slogans-targeted-at-the-lovecraftian-elder-gods

18. http://www.fastcompany.com/997393/best-advertising-slogans-all-time-according-digg-users

19. http://www.textart.ru/database/slogan/list-advertising-slogans.html

20. http://www.taglineguru.com/survey05.html

21. http://www.douglaserice.com/memorable-slogans/

22. http://www.billionquotes.com/index.php/Frances_Gerety

23. http://www.ky3.com/entertainment/elist/ky3-the-elist-commercial-slogans-by-ethan-forhetz-20121029,0,4610052.photogallery

24. http://listsofallkinds.wordpress.com/category/advertising-slogans/

25. http://www.ad-mad.com/slogans

26. http://www.joe-ks.com/archives_feb2005/Coke_Slogans.htm

27. http://www.smartcompany.com.au/advertising-and-marketing/044967-20110727-david-jones-changes-its-tagline-we-list-20-of-the-most-memorable-ad-slogans-2.html

28. http://neohumanism.org/l/li/list_of_advertising_slogans.html

29. http://www.cnbcfix.com/greatest-commercial-jingles-slogans-ads.html

30. http://www.ipwhiteboard.com.au/are-these-the-most-memorable-advertising-slogans-ever-and-how-brand-reputation-is-hard-to-prove/

31. http://www.superdream.co.uk/best-advertising-slogans/

32. http://blogs.smh.com.au/small-business/theventure/2010/02/14/bestandworst.html

33. http://marketing.drprem.com/50-best-advertising-slogans-in-the-world.html

34. http://www.winspiration.co.uk/slogans.htm

35. http://closetflip.wikispaces.com/file/view/famous-company-slogans.pdf

36. http://royaldutchshellplc.com/2011/03/31/you-can-be-sure-of-shell-the-biggest-confidence-trick-in-history/

Приложение 1

Список рекламных слоганов, использующих прецедентные феномены:

1. “A government of half the people, by half the people, and for half the people”. (General Dynamics)

2. “A is for apple, J is for Jacks. Cinnamon toasty Apple Jacks!”

3. “All sounds are created equal. But all sound recorders are not”. (SONY)

4. “All you add is love”

5. “And for the first time, every ankle in the nation felt no fear”.

6. “Cheese to die for.” (Ruth Pretty)

7. “Dick and Jane is dead” (Encyclopaedia Britannica)

8. “Does she … or doesn't she” (Clairol)

9. “I think, therefore IBM.” (IBM)

10. “Impossible is Nothing” (adidas )

11. “Is she or isn't she?” (Harmony - Hairspray)

12. “No woman is an island unless she wants to be” (AT&T )

13. “Not all metal is created equal . When it shakes the earth in the form of a 96 cubic inch V-Twin engine, when it lives in the perfect line of a Softtail frame. That's when it goes from mere metal to something that reaches deep and satisfies the soul. That's metal worth owning.” (Harley Davidson)

14. “One Client at a Time” (The Big Apple)

15. “Schhh...You-Know-Who” (shwepps)

16. “Sense and Simplicity” (Philips)

17. “Sit happily ever after”

18. “That's G - Gatorade” (Gatorade)

19. “The bill, the whole bill and nothing but bill.” (Women's suffrage movement)

20. “The Three Little Pigs, Jack and His Friends” (Jack and His Friends)

21. “The United Colors of Benetton” (Benetton)

22. “Welcome to the World Wide Wow” -- AOL (play on World Wide Web)

23. “Winner Takes All” (Google)

24. “You are what you drink. Guinness.” (Guinness Brewery)

25. “Your client is a poor, rejected stepchild, whose best friends are dwarfs. Can you insure her against poisoned apples?”

26. “Yours Faithfully” (Trust House Forte)

27. “Adam and Eve ate the first vitamins, including the package”. (E. R. SQUIBB)

28. “America's supermarket” (Winn Dixie)

29. “Balustrades. Juliette balconies”. (Balcony Company)

30. “Be Like Mike” (Gatorade)

31. “Can Head & Shoulders stop dandruff? Can Wilt Chamberlain stuff?” (Head & Shoulders Shampo)

32. “Chesterfields are completely satisfying. They are Milder - much Milder. It's My cigarette. Lucille Ball”. (Chesterfield)

33. “Cue the Range Rover Sport: a tighter, shorter, faster and more lascivious version of the world's finest sport-ute. With fender flares, 20-inch wheels and a sloping roof line, the Sport gives the impression of speed -- like a latte-addicted Robin Williams -- even before you get rolling.” (Range Rover Sport)

34. “Don't Just Book it, Thomas Cook it.” (Thomas Cook)

35. “Each Record a Masterpiece. Van Dyke Records”. (Van Dyke Records)

36. “Einstein's Theory of Relativity: give strangers the same price you give relatives”. (Einstein-Moomjy Carpets)

37. “Elizabeth Arden is real” (Elizabeth Arden )

38. “Energizer Bunny” (Energizer battery)

39. “Energy -- for a strong America” (Exxon)

40. “Ernest Hemingway once appreciated the hotel as “The best hotel in a city of great hotels”. (Hotel Gritti palace)

41. “Family tradition has it that Frederic Chopin once stayed here and played the piano that still stands in the drawing room.” (Hotel Gargunnock House)

42. “Fly the American way” (American Airlines). -

43. “For 400 years, every leaf and stone has told a story. The Otani garden”. (Singapore Airlines)

44. “For people who have been looking for a truly fine place to stay in Columbus, your wait is over.” (Marriott Suites)

45. “Georg Jensen. Outrageously Scandinavian. Since 1904.”

