Psychological approaches to the organization of facilitative interaction at the lessons of English

Psychological approaches on which facilitative interaction is based. Personal qualities that should be inherent in a teacher. Isolation and research of the main guidelines of the teacher-facilitator. Ways of implementation of facilitative guidance.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 09.12.2022
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Размещено на


Nataliia Mykhalchuk, Doctor in Psychology, Professor,

the head of the Department of English Language Practice and Teaching Methodology of Rivne State University of the Humanities

Nataliia Khupavtseva, Doctor in Psychology,

Associate professor, Department of General Psychology and Psychological diagnostics Rivne State University of the Humanities


In the article we showed, that facilitative interaction is based on the following psychological approaches: finding specific features or individual personal characteristics that contain essential qualities of a humanistic ideal; they are the person's specific incarnations; in a life itself can be identified and on this basis be studied, explored the conditions that contribute to the formation of harmonious personalities and their inherent personal qualities (feelings, actions, forms of communication and reflection); only within this paradigm «from the life to the ideal person «, which allows you to analyze ideal ideas in a real space. You can formulate real-life theoretical ideas about a particular ideal, and simulate non-directive psychological and pedagogical practice of reproducing this ideal through human development reality.

We believe that Behavioral Psychology has the aim primarily at controlling human behavior, consciousness and personality. In such a way the individual becomes the object of the research and manipulation, and his/her free personal choice is not taken into account. Hence the traditional system of teaching based on a hierarchical structure: teacher guidance - pupil subordination.

In the paradigm of Humanistic Psychology, we consider the work of a teacher in comparison with the work of a psychotherapist who does not shape the personality, trying to create its form, but helps the pupil to find something positive that already has a certain level of the development. The teacher should be sensitive and receptive to the individual qualities and characteristics of a pupil. Also, the teacher should fully accept the pupil's personality and try to understand what kind of person he/she is, what his/her inclinations are, what he/she is capable of, how he/she will develop. If the teacher without any preconditions is quite positive about the pupil, rejoices in his/her success, it minimizes the anxiety and fears of a pupil, his/her protective reactions and ensures the development and self-actualization of his/her personality. Thus, every teacher should not only unconditionally accept the student, but be congruent, empathically understand him/her as a person and be able to explain himself/herself and his/her attitude to the student, so that he understands exactly how he/she should behave to strive for self-development.

Certainly accepting the pupil, the teacher creates in the classroom a special psychological climate of the acceptance of each other. The facilitator shares the group 's thoughts and feelings without imposing their own beliefs on pupils; he/she does not cover himself/herself with a mask, he/she openly expresses, demonstrates his/her feelings and thoughts, that is he/she is himself/herself. These attitudes of the teacher-facilitator are also related to the change of his/her thinking, values and a life in general. Facilitation guidelines also actualize the teacher's thinking, which can not be conditioned either by the improvement of skills or the introduction of modern technical teaching aids. Thus, the facilitative attitude, based on the restructuring of personal attitudes and values of the teacher is realized in interpersonal communication with pupils and in new methods and technologies of teaching.

We think, that the reform of education should be based on the restructuring of certain personal attitudes of the teacher, which become explicit in the process of his/her interpersonal interactions with students. Thus, K. Rogers identifies three main guidelines of the teacher- facilitator. The first of them is described by the terms «truth» and «openness», and involves the teacher's openness to their own thoughts and experiences, the ability to sincerely express and broadcast them in the process of interpersonal communication with pupils. This attitude is seen as an alternative to the typical, traditional attitude of the teacher to the implementation of a facilitator of a role behavior.

The next, the second attitude of the teacher-facilitator is characterized by the terms «acceptance», «trust», the inner, personal confidence of the teacher in the capabilities and abilities of each pupil. In many aspects, this attitude coincides with what in the psychological and pedagogical science is called «pedagogical optimism», taking into account the positive qualities of pupils.

