Особенности использования прецедентных феноменов в рекламе

Теоретические основы исследования прецедентных феноменов в рекламе. Определение и функции прецедентного феномена, его классификация по В.В. Красных и использование в англоязычном рекламном тексте. Прецедентные тексты, ситуации, высказывания и имена.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Дата добавления 26.06.2015
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

471. Milk from contented cows

472. Milk's Gotta Lotta Bottle

473. More fashion

474. My cigarette is the MILD cigarette… That's why Chesterfield is my favorite. Ronald Reagan. Chesterfield

475. My friend, Joe Holmes, is now a horse Arrow Shirts, 1938

476. Naughty but nice

477. No bottles to break - just hearts. - Arpege

478. No bunny knows Easter better than him. Cadbury's

479. No F.T….. No Comment

480. No Limits -- Showtime 1997 present

481. No matter what what's his name says, I'm the prettiest and Lite's the greatest

482. No more tears. Johnson's Baby Shampoo

483. No Music, No Life -- Tower Records

484. No One Has More Experience Or Expertise To Help You Than An Agent Who Is A Realtor - The National Association of Realtors

485. No other toothpaste has the unique strong taste of Euthymol - Euthymol

486. No woman is an island unless she wants to be AT&T

487. No wonder the English have kept cool for 192 years. Gordon's Gin

488. Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger! - Butterfinger

489. Nobody can do it like McDonald's can

490. Nobody can say no to the honey nut O's in Honey Nut Cheerios. - Honey Nut Cheerios

491. Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee. Sara Lee

492. Not a cough in a carload. - Old Gold Cigarettes

493. Not all metal is created equal . When it shakes the earth in the form of a 96 cubic inch V-Twin engine, when it lives in the perfect line of a Softtail frame. That's when it goes from mere metal to something that reaches deep and satisfies the soul. That's metal worth owning. Harley Davidson

494. Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven

495. Nothing acts faster than Anadin

496. Nothing comes between me and my Calvins

497. Nothing over sixpence

498. Nothing runs like a Deere

499. Nothings sucks like an Electrolux -- Electrolux

500. Now hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face

501. Now It's Pepsi for Those Who Think Young 1961 1963

502. Now That Your Tastes Have Grown Up! - Arby's

503. Now that's imagination, that's Plymouth! - Plymouth

504. Now that's refreshing.

505. Now they whisper to her … not about her

506. Now you're eating! - Pizza Hut

507. Objects in the rearview mirror are, well, so far back it's embarrassing. Yup, it's that good. Nothing distances you from the pack like the Next Generation Nissan Altima's nimble, 270-hp VQ engine -- chosen one of Ward's 10 best engines for unprecedented 13th straight year. Couple that with a faster 0-60 than Accord, Camry and Acura TL, and suddenly the Jonses are the ones trying to keep up with you. Nissan Altima

508. Oh thank heaven for 7 Eleven 7 Eleven

509. Oh…those Golden Grahams… those Golden Grahams. Golden honey, just a touch, with grahams golden wheat. - Golden Grahams

