Environmentally safe priorities of forming the national transport strategy in Ukraine today

Environmental assessment of the aviation market in Ukraine. Creation of a modern transit infrastructure at Boryspil International Airport. Consideration of the impact of land transport links between airfields and settlements on environmental pollution.

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Дата добавления 08.06.2024
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1National Aviation University

2 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Environmentally safe priorities of forming the national transport strategy in Ukraine today

1Matvieieva I., 2Novakovska I., 1Groza V.,

1Ishchenko N., 1Skrypnyk L.

Since the 20th century, humanity has become aware of the need to form a new model of social development that would simultaneously ensure sustainable economic growth and improvement, or at least preservation, of the environment. Protection and improvement of the environment remain a priority in human activity throughout the 21st century.

It should be noted that the sustainable economic development of society is impossible without solving environmental problems, and if political or economic interests come into conflict with ecological ones, then preserving the integrity of the ecosystem should be predominant.

This norm is outlined in the Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Protection" No. 1264-XII of June 25, 1991, which emphasizes that "protection of the natural environment, rational use of natural resources, and ensuring the ecological safety of human activities are integral conditions of sustainable economic and social development of Ukraine". Precisely with the abovementioned purpose, according to the law "Ukraine implements an environmental policy on its territory, aimed at preserving the environment which is safe for the existence of living and non-living components of nature, protecting the life and health of the population from the negative impact caused by pollution of the environment, achieving harmonious interaction of society and nature, protection, rational use and renewing of natural resources" [18].

The principle of prioritization of environmental safety requirements includes the obligation to comply with environmental standards and limits on the use of natural resources when carrying out economic, administrative, and other activities; guaranteeing an ecologically safe environment for people's life and health; solving issues of environmental protection and use of natural resources, taking into account the degree of anthropogenic alteration of territories, the combined effect of factors that negatively affect the ecological situation per article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Protection".

The indicated directions also correspond with the main global goals of sustainable development, which were announced by the resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 25, 2015. At the Sustainable Development Summit (New York, 2015), 17 global goals and 169 sustainable development tasks were approved. Being comprehensive by nature, they ensure the balance of all three components of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental. These components include the creation of sustainable infrastructure, the promotion of comprehensive and sustainable industrialization and innovation; ensuring the openness, safety, viability, and ecological stability of cities and other settlements; ensuring the transition to rational models of consumption and production; taking urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences, etc.

In support of the resolution mentioned above, on September 30th, 2019, the Decree of the President of Ukraine "Sustainable Development goals of Ukraine Until 2030" No. 722/2019 was issued, the main purpose of which is "to ensure the national interests of Ukraine regarding the sustainable development of the economy, civil society, and the state to achieve the growth of quality of life of the population, protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen". To achieve this goal, transport is of great importance, and modern life cannot be imagined without it.

Developed transport infrastructure is a prerequisite for economic and social development at both local and state levels. It makes it possible to satisfy the needs of manufacturers and the population in the transportation of goods and passengers, to establish stable industrial and cooperative relations, to achieve balanced spatial development, and to increase the level of local accessibility of all territories, their investment attractiveness, and competitiveness [11]. The development of transport is one of the most important areas of economic policy, which connects the full functioning of various sectors of the economy as a whole and determines the level of socio-economic stability of the country.

The transport sector is one of the basic sectors of the economy. It has an extensive railway network, a developed network of highways, seaports and river terminals, airports, and a wide network of air connections, and cargo customs terminals, which creates the necessary prerequisites for meeting the needs of transport users in providing transport services and business development [10].

The aggression of the Russian Federation fundamentally changed the transport system of Ukraine. Today, due to battles on the territory of Ukraine and the introduced martial law, the airspace of Ukraine is closed for civil aviation flights. aviation environmental pollution transport

In the conditions of martial law, cargo transportation by air transport is temporarily not carried out. In addition, the domestic transport services market is being transformed in the direction of priority use of road transport for cargo transportation (both commercial cargo transportation and humanitarian cargo) [19].

Therefore, the most important challenge now is the creation of conditions for maintaining the transport infrastructure in proper functional condition on the territories controlled by Ukraine, maintaining and increasing the throughput capacity of checkpoints, and reorientation of logistics to fulfill the most important functions of the country. In addition, in order to restore, rebuild, modernize transport infrastructure objects, and gradually integrate the transport network of Ukraine into the EU transport network, it is necessary to take appropriate measures and adopt several legal acts. And also, to support the initiative of the European Green Course, which Ukraine joins by implementing the principles of sustainable development, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the use of alternative energy sources, preserving natural ecosystems, protecting the health and well-being of citizens from the consequences of climate change, reducing the production and consumption of energy-consuming products, ensuring the competitiveness of Ukrainian manufacturers and enterprises.

