Democratic ambushes of the election process as a way and rules for the formation of organs of sovereign power. Stages of the selection process. The functions of elections, endowing the citizens with important functions through the will of the citizens.
Features of political parties with civil society representatives with the aim of restructuring the party system by reducing the number of political parties. The establishment of a structure which will control the funding mechanisms of political parties.
Analyzed show "Servant of the People" and how it influenced the functioning process of political parties in Ukraine through the prism of the correlation of ideological and technological practices. Study marker of dominance of technology over ideology.
Characteristics of the 32nd US President F. Roosevelt as one of the central figures of world events of the first half of the 20th century. Analysis of his contribution to the creation of a modern system of administrative and public administration.
In this article is shown that in making political decisions the Ukrainian political system is more and more influenced by external forces – social organizations, businesses and the International community with the RU and the EU as the dominating actors.
The balance of political powers in the Parliament existed with a few small actors voting occasionally - one of the main characteristics of the pluralistic model. Comparative analysis of the basic models of political power distribution in Ukraine.
A study of electoral behavior of members of Ukrainian national minority in Poland, which differs from the electoral behavior of the rest of the population of region of residence. Describes the results of elections to the European Parliament in Poland.
In the result of political science analysis of stable social and political issues development questions the explicative model of religion institute politicization processes influence to the sustainability of the Latin American region was offered.
State and political system of the USA. Government and politics in the United States. To exert oversight of executive activities. Grant pardons to federal offenders. The constitution contains 7 original articles; the Bill of Rights and other amendments.
Consideration of populism as a threat to democracy in the USA, explanation of the causes and consequences of the spread of populism. Analysis of approaches to the study of modern populism based on examples of political rhetoric in the United States.
Populism as a threat to democracy in the USA. The causes and consequences of populism spread. The economic and cultural factors of the growth of populism. Approaches to the study of modern populism based on examples of political rhetoric in the USA.
The populism as a threat to democracy in the USA. The causes of populism spread. The economic and cultural factors of the growth ofpopulism, as well approaches to the study of modern populism based on examples of political rhetoric in the United States.
Characteristic of the transformation of political systems in the global dimensions, which are undergoing a complex evolution together with rapid changes in the world economy, economy and finance. The issues of society development are considered.
The conceptual reconstruction of the notion of the conflict in the specific postmodern context of its sociocultural, political and ethical meanings and senses. The methods of the research are mainly based on the principle of the anthropocentric paradigm.
Language and thought: some reflections on venerable themes. The materialist orthodoxy. Democracy and markets in the new world order. The Middle East settlement: its sources and contours. The great powers and human rights: the case of East Timor.
- 466. PR в политике
Изучение истории формирования политической власти и ее влияние на развитие государства. Сущность феномена олигархии. Характеристика методов и инструментов осуществления PR-компании и политической деятельности. Агитация, черный пиар и реклама в выборах.
Понятие, функции и принципы Public Relations (PR). Использование СМИ как инструмента PR на примере деятельности партии "Единая Россия". Субъекты социально-коммуникативных кампаний. Принципы действия PR в ходе избирательных кампаний политических партий.
Определение понятия "паблик рилейшнз". Особенности применения избирательных технологий. Предыстория отечественного PR и характеристика этапов его развития в России. Методы применения PR технологий. Современный этап и перспективы развития PR в России.
Дослідження засобів реалізації маніпулятивних тактик PR з метою прихованого впливу на свідомість індивіда та суспільства. Характеристика понять політичного маніпулювання та комунікативного впливу. Аналіз інструментів у процесі застосування маніпуляції.
Исследование и анализ сферы паблик рилейшнз, которая использует различные инструменты коммуникации для информирования и убеждения общественности. Рассмотрение порядка проведения PR-кампании в преддверии Чемпионата Мира по футболу в Нижнем Новгороде.
Определение роли и значения Public Relations. Анализ его понятия, как инструмента воздействия на общественное мнение. Исследование сущности самопиара - явления, при котором индивид занимается собственным продвижением, улучшением собственного имиджа.
Historical approach to regional division, which was manifested in the formation of ideas about the cultural, ethnic, linguistic and other diversity of its historical lands, which for a long time were part of different states and a rational approach.
- 473. Presidency and the Media: Traditional and New Media as Actors in the American Big-Time Politics
Public positioning and policy-media interaction model. Traditional and new media, broadcasting, narrowcasting, hyperpersonalization and stages for political confrontation. Selecting broadcasters, digital mediums. Computerized Qualitative Content Analysis.
Analysis of the attitude of the population of post-Soviet Russia to its presidents in the context of the theory of "transitional democracy". Features of public opinion in Russia. The influence of this factor on the development of the political system.
Analysis of American support for Ukraine during, but also several months prior to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Among other policy alternatives, the Biden administration deliberately chose to support Ukraine "for as long as it takes".
The paper in question is devoted to the study of political debates which are held during the presidential election campaign, based on the first debate between the Republican nominee Donald Trump and the Democratic nominee J. Biden in the USA.
Study of the president's inaugural speech using the concepts of communicative linguistics. A political speech is an important component of the investiture ritual. Building trust in the newly elected president and his vision of the country's development.
The directions of social policy of the Polish state in the area ofpersonal safety of the elderly and to indicate the special role of the police formation in preventing crimes against this group. The analysis of available projects and prevention programs.
Acquaintance with the problems of measuring the effectiveness of propaganda on the example of the application of the performance index of russian propaganda in Ukraine. Features determine the specifics and the main problems of the study of propaganda.
During humanitarian missions, the task is to register potential participants in assistance programs. Humanitarian missions have obligations and standards. Part of these consists of registering program participants for the distribution of humanitarian aid.