Methodological reflection of the concept of "professional and role communication” in terms of activity of modern primary school teacher
The concept of "professional-role communication" in the aspect of the activity of a day-time teacher of the cob school. The establishment of professional roles of the teacher of the post-school school for the theory of "role structure of specialty".
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.06.2023 |
Размер файла | 25,5 K |
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Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
Department of Practical Psychology
Methodological reflection of the concept of "professional and role communication” in terms of activity of modern primary school teacher
Mishaka N.A., Postgraduate student
Kryvyi Rih
According to methodological reflection, the author's ideogenesis of the concept of "professional and role communication" in terms of activity of modern primary school teacher was substantiated. The status of the above concept was proved based on methodological principles and method of analytical philosophy (according to Ya.V. Shramko). Methodological principles of personality formation were analyzed (according to G. Allport), theoretical and methodological provisions of the theory of role self-realization of personality (P. P. Hornostai) and principles of formation of professional roles of primary school teacher according to the theory "role structure of personality" (Z.M. Miroshnyk) were determined, the concept of "role communication" in newly created groups in the educational process was analyzed (L.O. Korobanova).
For the first time, the signs of the concept of "professional and role communication" were formulated according to three interrelated components. The first component is a value and motivational component, which is formed on the semantic basis of spiritual and aesthetic values and taking into account the determinants of professional and role communication - performance of professional duties with higher quality, promotion of the development of semantic value in the development of pupil through the roles of "Mentor" and "Facilitator". The second component is a cognitive and effective sign of professional and role communication based on professional determinants: to teach pupils; to increase their self-esteem by implementing the roles of "Didact" and "Partner". The third component is a reflexive and behavioral component with such determinants as striving for improvement; achieving a professional level of psychological culture; managing behavior in compliance with status and normative roles; and dominating the roles of "Nanny" and "Expert in child psychology".
Keywords: methodological reflection, role communication, professional and role communication, role identity, value and motivational, cognitive and effective, reflexive and behavioral components.
Методологічна рефлексія поняття «професійно-рольова комунікація» в аспекті діяльності сучасного вчителя початкової школи
Мішака Н.А., аспірант кафедри практичної психології, Криворізький державний педагогічний університет, Кривий Ріг
«Від невідомого до зрозумілого, від осягнутого до унормованого, від соціалізованого до ціннісного, від осмисленого до о духотвореного на тлі віднайденого сенсу життя» (Анатолій Фурман, 2009, [11,с.1])
У відповідності методологічної рефлексії здійснено обґрунтування авторського ідеогенезу поняття «професійно-рольова комунікація» в аспекті діяльності сучасного вчителя початкової школи. Доведений статус вище вказаного поняття на основі методологічних принципів і методові аналітичної філософії (за Я.В. Шрамко). Здійснений аналіз методологічних принципів становлення особистості (за Г. Оллпорт), визначені теоретико-методологічні положення теорії рольової самореалізації особистості (П.П. Горностая), принципів утворення професійних ролей вчителя початкової школи за теорією «рольова структура особистості» (З.М. Мірошник), проаналізована концепція «рольова комунікація» в новостворених групах в освітньому процесі (Л.О. Коробанова).
Вперше сформульовані ознаки поняття «професійно-рольової комунікації» за трьома взаємопов'язаними складовими. Перша складова - ціннісно-мотиваційний компонент, який формується на смислових основах духовно-естетичних цінностей та з врахуванням детермінант професійно-рольової комунікації - якісне виконанням професійних обов'язків, сприяння розвитку смислової цінності в розвитку учня-дитини за допомогою ролей «Наставник», «Фасилітатор». Друга складова - це когнітивно-дієвий ознак професійно-рольової комунікації за професійними детермінантами: навчати учнів-дітей; підвищувати їх самооцінку за допомогою реалізації ролей «Дидакт», «Партнер». Третя складова - це рефлексивно-поведінковий компонент з детермінантами: прагнення до вдосконалення; досягнення професійного рівня психологічної культури; управління поведінкою в дотримані статусно-нормативних ролей та домінування ролей «Няня», «Знавець дитячої психології».
