Реконструктивно-відновлювальні операції у хворих з ілео- та колостомою

Покращення безпосередніх, віддалених та функціональних результатів реконструктивно-відновлювальних операцій, якості життя, медико-соціальної реабілітації хворих з ілео- і колостомами за рахунок диференційованого підходу до вибору оптимальних термінів.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.07.2015
Размер файла 76,1 K

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The dissertation on the competition of scientific degree of doctor in medical sciences, speciality 14.01.03 - surgery. SU “Institute of Urgent and Recovery Surgery named from V.K. Gusak of Ukraine Academy of Medical Sciences”, Donetsk, 2010.

The efficiency of new methods of reconstructive-restorative operations (RRO) in dissertation work is presented. The investigation is based on more than 20 years surgical experience and conservative treatment of 897 patients with ileo- and colostomae. The new methods of intestinal continuity restoration are developed and applied for patients with long stump, and also for patients with short stump depending on the variants of its location. With the purpose of prophylaxis of intraoperative complications the methods of mobilization of rectum stump are developed, that allowed to decrease the amount of complications for patients which are carried out RRO after Hartman's operation.

During reconstructive operations for patients with double-barrelled ileostomae or ileo- and colostomae were used developed new methods which were introduced in practice with the use of laparoscopic technologies using linear staplers of ENDO-GIA 60 and 30. These methods allowed to reduce duration of operative time, intraoperative bleeding; decreas a postoperative pain syndrome; reduce the terms of postoperative rehabilitation.

The most interest operation among RRO, as for surgical tactic, are operations with creation of intestinal reservoirs with using developed method after subtotal colectomy. Such reservoirs were formed for 32 patients of basic group. 18 patient of control group were formed ileorecto- or ileosigmoanastomosis «end to end». Depending on the applied surgical tactic, the results of these operative interferences were estimated in both groups. There were 4 lethal cases: in a control group - 3 cases among 32 patients, in explored group - 1 case for 14 patients. In the explored group 2 patients are not undergone the last stage of restoration treatment - sewing of ileostoma and sigmostoma, because the absence of remission.

Key words: restorative and reconstraktion operation, colon, colostomae, ileostomae, Hartmans operation


5-АСК - 5 аміносаліцилова кислота

ВК - виразковий коліт

ДІ - довірчий інтервал

ДСП- дифузний сімейний поліпоз

ЗАР - зниження абсолютного ризику

КБ - кишкова безперервність

КГ - контрольна група

ОГ - основна група

РВО- реконструктивно-відновлювальні операції

РРС - ректороманоскопія

ТЕЛА- тромбоемболія легеневої артерії

ТК - товста кишка

ФКС- фіброколоноскопія

ХК - хвороба Крона

ЧАР - черевно-анальна резекція

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