Features of social adaptation of younger school students and child-parent relationships

The psychological impact of child-parent relationships on the individual-psychological, interpersonal and microsocial spheres of functioning of the personality of a child of primary school age. Determination of the features of his social adaptation.

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Дата добавления 15.12.2024
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Features of social adaptation of younger school students and child-parent relationships

Царенок Л.Б., Завацька Н.Є., Коваленко В.О., Царенок В.О.


The article reveals the peculiarities of correction of the destructive psychological influence of child-parent relations on the social adaptation of minors. The psychological impact of the parent-child relationship on the individual- psychologycal, interpersonal and microsocial spheres of the personality functioning of a child of primary school age (self-esteem, social emotions, social perceptions, social motives, social status) is revealed, which determine the peculiarities of the child social adaptation. It is shown that the violation of the parental relationship affects the display of anxiety in children of primary school age and sets negative strategies for such interaction. The relationship between parent-child relationships and parental coping behavior, which acts as a mechanism for their influence on the effectiveness of social adaptation of younger schoolchildren, has been revealed. It has been determined that the indicators of social adaptation have significant differences among junior pupils with different types of attachment to parents.

A scientifically based socio-psychological program for the correction of the destructive psychological impact of parent-child relationships on the social adaptation of younger schoolchildren has been developed; its efficiency has been proved. relationship social adaptation

Key words: younger schoolchildren, self-esteem, social emotions, social perceptions, social motives, social status, child-parent relationships, social adaptation.


Царенок Л.Б., Завацька Н.Є., Коваленко В.О., Царенок В.О.


Царенок Лілія Борисівна - кандидат психологічних наук, докторантка кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;

Завацька Наталія Євгенівна - доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи

Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;

Коваленко Валерій Олександрович - аспірант кафедри здоров'я людини та фізичного виховання Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;

Царенок Віталій Олександрович - аспірант кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ.

У статті розкрито особливості соціальної адаптації молодших школярів та дитячо-батьківських відносин. Виявлено психологічний вплив дитячо- батьківських відносин на індивідуально-психологічну, міжособистісну та мікросоціальну сфери функціонування особистості дитини молодшого шкільного віку (самооцінку, соціальні емоції, соціальні уявлення, соціальні мотиви, соціальний статус), що визначають особливості її соціальної адаптації. Показано, що порушення батьківського ставлення впливає на прояви тривожності у дітей молодшого шкільного віку та задає негативні стратегії такої взаємодії. Виявлено взаємозв'язок між дитячо-батьківськими відносинами і копінг-поведінкою батьків, яка виступає механізмом їх впливу на ефективність соціальної адаптації молодших школярів. З'ясовано, що показники соціальної адаптації мають значущі відмінності у молодших школярів із різними типами прихильності до батьків.

Розроблено та доведено ефективність науково обгрунтованої соціально- психологічної програми корекції деструктивного психологічного впливу дитячо- батьківських відносин на соціальну адаптацію молодших школярів.

Ключові слова: молодші школярі, самооцінка, соціальні емоції, соціальні уявлення, соціальні мотиви, соціальний статус, дитячо-батьківські відносини, соціальна адаптація.

Formulation of the problem

Currently, the dynamism of modern events (economic crisis, reassessment of social and individual values, negative changes in families, among which there is a violation of emotional ties between parents and children, destructive forms of parenting) are not only reflected in the state of the family, the attitude of parents to child, but also lead to problems in their interaction, to disruption of the child's social adaptation. In this regard, it is understandable that researchers are turning to the mentioned problem, in particular to considering the attitude of parents to the child as a relatively stable phenomenon over a long period of time, without taking into account the objective and subjective changes that occur in their interaction. However, the fragmentary character and predominant coverage of the psychological and pedagogical aspects of this problem actualize the search for socio- psychological means of optimizing the psychological influence of child-parent relations on the social adaptation of younger schoolchildren [1-4].

Analysis of recent research and publications

Research on this issue was mostly related to the determination of the influence of child-parent relations on the communication of younger schoolchildren with their peers (O. Andreeva, O. Gutsu, etc.) and the formation of empathy for their peers depending on the child-parent relationship in the family (V Bochelyuk, V. Kuzmina, etc.); the affective sphere of younger schoolchildren with different types of child-adult relationships (on the basis of research on fears) was considered (M. Panov and others). The significance of child- parent relations during the difficult period for a younger schoolchild at the beginning of schooling and his school adaptation is also emphasized (H. Wenger and others).