It should be noted that on the one hand, the transport infrastructure is the driving force of the economic and social development of Ukraine, and on the other hand, it is an important factor in the impact on the environment.

Amongst the most important types of transport complex impact are:

- the alienation of territories for overpasses and transport infrastructure objects, erosion processes, drainage, deforestation, quarrying of building materials;

- consumption of natural resources; among them, there are petroleum products and natural gas for the production of fuel and oil-based materials and water for cooling systems, washing vehicles, for industrial and domestic needs of transport enterprises; air to ensure fuel combustion processes;

- technological and transport pollution by harmful substances, noise, vibrations, excess heat, electromagnetic and ionizing radiation of the environment (air, water, soil, biota) caused by transport and road service enterprises [7].

The classification of the effects of various types of transport on different components of the biosphere is given in Table 1 [7].

Table 1

The classification of the effects of various types of transport on different components of the biosphere

Objects of influence

Automobile transport

Rail transport

Air transport


Air pollution by emissions of СхНу, NOx, С, СО, СО2

Air pollution by emissions СхНу, NOx, С, СО, SO2, ashes, dust

Air pollution by emissions СхНу, NOx, С, СО, SO2, solid particles


Salinity and mineralization of waters, their pollution by oil products

Water pollution by oil products, resins, phenols, heavy metals

Water pollution by oil products


Soil salinity and its pollution with organic lubricants and solvents

Soil pollution with oil products, untreated sewage, and solvents

Soil pollution with oil products, organic and non-organic emissions near airfields

Flora and fauna

Ruining of topsoil and roadside pollution

Destruction of forests and agricultural lands, as well as animal migration routes

Reduction in the number of species


Reduction of life expectancy, oncological and respiratory diseases

Reduction of professional longevity, chronic occupational diseases

Diseases of hearing organs, occupational diseases

The problems mentioned above became especially acute with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia on the territory of Ukraine. As already mentioned, the transport infrastructure was the first to withstand the worst of a full-scale war, and the enemy still does not stop its attacks on it. However, taking into account the awareness of the necessity of at least three of its principle dimensions of sustainable development, which are economic growth, social progress, and environmental protection, we note that military actions negatively affect and continue to affect all its elements both individually and collectively, and the main aggravation is problems of global warming of the entire planet, figure 1.

Fig.1 The dimensions of sustainable development

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Russian occupiers have caused more than 38 billion losses to our environment alone in 9 months of 2022. And the direct damage to the climate as a result of the aggression amounts to at least 33 million tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Pollution due to the destruction of transport infrastructure leads to large- scale spills of oil products and other hazardous substances [5].

It should be noted that in the conditions of war, the transport infrastructure performs many extremely important military, social, humanitarian, and economic tasks. The implementation of these tasks lies in the supply of military equipment and other assistance to the front, the evacuation and relocation of the population from dangerous regions, the organization and maintenance of cargo transportation for business, humanitarian aid, etc. And in the post-war period, it is precisely the reconstruction of transport infrastructure facilities and the provision of safe and reliable conditions for the operation of its elements that will speed up the processes of the country's recovery and the reconstruction of the economy of the territories that suffered a devastating impact as a result of the military aggression of the rf [5].

According to preliminary estimates, the total indirect losses of the aviation industry for 21 months since the beginning of the war are estimated at 154.7 billion UAH (5.3 billion dollars), of which 13.6 billion UAH (0.46 billion dollars) are losses of airports, 125.2 billion UAH (4.28 billion dollars) - losses of airlines, - 7.4 billion UAH (0.25 billion dollars) - the state enterprise of air traffic services of Ukraine (Ukraerorukh), 8.4 billion UAH (0.29 billion dollars) - losses of other subjects of commercial activity on the territory of airports. Due to the complete shutdown of the industry, the sum for the maintenance of personnel from the beginning of the war until June 1, 2022, i.e. for the period March-May, based on the average monthly amount of labor costs, is included in the given estimates of indirect losses.

As for highways, as a result of hostilities, 23,800 km of roads and 305 bridges and overpasses of state, local or communal importance were destroyed. Preliminary estimates show that the level of damaged roads (of state and local importance) was approximately 40% of the total number of roads that were occupied by r troops or where military operations took place. Taking this into account, the preliminary assessment of the totals losses due to the direct destruction of roads may build up to about $25.4 billion [20].

It is worth mentioning that despite all the challenges of today's functioning of the transport infrastructure, the development priorities of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 will remain relevant in the post-war period.