510. Old Gold cures just one thing. The World's Best Tobacco. - Old Gold Cigarettes

511. Omo adds brightness to whiteness

512. On the Wings of Goodyear -- Goodyear

513. On your side. - Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

514. Once driven, forever smitten -- Vauxhall Motors, 1980s

515. Once driven, forever smitten Vauxhall Motors

516. Once you pop, you can't stop. Pringles

517. One Client at a Time The Big Apple

518. One fiddler you won't have to pay. - Sanka Coffee

519. One in a billion MCDONALD'S

520. One instinctively knows when something is right

521. One leg at a time

522. One of the first pleasures of 1937. Enjoy Chesterfield - for the good things smoking can give you. Chesterfield

523. One Sprint. Many Solutions -- Sprint

524. One Taste And Your Stuck On Golden Flake

525. Pacific Life. The Power to Help You Succeed. - Pacific Life

526. Packard Ask the man who owns one.

527. Papa? Nicole? -- Renault Clio

528. Paradise has an address . Continuum II

529. Parents who use drugs have kids who use drugs -- Partnership for a Drug Free America

530. Party like a rockstar - Rockstar

531. Party right with Bud Light - Bud Light

532. Passion for the road -- Mazda, 1990s

533. Paul Masson Wines We will sell no wine before its time

534. Peace of mind. - Chubb

535. Pearl Drops…See the Whiteness. Feel the Shine. - Pearl Drops

536. Pearline keeps white things white and bright women bright

537. Pears' Soap Cleanliness is next to Godliness

538. People first. Saturn, 2005 present

539. People who like people like Dial

540. Perpetual spirit. - Rolex

541. Phyllosan fortifies the over forties

542. Pickwick Products. Sold by all good grocers. Devoe Paint

543. Piercing Energy That Strikes Back - Venom

544. Piston engines go boing x7 . But the Mazda goes hmmmmmmmm 1973

545. Play it again, Sam. New York State Lottery

546. Player's Please

547. Price $16,500. Estimated top speed 120 mph. True: The superfat rear tire, the widest rubber 9.84 inches on a production bike, gives the Victory a custom chopper look without sacrificing performance. False: Titters like an excited schoolgirl whenever TBS airs Road House. Victory Hammer

548. Pump your money back into Canada Petro Canada, early 1980s

549. Quicker than Rudolf, bigger than Santa, more sensual than mistletoe, warmer than socks, miles better than charades and the biggest surprise of all . Interflora flowers

550. Ramada. A very good place to be. - Ramada hotel brand in the USA and Canada

551. Rare but good. Imperial Leather

552. RC tastes best, says Lizabeth Scott Royal Crown Cola

553. Recommended by Duncan Hines. The Englisn Grill

554. Relieves gas pains - Volkswagen

555. Rely on the tiger Exxon

556. Responsiblity. What's your policy? - Liberty Mutual Insurance Group

557. Rest, keep warm and drink liquids. - American Airlines

558. Returning man to his place

559. Rice-A-Roni the San Francisco Treat

560. Richness worth a second cup - Yuban Coffee

561. Ride the light

562. Right service. Right price. -- Meineke

563. Ring around the collar -- Wisk Detergent, 1968

564. Rip. Mix. Burn -- Apple Computer

565. Roar, Boys, Roar, It tastes like more, What a flavor, Zippity zow - its grand - and how! - Grape Nuts Flakes Cereal

566. Roses grow on you

567. Run with the little guy… create some change - Jones Soda

568. Safety fast

569. Same time tomorrow? Diet Pepsi

570. Samsung Navibot. The smarter robotic vacuum cleaner

571. Say hello to Sony's not-so-little, HD-ready friend! Sony LCD TV

572. Schhh...You-Know-Who shwepps

573. Sears Which twin has the Toni? Toni

574. See the USA in a Chevrolet Chevrolet

575. See what the future has in store. Future Shop

576. See what the future has in store. -- Future Shop

577. See what we mean

578. See what you can do O2

579. See what you can switch on, when the screen is off.

580. Sense and Simplicity Philips

581. Share moments. Share life.

582. Share the fantasy - CHANEL

583. Sharing Knowledge. Building Trust. - Westfield Insurance

584. Shave Yourself

585. Sit happily ever after

586. Six Million a Day - Coca Cola 1925

587. Sixpence worth of Heaven

588. Skim milk does not come from skinny cows

589. Sleep sweeter, Bournvita

590. Sleep well knowing your pet is covered . Warranty Direct

591. Sleep with us! -- Venere

592. Slogan: Human rights need your flame. Buy a candle. - Amnesty International

593. Small Wonder - Volkswagen

594. Smart Looking. Intellegently Priced. ESQ Watches. ESQ SWISS watch

595. Smash it to pieces, love it to bits Terry's Chocolate Orange

596. Smell like a man, man

597. Smokers are requested to use Swan Vestas

598. Smoking prohibited. PEZing allowed - PEZ

599. Snap into a Slim Jim Slim Jim

600. Snap! Crackle! Pop! - Rice Crispies

601. So creamy it's almost fattening

602. So delicate. So Beautiful. - Estйe Lauder Beautiful

603. So easy a caveman can do it.

604. Some watch for some people. Baby-G. Casio

605. South wing, North Wing . Expansive elegance. Enormous room. Command Seating for a better view. The new Ford Five Hundred. It elevates the sedan. Ford Five Hundred