However, the vast majority of research was devoted to the study of child- parent relations in preschool and adolescence, which is related to the determination of the specifics of the leading types of activities in these age periods. In particular, the influence of the nature of intra-family relations on the socio-psychological adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution (O. Gurzhy, etc.), on the development of their value-need sphere (N. Zavatska, etc.); peculiarities of child-parent relations in families with preschoolers who have intellectual underdevelopment were revealed (L. Polivko and others); the socio-psychological features of the parent's position in organizing the leisure time of a modern preschooler are clarified; determined the dominant influence of encouragement and punishment on child-parent relations using the example of adolescence and considered the style of parental behavior as a factor in the occurrence and overcoming of chronic stress in adolescence (L. Boyarin, etc.).

The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of social adaptation of younger schoolchildren and child-parent relations.

Presentation of the main material and research results. The sample consisted of 96 complete and 87 incomplete families and 244 children (125 (51.2%) boys, 119 (48.8%) girls) aged 7 to 10 years.

At the empirical stage of the research, the specifics of the relationship between child-parent relations and parents' coping styles and their influence on the effectiveness of social adaptation of younger schoolchildren were clarified.

The most typical characteristics of the meaningful side of child-parent relations are singled out: domestic, related to the organization of family life (we have dinner, watch TV); social, related to the organization of leisure time in the form of personal communication (playing, walking); business, related to helping the child in his studies (doing lessons, preparing a speech); conflict, as a special type of social interaction (we quarrel, get offended).

It was found that one of the leading factors of child-parent relations is the system of evaluation characteristics received by the youngest schoolboy in the family. At the same time, in the content of the parental evaluation, a system of value orientations is set, which, being refracted in the image of the child's self, begins to influence its communicative selectivity.

The relationship between the characteristics of child-parent relations and the coping behavior of parents, as a mechanism of their positive or negative influence on the effectiveness of social adaptation of younger schoolchildren, has been established. It is shown that parental attitude based on the model of conditional acceptance in combination with the predominance of problem-oriented coping strategies contributes to the success of social adaptation of younger schoolchildren (x2=13.27; р<0.01); parental attitude based on the model of unconditional acceptance is associated with the frequent use of coping strategies focused on social distraction, and also has a positive effect on the success of the social adaptation of a child of primary school age (x2=14.32; p<0.01). It was found that the average degree of expression of problem- oriented coping of parents, associated with parental attitude according to the model of conditional acceptance, negatively affects the success of social adaptation of younger schoolchildren (x2=10.52; p<0.01). It was determined that the lack of expression of problem-oriented coping in the behavior of parents, connected, in particular, with an insufficient level of requirements for the child, contributes to the emergence of complications in social adaptation (x2=9.59; p<0.05). It was found that the insufficiently high level of control over the child, the inconsistency of educational influences, associated with the expressiveness of emotionally-oriented coping in parents' coping behavior, complicate the process of social adaptation of children of primary school age (x^ll.76; p<0.01).

At the formative stage of the study, out of 34 families that discovered destructive forms of child-parent relations, an experimental group was formed, which consisted of 18 families and their children - 15 boys and 10 girls aged 7-10 years who underwent a course of psychological correction; the control group consisted of 16 married couples and their children - 13 boys and 12 girls of primary school age, whose parents refused to participate in the correctional program.

The duration of psychocorrective work was one year, with the frequency of classes 1-2 times a week. Each lesson was designed for 45-50 minutes.

When building a socio-psychological program for the correction of the destructive psychological influence of child-parent relations on the social adaptation of younger schoolchildren, we relied on the principles of complexity and multifaceted study of family problems; principles of leading activity, humane and delicate attitude towards family members and the child himself; the principles of unity of diagnosis and corrective process, confidentiality and professional ethics of the specialist; the principle of identifying factors that affect the family atmosphere and child development (V. Tkachova).