Following the Concept of the "Aviation Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030", aviation transport among other types of transport is considered to be one of the most important branches of the national economy, the rapid development and effective functioning of which is a necessary condition for the stabilization of structural transformations, the introduction of foreign economic activity, and the satisfaction of the needs of the population and public production in transportation, ensuring the protection of Ukraine's national interests.

The foundation of the development of the country's transport system and its spatial base is the land-resource potential of various types of transport. The land resource potential of the aviation industry is known to be not only the basis for the functioning of transport but must also include the airport area as a factor for the safe operation of aviation.

Therefore, the production resources that ensure the development of the national aviation transport system should be the main spatial base (land); capital resources (buildings, restrictions, aircraft, materials, financial resources); workforce; entrepreneurship (coordination of resource use) [1].

One of the key elements of maintaining the vitality of the aviation transport system is the creation of safe, secure, efficient, and ecologically balanced conditions for its operation. A component of this system is the land-resource potential of aviation transport, which in the structure of the country's lands takes an independent subcategory - a land of aviation transport, fig. 2.

Fig- 2- The national aviation transport system of Ukraine is a set of several components (production resources) that ensure its development

In the structure of the lands of the country, the aviation transport potential is an independent subcategory that is the lands of aviation transport. The land use system is an integral part of the air transport system, fig. 3.

Fig- 3 Input and output elements of the air transport system [12]

As an important sector of the economy, the development and economically efficient functioning of the aviation transport system is considered in accordance with the theory of strategic development. The development and implementation of a strategy is a complex and time-consuming procedure, but its implementation is important and useful for the improvement and development of the business, and the state as a whole.

In the pre-war period, the stages (theoretical foundations), main measures and goals of the specified strategy were formed according to the theory of strategic development, based on the "Aviation Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030", table 2.

Table 2.

Stages of strategic development of the aviation industry according to the draft Aviation Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 [10]

Name of the stage (theoretical bases)

Characteristics of the stage according to the project (practical application)



Definition of strategic attitude:

Defining the mission, goals of existence

Harmonization of the development of the aviation transport network as a part of the national transport system, creation of a common aviation space with the European Union, taking into account international norms and standards, formation and support by the state of a competitive aviation transport market.

Definition of development policy

Planning and forecasting the work of 50 airports

Spend the least amount of time on the way to the airport (1 hour)

Increasing demand for aviation transportation (about 50% of the population, 36 million passengers / year)

Increased needs for land resources due to the expansion of runways and the construction of new terminals Expanding the geography of flights

Analysis of the potential of the enterprise

Analysis of the external environment of the enterprise

According to the operative information of the State Aviation Service, as of 2018, 66 intergovernmental agreements have been concluded, which regulate aviation communication with the countries of the world.

Daily flights between Ukraine and the world are operated by 10 domestic airlines to 42 countries and 28 foreign airlines to 27 countries

Domestic passenger traffic between nine cities of Ukraine is performed by 5 domestic airlines

As of 2018, there are 7 leading airports in Ukraine - "Boryspil", "Kyiv" (Zhulyany), "Odessa", "Lviv", "Kharkiv", "Dnipropetrovsk" and "Zaporizhzhya" which serve almost 98% of total passenger and postal and freight flows 25 airlines carry out aviation work, cultivating almost 0.5 million hectares of agricultural land

Identification of possible strategic management areas

Implementation of the Common Aviation Area Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union and its Member States

Deregulation of aviation transport entities, liberalization of aviation transportation markets

Implementation of the Local Single Sky Implementation Plan (LSSIP) within the framework of the European ATM Master Plan Level 3

Implementation Program Encouraging the use of domestic vehicles, equipment and other goods and services of the partnership by aviation transport enterprises

Identification of strategic alternatives and the formation of a "strategic set" of the enterprise (a set of strategies at different levels of government)

Ensuring the active participation of Ukraine in the work of ICAO, in particular the representation of Ukraine in the ICAO Council and comprehensive support for the functioning and development of the ICAO European Regional Training Center for Aviation Safety at the National Aviation University

Development and adoption of a priority package of laws on airports similar to the one adopted in the Europian Union to regulate those aspects that hinder the development of airports in the entire aviation market of Ukraine Reservation and protection against changes in the intended use or illegal development of land around airports required for the development of airport infrastructure for the next 20-30 years

Development and adoption of the Program for the Development of Regional Airports of Ukraine (in particular, due to part of the existing Europian Union grant for strategic projects in the transport sector of Ukraine)

Development of long-term, tactical and operational- organizational plans

To achieve the goal and main goals of the aviation transport strategy, it is necessary to work in the following areas:

Improving regulatory and state regulation in the field of aviation transport

Improving the level of aviation transport safety

Development of aviation transportation and increasing the level of their accessibility for the population

Development and modernization of airports, liberalization of access to the market of aviation services

Development of multimodal transport, provision of highspeed land transport connections between airports and settlements, creation of logistics centers and simplification of formalities

Development of aviation navigation system

Development of general aviation and unmanned aerial vehicles

Professional training, research work

Analysis of the potential of the enterprise

Source: formed by authores

As the characteristics of the stages of strategic development show, one of the fundamental tasks of practical application is the undeniable need to use land and resource potential, or the spatial basis, which can be followed in the following measures:

- state regulation of the legal regime of air transport land use, namely protection against changes in intended use or illegal development of land around airports, necessary for the development of airport infrastructure for 20-30 years;

- effective control over compliance with high-rise building restrictions within a radius of 50 km around airports;

- ensuring the growing tourist and business potential of the capital of Ukraine, through the development of the international airport "Kyiv" (Zhulyany) (namely, the lengthening and strengthening of the runway for the unlimited reception of A321/B737-900 aircraft), as a final destination airport (point-to- point), or through the design and construction of a new modern international airport in the Kyiv region, as well as the development of access roads and high-quality ground connections with this airport by various types of public transport;

- carrying out an inventory of airport (airfield) lands, carrying out an inventory of Ukrainian airfields for their preservation and use for "low-cost" transportation and/or general aviation;

- taking measures to implement a comprehensive approach to the reconstruction of airports, taking into account the need to ensure high-speed ground transport connections between airports and communities, in particular, the development of modern transit infrastructure at the international airport "Boryspil" with the help of the reduction of the net profit (income) share that is paid to the state budget;

- the development and adoption in priority order of a package of laws on airports similar to the one adopted in the EU, which should regulate critical aspects that restrain the development of Ukrainian airports and the entire aviation market.

Therefore, the implementation of this set of measures is recognized as a guarantee of legal formation and state regulation of aviation land use following international norms and standards. The expansion of the network of operating airports from 19 in 2018 to 50 in 2030 is associated with a significant increase in air transport land use, construction of new, and reconstruction (modernization) of existing airports. Taking into account the fact that today the closed airspace of Ukraine for civil aviation flights makes the operational activities of both Ukrainian and foreign airlines impossible, we should not forget about the emissions of pollutants into the air and the harmful effects of civil and military aircraft.

And nowadays, unfortunately, we should take into account Russian aviation flights and their impact on the ecological condition of both airfield and near-airfield areas.

The result of such an impact on the environment is atmospheric pollution by aviation fuel combustion products, soil and groundwater pollution by fuel and oil materials, acoustic pollution, and many other factors. (fig. 4)

Fig. 4 Environmentally dangerous factors of aircraft operation and their consequences

According to international experts and specialists, the aviation industry produces 1.5-2% of carbon dioxide emissions and other dangerous chemical compounds [10]. British specialists claim that the aviation industry causes the emission of hazardous substances into the environment not only during passenger and cargo transportation but also during various activities related to airport maintenance.

There are various ways of emission of hazardous substances into the environment as a result of aviation industry operations. They cause increasingly larger and more acute problems related to the preservation of the integrity of natural ecosystems and the thermal balance in the world, as well as the protection of lands and the preservation of soil fertility, fig. 5.

Fig. 5. The ways of hazardous substances emission into the environment as a result of the operations of the aviation industry [12]

Almost 70% of emissions from aircraft engines are carbon dioxide, and 30% are water vapor (fig. 6). These harmful substances enter the atmosphere as a result of fuel combustion through evaporation, leakage and emission [12].

Fig. 6 The total number of emissions from aircraft engines and their types

As a result of fuel combustion, new environmentally hazardous, gaseous, liquid and solid substances are formed, which are derived from chemical elements, compounds and formations contained both in the composition of the original fuel and in the composition of the original fuel and atmospheric air entering the combustion.

The chemical elements that combine the substances of fuel and air interact with each other, and after undergoing heat treatment, they turn into emissions of combustion products into the surrounding natural environment. Fuel vapors are harmful and poisonous. Accumulating in the air, and later settling on the surface layer of the soil, they pose a danger to people and the environment and also cause fires [12].

For 7 years, before the invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of our country, the state of the environment, the state of the topsoil, atmospheric air and underground water were monitored within the boundaries of airport “Kyiv”. The relevance of the study of the impact of the airlines' activities on the state of the soil is connected to two aspects.