606. St. Augustine founded it. Becket died for it. Chaucer wrote about it. Cromwell shot at it. Hitler bombed it. Time is destroying it. Will you save it? Canterbury Cathedral

607. Strength, Protection and Vigilance - Sentry Insurance

608. Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman Secret deodorant

609. Subway, Eat Fresh - Subway

610. Sugar Bear can't get enough. - Sugar Crisp Cereal

611. Sunday isn't Sunday without the Sunday Times

612. Surrounded by innovation

613. Sweet as the moment when the pod went `pop'

614. Take a bath in the dark tonight and let the water make love to your skin

615. Take a bite out of crime! -- National Crime Prevention Council

616. Take a bite, take a bite, take an Alpha Bits bite. You can make a game out of eating every letter in sight. A, B, C…X, Y, Z. - Alpha Bits

617. Take a look at the fruits of our labor .

618. Take Aim against cavities! - Aim

619. Take it as red. Nicky Clarke

620. Take Me To The Hilton - Hilton Hotel New York

621. Take power to the next level

622. Take the feeling of clean to the Extreme. - AquaFresh

623. Take Toshiba, Take the World. - Toshiba

624. Takes the `ouch' out of grouch

625. Talking your body's language.

626. Taste as good as it smells

627. Taste Me! Taste Me! Come on and Taste Me! Doral Cigarettes

628. Taste the explosion - Pop rocks

629. Taste the high country, taste the high country, taste the high country, taste Coors - Coors

630. Taste the Rainbow - Skittles

631. Taste them again, for the first time. - Kelogg's Corn Flakes

632. Tastefully original

633. Tastes as good as it smells - Maxwell House

634. Tastes great, less filling - Miller Light

635. Tastes so good cats ask for it by name

636. Technology you can enjoy - Honda

637. Teeth aren't white until they gleem. - Gleem

638. Tell Sid British Gas

639. Tetley's tea Tetley make tea bags make tea

640. Thank Crunchie it's Friday Crunchie

641. Thank goodness for Kleenex.

642. That's G - Gatorade Gatorade

643. The Arlington Hotel, built in 1875, was a favorite of Al Capone. Arlington Hotel, USA

644. The beer that made Milwaukee jealous Mexican Brewery

645. The best city for people-watching is Vegas where you can watch the Vegas showgirls shopping for Manolo Blahniks. Traveller

646. The best kept secret in Washington, D. C. Volkswagen

647. The best part of waking up, is Folger's in your cup - Folgers

648. The best seat in the house -- Jockey underwear

649. The best to you each morning. - Kelogg's Frosted Flakes

650. The best tyres in the world have Goodyear written all over them

651. The Best Value Under the Sun

652. The better stain getter

653. The Big G stands for Goodness 1962 - Cheerios

654. The bill, the whole bill and nothing but bill. Women's suffrage movement

655. The BMW H2R is a speed demon hell-bent on being eco-friendly. Just ignore all the squished squirrels it leaves in its path. Pooh-poohing gasoline, its six-liter V-12 engine has been reconfigured to rock the casbah solely on hydrogen. The car's designers have been at it since the '70s, and they recently took their baby out for a 185.5 mph cruise. BMW plans to roll out a version of its 7-series with similar technology by 2008. This will give rise to hydrogen filling stations across the country, which means more places to knock over at 3 A.M. Thanks, BMW! BMW H2R

656. The bright lights taste

657. The champagne of ginger ales. Canada Dry

658. The City never sleeps. New York City

659. The cream of Manchester. Boddington

660. The daily diary of the American dream Wall Street Journal

661. The first truly feminine cigarette - almost as pretty as you are. Women have been feminine since Eve, now cigarettes are feminine. Eve, also with menthol . Eve Cigarettes

