The COVID-19 pandemic - the factor that presented difficulties in jurisdictions across the world, accelerated the digitalisation processes of justice. The position of China of Artificial Intelligence development and its promotion of smart technology.
nvestigation on the spread and consumption of technological innovations. Analysis of the public aspects of the activities of the scientific community. Know-how patenting rules. Binary system of legal protection of copyright, inventions and pioneer works.
Comparative constitutional interpretation method in the practice of constitutional court of Ukraine as a feature of constitutionalism transnationalization. Application of decisions of foreign courts in the practice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
The impact of legal doctrine on judicial decision-making in Ukraine. The role and importance of doctrine in the activities of judges, the reasons for its limitations. Ways of improving the quality of justice and public confidence in the judicial system.
Participation of specialists in conducting investigative actions and forensic examinations. Increasing the efficiency of crime scene inspection. A study of the types of examinations that can be conducted during the investigation of criminal cases.
The study examined the legal foundations of criminal OSINT based on international and domestic regulators. The use of criminal OSINT as part of the disclosure of crimes committed in cyberspace or with the help of computer and information technologies.
The analyze the provisions of the Harvard Draft Convention, containing the norms that are the basis of the contents of the further provisions of piracy legislation with the cardinal value for maritime law, reflect the nature of the piracy regulation.
Analysis of the provisions of the draft Harvard Law Faculty Convention, which contains the rules that form the basis of the content of further provisions for the regulation of piracy. Features of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
The main principles of state activity A. Voloshin as part of the state and law-making traditions of the Ukrainian state. Influence of the views of the leader on the definition of the national identity of the population of Transcarpathia and Ukraine.
- 2320. The Varsho river dispute
The two countries, Battenland and Alamaguay, have among themselves border river Varsho. Jurisdiction of the court and Statement of relevant facts. Adjudication on the recognition of the Kilgus Strip is part of the sovereign territory of Alamaguay.
Analysis of sectoral legislation on safety requirements for industrial goods. Ways of violating the rules for the safe use of industrial products and the place of this element in forensic characterization of crimes under of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The analysis of the branch legislation on the requirements for the safety of industrial products has been carried out. A number of concepts are revealed in the context of the topic under study, the ways for violating the rules has been defined concerning.
Research of the topic of the importance of criminal court evidence in the doctrine of the criminal process. The scheme of work of the lawyer on definition of signs of a phenomenon in situations of acceptance of the corresponding procedural decisions.
Study of official documents of the ILC, the work of this body on the topic “Obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare).” Inclusion of the aut dedere aut judicare norm in the Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind.
- 2325. Theoretic and practical aspects of protection of the right of ownership in the hereditary relations
Research of ways to protect the rights of heirs in inheritance. Resolving disputes concerning the protection of the right to inheritance, not the protection of property rights. The list of ways to protect the rights of heirs in the legislation of Ukraine.
- 2326. Theoretic and practical aspects of protection of the right of ownership in the hereditary relations
Contradictions in civil legislation and judicial practice in the study of the main ways of protecting the rights of heirs in inheritance legal relations. Legislative imperfections, errors of judicial practice in the consideration of inheritance disputes.
Integration of Ukraine into the European space. Improving the quality of services provided to the population. Decentralization of public power, implementation of administrative reform. Introduction of innovative forms and methods of public administration.
Analysis of the evolution of human rights at different stages of society's development, aspects of the formation of the legal status of a person in the sphere of work. Stages of formation of the social and legal status of a person in the sphere of work.
To classify social guarantees for personnel of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine. The essence of the main conceptual-categorical elements of the relevant scientific issues is defined and characterized.
The study of the problem of the spread of terrorism in the modern world, its concept and main features. Socio-political consequences of this phenomenon. Analysis of the legal framework for international regulation of the problem of combating terrorism.
- 2331. Theoretical and legal basis for the security and defense strategic communications system development
Legal regulation of public relations in the field of strategic communications in Ukraine. Organization of management and control in the information space. Coordination of activities in the field of national security. Public diplomacy and cooperation.
There is decision of problem of providing by means mechanisms of functioning of legal regulation of relations in the tax area, the realization of interests of taxpayers. The form of direct and indirect effects (type of dependence) of change in the duties.
- 2333. Theoretical and legal substantiation of the realization of the rule of law by an attorney at law
Theoretical analysis of the impact of the rule of law principle on the functioning of the bar in Ukraine. Analysis of theoretical approaches to the structural elements of the rule of law principle from the perspective of an attorney-at-law's activities.
The structure of the labour law is determined by the order of placement and the nature of links between its chains. The purpose of her is to ensure effective functioning of the regulatory-educational and protection mechanisms of the given branch of law.
The purpose of the article is to generalise theoretical and methodological approaches to defining concepts of the labour law system. By relying on the literature review, reveals the essence, content and meaning of concepts in the system of labour law.
The legal basis of the formation of the state policy to ensure the rights and freedoms of the disabled. Taking into account the needs and interests of persons with disabilities; comprehensive support, implementation of basics of barrier-free and mobility.
Analysis of various scientific approaches to the definition of such interdependent concepts as "Critical space infrastructure" and "Critical information infrastructure". Physical and virtual information resources that need to be controlled and protected.
Crime analysis as an measure that provides a range of methods and measures to understand the essence of the relationship between the suspect, the criminal activity and the circumstances that contributed to it. Its use during pre-trial investigation.
Formation of identity of the teenager. Problems of execution and serving of punishment in the form of imprisonment concerning minors. Analyze the internal organization of the process of theoretical knowledge penal juvenology, his methods and techniques.
Consideration of theoretical aspects of public administration in the service sector. The system of effective public administration in the service sector as a set of administrative bodies and technical management tools that ensure the fulfillment of tasks.