Особливості дослідження інформації про першу флористичної знахідку Woodsia alpina S.F. Gray на території Донецького кряжу в околицях м. Міусинськ Луганської обл. Підтвердження існування локалітетів Asplenium - heufleri Reichardt в даній місцевості.
- 1292. Assembler для Java
Оценка целесообразности применения низкоуровневого машинного кода совместно с высокоуровневым языком программирования. Рассмотрение возможности произвести вставку ассемблерного кода в языке Java. Цели совмещения Java и ассемблера. Java Native Interface.
The interest of researchers from various fields in teaching academic writing in English in Russian universities. Consideration of the issues of the development of academic literacy as general methodological, without focusing on the subject area.
Analysis of applied research on the subject of competitiveness of timber industry products. The theory of international trade M. Porter. Construction of optimization models for the development of the forest industry based on various industry indicators.
Water resources assessment, irrigation and agricultural developments in Tajikistan. Food policy reforms for sustainable agricultural development in Uzbekistan. Crop evapotranspiration. Guidelines for computing crop water requirements in the country.
- 1296. Assessing investment attractiveness of commercial medical organization based on financial modelling
To design the valuation methodology of a commercial medical company "Mother and Child" based on DCF approach which includes ESG factors, risks of the specific sector of economy, financial analysis and modeling, recommendations for decision making.
Research of international literacy for the adequacy of factors and indicators in rating assessments. Determination of the ratios of financial indicators. Review of methodologies for assessing the credit rating of banks. Investments in securities.
- 1298. Assessing the activities of the nurses in inpatient settings through the eyes of geriatric patients
Study of the opinion of geriatric patients about the received health care in the hospital, the conditions for improving the quality of nursing care in hospital departments. Evaluation of the activities of nursing staff of hospitals in the city of Plovdiv.
Learning the optimal nutritional status. Consideration of the concept of the dietary assesment, as a comprehensive evaluation of a person's food intake. Estimating average intake of nutrients. Familiarization with nutritional deficiency diseases.
During the development of natural resources of people actively in contact with unfavorable environmental conditions. It concerns the use of floating means. To reduce the adverse effects of environment requires the design of products for special purposes.
Content, forms and methods of foreign language learning in the context of education for sustainable development. Increasing the level of literacy and awareness of future specialists. Development of students' foreign language communicative competence.
The influence of the perception of the quality of service and the perception of value by the client on the relationship between the hallmarks of the restaurant and the intention of customers to return. Customer experience in full-service restaurants.
The existing conditions need developing the new approaches to managing the economy from the standpoint of marketing, forecasting and developing the strategies to ensure the effectiveness of the functioning the individual industries and the state.
The model obtained as a result of the study can be recommended for use in strategic management in assessing the probability of implementing various scenarios of potential development and the possibility of achieving the enterprises’ strategic goals.
Analyzes the level of organizational and economic system of suburban countryside development, the strategy of its formation. Integrated zoning and clusterization of rural areas. Activities: processing industry, agriculture, logistics and recreation.
The idea of regional integration as a tool for promoting structural transformation in Africa. The business case for overcoming the constraints of small and fragmented African economies operating in isolation. Role of the Organization of African Unity.
- 1307. Assessing the quality of the didactic process on the base of its monitoring with the use of ICT
The problem of evaluation, quality assurance of the didactic process with the use of ICT-based platform QUELA and simulation of Microsystems Dero. The use of interdisciplinary approaches and integration of knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology.
The importance of the service quality. The ways of assessing the services quality in terms of process and product services at the ophthalmic clinic. Quality evaluation of services process and product. The company competitiveness and its growth potential.
The assessment and ranking of the natural, cultural, and socio-economic potential of all administrative entities forming the South of Russia in terms of their importance for tourism have been carried out. Assessment of socio-economic potential.
The upgrading of road networks on raster topographic maps according to the satellites located on the earth’s surface. Consideration of the benefits of using the given image format for map updates. The particular location of objects on space images.
- 1311. Assessment and spatial diversity of the competitiveness of communes of the Swictokrzyskie province
The commune is the basic local government unit. Analysis the spatial disproportions in the competitiveness of poviats of the Swictokrzyskie Voivodship using a synthetic measure. Diversification of the measure of regional competitiveness of poviats.
Determination of the main ways to improve the academic achievement of trainees by developing test formats based on competence in dental education. Application of the training monitoring system for the licensing of integrated preparation for the exam.
Causes of climate unease in warm and cool seasons. Studying photovoltaic capacity of Astrakhan region. The coincidence of the rise and recession periods of biological rhythms with the coming weather, the meteolability effect, causes of meteodependent.
Frequency of complement deficiency in patients with meningococcal disease in the Netherlands from 1959 through 1992. Studies pedigree for identifying those complement-deficient persons who require vaccination. The annual rate of meningococcal disease.
Development of a methodology for assessing the contribution of corporate structures of the construction business to the economic development of territories. Support from the management bodies for the functioning of corporate business structures.
The analysis of factors, conditions that affect the attractiveness of mining investment in Poland. Political risk, institutions and foreign direct investment. Measurement of competitive advantages and market attractiveness for strategic controlling.
- 1317. Assessment of cultural impacts of hosting an international track and field event in Indianapolis
Methodological underpinnings of cultural impact assessment. Cultural and social impacts of hosting major sports events. Social and cultural advantages of hosting mega sports events. Sociocultural disadvantages of hosting track and field events.
Analysis of international experience in assessing the human and material losses of the war in Ukraine in 2022. Development of a methodology for the revival of the national economy and social infrastructure that suffered from Russia's armed aggression.
Based on the analysis of international experience, the theoretical and methodological aspects of the PDNA approach, a comparative analysis of the application of the damage assessment methodology on the example of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Gaza were studied.
At the level of the system of gullen drainage areas of the river, the analysis is carried out of the impact of forecast and actual runoff costs on the development of erosion-hydrological processes. Ecological assessment of the structure of crop rotations.