• Application of the asynchronous mode of the educational process to overcome the obstacles caused by the war. Ensuring academic integrity for the organization of high-quality asynchronous learning. The need for digital training of teachers and students.

    статья (23,5 K)
  • The simplest scheme of the valve stage is a outline with an intermediate DC circuit and a gate converter. The asynchronous-valve cascade provides the types of protection and interlocks from. The applied control scheme for regulating the speed of movement.

    статья (219,1 K)
  • Consideration of the problem of adequate translation of sedentary technical terms in the field of automotive industry. Research of specifics of translation of three-component technical terms which make difficulties at translation of technical texts.

    статья (20,9 K)
  • Analysis of the key ideas of existentialism, on the occasion of the book on existential issues S. Bakewell. Consideration of the meaning-generative nature of the heuristic concepts of existentialism in the meaning-making of the picture of the human world.

    статья (19,9 K)
  • Consideration of key ideas of existentialism in the last published book on existential issues by S. Bakewell. The meaning-generative nature of existence and the heuristics of the concepts of existentialism in the process of meaning-making the picture.

    статья (20,7 K)
  • Classes of arteries. Atherosclerosis is a disease of large and medium-sized muscular arteries and is characterized by endothelial dysfunction, vascular inflammation, and the buildup of cholesterol, cellular debris within the intima of the vessel wall.

    презентация (2,6 M)
  • Atherosclerosis is the condition in which an artery wall thickens as the result of a build-up of fatty materials such as cholesterol. Components of atherosclerotic plaques. Principles of diagnosis, strategy for preventing and treating this disease.

    презентация (106,7 K)
  • Atherosclerosis as type of arteriosclerosis. Things that can happen where plaque occurs. Facilitation of symptoms and reduction of risk factors with the purpose of deceleration, stop, or change of advertisement of plaque. Foods high in soluble fibre.

    презентация (2,6 M)
  • Определение ATL (above-the-line) и BTL (below-the-line), их целевые аудитории, виды (печатные СМИ, телевидение, радио, реклама в кинотеатрах, outdoor (наружная реклама), indoor (реклама в местах продаж), на автотранспорте и в Интернете) и инструментарий.

    презентация (1006,3 K)
  • Сети с трансляцией ячеек. Установление соединения с получателем. Механизм коммутации, стандарты модели АТМ. Типы виртуальных каналов. Создание и поддержание топологической базы данных. Построение иерархии протокола PNNI. Интерфейс обмена данными (DXI).

    курсовая работа (671,1 K)
  • With sufficient scrutiny features of environmental role as a factor of precipitation formation of environmental hazards in urban areas. It is shown that the leaching of pollutants from the atmosphere leads to a technologically-transformed sediments.

    статья (981,1 K)
  • The steam power plant, atomic and solar energy. Heat generating station. Principle of operation of gas turbine. Water and district heating. Thermodynamic process and classification of organic fuel. Steam turbine, heat transfer and mass transfer.

    методичка (496,9 K)
  • The obstacle in the way of nanotechnologies is the lack of selective "scalpel and forceps", the instruments to operate with particles of size less than 10-9 meters, particularly with molecules and atoms. Atomic forceps and scalpel for nanotechnologies.

    статья (650,4 K)
  • Amyloid fibrils, which include PAP248-286 and PAP85-120 fragments of prostatic acid phosphatase. Studying the features of oligomers of SEVI-forming peptides by constructing their molecular models that have proven their effectiveness in the study of SEVI.

    статья (703,3 K)
  • Угнетающее действие ATP на амплитуду постсинаптических токов как пресинаптический эффект. Стимуляция двигательного нерва прямоугольными импульсами. Регистрация флуоресцентных сигналов в ответ на нервный стимул. Значимость различий между выборками.

    статья (19,5 K)
  • Atragene speciosa – лекарственное растение. Изучение эколого-ценотических особенностей этого вида в Алтае-Саянской горной области для использования природных популяций для сбора лекарственного сырья и разработки рекомендаций для промышленных плантаций.

    статья (16,7 K)
  • Investigate the changes of serum markers of collagen in patients with various forms of atrial fibrillation. Analysis intensity of extracellular synthesis and degradation of type I collagen which may be related to severity and type of atrial fibrillation.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • Advantages and disadvantages of robotics in atrial septal defect repair and consider about future of robotics in cardiac surgery. Advantages of open-heart surgery comparing with robotic-assisted surgery. Negative influence of instruments to other organs.

    статья (282,6 K)
  • Depreciation of fixed assets, dynamics of waste water discharge into surface water bodies and trends in emission of harmful air pollutants in Ukraine. Mechanism of environment focused anti-recessionary management of industrial production development.

    статья (426,9 K)
  • Consideration of the philosophical questions of logic, problems of cybernetics and artificial intelligence and their role in the formation of programming languages and computer science as a science. Questions of computer etiquette and legal framework.

    статья (15,0 K)
  • Philosophical questions of logic and philosophical problems of cybernetics. Classify the philosophical problems of Informatics. The nature of information as a form. Problem with spontaneousness in computer as a problem of philosophic nature.

    статья (398,9 K)
  • The highlight of the attempts of the entire oil industry of interwar Poland to unite in order to overcome mutual competition and achieve greater economic success. Regulation of the oil industry of interwar Poland. The task of oil industry and government.

    статья (72,2 K)
  • Coverage of attempts by the entire oil industry of interwar Poland to unite in order to overcome mutual competition and achieve economic success. The emergence of disputes between individual foreign companies, between foreign and local entrepreneurs.

    статья (67,3 K)
  • The role and significance of attenuation by vegetation in remote sensing. The model of vegetation as a continuous medium. Effective dielectric constant of vegetation. Methods of measurements of attenuation. The directions of future research needs.

    статья (304,8 K)
  • Problems of reducing the probability of the speaker in the discourse and the disclosure of its means of expression. Research of objective statements in different registers of discourse using the linguistic category of modality. Discourse hedging strategy.

    статья (17,1 K)
  • Increasing the security of cryptocurrency market participants. Optimizing the investment portfolio of traders. The use of artificial intelligence and chatbots in the financial and trade spheres. Prevention of fraud, detection of suspicious transactions.

    статья (509,1 K)
  • Location and administrative structure of the ancient Russian city of Tver. Population, economy and transport infrastructure of Tver as the administrative center of the Tver region. Sights, monuments, streets, architecture and famous people of the city.

    статья (21,9 K)
  • The nonlinearly damped semilinear wave equation and a thermoelastic Mindlin-Timoshenko plate system with nonlinear viscous damping. The upper semi-continuity of the attractor with respect to the parameters related to the coupling terms and the shear.

    статья (269,6 K)
  • Історія виникнення компанії Audi та її засновник. Характеристика нової системи Quattro. Модельний ряд та їх зовнішній вигляд: дорожні та гоночні автомобілі. Участь у автомобільному спорті (види спортивних автомобілів). Концепт-кари і їх особливості.

    презентация (4,2 M)
  • Concentration and research on the characteristics of audience as an actual living and influential figure in the discourse production. Aspects of the processes of speech production and speech perception in the process of technical information transfer.

    статья (19,5 K)