The third attitude is described by the term «empathic understanding». It is a kind of teacher's vision of the inner world and the behavior of each individual from his/her own position, as if through his/her eyes. K. Rogers notes that the teacher-facilitator, communicating with his/her pupils, is able to speak, «to walk in other people's shoes», to look through the eyes of children at everything around, including himself/herself. This attitude is a purely alternative to the traditional teacher's «evaluative understanding», such a type of understanding through evaluation in terms of «attribution» to pupils offixed evaluation cliches (fool, clever, coward, quiet, etc.).

Key words: facilitative interaction, empathic understanding, humanistic ideal, pedagogical optimism, a special psychological climate of the acceptance of each other, interpersonal communication.


Михальчук Наталія, доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри практики англійської мови та методики викладання, Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету.

Хупавцева Наталія, доктор психологічних наук, професор кафедри загальної психології та психодіагностики, Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету.


У статті було показано, що фасилітативна взаємодія базується на наступних психологічних підходах: знаходження конкретних індивідів або окремих особистісних проявів, які містять в собі істотні характеристики гуманістичного ідеалу, є його конкретними втіленнями; в самому житті можна виявити і на основі цього вивчити, дослідити умови, що сприяють становленню гармонійних особистостей і властивих їм особистісних проявів (почуттів, вчинків, форм спілкування і рефлексії); тільки у межах цієї парадигми «від життя - до ідеалу», яка дозволяє проаналізувати ідеальні уявлення в реальному просторі, можна сформулювати і реальні в самому житті теоретичні уявлення щодо певного ідеалу, і змоделювати недирективну психолого-педагогічну практику відтворення цього ідеалу шляхом розвитку оточуючої людину дійсності.

Ми вважаємо, що біхевіористська психологія спрямована, передусім, на контроль поведінки, свідомості й особистості людини. Так, індивід стає об'єктом дослідження і маніпулювання, а його вільний особистісний вибір не береться до уваги. Звідси - традиційна система навчання, заснована на ієрархічній структурі: керівництво вчителя - підпорядкування учня.

В парадигмі гуманістичної психології ми розглядаємо роботу вчителя за функціональним призначенням як роботу психотерапевта, який не формує особистість, намагаючись створити його форму, а допомагає учневі знайти в собі дещо позитивне, що в ньому вже має певний рівень розвитку. Вчителю слід бути чутливим і сприйнятливим щодо індивідуальних якостей та властивостей учня. Також вчителю слід цілковито приймати особистість учня і намагатися зрозуміти, якою він є людиною, які його схильності, на що він здатний, як він буде розвиватися. Якщо вчитель без будь-яких передумов досить позитивно ставиться до учня, радіє його успіхам, це зводить до мінімуму занепокоєння і страхи учня, його захисні реакції і забезпечує розвиток і самоактуалізацію його особистості. Отже, кожному педагогові слід не тільки безумовно приймати учня, але бути конгруентним, емпатійно розуміти його як особистість і вміти експлікувати себе і своє ставлення до учня таким чином, щоб він зрозумів, як саме йому слід себе поводити, щоб прагнути до саморозвитку власної особистості.

Безумовно приймаючи учня, вчитель створює в класі особливий психологічний клімат прийняття школярами один одного. Педагог-фасилітатор розділяє думки і почуття групи, не нав'язуючи учням своїх власних переконань; він не закривається маскою, відкрито висловлює, демонструє свої почуття і думки, тобто є самим собою. Ці настановлення вчителя-фасилітатора також пов'язані зі зміною його мислення, цінностей і буття в цілому. Фасилітативні настановлення також актуалізують мислення вчителя, яке не може бути зумовлено ані вдосконаленням умінь і навичок, ані впровадженням сучасних технічних засобів навчання. Отже, фасилітативне настановлення, засноване на перебудові особистісних настановлень і цінностей вчителя, реалізується в міжособистісному спілкуванні з учнями та в нових методах та технологіях навчання.