Firstly, by accumulating chemical substances near airfields, factories and other civil aviation enterprises, soils contribute to the reduction of pollution of groundwater, atmosphere and vegetation. At the same time, the content of pollutants in soils characterizes not only the current state of the environment but also reflects past processes.

Secondly, soils themselves can become a source of many chemicals that deteriorate the quality of natural waters and are dangerous for plants.

Thus, a relevant problem is the organization of a system for monitoring the condition of soils in the territories near enterprises that use and repair aviation equipment to develop effective recommendations for reducing the level of pollution [2].

It should be noted that in the conditions of the intensification of air transport processes, enterprises, which operate and repair aviation equipment are sources of pollution of the adjacent territories with significant amounts of chemical substances. The main ways of soil pollution because of air transport processes are as follows:

- leaching of chemicals used for maintenance of airports and equipment into the soil;

- deposition of emissions from the air as a result of the operation of aircraft and special vehicles;

- fuel spills.

Studies show that the level of soil pollution within the boundaries of airline companies is quite high: 1 m2 of soil contains on average up to 200-250 g of organic and non-organic chemical substances of artificial origin [3].

Significant pollution of the soil within airports occurs due to fuel spillage: surface runoff from the airport territory is characterized by a significant content of heavy metals (HM), organic impurities, and other substances.

Conducting large-scale examinations of soils in the areas affected by airline companies showed an increased content of heavy metals in them more than 20 times compared to natural ones. The largest pollution is observed near fuel and oil warehouses, repair shops, the platform, and also along the runway. In places with severe and moderate pollution, heavy metals were found in the soil (from 8 to 18 mg/kg), the content of which significantly exceeded the natural [25].

The soil is contaminated with hydrocarbons because of spills, as well as sewage emissions. Penetrating the soil, harmful substances cause an active change in its chemical composition and structure.

First of all, the soil horizon is negatively affected, because its quality deteriorates significantly with an increase in the number of hydrocarbons. Also, the contamination of the soil with hydrocarbons of oil and oil products leads to the destruction of the soil microbiocenosis and harms animals, causing elimination in the intensive zone of contamination [12].

For chernozem, which Ukraine is famous for, the lower point of weak contamination with hydrocarbons is 3000 mg/kg and is considered a relatively acceptable level (Table 3).

Table 3

Degrees of soil pollution by oil products

The degree of pollution

Index, mg/kg


Uncontaminated soil

Up to 400











Extremely strong


At the same time, the soil, which has a degree of contamination with oil products above the permissible level, that is, up to 10,000 mg/kg, must be cleaned and restored.

Another factor of negative impact of aircraft's operations is noise. Aviation noise is the process of increasing the sound level, which is created because of the operation of the aircraft engine in combination with the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft. According to normatively defined world standards (documents of the ICAO Council), the maximum permissible level of aviation noise in ground conditions is 50 dB. A jet plane, taking off, causes aviation noise that reaches 140 dB, which is 10 dB higher than the sound level of lightning and the sound level at the launch of a space rocket (Table 4).

Table 4

Sources of influence and the power of the sound they cause (in dB) `[23]

Sources of influence

The noise they cause (in dB)


Winter forest in clear weather



Whisper (1m)






Reading room



Typing bureau



Car interior









Pop music orchestra






A jet plane that takes off 25 m



Space rocket that takes off






Shot from a cannon


When considering the impact of aircraft noise on the health and condition of the population living in areas adjacent to airports or airfields, it should be noted that this factor always remains active. Experts and researchers in the field of health care believe that aviation noise has a stronger traumatic effect on the human body than any other factor of negative environmental impact.

Above all, aircraft noise affects the auditory analyzer, which is part of the Central nervous system. Irritated cells cannot fully regulate the work of the body, as a result of which there are failures and disturbances in their activity (fig. 8). It depends on age, temperament, state of health, and environmental conditions.

Fig. 7 Systems of the human body that are affected by aircraft noise the most [12]

Fig. 8. Levels of people's sensitivity to aircraft noise [24]

When considering the impact of aircraft noise on the human body, it is necessary to emphasize that a sudden rapid change in the maximum permissible noise level causes significant damage to the human body. For example, a noise level above 90 dB causes hearing loss, stress, hypertension, heart attack, and stroke, and increases aggressiveness. Aviation noise that reaches the mark of 110 dB causes so-called "noise intoxication" (excitement that occurs as a result of the resonance of cellular structures in response to loud rhythmic sounds, which is somewhat similar to alcohol intoxication). Scientists have developed a scale of risk coefficients for the occurrence of various diseases depending on the level of aircraft noise (fig. 9).

various diseases depending on the level of aviation noise

Noise leads to increased fatigue, decreased mental activity, neuroses, an increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases, and impaired vision. By constantly irritating the nervous system, noise can cause it to become overloaded. It has been scientifically proven that a person cannot adapt to noise.

