Оптимізація ендоскопічних методів лікування і реабілітації хворих з каменями нирок та сечоводів (клініко-експериментальне дослідження)

Вплив ендоскопічних методів лікування нефроуретеролітіазу на функціональний стан нирок і верхніх сечових шляхів. Розробка методики захисту уражень нирки і сечоводу при ендоскопічних оперативних втручаннях при нефроуретеролітіазі і відновлення їх функцій.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2014
Размер файла 132,3 K

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Ключевые слова: мочекаменная болезнь, коралловидный нефролитиаз, чрезкожная нефролитотрипсия, уретеролитиаз, ультразвуковая уретеронефролитотрипсия, пневматическая уретеронефролитотрипсия, электрогидравлическая уретеролитотрипсия, лазерная уретеролитотрипсия, лапароскопическая уретеролитотомия, реабилитация.


A.Ts. Borzhievskyi. Optimization of the endoscopic methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with kidney and ureteric stones (clinical-experimental study).


The dissertation seeking the scientific degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, specialty 14.01.06 - Urology. - The Institute of Urology of the AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2004.

The dissertation is dedicated to the issues of endoscopic and laparoscopic methods of treatment of patients with kidney and ureter stones. The results of treatment of 97 patients with large and staghorn stones of the kidney by percutaneous nephrolithotripsy and 673 patients with the stones of the ureters treated by different endoscopic and laparoscopic methods are presented. The main principles of the endoscopic and laparoscopic methods of treatment for the stones of different location within the urinary tract have been developed and their efficacy has been analyzed; indications and contraindications to their application have been developed. The functional condition of the kidneys prior to and after endoscopic treatment for nephroureterolithiasis has been studied. The analysis of complications after percutaneous nephrolithotripsy different methods of intracorporeal ureterolithotripsy and laparoscopic ureterolithotomy was performed, their prevention and treatment also being the issue. Antioxidant and antibacterial therapy in endoscopic treatment of patients with staghorn stones of the kidney has been suggested. Dissertation has studied anesthesiological support in the endoscopic treatment of patients with kidney and ureteric stones, the value of rehabilitation resort treatment at Skhidnytsia and Truskavets resorts has been established for the patients with urolithiasis. The overall cost and economic efficacy of endoscopic treatment of patients with urolithiasis has been evaluated. Morphologic changes in the wall of the ureter inaction of different types of contact lithotripters have been studied. Indications and contraindications to application of percutaneous nephrolithotripsy, endoscopic ureterolithotripsy and laparoscopic ureterolithotomy have been developed.

Key words: urolithiasis, staghorn nephrolithiasis, percutaneous nephrolithotripsy, ureterolithiasis, endoscopic ultrasound ureteronephrolithotripsy, pneumatic ureteronephrolithotripsy, electrohydraulic urerolithotripsy, laser ureterolithotripsy, laparoscopic ureterolithotomy, rehabilitation.

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