Value-sense barriers of the teachers-heads in the process of professional development: a problem of interpretation and typology
Overcoming of value-sense barriers - an important factor of pedagogical management of processes of modernization of the modern education system. Analysis of the methods of introduction by the teacher-manager of innovations in educational process.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.02.2019 |
Размер файла | 125,2 K |
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The state and official internal policy are aligned with problems of education and upbringing of rising generation, declaring education modernization as the priority national project at last. The education system should provide formation of a postindustrial, innovative society, global economy. The president of the country D.A. Medvedev considers that “The possibility of our choice and providing of an innovative way of development of the country depends on readiness, goals of millions Russian schoolboys” [1]. Innovative processes are regularities at the secondary and high education development and concern such changes in work of the education system which have essential character, are accompanied by changes in an image of activity and style of thinking of teachers, brings new stable elements into environment of introduction (innovations), causing the system's state transition. Today innovations in education find a unique quality of social mechanism providing development of a resource of development, thereby modeling the future social system shape. Processes occurring in society stimulate teachers and heads of schools to different kinds of innovative activity, but this process should be accompanied by essential changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of educational process.
For real changes in modern education it is necessary to change the content of education and educational purposes into personal-sense ones, i.e. approached to the value world of the learning and their life realities, but the most important thing is necessity to overcome those value attitudes and consciousness stereotypes as which carriers there act direct executors of education modernization - teachers and heads of educational institutions. It is necessary to form creative competence among the teachers as the subjects of modernization, readiness for retraining, skills of continuous education, ability to be trained during the whole life. There is a serious problem connected with that despite the whole evidence of necessity of educational reforms, the teaching staff of educational institutions is on a position of declaring before realization of those changes which are initiated by the state and society in educational sphere. At the level of personal values there is no corresponding transformation - from here there are barriers as individual obstacles which do not allow the modernization potential to be realized to the full.
Over the last decade there is intensively carried out a scientific and pedagogical search in the field of innovative activity in the education system: various aspects of this problem are investigated in works of K. Angelovski, V.Y. Lyaudis, A.A. Orlov, S.D. Polyakov, V.T. Fomenko, S.F. Khlebunova. There are developed questions of renewal of aims and the content of personnel training for the education system (S.P. Averin, V.A. Adolf, V.G. Gargai, A.M. Gendin, K.M. Levitan, L.I. Lutsenko, E.M. Nikitin, A.P. Sitnik, E.P. Tonkonogaya, V.S. Finogenko, V.P. Khudominsky). The modern educational practice set up a claim to organization of management process of the comprehensive school that is reported in works of V.I. Zvereva, V.G. Kutsenko, V.S. Lazarev, A.Y.Nain, M.M. Potashnik, T.I. Shamova, Z.K. Ushakov, E.A. Yamburg. Approaches to formation of new administrative thinking are considered in works of O.S. Anisimov, Y.A. Konarzhevsky, P.K. Shakurov. Last years to the decision of problems of professional development of the pedagogical personnel in the PDI structures it is paid the growing attention. Features of work of the professional development institutes are investigated in works of S.V. Bogdanova, I.P. Glinskaya, T.S. Panina, M.M. Potashnik, P.M. Kudominsky; V.S. Lazarev, N.V. Nemova, P.T. Tretyakov, T.I. Shamova devoted their works to problems of training and retraining of the administrative personnel. Questions of use of active learning in training of the administrative personnel, including the education sphere heads, are heavily emphasized (Y.A.Vasilevsky, A.A.Verbitsky, A.Y. Levin, I.G. Nikitin, E.N. Smirnov, A.M. Smolkin, A.A. Tyukov, P.G. Schedrovitsky).
Meanwhile, a variety of works on administrative training of the pedagogical personnel (A.G. Asmolov, I.V. Abakumova, A.V. Bakulin, M.M. Kashapov, M.S. Komarov, V.S. Lazarev, M.I. Rozhkov, E.F. Zeer) underline the importance and necessity of research of the problem of education modernization at the level of personal value of subjects of educational process. The problem of difficulties, or “barriers” of teachers in educational process as an object of special research was studied in works of I.A. Zimnyaya, Y.V. Kasatkina, A.A. Klimov, N.V. Klyueva, A.A. Kolomensky, E.S. Kuzmina, B.D. Parigin,
L.A. Povarnitsina, V.V. Rizhov, E.B. Tsukanova. The cognitive activity barriers as an obstacle in creative search were investigated by B.M. Kedrov. Barriers as determining factors of activity dynamization at its different stages were studied in works R.K. Shakurov and his followers. Thus the special aspect of the problem is connected with revealing of difficulties and barriers which are experienced by heads of educational institutions in view of new conditions of professional work in the education modernization period. However, till now this aspect in psychological-pedagogical researches was considered extremely incidentally.