Ключові слова: методологічна рефлексія, рольова комунікація, професійно-рольова комунікація, рольова ідентичність, ціннісно-мотиваційний, когнітивно-дієвий, рефлексивно-поведінковий компоненти.
Problem statement
«From the unknown to the understandable, from the achieved to the standardized, from the socialized to the valuable, from the meaningful to the spiritual against the background of the found meaning of life» (Anatolii Furman, 2009, [11, p. 1])
The proposed epigraph focuses on the logic of this research. Reliance on methodological reflection, which is becoming an increasingly developing method for the interdisciplinary research on the issue of personality socialization. Methodological reflection most clearly reflects the personal and cognitive spheres of the researcher, his or her reasoning about the methods of scientific knowledge used by him or her. And, finally, methodological reflection is nothing more than the teaching (or method) of knowing science through science (S.D. Maksymenko [5], A. Furman [11]).
S.D. Maksymenko emphasizes that new vision of issue of personality "as a real subject of psychological research" requires serious methodological reflection: we have to identify and develop new approaches to organization of psychological analysis, psychological research, to determine its actual criteria of heuristics and practical effectiveness of psychological knowledge, driving forces of personality development" [5, p. 9].
Despite the fact that research of roles and communication is the most represented in the scientific literature, and teacher communication styles are the most represented in scientific publications, we could not find a definition of "professional and role communication" as a concept. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a theoretical review that would confirm or refute the appropriateness of such conceptual tools. The main features of this concept were determined taking into account the goal of the development of New Ukrainian School (NUS) - "to create a school in which it will be pleasant to study and which will give students not only knowledge, as it is happens now, but also the ability to apply it in everyday life" [7].
Analysis of current research. Based on the theory of activity as an explanatory principle of personality psychological development in professional interaction, the following was subject to methodological reflection: theories, concepts, paradigms describing "accepting the role of another in communication", "making a role", "establishing communications" (according to H. Bloomer [12]), concept of "role self-realization of personality" and "role conflict" (according to P.P. Hornostai [3]), theory "role structure of personality" and method of psychological analysis using the technology "semantic space of role positions" (according to Z.M. Miroshnyk [6]), paradigm "value and role nature of interactions in teams" (V.V. Horbunova [2]), concept of "role communication" based on the analysis of conscious and unconscious processes of interaction in newly created groups (L.O. Korobanova []), conceptual model "reflexive behavior in social interaction" (L.O. Haponenko [1]).
Purpose of the research is to determine the subject field of structural components of the concept of "professional and role communication" in terms of activity of modern primary school teacher, following methodological reflection in the analysis of theoretical models of role and communication interactions.
professional role personality primary teacher
Statement of the main material
We should decide from the very beginning that reflection of philosophical and psychological theories implies the possibility of using them as fundamental, general scientific approaches and methods in determining the signs of theoretical model of the concept of "professional and role communication" in terms of activity of modern teacher in NUS.
To prove this concept as a scientific tool, it is necessary to theoretically prove the logic of combining three independent concepts: "professionalism", "role" and "communication".
According to the logic of our research, the gradual determination of signs of the concept is determined by answers to the following questions: "How does the formation of "role communication" begin?", "What determinants determine successful professional and role communication of modern teacher?", "What personal components affect the formation of a full repertoire of professional and role communication?". This point of view is expressed by S.D. Maksymenko when considering the adequacy of knowledge of new phenomena that begin with the dominance of "logic of the researcher". He writes: "We need a new scientifically balanced view and new methodological positions for further effective movement" [5, p. 9].
It is possible to overcome the deficiencies of existing contradictions between the concepts of "role", "communication" and "professionalism" by understanding the essence of analytical philosophy as the most modern and progressive organization of philosophical thinking and philosophical consciousness in the knowledge of Truth. In our opinion, scientific work What is Analytical Philosophy? by Ya.V. Shramko [11] is the most successful coordinator of methodological substantiation of the concept of "professional and role communication".