The tasks of the socio-psychological program for correction of the destructive psychological influence of child-parent relations on the social adaptation of younger schoolchildren were to create an atmosphere of openness, trust in relationships between participants, and encouragement of free self-expression; awareness of problems in child-parent relations and elimination of emotional discomfort of the participants; assimilation of new knowledge about communication, abilities and skills of successful interaction; improvement of social abilities for sympathy, empathy, cooperation; formation of self-regulation skills and tendency to manage one's own emotions, in particular in empathogenic situations; conducive to the formation of instructions for a positive attitude and self-attitude; development of emotionality, sensitivity, morality, ability to reflect; reduction of internal contradictions, anxiety and aggressiveness of the participants of the psychocorrection program.

The program consisted of three interconnected blocks: diagnostic and instructional, corrective and formative, and control.

The diagnostic and instructional block involved obtaining information about the individual and typological characteristics of younger schoolchildren, their perception of their place in the structure of child-parent relations, sociometric status; analysis of data on the peculiarities of family interaction, as well as an active attitude towards psychocorrection, increasing confidence in its success, forming motives for selfknowledge and self-improvement.

The correctional and formative block was aimed at creating a new emotionally saturated experience of relationships of younger schoolchildren in the individual- psychological, interpersonal and microsocial spheres of personality functioning in order to overcome the manifestations of social maladaptation and its consequences, to form and consolidate the skills of effective self-assertion; increasing parents' awareness of the functional relationship between their own behavior and the child's behavior and correcting maladaptive forms of parental attitude; introducing changes aimed at normalizing the family structure.

The socio-psychological program for correcting the destructive psychological impact of child-parent relations on the social adaptation of younger schoolchildren consisted of a number of trainings: readiness training, perceptual training, affective reverberation training, cognitive analysis, communication, strengthening relationships and improving interpersonal interaction.

During the social and psychological correction, elements and methods of play therapy were used (game exercises and tasks, role playing of situations; exercises for self-discovery; psychogymnastic exercises for reproducing problematic forms of child-parent relations); body-oriented therapy (exercises for physical contact, for the development and enrichment of sensory-perceptual experience and the psychomotor sphere); fairy-tale therapy (group compilation of fairy tales, acting out fairy-tale plots); productive activity (drawing, application, sculpting, construction). Effective in this block of the proposed program were status psychotherapy, the technique of grouping into groups of different ages to perform a common task, collective creative work, which made it possible to spread the zone of variable development to all participants of the psychocorrective program.

The factors of correction of the destructive psychological influence of child- parent relations on the social adaptation of younger schoolchildren have been determined: value-oriented; personally reflective; prognostic; emotional and volitional; behavioral

The control block of the program included an assessment of the effectiveness of the implemented measures.

Positive changes in child-parent relations were revealed: tension and conflict between family members probably decreased, which contributed to a decrease in anxiety, a sense of inferiority and hostility in the family situation (Gkrit=12; p<0.05). A decrease in the manifestation of maladaptive forms of parental attitude, the establishment of mutual relations in child-parent interaction, which contributed to the development of voluntary self-regulation, emotional maturity of the subjects, namely a decrease in impulsive reactions, an adequate manifestation of emotions in accordance with social norms and requirements (Gcrit=18; р<0 ,05). It was established that the parents of the experimental group had a correlation between the image of child-parent interaction and the features of the image of the child with the realization of real relationships with him (р<0.05).

In the experimental group, statistically significant differences were determined according to the x2 criterion (р<0.01; р<0.05) between the results of the first and second diagnostic sections regarding the manifestations of constructive types of parental attitudes. Thus, the number of parents with authoritarian hypersocialization, rejection, according to the "symbiosis" and "little loser" types has decreased. Instead, the number of parents with such a socially desirable type of parenting as cooperation has increased significantly. The positive influence of formative activities on the perception of the family situation, their place in the family and its image, as well as the attitude towards its members by younger schoolchildren from the experimental group was found.

The analysis of the results of the formative influence showed that there were positive changes in the self-esteem of the younger schoolchildren of the experimental group. Thus, the number of subjects with low self-esteem decreased almost by half (Gcrit=24; p<0.05). Under the influence of the implemented social-psychological program, younger schoolchildren who had inflated self-esteem at the beginning of the experiment also experienced a change in self-esteem towards an increase in its level of adequacy (Gcrit=19; р<0.05).Встановлено достовірні зрушення щодо зменшення високої тривожності молодших школярів експериментальної групи, які виявлено при порівняльному аналізі рівнів їх тривожності до і після корекції ^крит=16; р<0,05).

