Розгляд значення Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) у контексті завдань, які постають перед Україною у зв’язку з офіційним набуттям нею 23 червня 2022 року статусу кандидата в члени Європейського Союзу. Орієнтовний перелік принципів права Європи.
Использование DDoS-атак для полного прекращения работы атакуемого сервера за счет подачи на него большого количества ложных запросов. История возникновения и основные виды DDoS-атак. Использование троянских программ для осуществления DDoS-атаки.
Скрининг клинически значимых активирующих соматических мутаций в гене KRAS, определение его статуса методом ddPCR. Детекция активирующих мутаций в таргетных генах, полученных из биоптатов кожи пациентов с меланомой и доброкачественными новообразованиями.
Особенности перевода трактата Плутарха, выявление его источника - того базового издания, которым пользовался Писарев в своей переводческой работе. Анализ порядка слов в переводах поэтических цитат у Писарева. Особенности маркирования цитат переводчиком.
- 35. De vertaling van oekraiense begrippen in Gogols avonden op een hoeve Nabij Dikanka in het Nederlands
The preservation of the "exotic" Ukrainian coloring of "Dikanka" and the study of lists of Ukrainisms. Compiling a dictionary of" non-Dutch " words that would have approximately the same connotation for the Dutch reader as Ukrainisms for Russian.
Analysis of the factors of de-nationalization of the sovereignty of modern states. Features of de-nationalization of state sovereignty and the formation of a global "Maidan". Consideration of transformational trends that occur in institutional mechanisms.
The prospects of scientific research in the field of housing relations regulation. Justification of the foundations that will be laid in the new edition of the Housing Code. Legal features of housing, state guarantees of realization of the right.
Review of the strategies, projects, and their results in connection with US international broadcasting towards Russia and, more broadly, towards Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space. Shifts in US international broadcasting during the 2013-2016.
Consideration of behavioral problems of students of higher education institutions. Determination of the most effective methods of working with deviant behavior. Study of cases of complex behavior of education seekers and search for ways to combat it.
Концептуализация социального порядка, имплицитно существующая в Death Stranding и локализованная как в сеттинге, так и в механиках игры, и сравнение ее с концептуализацией "Левиафана" Гоббса. Четыре теоретических гомологии Death Stranding и "Левиафана".
The establishment of multilateral organizations and mechanisms to deal with and manage global problems after World War II. The forms of regional organizations, mechanisms for the management and governance of regional affairs in different regions.
Stages and analysis of the results of the debate in Germany on the sharing of nuclear materials. Different views of the German representatives on further participation in the operational and technical aspects of the sharing of nuclear materials.
The reform of local self-government, the main component of which is decentralization. At the same time, the main goal of the reform of local self-government, in our opinion, is timely, effective, independent provision of its effective activity.
The process of formation of constitutionalism in Ukraine. Analysis of the evolution of the system of local self-government of Ukraine after independence and the origins of its modern problems. Control and supervision of local self-government bodies.
- 45. Decentralization of Public Power in Ukraine as a Factor in the Democratic Development of Rural Areas
Issues of decentralization of public power: the main directions of this process. Summarizing the mechanisms of its influence on the level of development of rural areas in the context of the democratization process. Reformatting of regional identities.
The aim of the article is to propose to combine the Ukrainian municipal reform and the Ukrainian attempts of the raise the effectiveness of the implementation of the ECHR's judgements. Shown the perspectives of the further researches in this field.
The role of machine learning in oceanic research. Application of artificial intelligence in oceanography. Forecasting ocean currents using ML models. Implementation of ML algorithms for the analysis of marine biodiversity and deep-sea ecosystems.
The use of intuition among managers holding different religiosity views. Authors in the "spiritual turn of management" school uphold that spiritual practices of managers improve their abilities of intuition which helps them make superior decisions.
A concept of a decision support system (DSS) for modeling and forecasting of economic and financial processes is proposed as well as its software implementation. The main functions of the DSS are in modeling of nonstationary nonlinear time series.
Characterization of the discussion of heuristics and bias (biases) considered by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Fast and economical heuristics proposed by Gerd Gigerenzer and colleagues. An interdisciplinary study of the analytical network method.
Політичні зміни в суспільному житті України після подій Майдану 2013-2014 рр. Прискорення процесів декомунізації. Демонтаж пам’ятників, монументів та меморіалів тоталітарної доби та її символіки. Деякі суттєві недоліки "декомунізаційного законодавства".
Cyclically adjusted price-earnings ratio - one of the most valuable insights for a better measure of publicly held company's long-term financial performance. The forecasting model which based on the method to test predictors of the equity premium.
Identification Derrida of concepts of availability, letters with concept of a deconstruction. Destructions as an exercise in geared-up "textualist" mystification in works of de Man. Doctrine about explosive character of dynamics of knowledge at Bachelard.
Features of the representation of women, as well as narrative signs of the cultivation and deconstruction of gender stereotypes in Ancient Greece. Artistic intentions of the author and the role of the reading reception in the transformed forms of a woman.
Peculiarities of the artistic representation of women, as well as narrative signs of the cultivation and deconstruction of gender stereotypes in Ancient Greece on the example of the tragedy "Medea" by Euripides. Analysis of a bold shift in gender roles.
The Greek dramaturgy is a cradle of virtually all modern literatures. Analysis of the literary depiction of women, narrative features of cultivation and deconstruction of gender stereotypes in ancient Greece as exemplified by Medea by Euripides.
Viewing Derrida's work in the context of recent French epistemology and philosophy of science. Acquaintance with the rationalist approach exemplified by thinkers such as Bachelard and Canguilhem concerning interpretation of concept of destruction.
Development and addition of literary studies in the field of theory and history of autobiography. Highlighting methodological gaps in the study of autobiographical prose. Comparative analysis of resonant concepts of parabiography and autobiography.
- 59. Decorative art teaching in the context of non-formal education of Ukraine (XIX - early XX century)
Analysis of the signs of non-formal education in the field of teaching traditional crafts in the territory of Ukraine during the research period. The impact of the need for qualified personnel on the development of the art and craft education system.
The prerequisites for the emergence and formation of areas of computer science that explores the possibilities of electronic encryption devices using large-scale integrated computer circuits. The structure of cryptographic techniques to explore data.