, . . , .

3,6 M

. ,

, , , , .

(121) ok manjen andkiter me?dar

one man:acc kill:pst:3pl be:fut:3pl

`They have killed a man'.

(122) ayal ok pa?pin oloto me?da

woman one child:acc embrace:pst:3n be:fut:3n

`A woman is embracing a child'.

(123) d?u? meramti pakato me?da

tiger jungle:loc lurk:pst:3n be:fut:3n

`The tiger is lurking in the jungle'. [Steever 1984: 632_633]

[Watanabe 2005] , . [Ebert 1995: 187-188] , .

, . , , : () , ( ) - , ( ) .

, [ (  ): 11, 23], , , . , P- A-. ( -.) , -te i-, (-a iss-).

, , , .

, , 13 . , , .


-te i- [-cnv incm-], -ko iss- [-conn exist-], ( [ (  )], [  . 2008: 286_300], [Taoka 2000]);

- -p tur-a- [-cnv stand-ipfv-] ( [  . 2006: 4.1], [Bertinetto et al. 2000]);

-zhe [-incm] ( [ 1983], [Loar 2019], [Ebert 1995]);

-ite (< < ; [Crane 2011], [Crane 2013]);

-li/-ri [-prog] ( [Pramodini 2012], [Chelliah 1997]);

=ne [=cont] ( [Romeo 2008], [Jenny, Hnin Tun 2016]);

ger + cwan- `' [Kiryu 1999];

-an con- [-ptcp stay-] ( ; [Genetti 2007];

-r/-t hum- [-cnv be-] ( [,  1983], [Nedjalkov, Otaina 2012]);

-ipfv + -ngas- `' + ipfv - (< < < -; [Ebert 1997]);

-i + *ka (< ; [Kakati 1941: 749], [Ebert 1995]).

: ahi-cho [come-ptcp] `I have come / am coming' [Ebert 1995: 185]. 10 , : ro c-yo-ngas-yo [rice eat-3p:ipfv-keep-3p:ipfv] `he has eaten / is eating rice' [Ebert 1995: 198], [Ebert 1997].

. 25 31, . - 23.

31 5 : , , .

: 20 31 .


-, 7 . - , (124). . , ( ) .

FF. stative ( ) - <S, S>.

(124) kerim nalik-ta zaa-p tur-a-d?

K. N.-loc live-cnv stand-ipfv-3sg

` '. (zaa- <S, S>) [  . 2006: 382]

, , (. 26 ).

, . , (125) (126), , .

GG. remain ( ) - , .

(125) sibaji sumake la?s ca?-en con-a

S. silently embarrassment feel-ptcp stay-3sg.pst

`Siba silently felt embarrassed for a long period of time'.

(126) nispatta tu? ju-en co?-gu

dark foc be-ptcp stay-3.pst.ant

`It was dark continuously'. [Genetti 2007: 378-379]

GG - [Bertinetto et al. 2000: 527], , TT . , . , .

4 , .

26. -zhe

, , . , , , . , , . zhe .

27. -ko iss-

-ko iss- , `'. , -ko iss- , , -.

(127) -ko iss- , (127) - ( ) . , - , [ ( ): 22-23], [,  1983: 9].

(127) inhyong-i meli-lul kkak-ko iss-ta

doll-nom hair-acc cut-conn exist-decl

`The doll has its hair cut'. [ ] [Kim 2011: 879]

, -ko iss- , -ko iss- (non-lexical 27) [Wako et al. 2003].

28. - -p tur-a-

- , , PROGQ [Bertinetto et al. 2000: 545].

29. -te i-

, : -te i- - (128), , .

(128) kisen wa kyaku o nose-te i-ru

ship top client acc load-cnv incm-npst

` '. (.: )

(129) boku wa kisen ni kyaku o nose-ta

I top ship dat client acc load-pst

` '. [,  1983: 10]

. -, , , - ( ). -, [Haspelmath 2003: 236]: , , . , .

-te a- [-cnv exist-] [ . 2008: 305_309]. , , . [Watanabe 2008] ( wiru `', ), -te a- (, ). , [Kim 2009] ( [Tsuboi 1976]) , -te i- XVI . , , .

, , -. , [,  1983: 17] . , , - , , , .

, -a/e iss- [-inf exist-] (. . [Lee 2008]). .

, , , . (130) .

(130) u=to shojwa=ne=t?

they be.obnoxious=cont=real

`They are being obnoxious (now, they are not always that way)'. [Romeo 2008: 104]


, , . , 2.1.4 2.2.3, , , , .

. , , -, .

, , . [,  1983:, 11.14], , , , . , , , .

, 1983- ( , ). , , . , , . , , .

, , , , , ?

, .

2.2.1, , . , , . , - .

, , . , , , .

, .