662. The Greatest Show on Earth Ringling Brother and Barnum& Bailey Circus

663. The happiest place on Earth Disneyland

664. The Heartbeat of America Chevrolet

665. The instrument of the Immortals Steinway

666. The island of Calypso is a must. . . Travelers Guides

667. The jazz of America is on Verve... the wit of America is on Verve Verve Records

668. The mainspring in a Bulova is made to last 256 years or 146 leather straps - whichever comes first

669. The make up of make up artists - Max Factor

670. The only `sauce' I dare give Father

671. The Only thing like Coca Cola is Coca Cola itself. It's the real thing - Coca Cola 1942

672. The only way to obtain healthy and strong teeth - Stomatol

673. The Original Key Lime Cola - Havana Cola

674. The pain reliever hospitals use most.

675. The Passionate Pursuit of Perfection Lexus from 2000 on

676. The pathfinders

677. The Pause that Refreshes - Coca Cola 1929

678. The pause that refreshes.

679. The relentless pursuit of perfection. - Lexus

680. The reliable airline

681. The richest coffee in the world - Colombian Coffee

682. The Silver Bullet Coors

683. The sub is toasted. Your willpower is toast . Subway

684. The Three Little Pigs, Jack and His Friends Jack and His Friends

685. The un cola

686. The United Colors of Benetton Benetton

687. The way to Fly. - British Airways

688. The whole world in one bank. - Citibank

689. The world's local bank - HSBC

690. There are no Whites working at G.E. No Blacks either. Just people. And we need more . General Electric

691. There comes a time when execution is more important than theory. Go on. Be a Tiger . Accenture

692. There's a smile in every Hershey Bar

693. There's Fast Food…Then There's KFC! - KFC

694. There's more in the middle of an Egg McMuffin than an egg in the middle of a muffin

695. There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

696. There's Only One - Jeep

697. There's no life like it Canadian Armed Forces

698. There's No Place Like ASDA . ASDA

699. There's No Place Like HBO HBO, 1983

700. They have just one mission…yours. - Trans World Airlines

701. To bleach or not to bleach Ajax Bleach

702. To bring the wolves out - Riding Hood Red. Max Factor Cosmetics

703. To Life, Love and Loot

704. To make that tough job easier you deserve - M&Ms

705. To our members, we're the fourth emergency service

706. To serve, not to be served - AARP

707. Toasted wheat with a taste of honey - Kellogg's Sugar Smacks

708. Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal Current - Cheerios

709. Tobacco is our middle name. - American Brands, Inc

710. Today is the first day of the rest of our life. - Total Cereal

711. Today something we do will touch your life

712. Today the discriminating family finds it absolutely necessary to own two or more motor cars

713. Try walking into Merrill Lynch and asking for Mr. Lynch. Goldberg-Pollen

714. Twas the night before Christmas - the children were dreaming of a Ford in their future - smart, swanky and gleaming

715. Twice as Much for a Nickel 1939 1950

716. Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun

717. Two for me none for you - Twix

718. Two great tastes that tastes great together - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

719. Two scoops of plump juicy raisins - Raisin Bran

720. Typhoo puts the `T' in Britain

721. Ugly is only skin deep

722. Ultimate care for your car at Kia Service

723. Ultra Brite gets you noticed! - Ultra Brite

724. Up, up and away with TWA

725. US Army Be all you can be

726. Use matches sparingly

727. Use the unique opportunity to swim of the shores of Scorpios, the private island of Aristotle Onassis. Travelers Guides