46. “Get the Abbey habit.” (Abbey National)

47. “Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet.” (Hamlet)

48. “Hello Tosh, gotta Toshiba?” (Toshiba)

49. “I seem to be Achilles ... but, my dear, it happens to be your heel that is my vulnerable spot. Such slenderness! Such grace! One look and I am slain”. (Peacock Shoes)

50. “If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak” (Kodak)

51. “If you want to impress someone, put him on your Black list.” (Johnny Walker Black Whiskey)

52. “Imagine yourself in a Mercury” (Mercury (automobile))

53. “It's peaceful. It's personal. It's paradise.” (Peter Island)

54. “Look up America” (Coca Cola 1975)

55. “Maharaja of the skies” (Air India)

56. “Making the sky the best place on Earth ” (Air France)

57. “Malaysia, truly Asia. ” (Malaysia Tourism)

58. “Merryll Lynch is bullish on America.” (Merryll Lynch)

59. “My cigarette is the MILD cigarette… That's why Chesterfield is my favorite. Ronald Reagan. ” (Chesterfield)

60. “My friend, Joe Holmes, is now a horse ” (Arrow Shirts, 1938)

61. “Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee.” (Sara Lee)

62. “Oh thank heaven for 7 Eleven” (7 Eleven)

63. “Paradise has an address”. (Continuum II)

64. “Pickwick Products. Sold by all good grocers.”( Devoe Paint)

65. “Play it again, Sam.” (New York State Lottery)

66. “Pump your money back into Canada ” (Petro Canada, early 1980s)

67. “Quicker than Rudolf, bigger than Santa, more sensual than mistletoe, warmer than socks, miles better than charades and the biggest surprise of all”. (Interflora flowers)

68. “RC tastes best, says Lizabeth Scott” (Royal Crown Cola)

69. “Recommended by Duncan Hines.” (The Englisn Grill)

70. “Sears Which twin has the Toni?” (Toni)

71. “Smart Looking. Intellegently Priced. ESQ Watches.” (ESQ SWISS watch)

72. “Snap into a Slim Jim” (Slim Jim)

73. “South wing, North Wing . Expansive elegance. Enormous room. Command Seating for a better view. The new Ford Five Hundred. It elevates the sedan.” (Ford Five Hundred)

74. “St. Augustine founded it. Becket died for it. Chaucer wrote about it. Cromwell shot at it. Hitler bombed it. Time is destroying it. Will you save it?” (Canterbury Cathedral)

75. “Tell Sid” (British Gas)

76. “The Arlington Hotel, built in 1875, was a favorite of Al Capone.”(Arlington Hotel, USA)

77. “The best city for people-watching is Vegas where you can watch the Vegas showgirls shopping for Manolo Blahniks.” (Traveller)

78. “The best kept secret in Washington, D. C.” (Volkswagen)

79. “The first truly feminine cigarette - almost as pretty as you are. Women have been feminine since Eve, now cigarettes are feminine. Eve, also with menthol”. (Eve Cigarettes)

80. “The Greatest Show on Earth” (Ringling Brother and Barnum& Bailey Circus)

81. “The happiest place on Earth” (Disneyland)

82. “The Heartbeat of America” (Chevrolet)

83. “The island of Calypso is a must. . .” (Travelers Guides)

84. “The jazz of America is on Verve... the wit of America is on Verve” (Verve Records)

85. “The Silver Bullet” (Coors)

86. “There comes a time when execution is more important than theory. Go on. Be a Tiger”. (Accenture)

87. “To bring the wolves out - Riding Hood Red.” (Max Factor Cosmetics)

88. “Try walking into Merrill Lynch and asking for Mr. Lynch.” (Goldberg-Pollen)

89. “Use the unique opportunity to swim of the shores of Scorpios, the private island of Aristotle Onassis.” (Travelers Guides)

90. “Water is Michael Phelp's Natural element; planet Ocean is his watch”. (Omega)

91. “We answer to a higher authority.” (Hebrew International)

92. “We sell more cars than Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet, and Buick combined” (MATCHBOX TOY CARS)

93. “We're American Airlines, doing what we do best.” (American Airlines)

94. “We're America's wheels” (Hertz)

95. “What happens here, stays here, Smith”. (Travellers Guides)

96. “When E. F. Hutton Talks, People Listen” (E.F. Hutton & Co.)

97. “Where was Moses When the Lights Went Out? - Groping for a pack of Meccas.” (Mecca Cigarettes.)

98. “Which way to the Autobahn? Slide into the driver's seat of the BMW M6, glance at the speedometer topping out at 200 mph, and you'll be looking for some open road. Its design is perhaps the least daring of BMW's recent models. The M6 cuts as sensible a figure as a banker's blue suit from Savile Row. Like the best of Bimmers, it's more athletic than muscled.”

99. “While in Europe, pick up an ugly European”

100. “Women have been feminine since Eve, now cigarettes are feminine.” (Eve Cigarettes)

101. “Yes, Virginia there really is a Colonel Sanders” (KFC)

102. “You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's.” (Levy's Rye Bread)

103. “You know your ABC's Miss Colbert.” (Chesterfield) “Your Cupid. Our arrow”. (Zales )

104. “Wake up. It's Eight O'Clock” (Eight O'Clock Coffee)

105. “The cream of Manchester.” (Boddington)

106. “See the USA in a Chevrolet” (Chevrolet)

107. “Hearts, stars, and horseshoes. Clovers and blue moons. Pots of gold and rainbows. And me red balloons. That's me Lucky Charms. They're magically delicious.” (Lucky Charms )

108. “The champagne of ginger ales.” (Canada Dry)

109. “In the Inch War, Ryvita helps you win” (Ryvita)

110. “The beer that made Milwaukee jealous” (Mexican Brewery )

111. “Head for the Border ” (Taco Bell Restaurants)

112. “An American Revolution” (Chevrolet)

113. “The instrument of the Immortals” (Steinway)

114. “An American Revolution” (Dodge Aries)

115. “Available at Bud's Army Surplus in beautiful Kimball, Tennessee”.

