Теоретико-методичні засади підготовки майбутніх фахівців дошкільної освіти до роботи з неблагополучними сім'ями

Сім'я як соціально-педагогічна проблема і виховна практика суспільства. Вплив сім'ї на соціальний розвиток дитини. Умови, критерії, показники ефективного формування готовності майбутніх фахівців дошкільної освіти до роботи з неблагополучними сім'ями.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.09.2014
Размер файла 72,5 K

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The conceptual approaches which allow to work out the contents and the organizing process of training the future pre-school specialists ability to work with unfavorable families have been scientifically grounded in the research. The model of the process aimed at developing future pre-school specialists is created; it involves arrangement of the organizing process modifications in a due way to meet the requirement of the purpose and contents of students' education. The main criteria and indicators of pedagogical conditions responsible for future pre-school specialists training have been defined. The pedagogical conditions involved in the process of training future pre-school specialists' skills to work with unfavorable families have been revealed and scientifically grounded:

- credit and module system of future pre-school specialists' training has been introduced;

- reflex actions have been involved in the system of future pre-school specialists' training;

- pedagogical approach is being accentuated while interacting with unfavorable families;

- individually - oriented technologies are constructed and introduced into the training process of future pre-school specialists' education;

- interdisciplinary integration of the contents of higher pedagogical education has been insured;

- diagnostic activity aimed at organizing the pedagogical support to an unfavorable family has been mastered.

The pedagogical theory of the above mentioned problem which contains the following clear cut elements: principles, factors, criteria, regular phenomena has been worked out.

Key words: family, unfavorable family, family upbringing, readiness, pedagogical interaction, pedagogical space of a student.

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