728. Vacation is a world where there are no locks on the doors or the mind or the body

729. Very you. Givenchy

730. Victory won't wait for the nation that's late

731. Virgin Atlantic, more experience than our name suggests - Virgin Atlantic

732. Vitalizes body and mind - Red Bull

733. Wake up. It's Eight O'Clock Eight O'Clock Coffee

734. Was there a lion on your egg this morning?

735. Wassup?! Budweiser

736. Watch out there's a Humphrey about

737. Water is Michael Phelp's Natural element; planet Ocean is his watch . Omega

738. Way to shop -- Macy's

739. We all adore a Kia Ora

740. We answer to a higher authority. Hebrew International

741. We make our customers' problems our problems. - Amica, USA

742. We make things that bring people closer

743. We make things that make communications work

744. We never forget you have a choice

745. We never sleep

746. We sell more cars than Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet, and Buick combined MATCHBOX TOY CARS

747. We'll make your day . Travellers Guides

748. We'll take more care of you - British Airways

749. We're American Airlines, doing what we do best. American Airlines

750. We're Big, Safe and Friendly - Genworth Financial

751. We're getting there

752. We're gonna tempt your tummy, with the taste of nuts and honey, its a honey of an O, it's Honey Nut Cheerios. - Honey Nut Cheerios

753. We're Hot and on a Roll. - Zero's Subs

754. We're National, the Sunshine Airline. Watch us Shine. - National Airlines

755. We're right behind you. Every step of the way.

756. We're with the Woolwich

757. We've got a Taste for You Coca Cola and Coca Cola classic - Coca Cola

758. We've replaced their regular coffee with Folger's Crystals. Let's see if they notice! - Folgers Crystals

759. Welcome to the World Wide Wow -- AOL play on World Wide Web

760. We're America's wheels Hertz

761. What happens here, stays here, Smith . Travellers Guides

762. What is the secret of Schhh

763. What is…the essence of coffee? - Yuban Coffee

764. When E. F. Hutton Talks, People Listen E.F. Hutton & Co.

765. When it rains it pours. Morton Salt

766. Where the rubber meets the road Firestone Tyres

767. Where was Moses When the Lights Went Out? - Groping for a pack of Meccas. Mecca Cigarettes.

768. Which way to the Autobahn? Slide into the driver's seat of the BMW M6, glance at the speedometer topping out at 200 mph, and you'll be looking for some open road. Its design is perhaps the least daring of BMW's recent models. The M6 cuts as sensible a figure as a banker's blue suit from Savile Row. Like the best of Bimmers, it's more athletic than muscled.

769. While in Europe, pick up an ugly European

770. Why make a meal out of cleaning the barbie? Trix

771. Winner Takes All Google

772. Winning is the mark of the Rebel. -- Rebel Sport

773. Women have been feminine since Eve, now cigarettes are feminine. Eve Cigarettes

774. Yes you can. -- Sprint, 2005 present

775. Yes! It's elementary. Chesterfield

776. Yes, Virginia there really is a Colonel Sanders KFC

777. You are in a beauty contest every day of your life - Camay

778. You are what you drink. Guinness. Guinness Brewery

779. You can be sure of Shell Royal Dutch Shell plc

780. You Can Do It When You B&Q It B&Q

781. You can do it. We can help -- Home Depot

782. You can rely on the lion

783. You can trust your car to the man who wears the star. Texaco Service Stations

784. You can with a Nissan - Nissan

785. You can't get better than a Kwik Fit fitter -- 1980s

786. You can't top the copper top -- Duracell Batteries, early to mid 1990s

787. You could learn a lot from a dummy. Buckle Up. -- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

788. You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's. Levy's Rye Bread

789. You give us 22 minutes, we'll give you the world -- WINS Radio, New York, 1965, KFWB Radio, Los Angeles, Present (2004)

790. You got a friend in the business

791. You got chocolate in my peanut butter! - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

792. You got peanut butter in my chocolate! - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

793. You got the right one Baby UH HUH” (sung by Ray Charles for Diet Pepsi) 1990s

794. You have my word on it - Isuzu

795. You know your ABC's Miss Colbert. Chesterfield Your Cupid. Our arrow . Zales

796. You meet the nicest people on a Honda

797. Your client is a poor, rejected stepchild, whose best friends are dwarfs. Can you insure her against poisoned apples?