116. “Avoid Heathrow and its world class delays!”

117. “Are You In Pepsi Generation?”

118. “Blue collar. White collar. How about no collar.”

119. “Brewed with pure Rocky Mountain Spring Water.”

120. “Celebrate your past, present and future with the one thing on the Earth as timeless as love”. (Diamond Trading Company)

121. “Chicagoans Have a Reputation for Being Weird. Wrong, It's Just That They Have a River Flowing Backwards.” (Chicago's Office of Tourism)

122. “Come alive! You're in the Pepsi generation”. (Pepsi-Cola)

123. “DDT is good for me-e-e!”(Killing salt Chemicals)

124. “Even Viagra could't make this hard.” (Tracfone. Mobile phones.)

125. “Live your myth in Greece. A new point of view. Greece Beyond Words.” (Greek National Tourism Organization)

126. “Make every shot a powershot. Powershot is packed with things that make pictures powerful. … Substance and style. Remind you of any particular 6'2'' female tennis star?” (Canon PowerShot)

127. “May your hair be so clean it's rated G”. (Herbal Essences)

128. “No bunny knows Easter better than him.” (Cadbury's)

129. “No wonder the English have kept cool for 192 years.” (Gordon's Gin)

130. “One of the first pleasures of 1937. Enjoy Chesterfield - for the good things smoking can give you.” (Chesterfield)

131. “Some watch for some people. Baby-G.” (Casio)

132. “There are no Whites working at G.E. No Blacks either. Just people. And we need more”. (General Electric)

133. “Why make a meal out of cleaning the barbie?” (Trix)

134. “You can trust your car to the man who wears the star.” (Texaco Service Stations)

135. “Get N or get out. ” (Nintendo)

136. “The daily diary of the American dream” (Wall Street Journal)

137. “There's no life like it ” (Canadian Armed Forces)

138. “There's No Place Like HBO” (HBO, 1983)

139. “Wassup?!” (Budweiser)

140. “You can be sure of Shell” ( Royal Dutch Shell plc)

141. “You're not fully clean unless you're Zest fully clean.” (Zest Soap)

142. “You've Got a Good Thing Going ” (Kent cigarettes)

143. “The City never sleeps.” ( New York City)

144. “All that glitters is not gold.” (Blackthorn Gold)

145. “Rice-A-Roni” (the San Francisco Treat)

146. “Thank Crunchie it's Friday” (Crunchie)

147. “To bleach or not to bleach” (Ajax Bleach)

148. “See what the future has in store.” (Future Shop)

149. “Easy as Dell” (Dell Computer)

150. “Once you pop, you can't stop.” (Pringles)

151. “If man were meant to fly, God would have lowered the fares” (American Coach Lines)

152. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” (Apple)

153. “One in a billion” (MCDONALD'S)

154. “Where the rubber meets the road” (Firestone Tyres)

155. “Just What the Doctor Ordered” (L&M Cigarettes)

156. “All that glitters is not Pabst” (Pabst Brewing Co)

157. “Experience is the best teacher in choosing a cigarette. Your T-zone will tell you why.” (Camel Cigarettes)

158. “A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play”. (Mars Candy Bars)

159. “All we can say to those who never enjoyed the deliciously smooth taste of Le Roulй is hard cheese”.

160. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

161. “Any Melon Is Worth Its Sault”. (Morton Salt)

162. “Birds of a feather party together.” (Rooster)

163. “Colour never dies”. (L'Oreal)

164. “Don't lose face. Drive a Volkswagen.” (Volkswagen)

165. “Eat like a goody two shoes. Feel like a party girl”.

166. “Experience is the best teacher ... in choosing a cigarette. Your T-zone will tell you why. More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.” (Camel Cigarettes)

167. “Far from bog standard hygiene…” (Bref)

168. “Grab life by the horns.” (Dodge Caliber)

169. “Is your film as good as Gold?” (Kodak Gold)

170. “It was made with a sweetener. Do the words 'have', 'cake' and 'eat' it come to mind?” (AROMCO Ltd)

171. “It's definitely better for your travel-entertainment needs than that lousy hotel TV. And that lousy room-service waiter you pay to read the closed captioning while you watch Family Guy on DVD.” (Toshiba)

172. “Objects in the rearview mirror are, well, so far back it's embarrassing. Yup, it's that good. Nothing distances you from the pack like the Next Generation Nissan Altima's nimble, 270-hp VQ engine -- chosen one of Ward's “10 best engines” for unprecedented 13th straight year. Couple that with a faster 0-60 than Accord, Camry and Acura TL, and suddenly the Jonses are the ones trying to keep up with you.” (Nissan Altima)

173. “Price $16,500. Estimated top speed 120 mph. True: The superfat rear tire, the widest rubber (9.84 inches) on a production bike, gives the Victory a custom chopper look without sacrificing performance. False: Titters like an excited schoolgirl whenever TBS airs Road House.” (Victory Hammer)

174. “Say hello to Sony's not-so-little, HD-ready friend!” (Sony LCD TV)

175. “Sleep well knowing your pet is covered”. (Warranty Direct)

176. “Take a look at the fruits of our labor”.

