• Анализ методологий и подходов к функциональному моделированию и моделированию процессов. Разработка приложения для редактирования IDEF диаграмм на смартфонах и планшетах под управлением операционной системы Android. Описание алгоритма работы приложения.

    дипломная работа (1,1 M)
  • October 16, 1846 as the birth of anesthesiology. An article by I. Chistovich "On the amputation of the thigh under the mediation of sulfuric ether" published in the newspaper "Russian invalid". The phenomenon of anesthesia. Anesthesia of the skin.

    презентация (164,8 K)
  • The feminism of Nights at the Circus. The status of women and of existing relationships between women and men within Western culture and, more radically, propose possible avenues. Tales or autobiographies, inverted norms, carnivalization, fantasy.

    статья (2,6 M)
  • Verbal and nonverbal means of expressing anger. The problem of culture and emotion. The peculiarities of the expression of anger by different ethnic groups that populate Malaysia with special references to Llyod Fernando's novel "Green is the Colour".

    статья (22,2 K)
  • Purification, sequencing and synthesis of ACE-inhibitory and antibacterial peptides. Substrates and chemicals. Production of sodium caseinate hydrolysates. Hydrolysis of synthesized peptides or crude peptide fractions by trypsin and chymotrypsin.

    статья (356,7 K)
  • Study of one of the aspects of behavioral thermoregulation of a Nile crocodile Crocodyl usniloticus Laurenti in a crocodile farm in Djerba Explore Park. Determination of the opening width of the mouth during the stay with the angle between the open jaws.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • The deals with the question of the forms and methods of the apology of the ancien regime in England by the clergy of the Established Church, which was one of its most important pillars. Focusing on the four final decades of the "long 18th century".

    статья (30,9 K)
  • Church of England - institute that plays an active, a vital role in the life of the nation, proclaiming the Christian gospel in words, actions. Features of the functioning of Anglicanism in the context of inter-church dialogue in modern Christianity.

    статья (15,2 K)
  • Analysis of the prevalence of english borrowings among russian students. Assessment of the level of their socialization in the conditions of socio-economic transformations. The influence of language culture on the value orientations of young people.

    статья (16,1 K)
  • Modern world can hardly exist without the Internet, which has become a mandatory element of each field of life, from everyday communication to large business operation. The global effect of the net provides a lot of new opportunities for communication.

    статья (1,2 M)
  • Description of British-French relations in Egypt in the XIX century. Political manipulations of British and French capital to draw the country into the world capitalist economy. The relationship of a number of factors linking Egypt to global capitalism.

    статья (21,4 K)
  • Розгляд еволюції образу Галичини в художній літературі, мемуарах, історіографічному дискурсі та ментальності загалом. Визначення семіотики цього образу як наслідку реальної історії полікультурного регіону та як продукт міфотворчості його мешканців.

    статья (342,2 K)
  • Major problems for airports inconvenience animals. Runways and their negative effects on the birds. Backfire in the air: pushing with the aircraft. One of the most important issue of modern aviation. Forms are designed to protect the beast talisman.

    сочинение (10,3 K)
  • Principles that determine the development of contemporary Uzbek prose. A system of mythological representations that analyzes one of the oldest forms of perception of the world. A specific expression of mythological plots in the artistic context.

    статья (23,0 K)
  • The need to reveal the varieties of animation work in mapping with the forms of sociocultural activity. Reach of the formation of skansen in Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI century and showing the cultural and leisure component of their activities.

    статья (21,8 K)
  • The concept of Ankylosing spondylitis. Signs and symptoms, etiology and pathophysiology. Diagnosis of disease and it prognosis. Progressine deformity over a period of 36 years. Treatment and methods of control and prevention of ankylosing spondylitis.

    презентация (1,3 M)
  • Study of the electrochemical behavior of various anode materials in electrolytes containing trivalent chromium salts. Semiconductor properties of electrodes. The choice of the optimum anode material for the processes of chromium from electrolytes.

    статья (637,9 K)
  • Anodic deposition of own and extrinsic hydroxides on aluminium from electrolyte was studied by voltastatic method at low and high voltages. The mechanism of precipitation using the conception of fast neutralization coagulation, the models of nucleation.

    статья (179,8 K)
  • Causes of delivery anomalies. Consideration of pathological preliminary period, dis-coordinated labors, excessive labor, clinical manifestations, peculiarities of diagnosis and treatment. The impact of work on the anomalies of the fetus and newborn.

    презентация (1,3 M)
  • Сучасні мікрофауністичні дослідження міоценових відкладів Поділля та отримання нових результатів у фіксуванні баденій-сарматської межі (буглівські верстви). Доведене беззаперечне значення форамініфер як цінних груп для визначення віку гірських порід.

    статья (24,7 K)
  • Usage of the term Anonymous on imagebords, particularly the board of chan, dedicated to random content. Idea of exposing corruption within the system. Limiting information and enlarging author rights. Hacked many oil companies servers in order.

    презентация (1,1 M)
  • Lexico-semantic dominants, markers that distinguish the texts of medieval anthologies from each other. Analysis of the statistical distance between anonymous and author's texts. Differences between the anonymous Word of Wisdom and K. Turovsky's sermon.

    статья (2,2 M)
  • The authors consider and estimate the alternative methods of teaching. The development of modern science and technologies open up horizons for the new generations of students. The teachers need to find new combinations in a variety of modern methods.

    статья (19,7 K)
  • Criticism against the modern infosphere and public relations services. It is argued that they cannot be completely trusted, because they often manipulate public opinion and do not adequately perceive the processes that are taking place in reality.

    статья (16,3 K)
  • Question classification extracts useful information. Mathematical Machinery and Document Processing. State of the Art Query-based Summarization and Question Answering Systems. Answering Simple and Complex Questions, their experimental evaluation.

    дипломная работа (784,8 K)
  • Visual-analytical image of the personality of Ante Pavelych in the context of cultural, socio-systemological theory of cultural pathologies, sociopathies of identity. Predominance of affects of destructive hatred, envy of Serbs as ethnic competitors.

    статья (32,1 K)
  • Managers with of job satisfaction, thereby contributing to a more comprehensive theory of organization and management in the hospitality field. Analyzes of the effects of role conflict, burnout, socialization, and work autonomy on job satisfaction.

    статья (319,1 K)
  • The developed antenna system for use in measuring equipment. A technical description of the antenna system. The results of measurements and their comparison with the results obtained with the help of standard antennas included in the measuring equipment.

    статья (1,0 M)
  • The role of the English language in the spiritual and cultural life of the people. Analysis of the concept of convention by D. Lewis. Verbal means of expressing human feelings and thoughts. Speech methods of development of ethical norms and behavior.

    статья (24,8 K)
  • Lifestyle interventions to increase longevity and improve metabolic balance are discussed. Exploring the role of metabolite analysis, which provides accurate data on nutrient deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, environmental toxins, microbiome status.

    статья (139,4 K)