798. Your left hand whispers sweet nothings . Diamond Trading Company

799. Your potential, our passion. -- Microsoft, 2000s

800. Your success is our highest calling. - JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts

801. Your true choice. -- AT&T, 1996 1998

802. Your Vision, Our Future - OLYMPUS

803. Your Way Right Away! - Burger King

804. Your World. Delivered. -- AT&T, 2005 present

805. You're in good hands. -- Allstate Insurance

806. You're looking smarter than ever -- JCPenney

807. You're never alone with a Strand -- Strand Cigarettes

808. You're not fully clean unless you're Zest fully clean. Zest Soap

809. Yours Faithfully Trust House Forte

810. You've come a long way, baby. - Virginia Slims Cigarettes

811. You've Got a Good Thing Going Kent cigarettes

812. You've got questions, we've got answers. -- RadioShack

813. Zebra doesn't save you if you cross on red. Festina Lente

814. Zoom Zoom -- Mazda, 2000s

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  • Парадигма исследования цвета, физиология, психология и гендерный аспект в изучении цвета. Национально-культурные особенности восприятия и особенности использования цвета в рекламе, в банковской сфере. Рассмотрение семантики цвета в банке; индикаторы.

    дипломная работа [72,3 K], добавлен 21.03.2010

  • Различные определения понятия "реклама". Главные цели и задачи рекламы. Роль и место рекламы в современном обществе. Теория мотивации А. Маслоу. Оценка эффективности использования детей в рекламе. Анкета социологического опроса на тему: "Дети в рекламе".

    курсовая работа [25,9 K], добавлен 02.06.2012

  • Структура рекламы как метода привлечения потребителей. Принципы использования эмоций в рекламе. Негативные эмоции, эффект незавершенного действия. Создание напряжения, составные элементы эмоциональной реакции в рекламе. Понятие ложной дихотомии.

    курсовая работа [64,2 K], добавлен 19.03.2012

  • Рассмотрение функций и сущности метафоры как особого вида манипулирования человеческим сознанием. Характеристика основных приемов и методов, используемых в рекламе. Ознакомление с механизмом действия визуальной метафоры в печатной и телевизионной рекламе.

    курсовая работа [7,3 M], добавлен 16.01.2012

  • Рекламная информация: сущность, виды и функции. Определение и классификация информационной системы и технологии. Общие сведения о применении информационных технологий в рекламной деятельности. Интернет, сетевые и мультимедийные технологии в рекламе.

    курсовая работа [55,0 K], добавлен 22.12.2011

  • Особенности проявления гендера в рекламном дискурсе. Понятие и сущность гендерных стереотипов, изучение их проявления в печатной рекламе. Процесс изменения гендерных стереотипов в зависимости от социальных, экономических или политических трансформаций.

    курсовая работа [1,4 M], добавлен 14.03.2015

  • Парадигма исследования цвета, роль цвета в истории. Физиология и психология цвета. Гендерный аспект в изучении цвета, национально-культурные особенности его восприятия. Особенности использования цвета в рекламе. Целевая аудитория как фактор выбора цвета.

    курсовая работа [81,3 K], добавлен 26.05.2010

  • Специфика художественного образа в рекламе. Методы его создания в дизайне, тексте, фильме. Маркетинговый анализ ООО "Восток-Запад". Использование художественного образа в рекламной практике предприятия для эффективного продвижения торговой марки.

    дипломная работа [4,5 M], добавлен 13.06.2012

  • Историографический анализ природы комического. Изучение юмора как способа социально-психологического воздействия в современной рекламе. Практическое использования коммуникативной стратегии с элементами юмора в рекламе продукции фирмы ООО "СПН Взлёт".

    дипломная работа [99,5 K], добавлен 19.09.2011

  • О введении Федерального Закона "О рекламе". Общие и специальные требования к рекламе. Права и обязанности рекламодателей, рекламопроизводителей и рекламораспространителей. Государственный контроль и саморегулирования в области рекламы.

    курсовая работа [23,6 K], добавлен 07.01.2007

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