На наше переконання реформа освіти має ґрунтуватися на перебудові певних особистісних настановлень учителя, що стають експліцитними в процесі його міжособистісної взаємодії з учнями. Так, ми виокремлюємо три основні настановлення вчителя-фасилітатора. Перше з них описується термінами «істинність» і «відкритість», і передбачає відкритість вчителя своїм власним думкам і переживанням, здатність щиро виражати і транслювати їх в міжособистісному спілкуванні з учнями. Це настановлення розглядається як альтернатива типовому, традиційному настановленню вчителя на здійснення рольової поведінки.

Наступне, друге настановлення вчителя-фасилітатора характеризується термінами «прийняття», «довіра», являє собою внутрішню, особистісну впевненість учителя в можливостях і здібностях кожного учня. У багатьох моментах це настановлення збігається з тим, що у вітчизняній психолого-педагогічній науці прийнято називати «педагогічним оптимізмом», урахуванням позитивних якостей вихованців.

Третє настановлення описується терміном «емпатійного розуміння», це - своєрідне бачення вчителем внутрішнього світу і поведінки кожного окремого учня з його позиції, ніби його очима. К.Роджерс зазначає, що педагог-фасилітатор, спілкуючись зі своїми учнями, вміє так би мовити «ходити в чужих черевиках», подивитися очима дітей на все навколо, в тому числі - на самого себе. Це настановлення є суто альтернативним типовому для традиційного вчителя «оцінним розумінням», тобто розумінню завдяки оцінці з огляду на «приписування» учням фіксованих оцінних кліше (дурень, розумниця, боягуз, тихоня і т.п.).

Ключові слова: фасилітативна взаємодія, емпатійне розуміння, гуманістичний ідеал, педагогічний оптимізм, особливий психологічний клімат прийняття один одного, міжособистісне спілкування.

Problem's statement

Considering the peculiarities of the organization of facilitative interaction at the educational process, American Humanistic Psychology, given the large number of historical, political and cultural circumstances, managed to avoid the erroneous strategy based on the alienation of the ideal from a general process of life. Thinking about the ideal of a harmonious personality, American psychologists began to look for in a life itself, «here and now». This principle was in the background of facilitative interaction in general.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Researches organized by G. Allport (1998), C. Rogers (1983) and other scientists on the trends of self-actualization in the life and professional activities of so-called facilitators have shown that «ideal» forms of personal development and functioning can be studied as some very real cases. In this sense, in American Humanistic Psychology, literally from the moment of its emergence, another general strategy was implemented, which can be called a strategy «from life to the ideal». This strategy is based on the following psychological principles:

- finding specific features or individual personal characteristics that contain essential qualities of a humanistic ideal; they are the person's specific incarnations;

- in a life itself can be identified and on this basis be studied, explored the conditions that contribute to the formation of harmonious personalities and their inherent personal qualities (feelings, actions, forms of communication and reflection);

- only within this paradigm «from the life to the ideal person», which allows us to analyze ideal ideas in a real space. You can formulate real-life theoretical ideas about a particular ideal, and simulate non-directive psychological and pedagogical practice of reproducing this ideal through human development reality.

C. Rogers' ideas on the importance of the process of facilitative learning, the role of the teacher, his/her facilitative relationships with pupils were the basis for the humanization of education abroad, and the main empirical research was provided in the 60-70's. The results of the facilitation training, which involved thousands of teachers and tens of thousands of primary, secondary and college schoolchildren in England and the United States, suggested that pupils' personal development which also had been improved: their self-esteem had been improved, cognitive abilities had been developed, which facilitated the improvement of physical and mental health, performance and the activity of schoolchildren (Rogers, 1983). So, the aim of our article was to show psychological approaches of effective facilitative interaction at the English lessons.

