Theoretical aspects of the "Manuskryptorium" that enables easy access to informational resources, including written archival documents. Highlight and analyzed some issues on technical capabilities of users as well as aspects of a single electronic.
Components, priority areas for capital investment in the information and communication technologies market were determined. The relativity of relationship between the placement of supercomputers in the countries and their level of innovation was revealed.
Семь особенностей Mathcad. Основные нововведения Mathcad Prime. Линованная тетрадка по математике, новая технология работы с матрицами, обозначения переменных и функций. Различные размерности в массивах. Excel-компонент, символьная математика и пр.
Features a combination of different approaches to work with sets of objects, their classes to the design and development of artificial intelligence systems to analyze information using object-oriented programming. Determining properties of object class.
One Useful Logic That Defines Its Own Truth. On Synchronous and Asynchronous Interaction in Distributed Systems. A Robust Class of Regular Languages. Deterministic Models of Communication Faults. The Maximum Independent Set Problem in Planar Graphs.
The method and algorithm for realization of arithmetic operations in the system of remainder classes. The principal advantage of the suggested method. The algorithms for realization of arithmetic operations of summation, deduction and multiplication.
Mathematical model of dynamics of tensions of respiratory gases taking into account hypometaboliс, that develops in the organism of man on a highland. Character of changes of the modes of functioning of organism at transients and in steady-states.
Mathematical model of transformation of stochastic and fuzzy information in quantum information in the form of multiplication of unitary operators from not commutative von Neumann group. Theoretical basis of information technologies of quantum-logic.
Theory of condensation growth of aerosol particles under saturation conditions. Mathematical description of heat and mass transfer processes. The structure of mathematical models and the algorithm of pollution dynamics modeling in "clean rooms".
MatLab (Matrix Labotary) и ее роль в обработке массивов данных (матриц и векторов). Понятие Simulink как пакета моделирования динамических систем. Дополнительные пакеты прикладных программ и характеристика проблем проектирования энергетических систем.
Development of tools aimed at maximising the efficiency of the competition of Kaggle. Approbation of a new modified knn algorithm, which allows to obtain more accurate results for classification problems, to participants Of kaggle competitions.
Достоинства системы Pro/ENGINEER. Основные возможности. Создание и редактирование кривых. Разработка, редактирование и оценка качества поверхностей. Визуализация, создание рабочих чертежей на основе трехмерных моделей. Создание фотореалистичных образов.
- 523. McAfee Incorporated
Рассмотрение общих сведений о разработчике антивирусного программного обеспечения. Исследование истории создания компании и марки. Характеристика её основных продуктов, их назначения, принципа и механизма действия, а также способов применения программ.
- 524. Mechanical robots
A mechanical or virtual artificial agentis which guided by a computer program or circuitry. A breed of robots that are designed to increase the utilization by modularizing their architecture. The functionality and effectiveness of a modular robot.
Provide structured information on user identification, presents an overview of today’s security landscape and the specific threats to user authentication. Outlines the process of controlled access to resources by means of authorization and accounting.
Auction and contract networks as coordination mechanisms in multi-agent systems based on Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents protocols. Structural elements of mechanisms in the socio-economic and political contexts of the use in cybersecurity.
- 527. MenuetOS
MenuetOS, как Open Source-проект. Характеристика текущего состояния и технической информации операционной системы Menuet. Набор программ. Языки программирования. Особенности и недостатки MenuetOS. Новости и планы на будущее. Файловый менеджер Menuet OS.
Method for automated digital image processing. The specialties of the synthesis of automaton, the defining of channels management class of objects. Construction regular expressions to defining a plurality of channels management of software objects class.
The essence of the national system of electronic information resources as a set of national resources needed to solve the problems of socio-economic development and electronic information resources of the National registry using a single technology.
Definition of information security. Methods and means of information protection. Access Control - information protection regulation of the use of all resources of IP and IT. Protection of data and programs from unauthorized access, copying, modification.
The development and use of new, progressive information technologies based on the widespread use of superproductive and reliable dual-use computer systems and components. Consideration of the problem of the Fourier transform and its application.
Acquaintance with methods of data processing and transmission in computer mathematics. Consideration of the features of teaching computer skills in computer mathematics. General characteristics of the stages of development of a conceptual database schema.
Procedures for collecting information. The difference between qualitative and quantitative information. Technical characteristics of reliability and validity. Reduction or averaging of non-systematic fluctuations in appraisers, objects and tools.
- 534. Methods of traffic regulation and user reputation handling in the bittorrent peer-to-peer Networks
Methods for regulating traffic and handling user reputation in the context of BitTorrent networks. An overview of various methods for calculating user reputation in networks and methods for differentiating the quality of service based on them.
Характеристика принципу роботи симетричних алгоритмів блочного шифрування. Послідовність дій при використанні асиметричного алгоритму для шифрування. Аналіз гібридного алгоритму. Опис методу захисту даних на основі багатошарового гібридного шифрування.
Структура ремонтно-строительной компании. Анализ необходимости внедрения автоматизированной системы. Функциональные возможности системы и инфологическая модель БД. Построение датологической модели. Общая структура организации работ по проектированию ПП.
Специфика доступа к средствам в нужное время и удобное создание баз данных. Создание эффективных форм и отчетов. Интуитивно понятное добавление автоматизации и сложных выражений. Централизованная площадка для работы с данными. Методы работы с таблицами.
Актуальність впровадження хмарних обчислень публічними користувачами в специфічних умовах воєнного стану в Україні. Важливість взаємодії між посадовими особами публічних користувачів хмарних послуг для розробки ефективних механізмів контролю.
Distance learning using spreadsheets. The introduction of Excel-documents in electronic educational resources. Access to information resources of various types using the "cloud" services. Design and implementation of the "ExcelReader" software module.
- 540. Microsoft Excel
Можливості, способи запуску, основні елементи вікна, структура електронних таблиць Microsoft Excel. Аналіз даних в MS Excel, помилки при використанні функцій у формулах. Побудова діаграм на прикладі розрахунків внутрішньої швидкості обороту інвестицій.