The consequences of the use of psychoactive substances - diseases that lead to mental, somatic and social decompensation. Diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of surfactant users. Fundamentals of drug addiction and psychotherapeutic assistance.
The system of psychotherapy and psychoprophylaxis in the complex treatment of persons, who use psychoactive substances and have somatic consequences in the family medicine practice. The system of provision of primary medical care to such patients.
- 1863. Public administration in the field of land relations in Ukraine: trends, challenges and solutions
The analysis of the organizational and legal issues of the system of land public administration in Ukraine and elaboration of solutions for its development. The system of land public administration in Ukraine. Administrative procedures in the field.
Analysis of cientific approaches to defining the category of "public administration in the field of physical culture and sports" contained in domestic and foreign scientific literature. The role of local self-government, civil society institutions.
Studied and analyzed the sequence of formation of the mechanism for providing administrative services. Basic normative-legal acts, which implemented administrative services and prospects for their quality control, were generalized and systematized.
The peculiarities of administration in the Eastern Partnership countries in terms of developing the export potential of small and medium enterprises are determined. The exports of Ukrainian goods to the EU, Belarus and Georgia revealed some dynamics.
The essence and subjects of public administration its elements: state, regional and local, public. Regional structure of chambers of commerce and industry. The main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of state management of international trade.
Studying the conditions of state management of space activities in China and in one of the stable countries in Europe - the Kingdom of Sweden. Efficiency of the work of the State Space Agency of Ukraine through the improvement of public administration.
In this paper, a systematic approach is applied, which consists in a comprehensive study of the mechanism of state regulation of the development of the agrarian sector of the economy as a whole with the harmonized functioning of all its components.
The agrarian sector is the most important component of the economy of any country. The political aspect of reforming the agrarian sector of the Bulgarian economy. Thegradual transition of Bulgarian agrarian sector to the path of integration with the EU.
The most widespread European concepts of the state governance of power and business interaction. An analysis of the peculiarities of the interaction between the power and business in Ukraine. Approaches to the study of business as a political actor.
The place of business in society. Ukraine's participation in globalization processes and the need to strengthen the role of the state in socio-economic life . Spreading the concept of Public Administration between government and business in Europe.
Features and main components of state management of education. The mechanisms of state regulation of education are determined, among which: levers, methods and incentives, by means of which the state regulates the functioning and development of education.
- 1874. Public administration system and civil service in Ukraine: transformation to the European standards
Problems of reforming the system of public administration and civil service of Ukraine, improving the regulatory framework for their functioning, expanding the rights and powers of local governments. Bringing public administration to European standards.
- 1875. Public administration system and civil service in ukraine: transformation to the european standards
Problems: reforming the system of public administration and service, improving the legal framework for functioning, expanding the rights and powers of local governments, bringing their activities in line with the requirements of the European Union.
- 1876. Public administration system and civil service in Ukraine: transformation to the European standards
Assessment of the system of public administration and civil service. Establishing that in conditions of socio-economic and political turbulence caused by internal and external factors, the institution of public administration faces a range of problems.
Аналіз теорії дихотомії, закладеної в основу сучасної моделі публічного управління на Заході. Створення умов для професіоналізації та демократизації системи публічного управління на Заході. Основні недоліки сучасної української моделі управління.
Comparative characteristics of public and private law in the field of international tourism. Analysis of the main tendencies of normative and legal regulation of international tourist activity are exemplified by the legislation of the European Union.
Дослідження руху Public art в українському мистецькому просторі. Критика подібної культурної парадигми як популістської західними аналітиками і митцями від середини ХХ ст. Характеристиа невідповідності "contemporary plop art" сутності Public art.
It has been established that the basis of social conflicts is the clash of certain interests (state, regional, political, religious). The multiplicity of military conflicts in the world is shown, the need for their peaceful settlement is substantiated.
The impact of manipulative technologies on public consciousness. The peculiarities of manipulative technologies are determined: the presence of subject interested in manipulation; focus on the spiritual, psychological components of the human personality.
Peculiarities of public control over the activities of the National Police in Ukraine. Public-authority nature of management activity, administrative-legal powers of the National Police. Citizen appeals as a tool of public control over police activities.
Analyzes of the activities of physical culture correspondents as a component and a rather specific part of the movement of working-class and rural correspondents of common to the Soviet press of the 1920s — 1930s. Goals of the Rabselcor movement.
An increase in financial risks and an increase in the probability of default with the growth of public debt. Establishment by the European Union of rules governing public debt and its management in member countries. Peculiarities of currency policy.
Familiarity with the main causes of public debt and its increase in Ukraine. Consideration of the impact of the high level of debt burden on the economy of Ukraine. General description of the most important trends in debt growth during 2012-2017.
Analysis of Ukraine's public diplomacy in the context of strained relations with Russia. Consideration of public diplomacy as a tool for shaping the perception of Ukraine in the West, under constant threats of information influence of Russian Federation.
The interplay between Ukraine's public diplomacy and the dynamic realm of social media. Analysis of the role of social media platforms in disseminating credible information, fostering a positive national image, and garnering international support.
Critical discourse studies the interdisciplinary connections between the use and reproduction of language and the social and cultural aspects of society. The term "discourse" is an organized text that has all the markers of cohesion and coherencе.
Critical discourse analysis as a methodology for identifying features of public discourse. Identifying connections between language use and social and cultural aspects of society. Analysis of gender, social, political, power aspects of public discourse.
The paper examines the thematic lines of discussions and their sentiments with an emphasis on the negative attitudes, the interests of authors who write on the researched subject, the platforms and countries where discussions take place and their focus.