The results of the research and their discussion

Facilitative interaction at the English lessons is a process of teaching organized on the basis of the tasks of a communicative nature. The purpose of this training is to teach foreign language communication using a variety of tasks and techniques. Recently, the terms «communicative learning» and «communicative oriented learning» are gradually becoming synonymous (for comparison: communicative teaching, communicative- oriented teaching, communicative approach for teaching languages) (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2019).

The peculiarities of a communicative approach for teaching foreign languages are clearly expressed in the provisions that reflect the essential laws of educational activity, serve as a direction for constructing a theory of learning, a benchmark for the organization of educational activities. These provisions acquire the status of the main, dominant principles of learning (Михальчук & Онуфрієва, 2020). facilitative interaction guidance teacher

In such a way we outline five main principles of facilitative interaction at the English lesson, each of which is implemented in relations to one or another type of speech activity alike, although, with some specificity.

The principle of speech-thinking activity, which involves such the organization of training, when the pupil is constantly involved into the process of communication (with the teacher, other pupils, the book, etc.). According to this principle, the content basis of communicative learning is problematic. A pupil should not simulate, read, listen and perform a «speech act» during which he/she listens, speaks, writes, reads.

The principle of individualization in the aspect of performing the leadership role of its personal aspect as the main means of creating the motivation and activity of pupils, taking into account their life experience, context of the activity, sphere of interests, emotional sphere and the status of a particular individual in a team activity.

The principle of functionality, that provides the selection and the organization of a minimized system of speech means, adequate communication, which could functionally replace the entire system of communication. Similarly, this principle applies to reading (listening): texts that collectively represent the sphere of communication to which students are trained. Functionality is the basis for mastering the grammatical side of speech (speech samples) and lexical units.

Principle of situationality. It is understood as a mean of speech stimulation and as a condition for the development of speech skills. At the same time under the «situation» we understand the system of interactions of the partners of communication, which is reflected in their minds.

The principle of novelty, which covers the entire educational process: the content of the material (texts, exercises), the conditions of training (organization of exercises), methods of training, forms of organization of the educational process (types of classes), etc. This ensures the maintenance of interests in the process of learning, the formation of speech skills capable for transferring, the development of productivity and a dynamism of speech skills, the development of the communicative functions of thinking.

The communicative method requires an open atmosphere of cooperation and active participation of pupils into the process of their learning in the classroom. Key educational principles of this method can be called communicative oriented language teaching methods. The last ones were summed up by us in such a way:

Pupils are stimulated by their own cognitive processes. Pupils expect that they use their mental abilities to perform problem-solving tasks which were contained into educational and methodical complexes of studying. It is anticipated that pupils will solve these problem tasks using English. These may be games, riddles, quizzes.

Pupils are actively involved into the learning process. In order to learn a language successfully, pupils have to take an active part in the learning process. Pupils should be encouraged to ask numerous questions and provide the experiment with the language. So, we'll quote from a teacher who had found successful ways to interest students in the process of learning a language: «Pupils do not treat English as a boring duty, it is a means of communication and entertainment for them. They can provide any experiment with the language, as with something real, and not with what appears only in books».

Pupils are encouraged to express their thoughts, feelings and use their experience.

In order to teach pupils to speak English in classes they should be interested in it and create opportunities for effective communication between them and with the teacher. Modern teaching and learning complexes deal with much time and space for creating such kinds of opportunities.

We'll show some examples of exercises for actualization of facilitative interaction at the English lessons

I. (Open Doors SB1, p.37). Topic: Talking about permission.

Write true sentences:

At home I can ... but I cannot ... (watch TV until eleven o'clock, eat ice-cream for breakfast, play loud music in my room).

You'll choose!

At school we can ... but we can't ... (play football, listen to pop music, use a dictionary at the English lessons).

You'll choose!

In order to consolidate the lexical-grammatical structures, in this case, the methods of expressing the prohibition and permission took place in a realistic context. So, students are invited to write sentences close to people's experience.

