Research of theoretical and practical aspects of the main parameters of state and self-government structures, their interaction in the process of formation and development of the state, its separation from society. General characteristics of the state.
Determining the peculiarities of national security law as a branch of the national legal system and establishing prospects for the development of this branch of law. Interaction of national security law with international security law and military law.
- 2343. Theoretical foundations of constitutional consolidation of the principles of social state and law
Specifics of legal regulation in Ukraine. Creating the necessary and sufficient conditions for the implementation of economic, social and cultural activities of citizen. Combination and harmonization of personal, public and state interests in the country.
- 2344. Theoretical foundations of constitutional consolidation of the principles of social state and law
Research and analysis of the activities of states where an intellectual, political and practical breakthrough in solving the problem of state functions in the context of socio-economic reforms. Specifics of public activity of the Ukrainian state.
- 2345. Theoretical foundations of constitutional consolidation of the principles of social state and law
The legal support for the implementation of the fundamental principles of the social rule-of-law state - the stage of development of the theory and practice of domestic constitutionalism. A social state as one of the basic concepts of government.
- 2346. Theoretical foundations of formation and development of information systems in public administration
Functioning and development of information systems in the system of public administration and local self-government. An analysis of the system of principles for the creation, operation and development of information systems in public administration.
The competitive selection commissions of economic entities’ heads in the state sector of economy as a type of a public-legal dispute and the assessment of the mentioned issue normative regulation. Citizens rights in the sphere of executive power.
The mechanism for appeals against the decision of the competitive selection commissions of economic entities ’ heads in the state sector of economy as a type of a public-legal dispute and to express an opinion on the regulation of relations in Ukraine
The main analysis of the impact of employee motivation in the territorial community on their productivity and involvement in community development. Creating a positive working atmosphere that promotes mutual cooperation and community development.
Law as the main aspect of regulation of public relations. Features of theoretical, legal and practical regulation of public relations, which determine and guarantee the rights of citizens and compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine in a pandemic.
Identified the types of restrictions used in Ukraine to maintain a more or less stable situation during pandemic. Laws controlling the limitation of pandemic period are described. Measures necessary for safety of life of population have been identified.
The study of regulatory phenomena was conducted in three aspects: theoretical, legal, and in the aspect of practical implementation. The study identified types of restrictions that are used in Ukraine to maintain a stable situation during the pandemic.
Guaranteeing protection of the health and safety of Ukrainians. Justification of the need to limit the rights of Ukrainian citizens in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the mechanism of constitutional regulation.
Methods of stabilizing the work of state institutions and private enterprises. Formation of a system for the protection of intellectual property in terms of innovation, technology and creativity. Requirements for the originality of computer programs.
The content and analysis of the main results of research relating to serving a prison sentence in the Polish penitentiary system in the Electronic Monitoring System (SDE here and after) in the context of maintaining ties with the social environment.
Characteristics of the legal framework, which should be the basis of the reformed system of providing social services to persons / families who may find themselves in difficult life circumstances. Problems of state guaranteeing of social services.
The structure of criminal policy and its classification into types. Approaches to determining the elemental structure of criminal policy. Development of programs, plans and algorithms during the development of a strategy to combat criminal offenses.
Peculiarities of implemented measures of state authorities regarding the improvement of social protection of the rural population, in particular, those employed in agricultural production. The impact of market transformations on a social problems.
Establishment of unified approaches to the understanding of criminal policy among scientists in the field of sciences of the criminal-legal cycle and the possibility of forming as a science or an interdisciplinary institute with an appropriate structure.
The presence of approaches in the understanding of criminal policy and its relationship with political and strategic categories of sciences of the criminal-legal cycle. Update of approaches to the formation of the structure and types of criminal policy.
Studying the main stages of the formation of a notary in Ukraine. The primary attention is paid to the process of formation and development of the notary institute and the identification of the peculiarities of its activity in each historical period.
The use of this technique will allow to identify traces of hands in the detection and investigation of various types of crimes. Rukovodstvo dlya ekspertov organov vnutrennikh del. The application of the thermal method of identifying traces of fingers.
The analysis of the problem of human identification on the Internet and the study of the phenomenon of virtual identity. The course of the process of virtual identification of a person in the Internet space and the ways of creating a virtual identity.
Studying foreign legislation - a necessary process for orientation in the mechanisms of economic, political integration. Types of crimes against the constitutional foundations of national security in the criminal law of the scandinavian countries.
Update the significance of the results of forensic medical examination in proceedings on war crimes. Identify and characteristic of the problematic aspects of the appointment of such an examination simultaneously with proposals for ways to overcome them.
Ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, implementation of its provisions into national legislation and law enforcement practice. Principles of forensic support of investigation and trial of cases of international crimes.
The principles of activity of the International Criminal Court, to whose jurisdiction international crimes belong, were determined. The necessity of ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court by Ukraine was substantiated.
Validation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Implementation of its provisions to national legislation. Investigation by the International Criminal Court of cases of international crimes that encroach on the interests of our state.
The main problems of legal regulation of the process of establishing economic partnership between the European Union and Japan and ways to improve and optimize them. The ways of eliminating contradictions between existing normative acts were highlighted.
The topical issues of combating online fraud, analyzing the activity of the state special organizations of leading countries of the world, that have gained an extensive experience in the establishment and functioning of such departments and organizations.