- 1141. Money
Using money for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Barter and the double coincidence of wants. Earliest money and its general functions. The earliest money was commodity money. Modern problems with commodity money.
Review of the issue of banknotes issued in Odessa in 1917-1919 during the periods of its stay under the rule of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Denikin's Volunteer Army, and the Soviet government. Review of the volume of emission policy in these periods.
- 1143. Money laundering
Money laundering is the process of substitution of real illegal sources of funds to fictitious legal. The necessity of this. Methods and models of money laundering. Three steps strategy: placement, layering, integration. Fighting against money laundering.
The purpose of the work is to assess the linguistic proximity of various Mongolian idioms within the Qinghai-Gansu language union, with the main attention being paid to the Minghe language and Huzu dialects. Directions and models of language changes.
Analysis of information technology monitoring and correction of the functional state of students in the process learning created based on developed models, complex criteria classification of constituent states models, algorithms normalized estimates.
- 1146. Monitoring business structures activity to predict their development under condition of martial law
Current issues of constant monitoring of changes in the business activity of business structures. Implementation of monitoring of business activity of industrial business structures of Ukraine to forecast their development in conditions of martial law.
The average daily intensity and fuel consumption along the highway of Baku-Guba-Russian border. The composition and amount of wastes compliant to the average two-year fuel consumption on the highway. Map-scheme of the highway of Baku-Guba-Russian border.
The main cognitive determinants of modern youth, which are leading, orienting on self-determination at the professional, personal level. Cognitive components of professional self-determination of university students. Improvement of pedagogical conditions.
- 1149. Monitoring of general secondary education quality: diagnostic and competency scientific position
The scientific basis of monitoring the quality of education on the basis of diagnostic and competence understanding of the possibilities of systematic research of this process in general secondary education institutions. The functions of monitoring.
Challenges related to measurement and use indices of adolescent intelligence. Technique and computer tool to monitor schoolchildren of mathematic classes' abilities. Improvement of the mechanisms of intelligence development require longitudinal studies.
The procedure of coordinating solutions for individual subsystems and does not require iterative calculations by subsystem. Setting the nodes with PMU as slack nodes of subsystems provides coordination of voltage phase angles in subsystem calculations.
Synchronized measurements (the registrations of the transients) of the regime parameters, including vectors of the voltage in the network nodes, creating the technical possibility of realization of the technologies for checking of regime admissibility.
The model of the monitoring commercial potential level of intellectual technologies using the arctangent function. Four characteristic sets of the monitoring function values; in every set there are provided appropriate recommendations for companies.
To determine the level of entrepreneurial competence achieved by secondary school students in the learning process, the following criteria for the formation of this quality are appropriate: the criterion of value orientation, the criterion of resource.
Study of terminology and features of the use of professional terms in Ukrainian, English and Portuguese languages. Analysis of the formation of biterms or polyterms. Systematization of monomials in mathematics according to their syntagmatic relations.
Similarities between terms and interrelation of the terms in an algebraic expression in mathematics and terms/components of the term and interrelation of the terms in the term, which is a terminological set expression in a language for specific purpose.
- 1157. Monoraphidium (Selenastraceae, Chlorophyta) - перспективний продуцент біомаси для біоенергетики
Розгляд результатів дослідження нового регіонального штаму зеленої водорості Monoraphidium (Selenastraceae, Chlorophyceae) з метою оцінки його біотехнологічного потенціалу для виробництва біодизеля. Аналіз особливостей методу світлової мікроскопії.
Features of electronic radiation by using the Monte Carlo method in terms of the asymmetry of the protective values of bimetallic dual layer system. The calculation of the dose over protective structure, its application for weight and size protection.
Study of response function of CdZnTe detector to measure the energy spectra of electrons. The calculation of spectra by the Monte Carlo method. The use detector model fitting parameters: products of mobility on the average lifetimes of electrons, holes.
Analysis of one of the social functions of monuments: the role of markers of the territory on which it is installed. Marking of space in the context of cultural tradition. A monument is an imprint of the cultural tradition within which it was created.
Этапы развития "Памятника Костюму". Анализ взглядов ученых и исследователей, в разное время изучавших серию гравюр. Исследование неизвестных фактов публикации "Памятника". Оценка стилевого решения гравюр, созданных в период "большого стиля" рококо.
Deals with the key features of the inclusion of Saint Volodymyr’s monument in the reports on the students’ and pupils’ excursions to Kyiv in the early 20th cent. The monument is located in an open 24 hours a day space, unlike the church or museum.
The urgent need for modern Ukrainian cultural studies and art studies. Introduction to the scientific and cultural circulation of documents of Ukrainian music. Restoration of the history of artistic existence of national culture at stages of development.
Competence as a set of human skills to achieve an effective result. Required set of skills in relation to specific roles and responsibilities. Increasing the competence of a university student with the help of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course).
Provision of educational services through the use of information and communication technologies in education in accordance with state education standards. Computer testing is the most objective and standardized method of monitoring students' perfo
Аналітика та візуалізація даних Moodle з Power BI. Особливості оптимізації навчання та середовища, в яких воно відбувається. Використання аналізу великих даних з метою покращення навчального процесу. Дослідження ефективності процесу викладання Moodle.
- 1167. Moodle як основа системи дистанційного навчання та формування електронного освітнього середовища
Вивчення системи дистанційного навчання LMS Moodle у сучасному освітньому процесі, яка надає платформу, що дозволяє створювати та вести дистанційні курси. Переваги та недоліки Moodle як сучасного інтернет-середовища при використанні в освітньому процесі.
Рассмотрение программного обеспечения для дистанционного обучения. Изучение функций, компонентов системы Moodle. Создание обучающих заданий: лекций, семинаров, опросов, тестов. Формирование отчетов, выставление оценок. Установка приложения на сайте школы.
- 1169. Mopфoцитoxiмiчнa тa iмyнoфeнoтипoвa xapaктepиcтикa гeмoблacтoзiв y дiтeй 1984-1987 poкiв нapoджeння
Аналіз мopфoцитoxiмiчниx тa iмyнoфeнoтипoвиx xapaктepиcтик клiтин пaтoлoгiчниx клoнiв пpи piзниx нoзoлoгiчниx фopмax гeмoблacтoзiв y хворих. Особливість eкcпpeciї нa блacтниx речовинax aнтигeнниx мapкepiв з вiдпoвiдним пiдвapiaнтом гocтpoгo лeйкoзy.
Determined of style grid the most effective management style (organizer) of civil servants and established dominant management style (manipulator) in domestic government agencies. Proposed to pay special attention to the observance of business culture.