II. (Streetwise Intermediate SB, p.3) Talking point.

1. Think about your experiences of learning some skills, another foreign language, a musical instrument, playing sport, etc. Firstly, prepare your own answers to these questions, and then compare your answers with your partner.

a) What skill did you learn?

b) Where and when did you start?

c) How did you learn? Did you have a book, a video, a teacher?

d) What are some of the things you remember most clearly?

e) How successful were you? Why?

2. Now share your experience with the class, and agree on the most successful ways of learning a new skill.

Here the subject is the way of learning a language. Pupils are invited to share their impressions of the various teaching methods that were the most effective ones for them. In this case, a communicative approach has a double benefit: pupils do not only use English to convey real and interesting information to one another and to a teacher, they can also discover new methods and techniques for learning the language.

- Pupils are engaged into the process of learning activities that simulate or create real or realistic situations.

Obviously in the most cases communication English in the classroom is largely artificial in the sense that it can only mimic the communicative situations of a real life. For example, if the pupils got to know each other at the beginning of the school year, then they do not need to do it again. But in order to ensure sufficient practice, it is necessary to repeat such a task several times - and in different circumstances.

Pupils in the class, as a rule, do not need to ask questions about how to go or go somewhere in a certain direction, but they need to know how it is done in real life situations. Modern training complexes offer many tasks that provide students with a great opportunity to understand the practical functions of the English language and the conditions of their use.

Pupils are encouraged to work together. All communicatively oriented learning environments are constantly encouraging pupils to work in pairs or groups in order to provide the maximum amount of opportunities for mutual oral and written communication in English. In this case, each pupil has more time to speak than if he/she answered only the teacher. Working in pairs also allows students to practice speaking in a safe, relaxed context, without fear, which can accompany the oral answer to the entire group. The activity in microgroups increases pupils' motivation because it allows pupils to share ideas and help each other.

Pupils are encouraged to take any responsibility for their own learning and develop their abilities to learn. The «Learn to Learn» section develops pupils' learning skills. It is now an integral part of the program of the best modern teaching and learning complexes. This makes pupils themselves to appreciate how well they have studied the content of the section, and self-control tests provide valuable information that pupils have learned well and what not very well.

Teacher performs various functions -- informant, consultant (resource consultant), observer (monitor) -- at different stages of the lesson.

Each teacher has his/her own unique teaching style, but according to the principles of communicatively oriented language teaching his/her role in the language class should be enough flexible: the teacher must constantly lead and support pupils, but not always dominate them. The role of the teacher as a carrier of information is necessary at any stage of the classroom, when pupils need the initial data (for example, when studying new material); or when it is necessary to provide explanations to the tasks; when it's time to move from one stage to another and when to correct mistakes. The role of an observer is the most important when pupils work independently or in pairs or groups. During this stage, the teacher, moving from one micro-group to another one, provides individual help to those people, who need it. The role of a teacher as a consultant is fully realized when students work independently in pairs or groups and need any advice on the content of the task or the availability of relevant information sources, for example, to work on the project.

All the above provisions can be supplemented by other features of communicative learning using exclusive models, in which the focus of pupils' attention is the content of the statement. A special significance acquires the speech context, develops both literacy and a speed of utterance; literacy includes, in addition to linguistic norm, a socio-cultural adequacy of pupils' speech behavior, encourages the personal content of learning, stimulates involuntary memorization.

There are also ways for the organization of training, centered on the pupil, on the development of «moral-emotional and intellectual» pupil's development, on the individual pace of language learning, at the integrated lesson with the diversity of interpersonal relationships.

It also emphasizes the importance of interaction and cooperation between pupils, as well as the speech task for the organization of communicative learning of the language.

It is considered necessary to take into account the psychological factors of existential-communicative occupation, which includes respect for the pupil's personality, acceptance of the individual uniqueness of each participant in the educational process, the protection of the individual from psychological trauma in the classroom, the preservation of personal autonomy of each person, the development of interpersonal relationships.

