Пастерельоз свиней. Розробка нових засобів діагностики і специфічної профілактики

Вивчення поширення пастерельозу свиней в Україні, його етіологічної структури, створення засобів діагностики і специфічної профілактики хвороби. Визначено, що основними етіологічними факторами пастерельозу у свиней є штами P.multocida серологічного типу.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.07.2014
Размер файла 86,8 K

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It has been investigated the phenomenon of Pasteurella-carrier among swine, which influences the farms' well-being and depends on their regional location.

It has been determined that the main etiological factors of pasteurellosis in swine are serologic type D(42,9%) and A(31,02%), of P.multocida strains, wich cause the pneumonia development. The most spread subtypes depending on the antigen formula are the following: 10:Д; 3:Д; 6:В; 3:А; 2:Д; 5:А; 1:Д та 7:А. The high virulence is typical to 3:A and 6:B subtype, but the low virulence to 3:D and 2:A subtypes of strains.

The reference cultures of P.multocida strains of A and D serotypes are chosen for the manufacturing the diagnostic type specific serums. The application of these serums' kit aims the use of erythrocyte diagnosticum, the diagnostic efficiency of which increased due to conjugating substances (amidol) usage.

Taking into consideration the epizootic data the combined pasteurellosis, salmonellosis and colibacteriosis vaccine “Pasaco” was constructed. It can be used for not well-being farms was 96,25% in comparison with commercial preparations.

Key words: Pasteurellosis, etiologyc structure, antigens of germ, typospeciphic serum, agglutinins, precipitins, associative vaccination, vaccina “Pasako”.

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