177. “Take it as red.” (Nicky Clarke)

178. “The BMW H2R is a speed demon hell-bent on being eco-friendly. (Just ignore all the squished squirrels it leaves in its path.) Pooh-poohing gasoline, its six-liter V-12 engine has been reconfigured to rock the casbah solely on hydrogen. The car's designers have been at it since the '70s, and they recently took their baby out for a 185.5 mph cruise. BMW plans to roll out a version of its 7-series with similar technology by 2008. This will give rise to hydrogen filling stations across the country, which means more places to knock over at 3 A.M. Thanks, BMW!” (BMW H2R)

179. “The sub is toasted. Your willpower is toast”. (Subway)

180. “There's No Place Like ASDA”. (ASDA)

181. “We'll make your day”. (Travellers Guides)

182. “When it rains it pours.” (Morton Salt)

183. “Yes! It's elementary.” (Chesterfield)

184. “Your left hand whispers sweet nothings”. (Diamond Trading Company)

Приложение 2

Список рекламных слоганов, составивших корпус экспериментального материала:

1. 1,000 songs in your pocket Apple Computer IPod Nano

2. 100% pure squeezed sunshine.

3. 1001 Cleans a Big, Big Carpet for Less than Half a Crown -- 1001 carpet shampoo, c.1964

4. 167 days of foggy, foggy dew can't claim all the credit for beautiful English complexions

5. 20,000 filter traps. - Viceroy

6. 50,000 songs in your hand -- Apple Computer IPod

7. 501 Blues -- Levi's Jeans, 1984

8. 99 44/100% Pure -- Ivory soap

9. 99.9% Need Not Apply The UK Royal Marines

10. A different kind of Company, A different kind of car. - Saturn

11. A glass and a half in every half pound

12. A government of half the people, by half the people, and for half the people . General Dynamics

13. A great way to fly

14. A is for apple, J is for Jacks. Cinnamon toasty Apple Jacks!

15. A is for apple, J is for Jacks. Cinnamon toasty Apple Jacks! - Applejacks Cereal

16. A lighter way to enjoy chocolate. - 3 Musketeers

17. A Little Dab'll Do Ya -- Brylcreem men's hair application

18. A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play . Mars Candy Bars

19. Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! -- Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap

20. Accelerate your life. United States Navy, 2000s

21. Access - Your Flexible Friend - Access Credit Card slogan advertising slogans

22. Access takes the waiting out of wanting

23. Accuracy to seconds a month. - Pulsar Watches

24. Acer. We hear you. - Acer

25. Achtung baby!! -- Astra Opel General Motors

26. Action -- Pontiac, early 2005

27. Ad caption: Fit for Adventure.

28. Adam and Eve ate the first vitamins, including the package . E. R. SQUIBB

29. All sounds are created equal. But all sound recorders are not . SONY

30. All that glitters is not gold. Blackthorn Gold

31. All that glitters is not Pabst Pabst Brewing Co

32. All the news that's fit to print. -- The New York Times, 1896, Direct

33. All we can say to those who never enjoyed the deliciously smooth taste of Le Roulй is hard cheese .

34. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy .

35. All you add is love

36. All your protection under one roof. - American Family Insurance

37. Allied On your side - Allied Insurance

38. along the Highway to Anywhere - Coca Cola 1949

39. Alpha bits you know you want them, come and have some! - Alpha Bits

40. Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride -- Listerine, 1923

41. Always Coca Cola - Coca Cola 1993

42. Always Good, All Ways

43. America lives in Dacron

44. America's Classic Premium Beer. - Hamm's

45. America's Drive In - Sonic Drive In

46. America's most famous dessert

47. America's most gifted whiskey

48. America's Real Choice - Coca Cola

49. America's storyteller

50. America's World Class Beer. - Sam Adams

51. America's supermarket Winn Dixie

52. Amica. We keep our promises to you.

53. An ace caff with a nice museum attached

54. An American Revolution Chevrolet

55. An American Revolution Dodge Aries

56. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apple

57. An order from the border - Monte Teca

58. And all because the lady loves Milk Tray

59. And for the first time, every ankle in the nation felt no fear .

60. And the Plymouth win you over beat goes on! - Plymouth

61. Andrews for Inner Cleanliness

62. Andrex toilet tissue Soft, strong and very long

63. Any Melon Is Worth Its Sault . Morton Salt

64. Any time, any place, any where

65. Anyway you please it, cheese it Cheese Council

66. Apparently space isn't the final frontier

67. Applejacks will not be sold to bullies - Applejacks Cereal

68. Applejacks. Where the sweet taste of CinnaMon is the winna mon - Applejacks Cereal

69. Are you a Cadbury's Fruit & Nut case?

70. Are You In Pepsi Generation?

71. Are your friends living beyond your means?

72. Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everybody did?