Communicative tasks, according to methodologists, are indissociable from stimulation of mental activities in various ways. Foreign language as a tool of knowledge in the conditions of communicative-oriented learning is also a means of socio-cultural education.

The analysis of the methodologists' presentation of the basic principles of communicative learning allows us to clearly articulate the main conceptual principles regarding the use of the method of facilitative interaction at the English lessons in the educational process, detailed in the relevant principles.

Principle 1. The use of facilitative interaction at the English lessons is possible under the conditions of the activity approach.

1.1. e activThe activity essence of communicative-oriented learning is carried out through activity tasks. They are implemented with methodical techniques and form exercises.

1.2. Activity tasks for communicative oriented learning of a foreign language are based on games, simulation and free communication.

1.3. The active essence of learning is realized in the situation «here and now», that is the process of foreign language thinking is carried out directly at the time of any speech situation.

1.4. Activity essence of studying increases the importance of methodological organization of the learning process. Almost every task can be performed in three stages: preparatory one, executive stage and a final one.

1.5. The essence of learning is realized in a humanistic, centered approach for learning pupils.

Principle 2. The use of existential models of teaching foreign languages means the development of pupils' communicative competence.

2.1. The important component of communicative competence is the linguistic competence, the willingness to use a foreign language as the instrument of speech and thought activity.

2.2. A significant component of communicative competence is pragmatic competence, readiness to convey communicative content in the context of communication.

2.3. The necessary component of communicative competence is cognitive competence, readiness for communicative and thoughtful activity.

2.4. A significant component of communicative competence is the informative competence, the possession of the content of the subject of communication.

2.5. Communicative competence is formed in all kinds of speech activity - listening, speaking, reading and writing, ensuring their implementation.

Principle 3. The use of facilitative interaction at the English lessons that is possible under the conditions of the authentic process of pupils' socialization.

3.1. Authentic communicative oriented learning of foreign languages is carried out using the tasks of speech interaction.

3.2. Authentic communicative oriented learning of foreign languages is carried out with the help of tasks that involve informational inequality of participants.

3.3. Authentic communicative oriented learning of foreign languages uses problematic speech-thinking tasks.

3.4. Need as the organized role of communication.

3.5. Spontaneous foreign-language speech forms implicit knowledge that fundamentally differs from explicit ones (Table 1).

Characteristics of explicit and implicit knowledge. Table 1

Explicit knowledge

Implicit knowledge






Are developing

Stable in shape

Moving in shape

Stable in form

Set by the goal


Are being consumed

Require automatism

Demand the creativity

In a less degree depends on implicit activity of a person

In a less degree depends on explicit knowledge

Restricted by the memory of pupils

Pupils have limited cognitive capabilities

According to the theory of linguistic relativity (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018) we are surrounded by our language as a prism, through which we look and know the world. This view will be unequal among representatives of other nationalities, as evidenced by mythology, folklore, language of symbols, proverbs, etc. It is clear that the main function of the language which is a communicative one.

The motivation to study the second non-native language is the need to communicate in a foreign language environment. The most important factor in the attractiveness of the language has being studied is its status as the language of interethnic and international communication (Івашкевич & Комарніцька, 2020).

With the transition to a communicative-oriented foreign language learning using existential models, we can not but admit that culture becomes the center, not the periphery of attention, as it was the case when it was considered as a system with formal features. The proper use of the language in a social context requires from the pupil not only the knowledge of what «to say», but also «how» and «when» to say. And here, as it sounds paradoxical, we again refer to the ancient meaning of the word «culture» - under such conditions we can talk about the cultivation of the pupil's soul. There is no doubt that the possession of two or more languages enriches a person not only with the additional knowledge of other cultures, but also the ability to understand and to be tolerate to the representatives of other countries. Europe (and the whole world) after the fall of the Berlin Wall became completely different not only from the point of view of international politics, but also about cultural diversity. «Globalization» and «Facilitative interaction» are such appropriate terms of the economic and political expansion of superpowers in the UK, and at the same time, regional, local sovereign formation is growing as a counteraction to globalization and facilitative interaction. Under such conditions, «culture» becomes a very vague concept.