. , (600-756 .) wiru `', i-ru, , (131). , , wiru ( ) [Watanabe 2008: 179-180]. (1001-1021 .) wiru -te wiru : sinobu `admire', omofu `think', kiku `listen', miru `look at', fiku `play an instrument' . . [Ibid.: 204-207]. , , . , , . (. wiru.)

(131) ... 嫒Q O s...

pusi-wi nageke-do aki tara-nu

lie.down-sit weep-though satisfy enough-not

`I was laid on my face weeping, but cannot weep enough' [Watanabe 2008: 179]

[zhe] `' ` ' (132) (V-II . . . .) [Chen 1997: 203].

(132) z O N

bing zhu jinyang san nian yi

soldier stay J. three year part

`It has been three years since the army stayed in Jinyang'. [Ibid.: 204]

III X . zhe ` () / / ' ` ()' .

(133) O

ke zhi zhuo men wai

may throw to door outside

`(You) may throw (it) out of the door'. [Ibid.]

[Ibid.: 207] XX .

(134) @ D w B E, , O

ru zhan zhen si sha, lei zhe gu, zhi shi xiang qian qu

like battle field mutually kill beat part drum only toward front go

`Like fighting in the battlefield, you simply charge forward while beating the drums'. [Ibid.]

X . , zhe [Ibid.: 205].

(135) () S,

zheng she zhuo/zhao wang xin

just hit to/part king heart

S {

wang xin tong bian ji huan gong

king heart hurt then immediately return palace

`The arrow just hit the heart of the king, who felt hurt in the heart and returned to the palace immediately'. [Ibid.: 210]

zhe , , [Ibid.]. ( (135) , .) , zhe , [Ibid.: 212], . zuo `sit', yi `lean on', ni `attach', gua `hang', fang `place' ding `nail', `ES', `S' [Ibid.: 212-213]. , zhe ( ), ( ). , - .

, zhe (, ). ( (134) . , (134) zhe, , , (, , ).

, X-XIII . [Ibid.: 207-208, 217-218].

, zhe ( . ), , , , . , .

-ko iss- . (2009) , -e is(i)- [-inf exist-], XV ., -, , - [Ibid.: 182-183]. -e -ko. XV . XIX . 100 000 , [Ibid.]. , -ko iss- - (136). , . , .

(136) syangnyey hwanto-i-mye maktahi-lAl twuli-ko isi-eto

always sword-cop-conn club-acc put.on-conn exist-conc



`(In the past) I was fearful even though I was wearing/carrying a sword and a club at all times (but now)' (XV .) [Ibid.: 187]

. -ko iss- . XVIII .

(137) ilcuk holo toy-ye syucyelhA-ko is-teni

early alone become-inf live.alone-conn exist-conn

`Having become a widow at an early age, she was living alone and' [Ibid.: 189]

-a/-e iss (<-e is(i)-) [Ibid.], [Lee 2008].

. [Ibid.: 191]. (I watched TV at home), , (I was at home; ). , - (I was at home watching TV I stayed at home watching TV; ).

, XVII . -ko iss- , , `' . *I stayed at home taking off my clothes / sitting down on a chair . ` , / ' [Ibid.: 193].

- (127) , , , , , . -ko iss- , - , - , .

, -ko iss- . -ko iss- - - . , , , , . , .

() .


- , - .

. `' (138). `' ( [Bertinetto et al. 2000: 534] ). ( , , <ES, -->.)

(138) Inu ga shin-de i-ru

dog nom die-cnv incm-npst

`The dog is dead'. [Taoka 2000: 77]

(139) The grandfather is dying.

` '. [Bertinetto et al. 2000: 534]

, <ES, --> : - - ; - , P ( ); - S. , -, : TT - TSit, .

. .

, .

( -), , .

. , - , - .

[Dahl (ed.) 2000: 4] [,  1983] .

(. 3) 36 , 15 . , 2.1.2, . ( ) .

(. 16) 26 , . 13 . , .

, 13 , . , , .

, .

. -, , - . -.

-. , Q- <Simple tense, Progressive> [Knig 1995: 157], [Bertinetto et al. 2000] . , , . -, , .

, 2.2.1 , , , . 2.2.3 -. - , -, : .

, 3.1.2 , . , . : , - .

. ? 1.1 [Ebert 1995], , . - , - . ( ) - . , . , .

, 3.2.1 . , <ES, --> S. . , , . : , . , (. 3.1.2).

. . . [ 2010]. , , .

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    [37,8 K], 22.04.2011

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    [25,3 K], 26.04.2015

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    [95,1 K], 11.10.2011

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    [25,3 K], 15.10.2009

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    [80,7 K], 20.03.2011

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    [58,7 K], 28.07.2012

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    [128,4 K], 21.01.2013

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    [70,7 K], 25.12.2010

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    [76,1 K], 25.01.2009

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