• "Эффект колеи" в динамике российской экономической географии Мирового океана в первые постсоветские годы. Ренессанс российских морских экономико-географических исследований, факторы и векторы. Новые импульсы и тренды в динамике "морской составляющей".

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  • Общая характеристика и геополитические проблемы Антарктиды. Изучение Антарктиды, исследователи Россия, стран Европы и других страны мира. Исследования в области гляциологии, палеогеографии, геоботаники, биологии морских млекопитающих и птиц, геодезии.

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  • Geographical location, the total area, the population, the capital of the American states – California, Florida, New York, Texas. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of American democracy. Industrial, agricultural, cultural centers of the country.

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  • Implementation of the genetic systematization of the hierarchical series of natural systems within the entire geographic envelope. The concept of "planetary landscape shell" in physical geography. Justification of each component of the geographical shell.

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  • A brief history of the hero-city of Murmansk. The main industries of the city, the role of small business in the regional economy. The cultural life of the population of Murmansk, the main theaters and museums. The role of the city and region for Russia.

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  • Study of topical issues related to the development of modern energy in Russia. An overview of the problems associated with the ever-accelerating process of digitalization of the economy and energy. Forecasting the possibility of environmental problems.

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  • Background to the dispute over the Falkland Islands Malvinas Islands. Interests of the United Kingdom or the wishes of the Islanders. Regulatory framework of autonomy. The islanders the right to exploit rights over natural resources in their territory.

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  • Alien fishes in the Black Sea waters of Crimea (Ukraine). — L. Manilo. — The paper is devoted to alien fish species that have appeared in coastal waters of the Black Sea near Crimea for the past 50 years. A full checklist of fishes of this complex.

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  • The main landmarks of the United States: White House, Alcatraz, Arlington cemetery, Brooklyn Bridge, Hollywood, Mount Rushmore, Niagara Falls, Lake Tahoe, Pentagon, the Statue of Liberty. The history of their formation, development, recreational role.

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  • The article provides an analysis of the Ganja River basin according to geographical elements. 8 geographical elements Caucasian, Holarctic, Arid or xerocontinental, Pluregional Boreal, Mediterranean, Palearctic and Iran-Turanian geographical elements.

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  • The dangerous phenomena, connected with the wind mode of the winter period across the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan and regions of the Russian Federation, adjacent to it. Dynamics of quantity of cases of very strong winds during the winter.

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  • Information on objects that were investigated in several areas of the Uvs aimag, in the vicinity of Lake Uregnur. Geographical coordinates of the surveyed monuments by GPS. The main conditions to ensure maximum preservation of ancient monuments.

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  • Сучасні мікрофауністичні дослідження міоценових відкладів Поділля та отримання нових результатів у фіксуванні баденій-сарматської межі (буглівські верстви). Доведене беззаперечне значення форамініфер як цінних груп для визначення віку гірських порід.

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  • Making multiscale seabed topography with the manual sounding method and single-beam echo-sounding method will base on sounding point density. Maping data according to the design is only used for making a topographic map with the equal or smaller scale.

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  • Causes of climate unease in warm and cool seasons. Studying photovoltaic capacity of Astrakhan region. The coincidence of the rise and recession periods of biological rhythms with the coming weather, the meteolability effect, causes of meteodependent.

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  • Location and climate of Astana - the capital of Kazakhstan and the second largest city of Kazakhstan. Economy, population (demographics), transport. Architecture: Bayterek - the most famous landmark in Astana, Khan Shatyr – a giant, transparent tent.

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  • Construction of the city. The young capital, changing eyes - a symbol of creation and progress of the people of Kazakhstan. Cossack Outpost Colonel Feodor Kuzmich Shubin second participant of the Borodino battle. Astana today and the Sinhts of Astana.

    презентация (2,3 M)
  • Geographical position of continent Australia. Famous people which gave birth in Australia. Weather and Climate of continent. Traditional Australian Religion. Animal and vegetable kingdom of Australia. Historical Places, State Faunal (Animal) Emblems.

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  • States and territories of Australia. Australian democracy and the constitution. The federal government and parliament. State and local government, the judiciary. The wildlife and conservation. Education system and cultural growth. Aboriginal arts.

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  • Beijing - the capital and one of the cities under the Central Government of the People's Republic of China. The largest foreign diaspora in the country. The political, educational and cultural centers of China. Features of the transport network.

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  • History of the Bermuda triangle, the situation nowadays. Puerto Rico Trench - is both a maximum depth of the Atlantic Ocean. The reasons of the crashes in Bermuda triangle: the aliens from outer space, holes in time or theories with scientific evidence?

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  • Wellington is the largest urban area and the most populous national capital in Oceania. The major centers of the arts, culture, sports and the film industry. The amazing places in Auckland metropolitan area, Queenstown, Nelson and Hamilton cities.

    реферат (28,7 K)
  • The geographical location and natural conditions in Canada, particularly the state structure. General characteristics of the level of development of economy and industry. Population structure and religion, settlement types. Most major cities in Canada.

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  • T.H. Sumner was a sea captain during the 19th century. He is developed the celestial navigation method known as the Sumner Line. Two survey ships in the United States Navy have been named for him. The crater Sumner on the Moon is named after him.

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  • The standard deviations air temperature are calculated and large anomalies are revealed. For the seasons under consideration, years with a lack of sediments and with abundant sediments were found. Increase in the number of positive temperature anomalies.

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  • Canada as the second largest country in the world after Russia. Sport and its important place in the lives of the Canadians. Economics of the country and first Canadian Flags. National park Banff and The Niagara Falls. The House Parliament of Canada.

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  • To assess the impact of changing climate on runoff of the Kharkhiraa River in western Mongolia by analyzing long-term climate and runoff data, which included daily mean temperature, total precipitation and daily mean runoff for the period of 1975-2015.

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  • The base of the city of Chicago in 1833, which is located in the Midwestern United States on the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan. Chicago as a major transportation and telecommunication hub in North America. The main attractions of the city.

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  • Acquaintance with history of Chicago - by the main industrial, point-of-sale, commercial, financial and transport center of North America. An origin of nickname is "Windy City". Description of his geographical features, architecture, industry and sights.

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  • A brief history of the city. Industrial potential of the city is presented with more than one thousand of large, mid, and small scale companies within manufacturing activities. Transport in the city, his cultural life, education and science, universities.

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