The new programs for general educational institutions emphasize the role of several competences which are necessary for the formation of foreign communication competence. In our opinion, the skills listed in the program should be supplemented, such as the interpretation of a product of another culture, the explanation of its meaning and its correlation with a similar phenomenon of its culture, the ability to guess, to analyze and to gain knowledge in the process of a real communication, as well as the ability to evaluate critically the information having been obtained and the phenomena of another culture on the basis of reasonable criteria.

Such skills, supported by linguistic means, allow not only to understand a different culture but also to successfully present themselves in the context of a polylogue of modern languages and cultures (Onufriieva & Ivashkevych, 2021).

In connection with the foregoing the training of the teacher of foreign languages must be mastered by the English methodology of facilitative interaction:

a) the organization of intercultural exchange as an integral part of the educational process;

b) cross-cultural projects of different levels and nature;

c) use for these purposes of all the opportunities provided by the educational group, the university, the region, Ukraine in the whole, near and far abroad for intercultural interaction;

d) identifying each pupils' motivation to study linguistics and finding a way for real communication.

Methodologists and educators have not yet definitively determined whether this is a new phase of a communicative method using existential learning models, or a fundamentally new methodological direction. But it is now clear that the specifics of the target and content aspects of learning a foreign language in the context of the intercultural paradigm are due to the fact that as a central element of the methodological model the pupil acts as a subject of the educational process and as a subject of intercultural communication.

Conclusions and perspectives of further researches

We believe that Behavioral Psychology has the aim primarily at controlling human behavior, consciousness and personality. In such a way the individual becomes the object of the research and manipulation, and his/her free personal choice is not taken into account. Hence the traditional system of teaching based on a hierarchical structure: teacher guidance - pupil subordination.

We consider the work of a teacher in comparison with the work of a psychotherapist who does not shape the personality, trying to create its form, but helps the pupil to find something positive that already has a certain level of the development. The teacher should be sensitive and receptive to the individual qualities and characteristics of a pupil. Also, the teacher should fully accept the pupil's personality and try to understand what kind of person he/she is, what his/her inclinations are, what he/she is capable of, how he/she will develop. If the teacher without any preconditions is quite positive about the pupil, rejoices in his/her success, it minimizes the anxiety and fears of a pupil, his/her protective reactions and ensures the development and self-actualization of his/her personality. Thus, every teacher should not only unconditionally accept the student, but be congruent, empathically understand him/her as a person and be able to explain himself/herself and his/her attitude to the student, so that he understands exactly how he/she should behave to strive for self-development.

Certainly accepting the pupil, the teacher creates in the classroom a special psychological climate of the acceptance of each other. The facilitator shares the group's thoughts and feelings without imposing their own beliefs on pupils; he/she does not cover himself/herself with a mask, he/she openly expresses, demonstrates his/her feelings and thoughts, that is he/she is himself/herself. These attitudes of the teacher-facilitator are also related to the change of his/her thinking, values and a life in general. Facilitation guidelines also actualize the teacher's thinking, which can not be conditioned either by the improvement of skills or the introduction of modern technical teaching aids. Thus, the facilitative attitude, based on the restructuring of personal attitudes and values of the teacher is realized in interpersonal communication with pupils and in new methods and technologies of teaching.

We think, that the reform of education should be based on the restructuring of certain personal attitudes of the teacher, which become explicit in the process of his/her interpersonal interactions with students. Thus, K. Rogers identifies three main guidelines of the teacher- facilitator. The first of them is described by the terms «truth» and «openness», and involves the teacher's openness to their own thoughts and experiences, the ability to sincerely express and broadcast them in the process of interpersonal communication with pupils. This attitude is seen as an alternative to the typical, traditional attitude of the teacher to the implementation of a facilitator of a role behavior.