73. Around the Corner from Everywhere - Coca Cola 1927

74. At Paul Masson, we will sell no wine before its time - Paul Masson Wines

75. At sixty miles an hour the loudest noise in the new Rolls Royce comes from the electric clock

76. At The Heart Of Lowcountry Style, Culture and Cuisine - Woodlands Resort & Inn

77. At the sign of the cat. - Mercury

78. At work, rest and play, you get three great tastes in a Milky Way - Milky Way

79. Australians wouldn't give a XXXX for anything else

80. Available at Bud's Army Surplus in beautiful Kimball, Tennessee .

81. Avoid Heathrow and its world class delays!

82. Awaken your senses.

83. Award yourself the Cadbury's Dairy Milk

84. Babies love it

85. Bacardi & Cola. They get the job done - Bacardi Rum

86. Balustrades. Juliette balconies . Balcony Company

87. Be Like Mike Gatorade

88. Because you're worth it L'Orйal new

89. Beecham's pills make all the difference - Beecham's Pills Advertising slogans

90. Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. - Papa John's pizza

91. Better sound through research. - BOSE

92. Between love and madness lies obsession - Calvin Klein's Obsession

93. Beyond Petroleum -- BP

94. Bigger in Texas, Better in a Dodge

95. Biggest daily sale on Earth

96. Billions and billions served

97. Birds of a feather party together. Rooster

98. Blue collar. White collar. How about no collar.

99. Bounty - the taste of paradise - Bounty candy bar slogan

100. Brains perform best when they're hydrated

101. Bread wi' nowt taken out

102. Break out of the ordinary - Nestles Butterfinger

103. Break Through. -- Cadillac, c. 2002

104. Breakfast of Champions - Wheaties

105. Brewed with Pure Rocky Mountain Spring Water - Coors

106. Bridge that gap with Cadbury's Snack

107. Bring on the real Thirst Quencher!

108. Bring out the Hellman's and bring out the best

109. Cabinets fit for royalty, but affordable for all! Kitchen Cabinet Kings

110. Cadillac …World's Best Synonym for Quality!

111. Calgon, take me away. - Calgon slogan

112. Call for Philip Morris!! - Philip Morris Cigarettes

113. Calvin Klein's Obsession Between love and madness lies Obsession.

114. Camels Soothe Your T Zone -- Camel cigarettes

115. Campbell's Condensed Soup - Campbell's slogan

116. Can get even clean teeth 2 shades whiter - Rembrant

117. Can Head & Shoulders stop dandruff? Can Wilt Chamberlain stuff? Head & Shoulders Shampo

118. Can you hear me now? -- Verizon Wireless

119. Can you tell Stork from butter?

120. Can't Beat the Feeling - Coca Cola 1989

121. Can't Beat the Real Thing - Coca Cola 1990

122. Canada Dry Tonics and Mixers slogan

123. Celebrate your past, present and future with the one thing on the Earth as timeless as love . Diamond Trading Company

124. Cheese to die for. Ruth Pretty

125. Chesterfields are completely satisfying. They are Milder - much Milder. It's My cigarette. Lucille Ball . Chesterfield

126. Chicagoans Have a Reputation for Being Weird. Wrong, It's Just That They Have a River Flowing Backwards. Chicago's Office of Tourism

127. Cleans round the bend

128. Cleans your teeth while it cleans your breath. - Dentyne Gum

129. Clearly Canadian Sparkling Mineral Water in Wild Fruit Flavours

130. Clunk click every trip

131. Coca Cola enjoy - Coca Cola 2000

132. Coca Cola Goes Along - Coca Cola 1939

133. Coca Cola Revives and Sustains - Coca Cola 1905

134. Coffee at its Best - Nescafe

135. Coffee at its best - Nescafe

136. Coffee thats always the way you like - Bon Brazil

137. Coke Adds Life - Coca Cola 1976

138. Coke is it! - Coca Cola 1982

139. Coke Side of Life - Coca Cola 2007

140. Colour never dies . L'Oreal

141. Come alive! You're in the Pepsi generation . Pepsi-Cola

142. Comparison With the Living Artist Reveals No Difference -- Edison Records

143. Comprehensive coverage includes damage caused by third parties. - ChevySeguro

144. Computers help people help people - IBM

145. Connecting people. -- Nokia

146. Conseco. Step up. - Conseco, Insurance, Annuity, and other financial Solutions, USA

147. Consider IT Done Syntel

148. Cooks who know trust Crisco

149. Corn and cluck for a buck

150. Courier Express. Today's delivery problems solved tomorrow

151. Course you can, Malcolm

152. Courtesy and care

153. Covers a multitude of Chins

154. Covers The Earth - Sherwin Williams paint

155. Create a storm -- Monsoon

156. Crйateur d'Automobiles -- Renault

157. Crispety, crunchety, peanut buttery Butterfinger - Nestles Butterfinger

158. Cross into the Blue. United States Air Force, 2000s

159. Crystal gets closer to the body than ever before - Swarovski Crystal Tattoos

160. CTV. Canadian Television -- CTV

161. Cue the Range Rover Sport: a tighter, shorter, faster and more lascivious version of the world's finest sport-ute. With fender flares, 20-inch wheels and a sloping roof line, the Sport gives the impression of speed -- like a latte-addicted Robin Williams -- even before you get rolling. Range Rover Sport

162. Dad…you're my dad, and I LOVE YOU MAN!!! - Budweiser

163. Dancing pleats that won't sit out

164. Danville's Best Address - Stratford Inn Hotel, Danville, Virginia

165. Days Inn. There you go. - Days Inn Hotels , Washington DC

166. DDT is good for me-e-e! Killing salt Chemicals

167. Defender. The best tool for the job.

168. Delicious and Refreshing - Coca Cola 1904

169. Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined - Hooters

170. Dell. Purely You. - Dell

171. Delta gets you there. We're ready to fly - Delta Airlines

172. Delta is ready when you are. - Delta Airlines

173. Dick and Jane is dead Encyclopaedia Britannica

174. Do you inhale? Of course you do! Lucky Strike has dared to raise this vital uestion because certain impurities concealed in even the finest, mildest tobacco leaves are removed by Luckies' famous purifying process. - Lucky Strike

