The creation of counterbalancing measures to circumstances that contradict the effective development of investigative practice and algorithms aimed at detecting and eliminating errors made in investigative activities. Obvious and hidden errors.
The investigative experiment to determine the mechanism of commission of crime in general or during specific stages. The defining a relative position, particular place or the boundaries of the site where the victim has suffered a physical damage.
Characteristics of the system of tactics of inducing the suspect to give evidence. Consideration of problems of formation of the system of tactical methods of interrogation during the investigation of falsification and circulation of falsified medicines.
Definition of interrogation as an investigative action, its essential features and peculiarities of conducting. The main categories of interrogated persons who have the status of a suspect during the investigation of falsification of medicinal products.
Ensuring the inviolability of physical individuals and private life in Ukraine. Procedural features of obtaining biological samples from participants in criminal proceedings for expertise for inclusion in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations.
The criminal-procedural characteristic of obtaining of biological samples for expertise. Characterization of a biological sample from the standpoint of legislation. Normative regulation of voluntarily and compulsory obtaining of biological samples.
The criminal-procedural characteristic of obtaining of biological samples for expertise is given. Deals with the legality of obtaining of samples for examination before submitting information into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations.
The category of socialisation in domestic activity of the state. The importance of sociological approach to optimising the cooperation of public institutions, society and an individual. The requirements for a role of the state in legal socialisation.
Labor relations between teachers and administration of educational institutions of public education in conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic are studied. The analysis of labor legislation norms, devoted to the organization of teachers’ distance work.
Principles of anti-corruption education in the Black Sea and Caucasian regions. The use of electronic resources, the method of the "universal instrumental system". Ways to improve anti-corruption education in the context of the Eastern Partnership.
The principles of dividing objects into certain classes when conducting a historical and legal comparative analysis. Criteria for typology and classification of the studied phenomena. Ways of arranging, systematizing and modeling arrays of information.
The organising the information obtained during the comparative historical and legal analysis. The methods of data systematisation - classification and typologization. The process of modelling historical and legal research takes place in several stages.
The aim of the study is to present legal innovation, the police forces and the innovative technical and technological solutions and the links between them, which are of utmost in sports policing work. Clarification of the concept of sports policing.
Research of the mechanism of temporary restriction of property patent rights to medicines, called "compulsory licensing", based on the analysis of national and foreign experience in this area. Experience of legal regulation in Ukraine, foreign countries.
Study and characteristic of the problematic issues of the regulatory and legal nature related to the formation of value added tax credit. Made and analysis scientifically based conclusions on the identified issues and proposed possible solutions.
Analysis of the provisions of normative legal acts, which regulate the procedure for forming a tax credit from value added tax. Time limits for assigning the relevant amounts of tax to its composition. Urgent problematic issues of a legal nature.
Is to study the territorial border disputes in Spain, one of the Western European countries, to study the experience of applying the principle of territorial integrity of this country, to systematically study, analyze and draw generalized conclusions.
Were investigated in the framework of the study of general problematics of the founder's responsibility in accordance with the obligations of controlled enterprises. Consideration and analysis of the need for changes to the Commercial Code of Ukraine.
The study territorial communities and their influence on the management of sustainable development of the region. Consequences of the policy of total centralization of power in Ukraine. Goals of local self-government reform and decentralization of power.
Analysis of the role of territorial communities in strengthening the country's political independence under martial law. Ways to improve the effectiveness of territorial communities, participation in strengthening the economic stability of Ukraine.
The milestone case: procedural history and the supreme court's ruling. The Russia-Ukraine war will cause the world to revisit the limits of immunity of the state so that the between sovereignty and human rights will shift further towards the latter.
Means of strengthening the real connection between the vessel, the State of its registration. Prerequisites, consequences of registration of sea vessels in alternative registries. The impact of open registries and "convenient" flags on real communication.
The ways of strengthening the real connection between a ship and a state of registration. The prerequisites, the conditions, and the consequences of the registration of seagoing ships in the alternative registries. Mechanisms for preventing violations.
The study the "plea bargaining" in the Hungarian criminal proceedings. Analysis of the possible solutions to look at by the Hungarian legislator during the codification works in the quest of expediting proceedings and making them more efficient.
Investigation of the causes and features of the prevention of the commission of suicide by convicts and prisoners in penitentiary institutions and remand prisons of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine. Factors of a situation with suicidal prisoners.
Review of state influence on the economy and entrepreneurship in professional and scientific circles of lawyers and economists. Solving the problems of future development and improvement of the state presence in the sphere of the economy of Ukraine.
Revealed of Ancient Rzeczpospolita highest judicial bodies activity through the prism of everyday practices in the field of a separate administrative and economic object's justice system (Sambir economy). Analisysy of the practice of appeals to courts.
Disclaimer of public order and its notion as one of the most complex institutes of private international law, consideration of peculiarities. General characteristics of the main problems related to the use of the public order by the Ukrainian courts.
The consensus between environmental protection and food security - a strategic direction in solving global problems. Characteristics of the certain types of environmental measures in agricultural production according to the law of the European Union.
Features of international regulation of commercial relations about the space tourism. Analysis of jurisdictional problems of detecting a crime that can be committed during a space flight with tourists on board, establishing responsibility for the acts.