Deals with the key features of the inclusion of Saint Volodymyr’s monument in the reports on the students’ and pupils’ excursions to Kyiv in the early 20th cent. The monument is located in an open 24 hours a day space, unlike the church or museum.
Competence as a set of human skills to achieve an effective result. Required set of skills in relation to specific roles and responsibilities. Increasing the competence of a university student with the help of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course).
- 1053. Moodle як основа системи дистанційного навчання та формування електронного освітнього середовища
Вивчення системи дистанційного навчання LMS Moodle у сучасному освітньому процесі, яка надає платформу, що дозволяє створювати та вести дистанційні курси. Переваги та недоліки Moodle як сучасного інтернет-середовища при використанні в освітньому процесі.
Рассмотрение программного обеспечения для дистанционного обучения. Изучение функций, компонентов системы Moodle. Создание обучающих заданий: лекций, семинаров, опросов, тестов. Формирование отчетов, выставление оценок. Установка приложения на сайте школы.
- 1055. Mopфoцитoxiмiчнa тa iмyнoфeнoтипoвa xapaктepиcтикa гeмoблacтoзiв y дiтeй 1984-1987 poкiв нapoджeння
Аналіз мopфoцитoxiмiчниx тa iмyнoфeнoтипoвиx xapaктepиcтик клiтин пaтoлoгiчниx клoнiв пpи piзниx нoзoлoгiчниx фopмax гeмoблacтoзiв y хворих. Особливість eкcпpeciї нa блacтниx речовинax aнтигeнниx мapкepiв з вiдпoвiдним пiдвapiaнтом гocтpoгo лeйкoзy.
Determined of style grid the most effective management style (organizer) of civil servants and established dominant management style (manipulator) in domestic government agencies. Proposed to pay special attention to the observance of business culture.
The study of the phenomenon of moral and ethical reflection as an integral characteristic of the personality, reflecting the value and semantic reference points that affect the characteristics of personal development. The active position of an adult.
Explore and analyze the moral and psychological aspects of separatism, which depends on the individual’s demeanor to the problem of inequality. The traumatic legacy of the past has always had a profound imprint on the present and future of every nation.
Exaltation of the human mind and its abilities, coupled with the struggle for its independence and self-government, including from God. Assay of Wolf's formulation of the basic principles of his ethical system in the "German Ethics", published in 1720.
Characteristic of the specificity of moral norms. Analysis of the formation of moral rules, principles and normative value of ideas. Study of the noral values in human existence. Characteristic of religion and religious values, and values in law.
Analysis of moral role in modern Ukrainian university idea formation. Role of person moral consciousness level forming is showed, especially of level of legal consciousness and culture in new academic culture establishment, element of which is honesty.
This article addresses a long-held dispute across social science disciplines: that market and moral economies are distinctly different and even contradictory. Moral and Market Economies. Revisiting Moral Economy: Nebulous Logics and Misspecified Debates.
Addresses a dispute across social science disciplines: that market and moral economies are distinctly different and even contradictory. Study of examples of economic transformations that involved not only interests and markets, but also moral claims.
The place of emotions in the formation of judgments and moral decisions. The role of emotional competence for the moral development of a person. Pedagogical implications, the relationship of emotional and moral development in the processes of education.
The place of emotions in the processes of forming judgments and making moral decisions. The emotional competence for moral development of a person. An exploration of the concept of morality, Alfred D. Ayer's emotivism and Alan Hibbard's emotivism.
Characteristics of the the historically developed traditions of combining Greek and Latin words in one meaningful sentence. The existence of different terms, words to denote the same concept - the main factor that provokes differences in meanings.
Identification of moral priorities in multicultural communication. The use of conceptual provisions in ethics and philosophical anthropology, which determine the problem field of moral anthropology. Rationale for the relationship between man and culture.
Arguments in favor of the relevance of classical criminology for solving modern problems of the criminal justice system. Criticism of criminal law for the imposition of very harsh sentences. The fundamental principle of political and legal freedom.
The moral values and ways of their representation in Russian and English fairy tales. The language interpretation of such moral values as good, diligence, wisdom and the system of seniority. A difference in the range of development of the nation.
Representation of onyms (names of stores) in the lexicon of movies. Injecting a part of the concept into the formation of a manifestation about the cognized sphere. A look at the subframe storenames on the materials of the survey of residents of Kiev.
General characteristics of the main ways and means of determining the current language situation in Morocco. Acquaintance with the features of the Moroccan language situation in the XX-XXI centuries. Analysis of the state of the Moroccan dialect.
Morphology as part of grammatical theory and the two segmental units: the morpheme and the word. The morpheme as a meaningful segmental component of the word. The roots of notional words, morphemic composition and syntagmatic connections of the morphemes.
Morphological classification of the sandstone rocks in the Ukrainian Carpathians Beskids. By the methods of field measurements and mathematical computations the rock peaks heights, their shape, basement lengths and strata thickness have been calculated.
Pharmacognostic study of the Aspirin Arymonium, which is a poorly studied species of the Rosaceae family growing on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Morphological and anatomical structure of the leaves and stems of grass of Asian agrarians.
Crystalline and electronic structures of nanoalumina alone and in different mixtures with nanosilica. X-ray diffraction and ultrasoft X-ray emission spectroscopy. Pore size distributions calculated. Resalts of the OKa emission bands of alumina in samples.
Comparative characteristics of ways of expressing movement and process in Turkic and English. Selection of a group of words that reproduce the process without the use of any morphological expression. Dependence of verbs on the duration of the process.
Macro- and morphometric parameters of cerebellum and cytoarchitectonies of its structures. Morphometric, anatomical-histological, and immunohistochemical studies of cerebellum of 116 human embryos and fetuses aged from 6-7 weeks up to 39-40 weeks.
Description of the researched thesaurus nomination. ITS morphological features, as syntactic and cognitive-discursive features. Synonymous relationships of terms, metaphorization, transition of commonly used lexical units into terminological vocabulary.
A study of the English morpholized concept BIO-, which is one of the most active in the processes of conceptual derivation of biotechnological linguistic-mental units. Lexicalized concepts that are actively used at the level of information explanation.
The purpose of morphological analysis in the semantics. Types of morphemes. Connections of lexical units by means of derivation, inflection and compounding. The reasons for the derivation of the word. Inflectional suffixes in the English language.