Теоретико-методичні основи громадянського виховання учнівської молоді у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах

Цілісний науковий аналіз проблеми громадянського виховання учнівської молоді в сучасних соціокультурних умовах. Визначення та обґрунтування теоретико-методичних основ громадянського виховання учнівської молоді у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2015
Размер файла 75,0 K

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Вербицкая П.В. Теоретико-методические основы гражданского воспитания учащейся молодежи в общеобразовательных учебных заведениях. -- Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание научной степени доктора педагогических наук по специальности 13.00.07 -- теория и методика воспитания. -- Институт проблем воспитания АПН Украины, Киев, 2010.

В диссертационном исследовании осуществлен философско-исторический, психолого-педагогический анализ проблемы гражданского воспитания в контексте развития гражданського общества. Раскрыты проблематика и противоречия развития гражданского воспитания подрастающего поколения. Представлено структуру гражданской компетентности как целостную систему взаимосвязанных элементов. Обозначены принципы конструирования, структура содержания гражданского воспитания. Охарактеризованы организационно-педагогические формы и методы гражданского воспитания в условиях реализации компетентностного подхода. Определены социально-педагогические условия гражданского воспитания.

На основе рассмотренных теоретико-методологических основ разработана модель гражданского воспитания в общеобразовательном учебном заведении, обусловлены педагогические средства ее реализации. Определены подходы к ее поэтапному внедрению в учебно-воспитательном процессе и организационно-педагогической структуре общеобразовательного учебного заведения. Экспериментально доказана эффективность разработанной модели гражданского воспитания учащейся молодежи в общеобразовательном учебном заведении.

Ключевые слова: гражданское воспитание, общеобразовательное учебное заведение, учащаяся молодежь, гражданская компетентность, социально-педагогические условия, гражданское участие, демократическая воспитательная середа.


Verbytska P.V. Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of school youth civic upbringing in the secondary schools. -- Manuscript.

Thesis for gaining a scientific degree of the Doctor of Pedagogical Science in Specialty 13.00.07 -- Theory and Methodology of Upbringing. -- Institute of Up-Bringing of the APS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2010.

Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of school youth civic upbringing in secondary schools have been researched in the thesis. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources it has been determined that school youth is one of the important factors of democratic development of the state and civil society. The peculiarity of this social and age group is an urgent need for social self-identification, search for their own place in the sphere of social relations, comprehending social realities. That is why the creation of conditions for effective realization of the young generation's strategic potential in the process of civil society formation in Ukraine is especially urgent and significant. The new socio-cultural conditions of the Ukrainian society show possibility of democratic progress provided civil society is being built up and there is civic upbringing of its young generation.

Philosophical and historical, psychological and pedagogical analysis of the civic upbringing problem in the context of democratic society development has been performed. The analysis of the current state of school youth civic upbringing in secondary schools has been carried out, problems and contradictions of civic upbringing development have been outlined with the aim of actualizing its tasks in the new conditions. The content and category apparatus of the research has been revealed and analyzed according to the subject and tasks. There have been substantiated the main methodological principles of civic upbringing which determine its regularities and the general direction of the educational process: humanization and democratization of the educational process, correspondence to nature, correspondence to freedom, systematicness, complexity, differentiation, interdisciplinary integration, succession and continuity, correspondence to culture, interculturalness. In the context of classical principles of pedagogy the qualitative characteristics of civic upbringing have been defined as individual, personal-activity, competence, cultural studies, axiological, systemic, interdisciplinary, contextual and whole-school approaches. It has been proved that inclusion of Ukraine into the world political, socio-economic and cultural processes, European integration development actualize the civic upbringing development. It has been established that approaches to civic upbringing realization in different European countries represent its different models in concrete socio-cultural conditions and are caused by the level of civil society's structures and democracy's development; political and socio-economic situation; peculiarities of organization and functioning of the educational system; national and cultural traditions of upbringing; international relations.

The structure of civic competence has been represented as a whole integral quality, a system of interdependent elements. At the same time, we have used a system approach to the analysis of civic competence, considering it as an integral system of interconnected abilities: social-communicative; information-research; solving social conflicts, problems; responsible social choice and decision-making; civic participation ones. According to our conclusion, acquisition of basic civic competences provides willingness of a personality to carry out effective social communication, cooperation for achieving common goals, orientation at perception of basic democratic values, personal self-realization and participation in social democratic processes.

On the basis of the analysis of the theoretical and methodological principles there is substantiated and worked out a functional model of a system of school youth civic upbringing in a secondary school which is a multi-level system of vital activity of an educational establishment as a democratic institution and provides conditions for fulfilling system educational influence in interconnection with the educational system external environment. According to the results of our research, we can state that realization of a functional model of a system of school youth civic upbringing in a secondary school foresees a complex of conditions, combination of actions aimed at the step-by-step modeling and effective functioning of the process of formation and development of civic competences.

The course of practical introduction of the civic upbringing system worked out by us confirms the effectiveness of using the whole-school approach by means of through realization of the civic upbringing tasks at all levels of educational and upbringing process (in teaching, out-of-school upbringing work, upbringing environment, school and local community integration) and components of organizational and pedagogical structure of an educational establishment.

The realized research has testified that formation of the school youth civic competences takes place effectively under condition of using in upbringing process the upbringing active organization and pedagogical forms which represent structurally organized algorithms of achieving goals. An obligatory condition and peculiarity of the school youth civic upbringing is ensuring integration of educational influences of an educational establishment, family and local community, involving into this process social institutions and local community representatives on the basis of social partnership, creating educational environment.

Experimental verification of the suggested realization of the worked out system of the school youth civic upbringing has confirmed its efficiency and expediency of using it in secondary educational establishments. It has been substantiated that under the condition of realization of the model of the school youth civic upbringing in secondary school worked out by us, an effective formation of school youth civic competences takes place.

Key words: civic upbringing, secondary school, school youth, civic competence, social and pedagogical conditions, civic participation, democratic upbringing environment.

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