Aviation also causes electromagnetic pollution to the environment. This is the result of exposure to radar and radio navigation airport equipment, machinery and airliners. Radar devices create high-voltage electromagnetic fields that pose a serious threat to the environment and the normal life of people. However, it is worth mentioning that the nature of the influence of electromagnetic waves on the state of living organisms has not yet been studied sufficiently. It is only known that the degree of influence depends on the amount of energy absorbed by the tissues of the body, the frequency of the waves, and the size of the biological object.

People who are constantly in the zone of influence of electromagnetic waves, even of low intensity, have disorders of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.

They are also prone to migraines and memory loss. It has also been scientifically proven that a person cannot adapt to the influence of electromagnetic waves. Emissions of carbon dioxide and other hazardous chemicals into the atmosphere and environment are another important aspect of the impact on public health.

As has been already mentioned, as a result of the combustion of aviation engine fuel and the emission of dangerous unburned residues, new chemical poisonous compounds are formed, which react and enter the atmospheric air, the surrounding natural environment, and settle on the surface of the soil.

People living in the areas adjacent to the airport are increasingly complaining about respiratory diseases and the appearance of malignant neoplasms. Let us look at the morbidity rate of residents of Svyatoshynsky District, Kyiv, which is located close to the IA "Kyiv" (Zhulyany).

According to statistics, 319,000 people live in this area. It is worth mentioning that some residential buildings are located within a radius of 5 km from the airport, while per international requirements and the legislation of Ukraine, this indicator should be at least 50 km.

Indicators of the morbidity rate of the population of the Svyatoshyn district of Kyiv, located within a radius of 5 km from the MA "Kyiv" (Zhulyany) in the period 2014-2017 were calculated in accordance with general indicators determined by the district for every 10,000 people (fig. 10).

Fig. 10 Morbidity rate of the population of the Svyatoshyn district of Kyiv, located within a radius of 5 km from the "Kyiv" IA (Zhulyany) in the period from 2014 to 2017

When determining the dynamics of fluctuations in the population's morbidity rate, it was taken into account that 60% of residents who live in the zone of active aviation activity complain about the deterioration of their health, that is related to large-scale emissions of harmful chemical compounds into the atmosphere. As you can see, during 2015-2017, the number of diseases almost doubled. In 2015, there was a peak in the occurrence of diseases; in 2016-2017, there were fewer of them, but not by much, compared to 2014.

In order to reduce the influence of local factors and their harmful effects, it is crucial to regulate the civil aviation industry and regulate the negative impact on the natural environment. For

70 years, experts and specialists of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO Council) and its member states, as well as interested parties, have combined their collective knowledge and research to create a regulatory framework that has stood the test of time and is still relevant today. It should be noted that Ukraine has been a member of the ICAO Council since 1992. That is why the main points of the "Aviation Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030" define the main tasks in the field of domestic aviation development, which affects the global (world) development network. Since the 1970s, the ICAO Environmental Protection Council has been emphasizing the value of a global, harmonized approach to addressing issues related to the hazardous impact of airports on adjacent territories, airspace, and the overall functioning of the ecosystem [13].

ICAO applies the following instructions and actions in its research and practical work on ecologically safe land use and control over the protection and rational use of natural resources:

- instructions for planning and designing the airport following the norms and standards established by international law;

- instructions on the operation of the airport, aimed mainly at flight safety and work efficiency;

- effective land use and environmental safety management within and around the airport;

- ensuring effective practices for reducing potential impacts on the environment in connection with airport activities and operations;

- information on conducting land monitoring measures regarding the existing, real situation, including monitoring to reduce the impact of harmful emissions from aircraft.

As a result of the characteristics of the stages of strategic development of the aviation industry, it should be noted that the main prerequisite for their implementation is the use of land resources, in particular environmentally friendly land use in airfield areas or spatial base.

For Ukraine today it is important to implement the rules of management infrastructure, vegetation, land use, which were developed by ICAO experts. These are generally accepted rules for aviation transport infrastructure and adjacent land uses, they are set out in the "Guide to Airport Services, Part 3". In particular, they set requirements for reducing the negative impact of wild animals, birds, vegetation on the functioning of airports, determine the features of infrastructure development of nearby settlements.

Taking into account this document, as well as taking into account the physical and geographical features of Ukraine, in particular the distribution of flora and fauna, on the basis of the planning scheme of regions and districts, master plans and schemes of airport development, it would be appropriate to develop which would contain a system of specific measures to ensure a special regime of land use and would help reduce the level of danger in the operation of air transport [7].

