Ensuring sustainable development and protection of human rights in the Republic of Lithuania. Justification of the need to strengthen environmental protection. Analysis of social prerequisites for legal regulation of territorial planning in the country.
The article is devoted to the question of the relationship between the aut dedere aut judicare principle of universal jurisdiction in international criminal law. States are required to conform to their international obligations, including refraining.
The essence and content of oral law in the system of Jewish law. Zimovane oral and written law. Characteristics and features of oral law, its nature and content. analysis of the Torah and Talmud. The interdependence of the two parts of Jewish law.
Investigation of the state of legal and social relations in Ukraine. Modeling of functioning and perspective legal norms regulating sale of property of the debtor. Features of the procedure for the sale of bankrupt property in Ukrainian and German law.
Comparative legal study of the specifics of the order of debtor's property realisation in the bankruptcy procedure under the law of Ukraine and Germany through the application of hermeneutic. Legal provisions governing the sale of the debtor's property.
A study of German legislation, which establishes the opposite Ukrainian model of property realization in the bankruptcy procedure. Presentation of important positions on amendments to the legislation by implementing the positive experience of Germany.
Represents legal study of specifics of the order of debtor's property realisation in the bankruptcy procedure under the law of Ukraine and Germany. Propose to make certain changes to the Ukrainian legislation by using the positive experience of Germany.
The analysis of the abuse of international public law for geopolitical purposes through the application of the concept of "lawfare". The reason for the unformedness of the generally accepted meaning of this concept is its non-doctrinal character.
The methodology of biojurisprudence. An entity, sources and functions of biolaw in the form of theses and hypotheses. The use of descriptive, evaluative, obligational and performative types of statements for descriptions, evaluation and regulation of law.
Business and legal liability like enforceable by the State measures that are set out by law or an agreement and affect an offender. Characteristics of the main reasons that determine the absence of this definition in the Economic Code of Ukraine.
Some of criminological characteristics of women personality, who have committed crimes and serving sentences in maximum security penal colonies. The characteristic of educational work in a correctional institution. Opportunity of creation of orphanages.
Agencies within the EU institutional structure, the role of the agencies in European public procurement. A new form of European administration, the agreement concluded with the host Member State. Administration through agencies, inter-agency Cooperation.
The right to free enterprise in Azerbaijan, its relationship with other rights and freedoms. Ownership as a basis for the implementation of social law. Realization of property rights and their limitation under the conditions defined by legislation.
The Supreme council of justice emerged to replace the former High Council of Justice and aims to ensure the independence of the judiciary. This place, role of the Supreme Council of Justice in the context of the Ukrainian justice system and state power.
The organization of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities in the US. Determination of the powers of Congress, the Supreme Court and the president of the United States. History and structure of the Republican and Democratic parties.
The question of systematization of the powers of the heads of courts of general jurisdiction in Russia by creating their classification, normative and legal regulation. Four key challenges to the powers of presidents of courts of general jurisdiction.
Explains the meaning of the "predicate of the moral law" construction and justifies the accuracy of its use in the context of the human rights doctrine. Research that in today's developed legal society there are no rational ways to consent at all.
Discussing the difference between universal jurisdiction and its form in absentia. The analysis on to which extent the presence of an alleged offender in the territory of a forum state constitutes a prerequisite for the exercise of universal jurisdiction.
Determanation of the role of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine as a key element of the mechanism of interaction of the President of Ukraine with the system of executive bodies in the field of national security and defense of Ukraine.
A feature of non-compliance or partial compliance with the principle of equality. Analysis of the gradual strengthening of control over the observance of the principle of equality, even if the Constitutional Council refuses to recognize it as such.
- 2211. The principle of good faith contractual performance set by the supreme court of Canada in Bhasin
The implementation of the principle of good faith in the performance of the contract and the general duty to act honestly in the performance of contractual obligations, as defined in the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of Bhassin.
Analysis of the relationship between the principle of proportionality and the principle of the rule of law in the regulation of tax relations. Ensuring the realization of the balance of interests. Reflecting the contract between society and the state.
The problem of the importance of defining the main features of international cooperation in the field of criminal law. Determination of the main legal framework and features of procedural actions regarding the established principle of reciprocity.
Strengthening the fight against organized crime in the world. Determination of the legislative framework of procedural actions of international cooperation in the field of criminal law. The interpretation of the principle of reciprocity between states.
The role and significance of the principle of subsidiarity as one of the principles that helps regulate the relationship between different levels of governmentї. Relationship of the principle of subsidiarity with other principles of administrative law.
The guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the information sphere are the important principles of the formation of a civil society. Law is a tool which with the help of legal methods makes it possible to realize the information freedom of a person.
Development of set of principles and policies to be implemented in Ukraine to strengthen the rule of law as factor for ensuring human rights in the context of re-establishing a proper international cooperation with European cort of human rights.
The set of policies to be implemented in Ukraine to strengthen the rule of law, as an essential factor for ensuring human rights in the context of re-establishing a international cooperation with the key European institution in the field of human rights.
A set of principles and policies to be implemented in Ukraine to strengthen the rule of law (as a fundamental democratic institute) for re-establishing a proper international cooperation with the key European institution in the field of human rights.
Defining the concepts of radicalism. The process of radicalization. Reducing violence and victimization. The economic, social costs of keeping a large number of terrorists in prison for a long time. Counter-radicalization measures taken by governments.