There was a probable decrease in the number of younger schoolchildren with the status of rejected and isolated in groups (Gcrit=21; p<0.05). The number of choices among children who had the status of "chosen" increased significantly (Gcrit=10; p<0.01).

There were no statistically significant differences in the results of the first and second diagnostic sections in the control group.

Conclusions. The study of the peculiarities of the psychological influence of child-parent relations on the social adaptation of younger schoolchildren showed that such relations affect not only the individual and personal characteristics of children, but also the peculiarities of their interpersonal interaction. It is shown that violations of the parental attitude, in particular by the type of dominant hyperprotection, affect the manifestations of anxiety in children of primary school age and cause negative strategies of such interaction. The relationship between child-parent relations and parents' coping behavior is determined, which acts as a mechanism of their influence on the effectiveness of social adaptation of younger schoolchildren (emotional acceptance of the child according to the models of unconditional and conditional acceptance with a preference for problem-oriented coping strategies). It was found that indicators of social adaptation have significant differences in younger schoolchildren with different types of attachment to parents. They are significantly higher in children with a reliable type of attachment, who have a desired or accepted social status, adequate or inflated self-esteem, formed social ideas and social emotions. On the other hand, children with anxious-ambivalent and unreliable types, who mostly have a social status of rejected or isolated, are characterized by low self-esteem, a low level of formation of social emotions, social ideas and motives.

A socio-psychological program for the correction of the destructive psychological influence of child-parent relations on the social adaptation of younger schoolchildren was developed, which consisted of diagnostic-instructive, corrective- formative and control blocks, which contained measures of intrapersonal (individual psycho-correction), interpersonal (group psycho-correction) and microsocial (family psychotherapy and counseling) focus. The program measures provided for the creation of a social environment as a complete system that ensures group cohesion of all participants in the correctional process and provides for a comprehensive impact on both younger schoolchildren and their immediate environment, first of all, parents, provided that the basic social needs of the child are met with the use of adaptive developmental opportunities of various types of activities (subject-practical, game, educational, labor).

The effectiveness of the developed program was confirmed by a decrease in the level of anxiety of younger schoolchildren, a decrease in the number of negative emotions, aggressive-defensive reactions, seclusion of children, and an improvement in their sociometric status; there was a harmonization of child-parent relations, which contributed to increasing the effectiveness of social adaptation of younger schoolchildren.

Prospects for further research consist in the study of socio-psychological factors and mechanisms of child-parent relations and their influence on the social adaptation of children of different age groups and on the basis of their gender distribution. An important direction of further research is the study of the dynamics and ways of socio- psychological correction of child-parent relations and the improvement of the effectiveness of social adaptation of children in single-parent, large-child, guardian, problem (low-income, disadvantaged) families.


1. Colman W. Tyrannical omnipotence in the archetypal father. J. Analyt. Psychol. 2010. V. 45. P. 521-539.

2. Lamb M. The development and significance of father-child relationships in two-parent families / The role of the father in child development / M. Lamb, C. Lewis. -Wiley; New Jersey, 2014. Р. 272-307.

3. Maccoby E.E. Paranting and its effects on children: On Reading and Misreading Behavior Genetics. Annual Review of Psychology. 2010. V. 51. P. 1-27.

4. Parke R. Fathering and children's peer relationships / R. Parke, J. Dennis, K. Morns // The role of the father in child development. Wiley; New Jersey, 2014. Р. 307-341.


1. Colman W. Tyrannical omnipotence in the archetypal father. J. Analyt. Psychol. 2010. V. 45. P. 521-539. [in English].

2. Lamb M. The development and significance of father-child relationships in two-parent families / The role of the father in child development / M. Lamb, C. Lewis. -Wiley; New Jersey, 2014. Р. 272-307. [in English].

3. Maccoby E.E. Paranting and its effects on children: On Reading and Misreading Behavior Genetics. Annual Review of Psychology. 2010. V. 51. P. 1-27. [in English].

4. Parke R. Fathering and children's peer relationships / R. Parke, J. Dennis, K. Morns // The role of the father in child development. Wiley; New Jersey, 2014. Р. 307-341. [in English].

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