175. Doctors Recommend Phillip Morris -- Phillip Morris tobacco products

176. Does exactly what it says on the tin -- Ronseal, late 1980s to present.

177. Does it make sense to jump out of a warm bed into a cold cereal?

178. Does she … or doesn't she Clairol

179. Does you does, or does you don't take Access?

180. Doesn't your dog deserve ALPO?

181. Doing what we do best

182. Domestos kills all known germs in one hour

183. Don't Just Book it, Thomas Cook it. Thomas Cook

184. Don't lose face. Drive a Volkswagen. Volkswagen

185. Don't compromise. Midasize -- Midas muffler shops

186. Don't consume it or it will consume you

187. Don't dream it. Drive it. Jaguar

188. Driest gin in town. Ask any Martini. - Seagram

189. Drink Camp - its the best!

190. Drink Canada Dry

191. Drink Coca Cola - Coca Cola

192. Drink more milk

193. Drink Responsibly - Captain's Orders!

194. Drink Tizer, the appetizer

195. Drinka pinta milka day

196. Drinks like a Soda, Kicks like an Energy Drink, - Vault

197. Drive & Love - Chrysler

198. Drive Safely - Volvo

199. Drive your Way - Hyundai

200. Driven By What's Inside - Subaru

201. Driven to be the best - Autonation

202. Drivers Wanted - Volkswagen

203. Driving is believing - Hyundai

204. Each Record a Masterpiece. Van Dyke Records . Van Dyke Records

205. Easy as Dell Dell Computer

206. Eat like a goody two shoes. Feel like a party girl .

207. Edina Realty. Beyond the sale - Edina Realty company

208. Education is an investment and not an expense -- Parthose Dunt

209. Effortlessly cleaning out that dirty mouth of yours, so no one will ever know how bad your breath really was - TheraBreath

210. Eight out of ten cats prefer it

211. Einstein's Theory of Relativity: give strangers the same price you give relatives . Einstein-Moomjy Carpets

212. Elizabeth Arden is real Elizabeth Arden

213. Embrace your inner squirrel and help us protect and conserve the Royal Parks

214. Embracing ingenuity - Bank of America

215. Emigrate to Canada Dry for the sake of your Scotch

216. Empowering People. - Acer

217. Empowering the Internet Generation

218. Energizer Bunny Energizer battery

219. Energy -- for a strong America Exxon

220. Ernest Hemingway once appreciated the hotel as The best hotel in a city of great hotels . Hotel Gritti palace

221. Even Viagra could't make this hard. Tracfone. Mobile phones.

222. Everything we do is driven by you -- Ford

223. Everything you always wanted in a beer…and less - Miller Light

224. Everything you want from a store and a little bit more

225. Everything you want, nothing you don't. - Nissan

226. Experience is the best teacher ... in choosing a cigarette. Your T-zone will tell you why. More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette. Camel Cigarettes

227. Fall in love with coffee all over again - High Point Coffee

228. Family tradition has it that Frederic Chopin once stayed here and played the piano that still stands in the drawing room. Hotel Gargunnock House

229. Far from bog standard hygiene… Bref

230. Farewell to the ugly cigarette. - Eve Cigarettes

231. Fast Food for Fast Times - Burger King

232. fcuk -- French Connection United Kingdom, 1990s, TBWA\

233. Feed your inner child

234. Feel the Velvet

235. Fights cavities…Children like the taste - Aim

236. Fill it to the rim with Brim - Brim Decaffeinated Coffee

237. Financial Strength is the cornerstone of our success. - Western & Southern Financial Group

238. Find your Freedom! - Jay Peak Vermont

239. Find Your Own Road - Saab

240. Finesse your hair to beautiful

241. Finger lickin' good - KFC

242. First Class Travel

243. First man, then machine - Honda

244. First to Sears, then to school -- 1970s back to school ads

245. First with the Hits -- Mercury Records

246. Fit Dunlop and be satisfied

247. Flick your Bic

248. Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee, 1/2 the calories, all the G - Gatorade