In the Program, the airport's territory and the airfield area should be considered as a whole at all stages of their development. Depending on the classes of the airfield areas, special requirements are set for the location of objects, and their altitude position is controlled based on the conditions of safety of maneuvering, takeoff and landing in accordance with applicable law. For the airfield of classes A, B, C, D (the minimum length of the runway in standard conditions is 3200, 2600, 1800, 1300 meters, respectively) the airfield area is determined by a circle with a radius of 50 km from the KTA (the airfield control point), and its area is 78.5 thousand hectares. The radius of the the airfield area of Class D, E the airfield (the length of the runway is 1000, 500 meters, respectively) and unclassified airfields - 25 km from KTA, and heliports - 12 km from KTA, for runways - 2.5 km from KTA. The areas of the airfield areas of these facilities will be 19.6, respectively; 4.5; 0.2 thousand hectares. The location and height of objects of 45 m within a radius of 50 km are subject to approval; objects regardless of their location with a height of 100 m and more; overhead telecommunications and power lines, other facilities that may pose a threat to air traffic safety or interfere with the operation of the airfield, regardless of their location [11].

Restriction zones for housing, civil, cultural, domestic and industrial construction are being established. Among the documents to be submitted for approval is a situational plan for the location of construction sites attached to the aerodrome (heliport, runway). To do this, conduct geodetic work on the survey of aerodrome areas, determine the coordinates and heights of aerodrome obstacles, create a coordinate-oriented electronic database of altitude obstacles. However, the approval of the use of the aerodrome area is associated not only with the construction of facilities, but also with the impact of the ornithological situation on the operation of the airfield.

Other issues of land use within the airfield area remain out of the attention of the coordinating structures. The only exception is activities that contribute to the concentration of birds. It is difficult to explain why, for example, in accordance with Art. 69 of the Air Code of Ukraine, “planting and growing trees or greenery” refers to activities that may affect aviation safety and create barriers to ground communications, navigation and surveillance [21]. If trees or tree branches interfere with the installation of means of communication, navigation and surveillance (Part 8 of Article 69), it is not clear on the basis of which legal norms the aerodrome operator has the right to demand their elimination. It is also not clear why the requirements for limiting and accounting for obstacles on land plots not provided for use by aviation enterprises should be established by aviation rules?

In Part 4 of Art. 69 of the Air Code of Ukraine states that the information on the size of the aerodrome area is brought to the notice of the aerodrome operator by the relevant local governments, in the territory of which the land is located [21]. However, the plot may be state-owned or privately owned by legal entities or individuals. The operator must inform the owner, regular user or tenant that this site belongs to the aerodrome area.

An aerodrome operator or provider may not, with the consent of local governments, install communications, navigation, surveillance, lighting facilities on the aerodrome territory and beyond, lay engineering networks (Part 6 of Article 69 of the Air Code of Ukraine) [21]. Such actions can be carried out only on the right of land easement, the direct participants of which will be land owners or land users (Article 98 of the Land Code) [6].

It is necessary to provide compensation for damage caused not only to the owner or operator of the aerodrome, the operator of the aircraft, but also to landowners and land users whose plots are located on the aerodrome territory (Part 11 of Article 69 of the Air Code of Ukraine) [21].

An urgent task is to make changes to the State Land Cadastre regarding restrictions on aviation land use. In accordance with the provisions of Art. 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On the State Land Cadastre", the objects of the cadastre are lands within the state border of Ukraine; land within administrative-territorial units; restrictions on land use; ground section [22].

In accordance with the requirements of DBN 360-92, aerodromes (heliports) should be located outside urban and rural settlements, and aircraft routes should not cross the residential areas of these settlements. The distance from the aerodrome (heliport), radio and meteorological stations, aircraft engine test stations, flight paths to the boundaries of existing or prospective buildings and public recreation areas must ensure hygienic noise standards in these areas, as well as the maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic radiation [4]. Sanitary protection zones are also established for other objects (power lines, enterprises and productions for wood processing, light industry, food products, communal constructions, etc.) within the aerodrome territory.

In order to prevent air pollution by vehicles and other mobile vehicles and installations and reduce the impact of related factors on human health and the activities of enterprises (institutions, organizations) for each aerodrome, in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 06.12.2017 № 954 (as amended), restricted areas for housing, civil, cultural and industrial construction. At a distance of 15 km from the aerodrome is prohibited open storage of food waste, landfills, location or construction of facilities that contribute to the mass accumulation of birds and may pose a threat to air traffic (Part 9, Article 69 Air Code of Ukraine) [21]. In the areas of aviation approaches to airfields, it is possible to restrict the construction of facilities that can accommodate a large number of people at the same time, as well as high-risk facilities, including the location of high-voltage overhead power lines.