The author defines the basic principle of analytical philosophy - "elimination of "metaphysics" - as a sign of modernization in the development of new concepts and notions. He explains the requirements of increased attention to the way of expressing scientific opinion, to the analysis of theoretical models, and to their interpretation in relation to clarifying the semantic load. It is from this position that Ya.V. Shramko writes that "analytical direction is characterized to some extent by common features ensuring the unity of the entire movement as a whole, although this unity should be sought not in the conceptual, but in the methodological plane" [11, p. 4]. He further explains that analytical philosophy is a kind of methodological attitude, according to which the analysis of the phenomenon under study is studied from the point of view and through speech analysis.
When solving one of our research tasks, that is to substantiate the objective reality of existence of the concept of "professional and role communication", we refer to those additions to the methodological plane of analytical philosophy that were proposed by Ya.V. Shramko based on the analysis of Michael Dummett's ideas. He writes: "(1) desire to consider and solve philosophical problems through philosophical analysis of language (linguistic turn); (2) active research of the methods and means of modern logic and connection with a certain kind of precise philosophical terminology, which should be introduced correctly; (3) high requirements for clarity and precision of arguments used to substantiate philosophical propositions" [11, p. 17-18].
In terms of analytical philosophy, the concept of "professional and role communication" chooses the status of functional unity of rational and practical. This is not a list of statements of a certain list of components of this phenomenon, but the operationalization of dynamic, synergetic and nonlinear formations that lends itself to unconscious formations of roles and their conscious management.
With reference to such principles of genetic psychology as principle of analysis by units, principle of truth, principle of consistency, principle of behavioral design and modeling, we considered the formation of professional and role communication according to the theory of "personality formation" by H. Allport. He writes: "Everyone knows that the neuropsychic system of each person is unique. Given a unique inherited genotype and environmental features that are never repeated, the environment cannot be otherwise. Everyone knows that there is no final unity in the system of a given personality, each system, nevertheless, is highly organized and consistently structured. Has psychological science treated this situation adequately so far? I think not. The picture proposed by psychology is mainly a picture of parameters, not of a person" [8, p. ]. Allport puts forward an important position of the integrity of personality in the existential flow, the ability to reflect life against the background of diffusion of values, to have a desire for "transcendence", "inclusion" and "striving for meaning", to counteract the atomization of thinking and disintegration of the goal (ibid.) using own concepts. Therefore, professional and role communication under this provision is determined by the dual opposite, for example, "traditional strategies - innovation strategies" of role communications.
With reference to H. Bloomer's theories that "role" is a "playful role making" under the conditions of sensitive perception of communication partner, he determined personality as a creative and active being who is able to perceive the "reading" of a partner and to coordinate own role behavior [12]. This idea was further studied in the works of P.P. Hornostai, who proposed the theory of "role selfrealization of personality" [3]. Relying on the dialectical nature of the unity of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the role, he proposed a parameter of research in the opposite signs of dualism - this is "social - individual".
Based on the nature of the role as a mechanism of identity in a certain image, "mask", he proposed 4 constructs of roles:
1) "stable-situational";
2) "real (life)- theatrical";
3) "mature-infantile";
4) "natural (age)-random".
Symbolic description of role functioning in the behavioral "space":
1) "active-latent";
2) "external- internal (imaginary)";
3) "explicit (actual)-shadow (anti-roles)";
4) "status-style.
Normative and functional dimension determines the expediency of role behavior:
1) "ritual-spontaneous";
2) "conventional-spontaneous";
3) "prescriptive-accessible";
4) "constructive-destructive";
5) "functional-value and semantic" [3, p. 10].
Among numerous works on the role issues, we single out the research of O.L. Korobanova, who developed the concept of "role communication". She studied the unconscious and conscious processes of group dynamics in newly created groups. This concept is based on the idea that in the process of creating a group, there are conscious and unconscious factors that affect the perception of subjects in the intergroup interaction. With reference to the works of I. Alten and D. Taylor on "social penetration", the author identifies signs of inequality of role identity in the selfdisclosure of different group members. "Role is a specific behavioral pattern demonstrated by a group member based on the expectations of other members and their own expectations and ideas about approved norms and behavioral patterns" [4, p. 87].
