- 421. HTML–формы и фреймы
Получение отклика пользователя на предоставленную информацию и сбор данных. Создание многострочных областей ввода текста. Как работают фреймы. Задание фреймовой структуры. Создание простой страницы с фреймами. Вложенные и множественные кадровые структуры.
Shadow boxing – a type of training. Total automatization and gamification boxing pose. Investigating an action person. Recurrent convolutional networks for visual recognition. Corrections the performed action in program. Human pose estimation for boxing.
Designing for maximum usability. The essential characteristics of rules in the form of standards and guidelines in order to enhance the interactive properties of the system. Principles of flexibility and robustness. HCI design patterns and golden rules.
Features of testing on the usability, functionality and acceptability of an interactive system. Some approaches, based on expert evaluation: review, query techniques, analytic and model-based methods. Principles of choosing ways of measurements.
Universal design principles. Peculiarities of using multi-sensory systems. Applying speech, non-speech, sound, touch, handwriting and gestures in multi-modal systems. Recognition problems in interactive computer systems. Personal orientation of design.
The concept of human-machine interface. Three types of human-machine interface. The picture of human-machine interaction. The history of the development of human-computer interaction. The first generation of computers Areas and examples of application.
Вatch generation of web pages, local interaction. Non-linear structure: blocks of text, links between pages create a mesh or network, users follow their own path through information. Delivery technology: on the computer, on the web, on the move.
- 428. Hysys. Версия 3.2
Описание интерфейса программы Hysys. Расчет схемы переработки природного газа, установки первичной переработки нефти с помощью программы. Моделирование стационарного режима. Выбор компонентов и их основные свойства. Задание дополнительного оборудования.
Возможности утилиты IBExpert и практика работы с инструментом. Создание учебной базы данных средствами SQL. Построение однотабличных запросов на выборку, определение и модификацию данных. Восстановление таблиц базы. Обеспечение целостности информации.
Краткое описание IBM Lotus Symphony, история развития и современные технологии. Тестирование программного комплекса: описание входных и выходных данных, их сортировка и фильтрация, использование сводных таблиц. Этапы процесса создания презентации.
- 431. ICARE model
Using the ICARE Format for Structuring Online Courses. Instructional design is a system of procedures for developing education and training programs in a consistent and reliable fashion. Model concentrates on the connection between content, context.
- 432. Identifying the suitable program for queue management through analysis: Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ
Comparative analysis of prominent message queuing solutions Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ, aimed at identifying the most suitable program for queue management. Evaluation of technology's capability to handle high-throughput scenarios and fault resilience.
Development of an algorithm for obtaining a video depth map using the method of image division. Using web cameras to determine the object and calculate the distance to it. Development of software code for streaming video of the experimental setup.
Мінімізація затрат часу і матеріалу при створенні оптимальної конструкції деталі при збереженні характеристик її міцності. Розробка програмного комплексу Impactopt плагін, його інтеграція в Autodesk Inventor для аналізу системи методом кінцевих елементів.
Основи інтегрування системи для динамічного і частотного аналізу методом кінцевих елементів в Autodesk Inventor. Особливості функціонування програмного комплексу Impact, методи оптимізації плагіну. Характеристика інструментального інтерфейсу програми.
A study of the causes of the problematic situation regarding the use of software for financial and accounting of Russian production. Recommendations for further action are considered. Forming a policy for the introduction of new software products.
Principles of development of the markets of the National Technological Initiative "AutoNet", aimed at the creation of unmanned vehicles. Ways of modernization of the motor transport network and its prospects. The need to develop a roadmap "AutoNet".
Android operating system security. Analysis and processing of personal data. Ways to overcome security protection. Analysis of existing systems determines the level of danger. Encryption with a public-key. Structure, components of Android applications.
The article provides guidance on choosing cloud-based ML and data science solutions that meet operational strategies and crisis management needs. Further research is encouraged to examine the long-term effects on business innovation and market dynamics.
Improved algorithm for object tracking is for using as part of the machine vision system of image acquisition and processing capable mobile robots. Classical implementation of normalized cross-correlation for face tracking. Experimental results.
Modifications of the method for the detection and localization of the cloned area. Digital images used in print media, medicine, science, legal proceedings. Falsification of a digital image. The difference between the source region and the counterfeit.
- 442. Improving the efficiency of the solution of linear programming tasks applying the CUDA-technology
Methods for improving the efficiency of the solution of large dimensional linear programming tasks based on application of parallel data processing technology – CUDA. The specific features and algorithmic peculiarities of implementing of the program.
- 443. Improving the efficiency of the solution of linear programming tasks applying the CUDA-technology
Proposing to use complex methods to improve the efficiency of solving linear programming problems using large-scale classical approaches and technologies parallel processing CUDA. Specificity of program and algorithmic features use of the technology.
The performance of transmission Multi Input Multi Output beamforming for the multi subscriber in large cell with effective channel throughput has been investigated. Singular value decomposition (SVD) using Single User in 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE).
Характеристика Industrial Ethernet как это мощных вычислительных сетей, соответствующих международным стандартам. Анализ скоростей передачи данных по витой паре или оптоволоконному кабелю Industrial Ethernet. Резервирование связей в сетях Ethernet.
Characteristics of information and communication technologies. History of the creation of a computer system. Classification operating system: DOS, Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS. Databases management systems: the concept, characteristics, architecture.
The technology of integration of three-dimensional models of potentially dangerous objects into the geoinformation system of executive bodies. Description of spatial information in the composition of three-dimensional models. Means of a unified system.
Suggestion information model of environment of computer-aided design, consisting of a сontrol processor, thematic coprocessors and executing processors. The scheme of processors control in the information model. Interaction of thematic coprocessors.
The use firewalls to create a demilitarized zone to protect the servers from unauthorized access. The versions of creation of virtual private networks that can combine some geographically distant networks in one network using global information space.
Finding Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity based on univariate polynomial representation. Algebraic techniques in differential cryptanalysis revisited. An efficient rational secret sharing scheme based on the chinese remainder theorem.