With a view to reveal psychological readiness the teachers-heads to modernization of the system of secondary education, within 2009-2011 on the basis of the professional development institute there has been conducted a research which has allowed to reveal the following.
The choice of the teacher-manager in the process of introduction of innovations in educational process should be carried out as a value-sense choice on overcoming of stereotypes. The effect of influence of stereotypes as the “stamps” of consciousness developed on the basis of previous professional experience and attributing either descriptive, value and prescriptive estimations becomes the factor impeding an adequate, full and differentiated perception of the modern professional reality of the teacher-manager at the level of personal value.
The contradiction between professional attitudes and new requirements of the teachers-heads can generate specific value-sense barriers of the teachers-heads which are shown in the complicated sense actualization of correlation of an external object of activity with an internal need of the subject, impossibility of subjective transfer of the sense content of previous experience in new professional conditions.
Overcoming of value-sense barriers can become an important factor of pedagogical management of processes of modernization of the modern education system. For this as the basic conditions there are distinguished: necessity of denial of information pressure, authoritative estimations, moralized relation; understanding of real needs and interests of the learning; interpretation of problems of innovations at different viewpoints, positive attitude on disambiguation, information novelty; the manager's right to own estimations.
A specially organized methodical system in the system of professional development, with use of the directed and mediated technologies, on the basis of sense intentions of the teachers-heads (a context similar to real professional situations, characteristic for pedagogical activity of the manager, tasks for disclosing of personal senses of this context, transformation of senses at joint activity, tasks for comprehension of alternatives, sense generative dialogue), to the teacher-head gives the chance to project the professional prospects focused on overcoming of valuesense barriers.
What are the reasons that impede realization of education modernization in the educational process real practice according to the principals (in the questioning they were asked to write three most important reasons)?
educational value sense management
Table 1 The major causes impeding realization of education modernization in real practice of educational process
№ |
The reasons |
% from the quantity of the interrogated teachers-heads |
1 |
Bad material maintenance of comprehensive schools |
84 % |
2 |
Bad technique of schools |
61 % |
3 |
The general low educational and cultural level of the population |
34 % |
4 |
Inconsistency at stages of the native education modernization |
78 % |
5 |
Professional stereotypes of the majority of teachers |
83 % |
6 |
The low status of education in the native system of positioned values |
57 % |
Note: in the table there are not presented the results of answers which have taken less than 40 %.
The analysis of the questioning results has allowed to define that as the major causes impeding realization of modernization the majority of principals distinguish: bad material maintenance of comprehensive schools, professional stereotypes of the majority of teachers and inconsistency at stages of the native education modernization. It means that as the main initiators in realization of modernization the principals distinguish:
? the state activity (insufficient material maintenance);
? the system of training and retraining of teachers (impossibility to overcome stereotypes);
? activity of the officials in the education system (inconsistency of spent reforms).
Thus only minor part of the interrogated managers distinguishes a level of preparation of the teachers-heads (less than 7 %) as the failure reason. However, questioning of teachers indicates the opposite - the majority of teachers (more than 50 %) consider, that it is the activity of their heads that impede realization of innovative approaches in the modern education system and teachers in their answers specify that carried out reforms are often not added to the system of personal values of managers.
For revealing of personal factors complicating the activity of the teachers-heads which can underlie formation of their value-sense barriers, there has been developed a questionnaire which at the research initial stage has been offered to the teachers-managers. In the research there have taken part principals, deputy directors and representatives of a personnel reserve of comprehensive schools of Rostovon-Don and the Rostov region in number of 344 persons. An average age of the respondents has made 38 years, the pedagogical experience was not less than 10 years. For research of features of personal sphere of the teachers-heads of various degree of involvement into the educational process modernization, there has been developed a questionnaire of open type directed on revealing of the person's position concerning processes of education modernization, activity and initiative degree, a relation to participation in spent reforms, an estimation of own importance in modernization success. Structurally the questionnaire is presented by the block of biographic information (sex, age, first name, middle initial, last name - was marked at will of the respondent) and the questions assuming open answers. In total in the questionnaire there were 12 questions which can be united in some blocks. The first block of questions is directed on finding-out of the person's position in relation to innovations in education at the present (the Unified State Examination, new educational standards) and plans for the future (whether they plan to realize innovations, whether they want their children to study at the modernized school), motives of participation. The second block of questions is focused on revealing of formativeness of the conceptual apparatus in the area interesting us (what is the difference between reforms and modernization in education, what are innovative educational technologies). The third block of questions is directed on definition of the person's position in relation to the educational policy of the state and an inclusiveness degree to education modernization of officials and colleagues. Last questions consist of three parts and ask a respondent to describe himself in the remote prospect: in 5, 10 and 20 years and also to answer a question: “How do you see our comprehensive school in 5, 10 and 20 years?” This questions correlate with the question on motivation of participation in education modernization and the prospect of modernization realization in the future. The analysis of the received data was made by a method of the substantial content-analysis.