O.L. Korobanova identifies sign of sensitivity of perception and expectations of role positions of communication partners as methodological basis for accepting the role of personality in group interaction. "In our opinion, role communication is the basis of interaction between group members, and therefore, a component and driving force of group dynamics. Role communication is a systemic socio- psychological phenomenon that combines focus on the role models of the group, emergence of the image of the group in each group member, idea of own image in the group and determination of own place in the group network, role modeling of interaction, establishment of personal and social boundaries, creation of intersubjectivity, mutual exchange of images and symbols" [4, p. 88]. She considers the theoretical model of role communication based on relationship indicators and identifies status-positional, distance-emotional, and value-expectational aspects. "They are closely interconnected and, of course, do not exist separately, but are singled out by us for the convenience of analyzing the phenomenon" (ibid.).
This concept is represented by the theoretical and methodological principles of social psychology, thanks to which O.L. Korobanova managed to establish stable, fixed personal formations, which is role communication, through the analysis of attitudes.
Taking into account the aspect of our research, it is limited to the range of methodological principles of pedagogical and developmental psychology. In our opinion, the most appropriate theoretical model of consistency of mechanisms of creation, formation and development of professional and role communication is the theory "role structure of personality" by Z.M. Miroshnyk, which is developed on the material of pedagogical activity of primary school teacher [6]. Based on the methodology of symbolic interactionism, linguistic and semantic analysis, she proposed 12 determinants, "which are the supposed reason for the performance of certain social and professional roles" [6, p. 103]. According to the semantic analysis of 12 determinants, 6 roles were identified that are the basis of the role structure of primary school teacher - "Didact", "Nanny", "Partner", "Expert in child psychology", "Mentor" and "Facilitator" [6, p. 103].
Based on the role repertoire of primary school teacher according to the theory of Z.M. Miroshnyk, we continued our theoretical analysis in terms of professional and role communication of teacher, taking into account subjects of educational interaction of different age. On the one hand, this is a teacher, an adult, socially formed and professionally competent person with life experience of social interaction and rich role repertoire. On the other hand, this is a pupil who has neither social experience, nor established socio-psychological mechanisms such as volitional self-regulation, reflection, empathy, tolerance, nor rich role repertoire.
Based on the results of the conducted analysis, we chose three components of professional and role identity of modern NUS teacher as a personal formation, which is carried out according to the psychological mechanisms of role identity, role functioning in group interaction and correspondence of communications to normative and functional roles.
The first component of professional and role communication of modern primary school teacher is the value and motivational component, which is the "carrier" of spiritual and aesthetic values, sensitivity and healthy sensitivity. The opposite of the dual dimension is divided into traditional styles of role communication and innovative ones. The dominance of traditional, dehumanized, conservative and bureaucratic institutions is focused on the well-known formula of S-O relations. The tendency of this style of professional and role communication is determined by the directive attitude in relations, in interactions, which are fixed in the symbols of verbal and nonverbal communication.
Innovation, humanistic-oriented strategies, which are radically opposite to the traditional ones, implement the methodological principles of humanistic psychology laid down in the theories of the founders of humanistic psychology A. Maslow, C. Rogers, and G. Allport. The concept of personality of C. Rogers puts forward the idea of existence of a single (unitary) motive, which is aimed at maintaining a single motive - this is a tendency for actualization. According to C. Rogers, in the absence of external restrictions, the tendency for actualization is manifested through various forms of behavior [9]. This motive is a source in the body and is manifested by the desire for cooperation and creativity. Therefore, in terms of our research, this position allows us to consider the tendencies of role identity of professional and role communication, built on S-S relations, partnership relations to each other, and the ability of teacher to model success situations for all participants in the educational process.
According to the theory of role structure of Z.M. Miroshnyk, this component includes the following determinants: to perform own professional duties with higher quality; to promote the development of semantic value of spirituality, social and normative values, and humanity. These determinants are implemented in the role positions "Mentor" and "Facilitator".
The second component is a cognitive and effective component that regulates the role functioning of teacher in the intergroup and intersubjective communication interaction. The teacher perceives, thinks, calculates, plans, acts, embodies the principles of social and spiritual values in a variety of communication tools. The feature of this component is marked by individual uniqueness of the manifestations of social and cultural values in the spiritual and physical reality in the life of pupil, and person. Spiritual and physical reality is expressed by verbal and nonverbal signs of role identities.