249. Florida Citrus Commission A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine

250. Fly the American way American Airlines . -

251. For 400 years, every leaf and stone has told a story. The Otani garden . Singapore Airlines

252. For people who have been looking for a truly fine place to stay in Columbus, your wait is over. Marriott Suites

253. Free enterprise with every copy.

254. Free shipping. Free Delivery

255. Fresh all summer

256. Fresh Squeezed Glaciers

257. Fresh tasting soup that lasts.

258. Fresh to the last slice

259. Freshen up with 7 Up

260. Georg Jensen. Outrageously Scandinavian. Since 1904.

261. Get dropped - Sun Drop

262. Get Further Away. - Jackson Hole Resort

263. Get more -- T Mobile

264. Get more out of now - Dell

265. Get N or get out. Nintendo

266. Get the Abbey habit. Abbey National

267. Good health never tasted this good!

268. Good Morning! Have You Used Pear's Soap? -- Pear's Soap

269. Good things come to those who wait.

270. Good to the last drop - Maxwell House

271. Got Milk?

272. Gotta have my pops! Corn Pops

273. Grab life by the horns. Dodge Caliber

274. Grab some Sunkist Soda and HEAD FOR THE SUN - Sunkist

275. Grace…space…pace - Jaguar

276. Graded grains make finer flour

277. Grapes, like children, need love and affection

278. Great Location, Service and Stay. - Kensington Court Ann Arbor

279. Great Pair, Says the Bear .. joint campaign with Coca Cola

280. Great Taste, Zero Sugar - Coke Zero

281. Greatness isn't just built, it's earned.

282. Guardian. Enriching the lives of people we touch. - Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

283. Guidance when you need it most. - Humana

284. Guinness gives you strength

285. Guinness is good for you - Guinness

286. Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet. Hamlet

287. Have what you want, in tiny payments.

288. Have you driven a Ford lately - Ford

289. Have you ever had a bad time in Levi's?

290. Have you ever wished you were better informed?

291. Have you had your break today?

292. Have you had your Weetabix

293. Have you Macleaned your teeth today? - Macleans Toothepaste

294. Have You Met Life Today? - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

295. Have you woken up to Kellogg's corn flakes?

296. He likes it! Hey Mikey! - Life Cereal

297. Head for the Border Taco Bell Restaurants

298. Head for the Border - Taco Bell

299. Head for the Mountains - Busch Beer

300. Healthy Beautiful smiles for life. - Crest

301. Healthy. Happy. Huggies.

302. Hear What You Like When You Like -- Rex Records

303. Hearts, stars, and horseshoes. Clovers and blue moons. Pots of gold and rainbows. And me red balloons. That's me Lucky Charms. They're magically delicious. Lucky Charms

304. Hearts, stars, and horseshoes. Clovers and blue moons. Pots of gold and rainbows. And me red balloons. That's me Lucky Charms. They're magically delicious. - Lucky Charms

305. Heineken refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach - Heineken

306. Hello Tosh, gotta Toshiba? Toshiba

307. Hold it up to the light, not a stain and shining light

308. How do you spell soap? Why P E A R S, of course

309. How does the wireless industry make you feel? Sprint PCS Fair & Flexible Plan

310. How many bars do you have? AT&T Wireless, 2004

311. How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll Center of a Tootsie Pop? The world may never know. - Tootsie Pop

312. How refreshing, how Heineken.

313. HUGO is trend, HUGO is different, HUGO is urban - HUGO BOSS

314. Human energy -- Chevron, 2005

315. Hummer. Like Nothing Else. - Hummer

316. Hungry? Grab a Snickers Snickers

317. Hungry? Why wait? - Snickers

318. I am made of blue sky and golden light, and I will feel this way forever…share the fantasy. - Chanel No. 5

319. I am what I am Reebok

320. I bet he drinks Carling Black Label

321. I can be very friendly -- Sunoco, 1970s

322. I can't believe I ate the whole thing!

323. I can't seem to forget you, your Wind Song stays on my mind - Wind Song

324. I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys 'R' Us kid

325. I dreamed I stopped traffic in my Maidenform bra

326. I dreamed I went shopping in my Maidenform bra

327. I feel like a Guinness - I wish you were

328. I go cukoo for Cocoa Puffs! - Cocoa Puffs Cereal

329. I know I packed it

330. I liked it so much I bought the company. -- Remington shavers

331. I love New York -- New York City, 1977-, Wells, Rich, Greene

332. I love what you do for me - Toyota!

333. I never knew it had so much in it

334. I never knew you had dandruff Head & Shoulders shampoo

335. I seem to be Achilles ... but, my dear, it happens to be your heel that is my vulnerable spot. Such slenderness! Such grace! One look and I am slain . Peacock Shoes