At the first stage of the questionnaire analysis it has been revealed that the answers of working principals qualitatively differ from the answers of the representatives of the personnel reserve and heads of the curriculum department of schools who were substantially similar to the answers given by teachers (I would like to do it, but I do not have such possibility). Only working principals reflex themselves as subjects of transformations (yes, there is something that depends on me). They recognize that frequently it is their activity that defines in what degree modernization is successfully realized at the level of a concrete educational institution (the diagramme 1).
The received results testify that innovations spent at school to the greatest degree depend on features of activity of a principal, but not on the work of a head of the curriculum department or representatives of a personnel reserve.
As the units of the text analysis at processing of questionnaires there have been chosen the subject and the word. Content-analysis categories have been defined by a sense field of questions of the questionnaire. All of them have been focused on revealing of features of value-sense attitudes of directors concerning their own possibilities of realization of modernization and subjective factors which interfere with complete realization in the given professional space at the level of “personal partiality”.
Diagramme 1. The expressiveness of opinion that a situation at school where they work depends on their own initiatives
The carried out content-analysis has allowed to reveal the difficulties which to the greatest degree testify to presence of the following value-sense barriers among principals at education modernization period.
1. An initiation barrier - difficulty at formation of the activity's orientational basis of (a problem of the value-sense choice).
2. a reflexion barrier - difficulties in coordination of orientation with other components of subject experience (a problem of extrapolation of the last subject experience in a here and now situation).
3. a personal activization barrier - difficulties at orientation in own possibilities (whether I can better adapt own efforts for decision of significant problems, whether I want to take part in it, etc.).
4. An operationalization barrier - difficulties in association of concrete means of transformation of a situation and own possibilities (how can I do it under these circumstances).
5. A cooperation barrier - disbelief in possibility to work in a team, absence of aspiration to involve employees in problem solving.
Diagramme 2. Results of the comparative analysis of presence of value-sense barriers among principals, heads of the curriculum department and representatives of a personnel reserve. 1. - The initiation barrier; 2. - the reflexion barrier; 3. - the personal activization barrier; 4 - the operationalization barrier; 5. - the cooperation barrier
The data of the comparative research has shown that these kinds of barriers were to the greatest degree peculiar to the principals. Thus there are most often met the initiation barrier, the reflexion barrier and the cooperation barrier.
Among principals at the advanced and final stage of professional development passing with use of the didactic system on overcoming of value-sense barriers there has been revealed a high enough level of development of sense orientation in whole in comparison with results of other managers and those principals who did not take part in an experimental part of the research, however, among principals, who by the experiment final stage have passed the professional development after an experimental system in more obvious degree (> 0,01) there was showed an active tendency in the future, an orientation on comprehension of own life sense, on the long-term future aims (reflective introspection and reflexion), thus there was developed a generalized relation to life, there was extended a value-sense space.
At the heart of overcoming of value-sense barriers there is self-disclosing and reflexion as actualization of personal sense in the mastered innovative activity. The manager, overcoming a barrier, starts to be guided by principles of a subject relation, creation of a positive emotional background, psychological comfort, individualization and differentiation, allowing to use personal previous professional experience completely and in a system form.
The didactic system of overcoming of value-sense barriers includes: methods providing self-actualization of subject experience of the teachers-managers (emotional-psychological attitudes and emotional-psychological generalization, emotional-psychological advancing, personal-sense context, transformation of a theoretical material into a figurative one); dialogue methods (external, internal, plural dialogues, dialogues of various professional practices); methods providing self-expression of teachers-managers (a choice situation, personification, tasks for self-reflexion displays); methods of psychological-didactic support of managers (situations of success, a self-differentiation and self-individualization zone, a method of personally significant concrete situations, sense immersing, value orientation); methods of a problemcreative type (creative activity initiations, problem situations, a state of “insight”, tasks on life impressions, on self-sentiment expression).
As the technologies of overcoming of value-sense barriers by the teachers-head during professional development there can be used the following didactic technologies: direct sense-technique influence on a structure of alternatives by means of creation of illusion of a choice absence; technologies directed on “retention” of ideas of complicated private world of the pupil and actualization of deep values; technologies of actualization of the professional work value.
At construction of technologies of overcoming of value-sense barriers the teacher of the system of professional development should be guided by following didactic principles: an urgency principle; a principle of a research position; a principle of objectivization of behaviour; a principle of partner communication.
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