The supporters of traditional strategies choose appropriate professional and role communications that are rigid both in characterizing the teacher's personality and in limiting the role repertoire of communication interaction with pupil and class. Such teachers are characterized by signs of dominance of various "Parental" role positions (in our research, the signs of role position "Father" are presented according to the theory of transactional analysis by E. Berne).
The innovation strategy focuses on cooperation and joint development of both the teacher and the pupil. The teacher has a passion, a tendency to actualize professional and life experience due to which the teacher achieves the ability to form a reflexive perception of results of pedagogical activity, to critically evaluate them, to comprehend the correspondence of professional and role communication, to create new ones that are caused by online learning, and if necessary, to correct them.
The flexibility of role positions is "played" by the role position "Adult" (according to the semantic load of ideas of E. Berne). According to the role structure of Z.M. Miroshnyk, this component includes the following determinants: to teach children; to increase the self-esteem of pupils; to establish partnership and dialogical communications together with pupils. Role functioning in the intersubject and intergroup interaction functions according to the roles of "Didact" and "Partner".
The third component of professional and role communication is determined in the reflexive and behavioral regulation of emotional and stressful states, overcoming occupational burnout, destructive communications, and removing communication barriers. The teacher's personality is determined by social maturity, professional competence, target orientation, and creative self-development. According to the theory of role structure of Z.M. Miroshnyk, this component includes the following determinants: striving for improvement; achieving a professional level of psychological culture; managing behavior in compliance with status and normative roles. Normative and functional roles are "Nanny" and "Expert in child psychology".
1. The concept of "professional and role communication" was introduced in terms of pedagogical activity of modern primary school teacher, whose theoretical constructs explain the regularities of the deployment of role identity, role functioning in group interaction and corresponding communication styles for the normative and functional professional roles of primary school teacher.
2. In addition to the above concept, the content trajectories of role identities, role functioning in group and intersubject interaction, taking into account the participants of educational process of different age, were presented for the first time, that is socially mature, professionally competent personality of teacher and social immaturity of pupil, who has the unformed worldview, "blurred" spiritual and aesthetic values, and limited role repertoire of communication interaction.
3. For the first time, the signs of theoretical model of the concept of "professional and role communication" of modern teacher include the importance of influence of conscious and unconscious processes that are manifested as a result of group dynamics in communication interaction.
4. Due to methodological reflection, the components of professional and role communication based on value and motivational, cognitive and active and reflexive and behavioral components are substantiated.
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презентация [2,2 M], добавлен 08.06.2010History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.
курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016Present-day issues of foreign language teaching at secondary school. Current concepts in secondary school graduates EFL. Psychological analysis of Gardner's Theory. Learning environment in teaching English conversation.
дипломная работа [71,5 K], добавлен 20.11.2004Mathematical learning for young children. Patterns and perspectives of teaching mathematics in primary school. The purposes and content of modern mathematical education in primary school. The methods of child’s acquaintance with geometric shapes.
реферат [35,9 K], добавлен 02.04.2009I like my school very much because I have spent the best years of my short life there. But in spite of it I dislike the whole system of education. What concerns my school the pupils are not free in their choice of the subjects.
топик [4,7 K], добавлен 29.09.2006The model of training teachers to the formation of communicative competence. How the Web 2.0 technology tools affect on secondary school students in communication. The objective of the model is instantiated a number of conditions. Predicting the Future.
курсовая работа [30,3 K], добавлен 11.06.2012Tradition of phonetic and phonological studies in England. Theoretical and methodological study of English phonetics at The London Phonological School. Basic concepts of the London school of structuralism. Sweet Henry English philologist and phonetician.
реферат [21,2 K], добавлен 20.01.2012Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.
презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013About basic education in the USA today. Public, private schools in the USA. Course content and teaching methods in educating students. Early childhood education, elementary school and high school. Criticism of American education, problems and solutions.
реферат [22,5 K], добавлен 26.11.2010Russian Icons - A Short History. Schools of Icons. Kiev school, Novgorod school, Moscow school, Pskov school. Russian Icons Restoration and Conservation. The icon Restoration Process. Increased complexity in compositions and theological symbolism.
реферат [3,4 M], добавлен 03.11.2014