The next, the second attitude of the teacher-facilitator is characterized by the terms «acceptance», «trust», the inner, personal confidence of the teacher in the capabilities and abilities of each pupil. In many aspects, this attitude coincides with what in the psychological and pedagogical science is called «pedagogical optimism», taking into account the positive qualities of pupils.

The third attitude is described by the term «empathic understanding». It is a kind of teacher's vision of the inner world and the behavior of each individual from his/her own position, as if through his/her eyes. K. Rogers notes that the teacher-facilitator, communicating with his/her pupils, is able to speak, «to walk in other people's shoes», to look through the eyes of children at everything around, including himself/herself. This attitude is a purely alternative to the traditional teacher's «evaluative understanding», such a type of understanding through evaluation in terms of «attribution» to pupils of fixed evaluation cliches (fool, clever, coward, quiet, etc.).

In our further researches we'll study how personally significant experience will influence empathic and evaluative understanding at the English language lessons.

Список посилань

1. Гончарук, Н. & Онуфрієва, Л. (2018). Психологічний аналіз рівнів побудови комунікативних дій. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика. Psycholinguistics. 24(1), 97-117. DOI:

2. Івашкевич, Ер. & Комарніцька, Л. (2020). Psychological aspects of comics as the paraliterary genres. Проблеми сучасної психології, 49, 106-130. DOI:

3. Михальчук, Н. & Онуфрієва, Л. (2020). Психологічний аналіз різних типів дискурсу. Проблеми сучасної психології, 50, 188-210. DOI:

4. Оллпорт, Г. В. (1998). Личность в психологии: теории личности. Москва; Санкт-Петербург: КСП: ЮВЕНТА.

5. Mykhalchuk, N. & Ivashkevych, Er. (2019). Psycholinguistic Characteristics of Secondary Predication in Determining the Construction of a Peculiar Picture of the World of a Reader. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psiholingvistika, 25(1), 215-231. DOI:

6. Onufriieva, L. & Ivashkevych, Ed. (2021). The development of learner's autonomy by the way of the formation of social intelligence. Проблеми сучасної психології, 51, 9-32. DOI:

7. Rogers, C. R. (1983). Freedom to learn for the 80 'S. Columbus: Charles E. Merril Publ. Co.


1. Goncharuk, N. & Onufriieva, L. (2018). Psykholohichnyi analiz rivniv pobudovy komunikatyvnykh dii [Psychological analysis of the levels of construction of communicative actions]. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psiholingvistika, 24(1), 97-117. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

2. Ivashkevych, Er. & Komarnitska, L. (2020). Psychological aspects of comics as the paraliterary genres. Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii, 49, 106-130. DOI: [in English].

3. Mykhalchuk, N. & Ivashkevych, Er. (2019). Psycholinguistic Characteristics of Secondary Predication in Determining the Construction of a Peculiar Picture of the World of a Reader. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psiholingvistika, 25(1), 215-231. DOI: [in English].

4. Mykhalchuk, N. & Onufriieva, L. (2020). Psykholohichnyi analiz riznykh typiv dyskursu - Psychological Analysis of Different Types of Discourse [Psychological analysis of different types of discourse]. Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii, 50, 188-210. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

5. Allport, G. V. (1998). Lichnost' v psihologii: teorii lichnosti [Personality in Psychology: Theories ofPersonality]. Moscow; St. Petersburg: KSP: YUVENTA. [in Russian].

6. Onufriieva, L. & Ivashkevych, Ed. (2021). The development of learner's autonomy by the way of the formation of social intelligence. Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii, 51, 9-32. DOI: [in English].

7. Rogers, C.R. (1983). Freedom to learn for the 80'S. Columbus: Charles E. Merril Publ. Co. [in English].

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