Проведення політологічного аналізу проблемних аспектів демократичності політичного режиму у Польщі після вступу до Європейського Союзу. Визначення взаємозв’язку між домінуванням "Право і справедливість" і погіршенням показників ліберальної демократії.
Зростання всебічної конкуренції КНР та США. Оцінка ризиків глобальної зміни світового порядку в умовах зростання інноваційно-технічних та військово-стратегічних відносин Америки і Китаю. Посилення експансіонізму КНР та запровадження "дипломатії боргів".
Проблема переименований на постсоветском пространстве. Изучение макрополитики харьковских властей, воплощенной в серии переименований топонимов города Харькова в 2015-2016 годах. Стратегия противостояния региональных властей рискам медиатизации.
Администрирование системы 1С:Предприятие 7.7, введение в бухгалтерский учет, встроенный язык и базовые объекты системы. Специфика работы с объектами компонент "Бухгалтерский учет", "Оперативный учет" и "Расчет", механизмов экспорта и импорта данных.
Дослідження інтерпретацій соціальної держави у передвиборних програмах кандидатів на посаду Президента України та передвиборній програмі політичної партії "Слуга народу". Опис реалізації ідеї побудови соціальної держави в Україні на сучасному етапі.
Анализ взаимоотношений государства и общества. Создание условий для самореализации индивида, развитие свободной личности в демократическом государстве. Обеспечение устойчивости, стабильности функционирования и прогрессивного общественного развития.
The effect of the European Union’s weak foreign policy concerning the cessation of the warfare in Syria and other countries of the Middle East is shown. The main reasons of Europe’s political crisis in 2015. The key issues of the EU situation rescue.
Politics and Its Disavowals. From Politics to Postpolitics. Problem Excessive Violence. For a Leftist Appropriation of the European Legacy. When one says Eurocentrism, enery self-respecting postmodern leftist intellectual has violent a reaction.
Frederic Jameson is by general acclaim the leading Marxist critic in North America. Twelve-tone Philosophy: Another Kind of Writing. Nominalism, and the Eclipse of the Subject. The diagnosis of postmodernism as a new form of positivism is a shrewd one.
Clarify the economic and ideological and political foundations of transformation of the concept of "totalitarianism" at the present stage. The potential for the development of new forms of total control of political actors over society was considered.
- 191. About the Ukrainian diplomacy in the conditions of russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine
Consideration the extraordinary and extremely important role of diplomacy during martial law, taking into account the large-scale and brutality of the russian invasion of Ukraine. analysis of the role of support from all civilized countries of the world.
This research to the understanding of new militant democracies that limit the rights and freedoms of citizens through legal regulations. The study also makes it possible to update and significantly expand the previously used concept of militant democracy.
Classification of modern non-democratic forms and practices of government. Control mechanisms over public consciousness and state institutions. Types of economic and political coercion in the global world. Characteristic of mnemonic authoritarianism.
Analysis of the relationship between politics, morality attracts attention and is studied in scientific circles. Theoretical approaches to the interconnection of politics and morality. Ethical aspects of political activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Integration and infrastructure projects with the participation of Afghanistan. Characteristics of security challenges in Afghanistan, neoliberalism as a conceptual basis. Afghanistan as a junction of interests of regional and extra-regional subjects.
Analysis of the socio-economic and political transformation of Afghanistan after the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001. Major achievements since the Taliban era. Terrorism is the greatest threat to the creation of a stable and sustainable Afghan society.
Identifies and analyzed problems like over concentration with the regional economic communities and their attendant peculiarities. Prospects of joint activities between the African Union and the regional economic Communities to build their capacities
Analysis of Algeria's attempts to cope with the challenges without major reforms. Finding out why since 1962 the country is ruled by the same political elite, the internal and external regional consequences of this and what is the capacity to change.
The focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of such phenomena as hybrid warfare, hybrid conflict or aggression that affect the security of the international environment, as well as the actions of public authorities to counter such threats.
Study of the opposing positions of Azerbaijan and Armenia through the prism of the political influence of these countries in the international arena for understanding of political tensions in the South Caucasus. Research of the works of A. Walfers.
The signing of the "Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles" between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The impact of its cancellation on the reconstruction of regional and global strategic plans.
- 202. Analysis of the European union’s supranationalism crisis within the political-institutional paradigm
The effect of integration policies and programs of the foreign policy of the European Union on the nature of the structural interaction between members. The actual political content of institutional relationships within the EU integration formation.
Polity - a system of principles and norms, institutions, mechanisms that bring people into the political community. The product of political system - the leadership, management of the society, namely the specific regulatory, distribution decisions.
The problem of public policy analysis' definition is explored in the article. The approaches to understanding of public policy analysis are analyzed; its main components are defined. The functions of public policy analysis are singled out and described.
Considers both the possibility of modernization of archetypes and archaization of the individual imaginary. The research methodology is based on the theoretical work of G. Durand on the structures of the imaginary, used in the study of the transformation.
Dichotomy as a heuristic analysis tool. Investigation of the emergence and use of the idea of a dichotomy between civil and ethnic nationalism. Ethnic character of civil nationalism. Specificity of civil nationalism as a subcategory of ethnic nationalism.
Дослідження впливу новітніх інформаційних технологій та інтернету, зокрема Big Data, на політичні й виборчі процеси і їхні результати в сучасному світі. Роль у виробленні та прийнятті більш колективних і раціональних рішень у політиці й урядуванні.
Deals with the Swiss-Belarusian bilateral relations in the political, economic, humanitarian and cultural area from 1991 until nowadays. Work focuses on the former and current issues of intergovernmental relations between Switzerland and Belarus.
Prerequisites for close integration of the Russian Federation and its Far Eastern subjects with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Activity of the Russian Federation in the International Institute BRICS. The concept of the eastern policy of the RF.
Most studies have the major shift of British China policy under the "Global Britain! strategy. Britain’s China Policy under the "Global Britain". Policy Objectives towards China. Magnifying Britain’s international influence through confronting China.