336. I think, therefore IBM. IBM

337. I vant to eat your cereal! - Count Chocula

338. I want my MTV.

339. I'm convinced the Goodyear Grand Prix S is a major contribution to road safety

340. I'm lovin' it - McDonalds

341. I'm Margie. Fly me

342. I'm Rapmaster Barney and I'm here to say, I love Fruity Pebbles in a major way! - Fruity Pebbles

343. Ice cold Sunshine - Coca Cola 1932

344. I'd rather fight than switch. - Tareyton Cigarettes

345. If gas pains persist, try Volkswagen. - Volkswagen

346. If he kissed you once, will he kiss you again? - Certs

347. If I've only one life let me live it as a blonde! - Clairol

348. If it feels good then just do it

349. If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak Kodak

350. If it wasn't in VOGUE It wasn't in vogue

351. If it's Borden's, it's got to be good

352. If it's got to be clean, it's got to be Tide

353. If it's important to you, it's important to Plymouth - Plymouth

354. If it's not trail rated, it's not a jeep 4Ч4 - Jeep

355. If it's a Hillbilly, it's a King -- King Records

356. If it's on, it's in. -- Radio Times, MCBD

357. If man were meant to fly, God would have lowered the fares American Coach Lines

358. If only everything in life was as reliable as a Volkswagen - Volkswagen

359. If we don't sell it, you won't need it. The Range

360. If you don't get it, you don't get it. -- The Washington Post, 1990s

361. If you haven't looked at Ford lately, look again. - Ford

362. If you keep late hours for Society's sake, Bromo Seltzer will cure that headache

363. If you smoke, please smoke Carlton. - Carlton Cigarettes

364. If you want to capture someone's attention, whisper. - Coty Perfume

365. If you want to get ahead, get a hat.

366. If you want to impress someone, put him on your Black list. Johnny Walker Black Whiskey

367. If you've got the time, we've got the beer - Miller

368. If your friendly neighborhood grocer doesn't have a jar knock something off a shelf on the way out

369. If your futureself could talk to you - what would it say? - Lincoln National

370. Imagine yourself in a Mercury Mercury automobile

371. Impossible is Nothing adidas

372. In the Inch War, Ryvita helps you win Ryvita

373. Inexpensive. And Built to Stay That Way. -- Subaru, 1980s

374. Infiniti. Accelerating the Future. - Infiniti

375. Innovation is Gillette.

376. Is she or isn't she? Harmony - Hairspray

377. Is your film as good as Gold? Kodak Gold

378. It just feels right Mazda

379. It just tastes better - Burger King

380. It looks good, it tastes good, and by golly it does you good

381. It makes you feel like the man you are. - Buick

382. It must be love - Honda

383. It never varies

384. It only tastes expensive - Masters Blend

385. It pays to fly.. - Pan American World Airways

386. It sits as lightly on a heavy meal as it does on your conscience

387. It was made with a sweetener. Do the words 'have', 'cake' and 'eat' it come to mind? AROMCO Ltd

388. It's a Skoda. Honest.

389. It's A Smart Move With HomeSmart! - Home Smart

390. It's a whole new Hyundai - Hyundai

391. It's all about the beer.

392. It's all in the mix - Twix

393. It's at times like this that Metlife sets itself apart. - MetLife

394. It's better here. - Wendy's

395. It's dandy for your teeth! - Ipana

396. It's definitely better for your travel-entertainment needs than that lousy hotel TV. And that lousy room-service waiter you pay to read the closed captioning while you watch Family Guy on DVD. Toshiba

397. It's Different in a Saturn - Saturn

398. It's gotta be a Dodge. - Dodge

399. It's Miller time! - Miller

400. It's more than a mouthful it's Whatchamacallit! - Whatchamacallit

401. It's much less bovver on a Hover

402. It's not a car. It's a Volkswagen - Volkswagen

403. It's not what it seems to be - Takara

404. It's so big, you've gotta grin to get it in

405. It's that refreshing - Sierra Mist

406. It's the o o only way to fly. - Western Airlines [ Now bought by Delta]

407. It's the water! - Olympia Brewing

408. It's time to fly - United Airlines

409. It's tingling fresh

410. It's too good for the kids = Toffifay

411. iThink, Therefore iMac -- Apple Computer, Late 1990s to Early 2000s Play on I think, therefore i am

412. It's a lot less bovver than a hover -- Qualcast Concord lawnmowers, 1985, WCRS

413. It's a miracle -- Xerox, 1975

414. It's peaceful. It's personal. It's paradise. Peter Island

415. I've fallen and I can't get up! -- LifeCall Personal Emergency Response Systems

416. I've got good news I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO! GEICO In commercials, usually said after something horrible happens

417. Ivory Soap - 9944/100% Pure.

418. Johnny Walker Black Whiskey If you want to impress someone, put him on your Black list

419. Join the professionals

420. Join the tea set

421. Just What the Doctor Ordered L&M Cigarettes

422. KnirpsYou can break a brolly but you can't k nacker a Knirps

423. Know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing! -- Calvin Klein

424. Land Rover. Go beyond. - Land Rover

425. Leap ahead. Intel, 2006 present

426. Less irritating to the throat. - Philip Morris Cigarettes

427. Let Cocoa Krispies fill your spoon, and soon you'll be gazing at a cocoa moon. sitting under a chocolate palm tree, by the cocoa sea. - Cocoa Krispies Cereal

428. Let desire lead you - JLo Deseo

429. Let Hertz put you in the driver's seat -- The Hertz Corporation

430. Let Prudential be your rock. - Prudential Financial

431. Let the train take the strain

432. Let your fingers do the walking. -- Yellow Pages, 1964, Geers Gross

433. Let's make excellent happen New Balance 1080

434. Let's Thrive. - Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

435. Let's go Krogering -- Kroger supermarkets

436. Let's make things better -- Philips

437. Life Goods - LG

438. Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride - Nissan

439. Life is full of surprises - Life Cereal

440. Like nothing else on Earth -- Hummer

441. Live the moment - Harry Winston

442. Live today. Tomorrow will cost more. - Pan American World Airways

443. Live your myth in Greece. A new point of view. Greece Beyond Words. Greek National Tourism Organization

444. Long live cats.

445. Look Ma, no cavities! -- Crest toothpaste

446. Look sharp, feel sharp -- Gillette, 1940s

447. Look up America Coca Cola 1975

448. Look your best while you wear our least

449. Loose Lips Sink Ships -- World War II

450. Lost Another loan to Ditech! Ditech, 2001

451. Lot's of things have changed, but Hershey's goodness hasn't - Hershey Chocolate

452. Love Potion

453. Low Fares. Way Better -- AerLingus.com Aer Lingus

454. Low Prices Always ASDA 1980s present, ASDA Wal Mart 2000 present

455. LSMFT: Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco -- Lucky Strike Cigarettes

456. Luckies taste better. Cleaner, fresher, smoother. - Lucky Strike

457. Lucky Charms. They're magically delicious. - Lucky Charms

458. Maharaja of the skies Air India

459. Make every shot a powershot. Powershot is packed with things that make pictures powerful. … Substance and style. Remind you of any particular 6'2'' female tennis star? Canon PowerShot

460. Makes mouths happy - Twizzlers

461. Makes sensible buying simple

462. Makin' it great again and again - Pizza Hut

463. making good things taste better - Coca Cola 1956

464. Making it all make sense - Microsoft

465. Making the sky the best place on Earth Air France

466. Malaysia, truly Asia. Malaysia Tourism

467. May your hair be so clean it's rated G . Herbal Essences

468. Mentos the freshmaker - Mentos

469. Merryll Lynch is bullish on America. Merryll Lynch

470. Mildness is a pleasure with Pall Mall. - Pall Mall Cigarettes


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  • О введении Федерального Закона "О рекламе". Общие и специальные требования к рекламе. Права и обязанности рекламодателей, рекламопроизводителей и рекламораспространителей. Государственный контроль и саморегулирования в области рекламы.

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