Most restrictions on the use of lands near airfields are related to the establishment of protection zones. They exist around valuable natural objects, on cultural heritage lands, along communication lines, power lines, transport objects, around industrial objects, etc. Sanitary protection zones have been created around underground and open water supply sources, water treatment facilities, drains, and health facilities. Therefore, the aerodrome area should be considered as a set of lands and land plots that have established in accordance with current legislation restrictions on land use, a special regime of use and development of land plots. The dominant factor, compliance with the Procedure for approval of the location and altitude of facilities in aerodrome areas and facilities whose activities may affect flight safety and mode of communication, navigation and surveillance, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 06.12.2017 № 954 (as amended), to determine the configuration and area of the aerodrome area, there is a circle with a radius of up to 50 km relative to the KTE, as well as the height of buildings - 45 meters or more. For aerodromes of classes D, E and unclassified, heliports and permanent runways, the area around the aerodrome area shall have a radius of 25, respectively; 12; 2.5 km.

According to the List of territorial zones (groups of objects of the State Land Cadastre), the total number of which is 21 (codes 001-021), the aerodrome territory may include the following zones: actions of land use restrictions; building regulation (functional zones); sanitary protection; protection zones; special land use regime, etc.

The list of restrictions on the use of land includes the following types: protection zone; sanitary protection zone; sanitary protection zone around the object; zone of special land use regime; water protection restriction; other restriction; land easements; superficies; emphyteusis; territories and objects of the nature reserve fund [10].

Each of the land plots on the aerodrome territory may have certain restrictions, which are registered in the State Land Cadastre. As for the aerodrome area as a whole, it is not reflected in the cadastre, although its coordinates in the international coordinate system and altitude position of obstacles in the Baltic altitude system, according to ICAO requirements, must be digitized for aerodromes that regularly accept international flights [6].

Instead, there are many cases of violations of current legislation. For example, the aerodrome territory of International Airport Kyiv (Zhulyany) is currently not used in accordance with the legal regime. First of all, this is happening because residential buildings are located almost on the border of the airport, and new ones are being built. It is clear that in this way all the legal principles of normal operation and land use of aviation transport are violated, and local governments receive numerous complaints about the negative effects of aircraft.

Fig. 11. Zoning of the area around the Kyiv International Airport [12] Source: formed by authores

According to the Air Code of Ukraine to paint (Article 69), information about the aerodrome area must be brought to the attention of the relevant local governments, on the territory of which is the land belonging to the aerodrome area [2]. However, the aerodrome territory is not reflected in the relevant urban planning and land management documentation, as is the case with other established restrictions on land use in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On State Land Cadastre" and "On Land Management". Information on restrictions on land use is entered into the State Land Cadastre on the basis of land management schemes and feasibility studies of land use and protection of administrative-territorial units, land management projects for the organization and establishment of boundaries of nature reserves and other environmental purposes, health, recreation , historical and cultural, forestry, water fund lands and water protection zones, restrictions on the use of lands and their regime-forming objects, land management projects that provide ecological and economic justification of crop rotation and land management, land management projects for land allocation, technical documentation land management to establish the boundaries of the land in kind (on the ground), other land management documentation (Part 5 of Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On the State Land Cadastre") [22].

The legislation of Ukraine in the field of environmental protection and ecologically safe land use stipulates that transport companies are obliged to rationally use the land plots provided to them, not to violate the interests of other land users (including tenants), to prevent waterlogging, land degradation and industrial pollution. other wastes, untreated effluents, take measures to protect soils from erosion, as well as comply with other land protection requirements.

Under conditions of constant emissions of harmful substances, even taking into account the implementation of various precautionary or liquidation measures, the primary task of the airline is to calculate the emission from the engine in the environment and air.

Experts must calculate which specific harmful substances are included in the area of so-called discharges, in particular to determine the amount and weight of each individual ingredient over a period of time [5].

Today, ICAO remains the active and most powerful organization in the field of research activities aimed at creating environmentally sustainable programs that will help to reduce the harmful effects of the aviation transport system on the integrity and acceptable functioning of the ecosystem. For the protection of landmass within the limits of the operation of aviation enterprises, as well as in the territories outside their boundaries, the distances of which are established following standards and norms regarding the allocation of land plots for construction, the ICAO organization introduces restrictions on noise impact and maximum permissible norms on the emission of harmful substances as a result of the operation of aircraft engines.


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